Winning Ben

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Winning Ben Page 4

by JoMarie DeGioia

  Cassie gave a quick shake of her head. “Nope. No decision yet.”

  “Tick tock,” Tammy put in.

  “Yeah, I know,” Cassie said. “But I figure I can wait until the last minute, since he has absolutely nothing to do with the planning.”

  Ty kissed her neck, drawing a soft laugh out of her, and stepped back. “Let me go say hello to the guys.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Harmony said, waving a hand. “You just want to cook meat over fire, like the rest of them.”

  Ty grinned, and then went out onto the patio.

  “So, Tammy.” Cassie leaned an elbow on the tall counter. “We’re finally blessed with your presence.”

  Tammy’s cheeks heated a little, and she fingered the hem of her t-shirt. “I was roped into the picnic Friday night, so I was around this weekend.”

  Cassie stared at her for a beat, her eyes wide. “You went to that picnic? Seriously?”

  “Jeez, it’s not like I’m antisocial,” Tammy said.

  “No.” Cassie’s eyes sparkled. “But you’re not exactly a family-social kind of girl.”

  “True,” Tammy admitted. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t tow the company line.”

  “What is this, a middle-school dance?” Claire Chapman said as she stepped in from the patio.

  “Hey.” Tammy waved to her best friend. “I prefer ‘hen party,’ actually.”

  “Boys and girls, separated.” Claire hugged Cassie hello, and then placed her arm around Tammy’s shoulders. “Good to see you here.”

  Tammy felt herself ease. Claire looked bright and pretty today, with her strawberry hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Her skin looked flushed, and Tammy guessed she’d just been manhandled by her husband.

  “Jake and the guys ruling the roost out there?” Harmony asked.

  “Yep.” Claire walked over to the fridge. “Let me grab the salad and we can start this shindig.”

  With that, they seemed to move as one. Tammy stood there, feeling lost as the three of them worked like a well-oiled machine. With her family, in her mother’s overcrowded kitchen, there seemed to be ordered chaos. They all worked together there, too. Except for Tammy. She’d always managed to keep out of the fray.

  “Coming?” Cassie asked, a brow raised as she waved a stack of napkins at her.

  Tammy mentally shook herself. “Sure.”

  She followed them out onto the patio, her feet moving slowly as she braced herself for more family stuff.


  Ben stood facing the grill, his legs braced as he twirled the long-handled spatula in one hand. He’d lost some of his unease, probably because he was given a job to do. He had to hand it to his big brother. Rick knew people. That was for sure.

  “Those burgers ready yet?” Jake called from his seat at the big picnic table. “You’re not overcooking them, are you bro?”

  Ben smiled as he threw Jake a look over his shoulder. “Keeping them juicy, man. I promise.”

  “Good.” Jake grinned at him. “I like it pink.” He grabbed his wife in a hug. “Like my women.”

  Claire blushed to the roots of her pretty red hair, which had clearly been what Jake had intended. Ben glanced over to the French doors where his little sister was waving hello at him. He lifted his chin in greeting, and then stilled when he saw that Tammy followed behind. Damn. The girl really was smoking hot today.

  Sure, she wore a t-shirt and shorts but he knew what was underneath those casual clothes. Yeah, he’d gotten a good look this morning at the lakeshore. No shame in it.

  She stared back at him, her eyes sparkling. Was she thinking about his proposition, too? He’d only been half-kidding. He might not have known her for more than a couple of days but he knew he wanted her in that nice, big bed in his room at the inn. It was complicated, though. When he thought she was friendly with his family, it had been in an abstract kind of way. Today, though? Today she was in the thick of it.

  After they stared at each other for a long heated minute, Tammy joined the others at the table. Rick and Nick joined the others, and the little boy looked as hungry as the rest of them. Carnivores. Hey, he might be from greens-and-seeds country but he liked cow, too. It was yet another point where he felt a connection. He turned back to the grill.

  “Okay, who wants cheese?” he asked.

  Rick came over and threw slices of cheese on about half of the burgers, and then handed Ben a platter. “Plate those up, Ben?”

