Winning Ben

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Winning Ben Page 7

by JoMarie DeGioia

  The physical contact was jarring, but not the action itself. No. It was what he’d felt in response to Jake’s easy gesture. It felt good. Right. He found himself returning the gesture and the smile on his brother’s face told him Jake felt it too.

  “See you around six.” Jake headed in the direction of the Sales Center, his face still turned toward Ben. “I’m going to go bug my wife.”

  Ben chuckled. “See you later, Jake.”

  Jake raised a hand and crossed the street. Ben stared off at the Clubhouse for a minute. The tavern was adjacent to the fancy restaurant. It was comfortable and set up like a pub. Good, hearty food and a nice atmosphere. When he’d eaten there with his siblings on his first visit, he’d preferred it to the fancier restaurant they’d also visited. The Clubhouse was more their father’s speed. Even though he could appreciate the architecture and trimmings, not to mention the killer views of the golf course from just about every angle, it was so not Ben’s scene. Yet another difference he had from Bill. And a similarity to his siblings.

  “You okay, Big Ben?” Ollie asked.

  Ben blinked and started when he saw Ollie standing right in front of him. “Ah, hi Ollie.”

  “You looked a little lost there.”

  Ben shook his head. “Nope. Not lost at all.”

  “Tammy said you really liked the new project site.”

  Ben grinned. “It’s amazing, really. I can’t wait to get started.”

  Ollie blinked at him. “I can tell. You look pretty jazzed.”

  “I guess I am.” He clapped Ollie on the shoulder like he had with Jake. “Catch you later, Ollie. I have a lot of reading to do if I’m starting on Wednesday.”

  “You’ll be working at the Sales Center starting on Wednesday?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  Ollie just smiled. “No reason. Working the whole day, are you?”

  “I’ll have to. There’s a lot to learn and lot to plan out.”

  And for the first time in what felt like forever, he couldn’t wait to set up his workspace and get started.

  Chapter 8

  Tammy shut down her computer and leaned back in her chair. It had taken most of the afternoon, but she’d finally been able to put Ben and the amazing things she’d felt in his arms out of her mind. At least she’d been able to focus as she gave a few tours this afternoon. It helped that she kept far away from the new project site on those tours. She’d never be able to keep from blushing if she had to drive past the spot where she’d lost all her marbles.

  “Ready to call it a day?” Claire asked, leaning into Tammy’s office.

  Tammy gave her a smile. “So ready. Monday really lived up to its name.”

  “It sure looked like it was hopping there for a while.”

  “Yeah. Maybe we can bring Cassie back on staff to run some tours.”

  Tammy was only kidding there. Cassie had been an abysmal tour guide. She’d even driven her cart right off the path once, scaring the crap out of her unsuspecting prospects.

  Claire laughed. “I don’t think anybody wants that. Besides, Jake loves having her out at the Adventure Trails with him.”

  “He sure seems too.” Tammy stood and flicked her hair over her shoulder. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow to do it all over again.”

  Claire nodded and then snapped her fingers, her eyes round. “Oh, you know what?”

  Tammy blew out a breath. Something had Claire all excited and Tammy couldn’t begin to guess what it was. Did she even want to know? “What?” she asked Claire.

  “Jake and I are eating at the tavern with Ty and Cassie. Do you want to join us?”

  “Join the four of you? So I can watch you bill and coo all over each other? No thanks.”

  Claire stepped back as Tammy closed and locked her office. “Come on. What are you going to do if you go home?”

  “Relax.” Tammy walked toward the lobby. “Maybe have a glass of wine. Put my feet up. The usual.”

  “Sounds a little tame for you, doesn’t it?”

  Tammy shot her a look. “It’s a Monday, Claire.”

  “True.” Claire grabbed onto her arm, her hold gentle yet firm. Like her. “Come on, Tammy. Come to dinner with us.”

  “Why would you want me to be a fifth wheel?” The truth struck her then. Clear as crystal. “Oh, very sneaky. Ben’s going to be there, isn’t he?”

  Her friend blushed as Tammy had fully expected, confirming her suspicions. “Tammy, just—”

  Tammy held up a hand. “Look. I like Ben.” She really liked Ben, but she wasn’t going to admit that to his sister-in-law. “But I don’t want a setup and I really doubt he wants one.”

  “It’s not a setup.”

  Tammy’s lip curled. “Please.”

  “All right it’s a setup, but only for dinner.” Claire placed her hand over her heart. “You have my word.”

  Tammy crossed her arms. “Your word, huh?”

  Claire gave her a solemn nod. “Come to the tavern?”

  “All right.” When Claire lit up from head to toe, Tammy shook her finger at her. “Don’t get any ideas, Claire. I’m warning you.”

  Claire beamed a smile at her for a split second before sobering her expression. “No ideas, Tammy.”