  Ben nodded and soon lunch was served. He sat down across from Tammy, sharing a smile that he saw Harmony didn’t miss. He looked away. He couldn’t help it if every time he looked at Tammy he pictured her in that skimpy bathing suit, could he? The sun kissing all that smooth skin, touching on the dips and hollows of her smokin’ hot body.

  “Not hungry, bro?” Jake asked.

  Ben blinked, and nodded. “Yeah.” He took a big, juicy burger for himself and began to eat.

  Tammy cut her burger in half before taking a bite. He watched her swallow, hearing a moan of pleasure from her.

  “Wow, that’s good,” she said.

  “I know.” Harmony wiped her mouth. “Max and Ariel would give me a hard time for eating this much red meat.”

  “Max and Ariel?” Ben asked.

  “My parents,” Harmony said. “They’re kind of hippy throwbacks.”

  “Yeah, I think they were born twenty years too late,” Rick said.

  “They run the rec café out on the nature trails, Ben,” Tammy said. “Healthy snacks, rainforest coffee.”

  “Very West Coast,” Cassie put in. “You would like it, I think.”

  Tammy’s brows rose in question.

  “Ben grew up in California,” Harmony said in answer to her unasked question.

  Tammy nodded, shooting him a smirk that did amazing things to her lips. He realized then that they really didn’t know much about each other. He knew she was from South Jersey and had family up there. She knew he didn’t have any family but these people sitting right here. And Bill, of course. That was it, though.

  Before too long, lunch was eaten and Harmony brought out a container holding what Ben now thought of as Claire’s perfect cookies. Tammy hadn’t been joking when she’d said how precise a baker she was. And how good her treats were.

  Talk continued around him, jokes and stories that were new to him. He smiled and nodded but pretty much kept quiet. What did he have to contribute to the conversation?

  After taking one of Claire’s pretty perfect oatmeal cookies, Tammy rose. “Well, I’m gonna take off.”

  Ben’s head shot up. He caught her gaze and she gave him a small smile.

  “Oh, okay,” Harmony said, coming to her feet. “I’m so happy you came.”

  Tammy nodded. “Thanks again for inviting me.”

  Claire jumped up and wrapped Tammy in a hug, which Tammy returned with obvious ease. Those two were definitely tight. More complications.

  “See you, Tammy,” Cassie said.

  Ben found himself on his feet, too. “Let me walk you out.”

  All of the Chapmans, except for little Nick, turned matching looks of interest in his direction. Ben ducked his head and followed Tammy back into the house.

  “You know, I don’t need an escort,” she said, her voice low.

  “I know.” He couldn’t resist putting his hand on the small of her back as they stepped out onto the front porch. He bent his head close to her ear, breathing in her spicy floral scent. “Remember, my mother raised me to be a gentleman, Tamara.”

  She arched a brow as she glanced over her shoulder. Their faces were very close now, and he watched as she licked her lips. “Oh, yeah? That’s a shame.”

  He stilled again, and then saw the glint in her eye. He laughed softly. “You got me.”

  Those full lips of hers curved in a wide smile. She then came to a stop on the bottom step, staring up at him for a second. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow?” He forced his gaze away from her mouth an
d thought for a second. “Yeah. At the Sales Center.”

  “You’re meeting with Mr. Forbes?”

  He nodded, but didn’t say anything more. He still wasn’t sure what the hell he was going to say to the guy. She waited for him to say something else, apparently, and then turned and walked to a little silver convertible parked behind Claire’s prized Thunderbird.

  “See you then,” she said.

  He stood there like an idiot, watching as she drove away toward whatever village she lived in here at Cypress. He knew she lived on property. Rick had told him that much.

  He thought again about his upcoming meeting with Mr. Forbes. The guy wanted him on the job. Ben knew he should be grateful for the opportunity. It was a lot of change in a short amount of time, though. Losing his mother. Reconnecting with his father. Meeting his siblings. Did he really want to deal with a new job, too?

  Grunting in frustration, he settled on one of the Adirondack chairs and stared at the lakeshore across the street. The park and dock were pretty quiet now. Couples strolled and a few families were out for walks, though. The air was still warm but he caught a bit of a cool breeze.

  “Hey, bro.”

  He looked over to see Jake standing near the front door. “Hey, Jake.”

  Jake held up two opened bottles of beer. “When you didn’t come back, I figured one of two things happened. Turns out I was right.”

  “Yeah?” Ben raised his brows and took one of the bottles. “What was the first thing?”

  Jake grinned and settled in the chair beside his. “Tammy took you home, which would have surprised me.”

  “Why?” He took a long sip of his beer. “Or do I even want to know?”

  “Tammy may be hot as hell,” Jake said. “But she’s not easy.”

  Ben thought again about the vision she’d made on the lounge chair. And the way she’d teased him, too. She was quick. But easy? No friggin’ way.

  “So what’s the other thing?”

  Jake drank from his bottle, and then leaned back like Ben. “You have a lot to think about before your meeting with Forbes.”

  “You know about that?”

  “Rick told me. What are you going to do?”

  Ben blew out a breath. “I don’t know. I know I should probably jump at the chance.”

  “If only to stay away from Boston, right?”

  He caught Jake’s knowing smile and couldn’t help returning it. “You got that right.”

  “I say you listen to what Forbes offers. But I’m warning you. He’s very persuasive.”

  “Are you saying he’s the reason you stayed in Cypress?”

  Jake got a light in his eyes now as he shook his head. “No, man. The reason is Claire, and I’m not a big enough fool to ever forget that.”

  Ben chuckled and saluted him with his beer. He grew quiet again, and his brother seemed to catch his mood. Several minutes passed as the two of them drank their beer in silence. It was nice. Comfortable.

  He wouldn’t think any more about Forbes and their meeting tomorrow. He wouldn’t think about all the ways Tammy could complicate things for him here, either. No. He’d just sit here with his brother and think about nothing more than sharing a beer as the evening came.

  That, and a hot, definitely not so easy Italian girl from Jersey.

  Chapter 5

  Tammy walked out of the coffee shop, holding a cup of pumpkin spice latte in each hand. She smiled her thanks to the guy who held open the door for her, earning a once-over she could have done without, and breathed in the delectable smell of cinnamon and nutmeg in the to-go cups. The coffee was Claire’s favorite, and Tammy knew her friend could use a little cheering up. She’d still looked a little wistful as she watched Jake play with his nephew yesterday.

  Tammy admitted, at least to herself, that the drink put her in the autumn spirit, too. While she didn’t miss the heavy, wet snow Jersey got most winters she did miss the changing of the leaves every fall. Bringing the cup in her right hand closer, her latte, she gave it another sniff.

  “Pleasure in a cup, am I right?” Lettie drawled from the courtyard of the shop.

  Tammy smiled at Charlotte Fairfax, or Lettie as everyone in Cypress knew her. The lady was sitting court at her usual spot under her favorite crepe myrtle. Instead of her usual sweet tea, it seemed Lettie was enjoying the latest “drink of the season” from the coffee shop too. There was a stack of catalogues spread out on the table in front of her but Tammy knew Lettie wasn’t shopping for clothes or shoes. Plants were the lady’s thing, and the fall was the time to order bulbs, or so Lettie had told her.

  “Hey there, Lettie.” She crossed over to her. “You really saved me yesterday. Harmony loved the plant. Thank you again.”

  Lettie waved a hand. “Happy to help, dear.”

  Her blue eyes peered closely at her from under the silver bangs brushing over her brow. Tammy braced herself. You never knew what was going to come out of Lettie’s mouth.

  Lettie was a staple in the town center. That was for sure. As usual, the woman wore a large straw hat, a flower-print smock, denim overalls, and a pair of bright green Crocs. Tammy knew she was in her seventies but she looked closer to fifty. She claimed this was due to healthy living, big hats and the liberal application of sunscreen. She was outrageous and sweet, and knew every bit of gossip that could be found in Cypress. She was one of the reasons Tammy kept her business to herself. Dated outside of Cypress. Kept out of the Cypress fishbowl.

  “Did you have a nice time at the Chapmans’, dear?” Lettie asked.

  Tammy nodded. “Very nice, thanks.”

  “Hmm. I wondered what kept you from the seashore when you stopped by yesterday, but I saw the reason for myself just this morning.”