  Tammy followed Claire’s lead out of the Sales Center, turning to the Clubhouse and the adjacent tavern. What would Ben think when she showed up? Never mind that. How would she face him after what they’d done on their tour? After what she’d said to him before bidding him goodbye? Next time she’d drive, she’d told him. Well, this was certainly next time.

  A thrill of anticipation went through her. She could admit to herself that she was looking forward to seeing him again. Those incredible eyes of his. That smile that teased his well-formed lips and brought out that dimple.

  Jake, Cassie and Ty were seated at the bar when Tammy and Claire joined them.

  “Hey, Tammy,” Cassie said with a smile. “I didn’t know you were joining us.”

  Tammy shot a knowing look in Claire’s direction, and then shrugged. “I was coerced.”

  Ty laughed, raising his beer bottle in salute. “Yeah, the Chapmans do that.” He winked at his bride-to-be. “Not that I’m not happy with how things turned out.”

  Cassie nudged him with her elbow, and then kissed his cheek. “Sweet-talker.”

  Tammy laughed and sat on the stool beside Cassie. “How are the wedding plans going?”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “Set, thank God. Ceremony out at the far lakeshore and reception to follow at the Clubhouse.”

  “I’d have it here in the tavern, if my mother wouldn’t kill me,” Ty said.

  “How is your mother?” Claire asked.

  Ty’s mother had fibromyalgia and, from what Ty said, she had her good days and bad. From the smile on Ty’s face, Tammy assumed she’d had a stretch of good ones.

  “She’s doing pretty good, thanks. Having Riley at the house for the whole weekend always does it for her.”

  “Your niece is the cutest thing going,” Tammy said. “Is she excited to be a flower girl?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Cassie said. “And with Nick as her partner, I’m worried they’ll steal the show.”

  Tammy grew quiet. The two kids were adorable, and barely annoying. She thought back to the herd of little Donatos that ran through her parents’ place and had to admit they were pretty cute, too. There were just so many of them.

  “Do you have your dress yet?” Cassie asked her.

  Tammy raised her brows. “Mine? I’m only a guest, sweetie. Happily free of the planning and the worry that goes along with it.”

  “Did you help plan any of your sisters’ weddings?” Claire asked.

  Tammy shuddered dramatically. “All of them. I can’t wait to get drunk at Cassie’s bachelorette party and eat my weight in Claire’s pastries at the reception.”

  “And I’m looking forward to the bachelor party,” Jake said with a wink.

  Claire shot him a look but they all kne
w she had no worries there. The guy was devoted to his wife.

  Ty rubbed his hands together. “So what do you guys have planned?”

  “You guys?” Tammy repeated. “Is Rick helping you?”

  “Nope,” Ben said as he joined them. “I am.”

  Tammy kept her expression even as she turned to face him. He’d gone back to his room since she’d seen him, and now wore worn jeans and a cream Henley. The shirt hugged his body and she managed to keep her tongue in her mouth. A few of the buttons were unfastened and she caught a glimpse of the strong chest beneath that shirt.

  “Hi,” she said, her voice weak to her ears.

  “Hey,” he said in return. His eyes stared into hers for a long second and she wondered if he was thinking about their clinch in the cart. He finally broke contact and nodded to his family. “Hey, guys.”

  “Hi, Ben.” Cassie buzzed a kiss on his cheek. “Please tell me you and Jake aren’t going to ruin my groom for me.”

  “No ruining, Cassie.” He grinned in Jake’s direction. “Just a little bit of designed debauchery.”

  “Ha!” Jake laughed. “I like that, bro. And you’re the guy to plan and design our night.”

  “Hmm, when is this night?” Claire asked.

  The three guys exchanged a look, and then Ty shrugged. “I guess next Friday.”

  “Good,” Cassie said. “You won’t miss the rehearsal Thursday.”

  “Sweetheart, I wouldn’t miss a thing,” Ty said, brushing a thick lock of her hair behind her ear.

  Her hair was the same shade of brown as Ben’s. His looked so soft in the shaded lights of the tavern. He hadn’t shaved for dinner, though. He still had that lovely stubble shadowing his face.


  Claire’s voice reached her and she dragged her gaze from Ben. She found her friend looking at her pointedly.

  She blinked rapidly. “Hmm?”

  “Are you coming?” Claire asked.

  Tammy noticed then that everyone else had left the bar for the dining area. “Um, yes.”

  They were already sliding into seats at one of the large corner booths, since the round tables dotting the interior were too small for their party. The place was decorated much like an English pub, with dark wood panels and lots of greens and burgundies. It should have felt a little odd here in Florida but it worked, given the stuffy pretention available over in the Clubhouse. It was a nice counterpoint, and Tammy always recommended the place to prospective residents.

  Ben stood as if waiting for her as the rest of them settled into their seats. He waved her in ahead of him and she briefly wondered at the wisdom of sitting so close to him. He would be pressed right up against her. That was unavoidable. But she would be facing Claire and Jake instead of him. Maybe that would help her get through this dinner she never should have agreed to.