  Tammy’s stomach tightened. “Oh?”

  Lettie dropped her chin a bit and raised her brows, her gaze a challenge. “I saw the newest Chapman to land in Cypress this morning, Tammy. Mighty fine looking young man, I must say.”

  Tammy gave Lettie a small smile and a nod, which was just the ammunition the woman needed.

  “Maybe you’ll finally get your own Chapman?” she asked.

  Tammy gaped at her, and then looked around. The courtyard wasn’t crowded even though the coffee shop itself was hopping, but she didn’t want anyone to overhear that comment.

  “I never wanted the other ones, Lettie.”

  Lettie nodded. “Oh, I know that. A smart girl knows when a man’s eye settles elsewhere. But they sure are delightful to look at, am I right?”

  “There’s no denying that,” Tammy said.

  “And now another is in our midst. I hear he builds things.” Lettie laughed softly. “Works with his hands.”

  Tammy flushed as she pictured Ben’s big, capable-looking hands. “He’s an architect.”

  “Oh, I know.” Lettie winked, and Tammy was reminded again that very little escaped the woman’s notice. “With that fine physique, though? I’m sure he gets into the thick of it.”

  Tammy coughed to cover up her laughter. Lettie didn’t need any encouragement. “Maybe,” she allowed. “Well, I’m off to work. Picking out bulbs, I take it?”

  Lettie clicked her tongue, and then smiled. “A diversion, Tammy? Oh, all right. You hurry off to work.”

  Tammy lifted one of the coffee cups in salute, and then turned to face the street. As she crossed toward the Sales Center, she saw a shiny red Jeep pulling into the crushed-shell parking lot to the left of it. She saw the dark-haired guy step out of it, and guessed Ben must have rented the Wrangler. It suited him. It was rugged and hot.

  Keeping her eyes on the fine picture he made today in his khakis and crisp gray oxford shirt, she reasoned he looked more Boston than California this morning. The neat, dark blue tie didn’t hurt, either.

  “Hey there, Ben,” she called.

  He glanced over and a big smile spread across his features. That one dimple peeped into view and she felt her stomach flutter. “Hey there, Tammy.”

  He s
tepped in front of her as they mounted the steps and held open the door for her.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  She stepped through and he came up beside her. Leaning closer, he breathed in. “Pumpkin?”

  She shrugged. “Seemed about right this morning.”

  Ben tilted his head to the side. “I’ll have to try it.”

  She lifted the cup in her right hand. “Try mine.”

  His eyes sparkled and he took her up on her offer. She’d only been teasing, but he took the cup and drank. Closing his eyes, he let out a little moan. “That’s good.” He looked at her again. “Hot and spicy.”

  A flush spread over her in a wave. “Yeah.”

  He handed her the cup again. “Who’s the other one for?”

  “Claire. It’s her one weakness.”

  He smiled. They stood there staring again, like they had last night on Harmony’s front porch. He was the first to come to his senses, apparently.

  “Well, let me go find Mr. Forbes,” he said.

  She nodded like an idiot and watched him head down the corridor. Closing her eyes now, she took a breath and lifted her cup to her lips. Yeah, it tasted like pumpkin spice but she could detect a hint of Ben on the lid. Freshness teased her tongue as she stroked the spot where his lips had just been.

  “Are you going to kiss that all morning?” Claire asked with a smile as she stepped out of her office.

  Tammy chuckled. “Nope.” She held out the untouched cup. “This one is yours.”

  Claire’s eyes rounded and her smile widened. “You’re a Monday morning angel!”

  Tammy laughed softly. “I’ll take that.”

  Claire motioned her to follow as she went into her office.

  “What’s up?” Tammy asked her.

  “I just wanted to thank you for coming yesterday.”

  “Why all the gratitude?” She shut Claire’s door and leaned on the corner of her desk. “I feel like I really didn’t add much to the party.”

  Claire blinked at her. “Are you serious? You seemed to bring Ben out of himself, at least a little bit. Jake said you’d be good for him.”

  Tammy shook her head as her heart started to pound. “Oh, no. I’m not a candidate for matchmaking, Claire. Besides, Ben and I barely know each other and he has a lot to deal with right now.”


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