  When she sat and he followed, she knew it would take more than her friend’s face to distract her from Ben.


  Ben rubbed the back of his neck as he stood outside the tavern. Jake and Claire had already left for home, and Cassie and Ty were going to head out to their tent cabin at the far lakeshore.

  “Good night, Ben.” Cassie hugged him, giving him an extra squeeze for good measure before pulling back. “It’s fun, hanging out.”

  “It is,” Ben admitted.

  “So just call the Institute and set up a time you’d like an eco-tour,” Ty put in.

  “Will do.”

  The couple left, leaving him standing alone on the wide stone steps with Tammy.

  “Well,” he said. “That was fun.”

  Tammy gave him a small smile. “That so wasn’t my doing, Ben. I promise.”

  “I never thought it was. I couldn’t miss the grin on Claire’s face.”

  “Yeah, she’s up to something.”

  Ben could guess precisely what, but he wasn’t going to point that out to Tammy.

  He’d been squeezed in next to Tammy, her floral spice scent wrapping around him. His body obviously remembered what they’d almost done in the golf cart, though. He’d been half-hard since he saw her standing at the bar. A breeze kicked up, moving through her silky hair like it had on the cart. Damn, he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about that tour. He stuffed his hands in his front pockets to keep from grabbing her right there on the steps.

  “So, I guess I’ll take off,” she said.

  “I’m parked over by the Sales Center,” he said in lame answer.

  “I’m walking, so good night.”

  “You’re walking?”

  “Yeah. I know I took the long way there when we were in the cart, but my townhouse is only a couple of blocks away.”

  “Let me drive you.”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip and he managed to keep from moaning. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if you drive me home I’m going to be very tempted to take advantage of you.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Ah, honey.” He leveled a look at her. “You can’t take what’s freely given.”

  Her lips parted and he bent closer. Their mouths were a breath apart and he could already taste her.

  “Ben,” she whispered, her eyes staring deep into his.

  Jerking away from her, he blew out a breath. “Sorry. Let me drive you home? I promise I’ll stop at a goodnight kiss.”

  She gave an obviously reluctant nod. Was that reluctance because she didn’t want to agree or because she didn’t want him to stop?

  “’Kay,” she said.

  They reached his rental a little too soon but he held the door open for her.

  She placed her hand on the doorframe and smiled. “More gentlemanly behavior, I take it?”


  She slid into the seat and he watched her long, smooth legs for a second too long.

  “Drive, sir,” she said, a laugh in her voice.

  He ducked his head to hide his smile and crossed to the driver’s side. Starting the Jeep, he turned to her. “Where to?”

  “Home, James,” she teased. “Take a left at the stop sign and head toward the townhouses.”

  Ben nodded and they made their way. He’d seen this neighborhood before, of course. But there were a few townhouse and multi-family villages in Cypress. Once she directed him to take a left a couple of blocks from the Sales Center, he spotted her front porch.

  He stopped and set the brake, turning in his seat as he left the engine running. “Here we are.”

  She stared at him for a long minute, and then leaned closer. He dropped his gaze to the V of her shirt. He could see her pretty purple bra and his mouth watered for another taste of her skin.

  “How about that kiss?” she asked, coming closer.

  He touched his lips to hers and felt himself sink into her. He got hard in an instant as she gave him her sweet tongue. He gripped her waist, longing to pull her closer even as he suspected he should go slowly. But when he deepened the kiss, her hands stole up to the nape of his neck and she sucked on his tongue. Damn, the girl could kiss.

  His blood pounded low and thick as he took her into himself. Their bodies only touched fleetingly but he was primed for another brush of her form against his.

  When she pulled back, her breath fast as she pressed her brow to his, he couldn’t help but grin. She was as turned on as he was and just from one kiss. Okay, one phenomenal kiss.

  “I have to go in,” she said.

  Her words gave him all sorts of ideas.

  Ben growled softly. “Watch what you say, Tamara.”

  Her eyes opened and she smiled. Her lips were shiny and very pink and he nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth. Her fingers tightened in his hair before she released him.

  “This isn’t good.” She snorted. “I mean, it’s really good but we shouldn’t do this.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Look what happened this morning.”

  He moved his hands from he
r waist down to cup her fine ass. “Think what could happen tonight.”

  “That’s what worries me,” she said in a small voice.

  She gazed at him, her hazel eyes very dark in the meager light from the streetlight. He knew the lights were dark-sky compliant, an eco-friendly fact he’d seen trumpeted all over the website and the Institute literature. That didn’t matter right now, though. It was soft and gentle and caressed her smooth skin so well his fingers itched to touch her.

  “Tammy, I promise the craziness that took over this morning won’t show its face again.”

  “You can’t make that promise.” She touched him, her fingers caressing his jaw. “And neither can I.”

  Chapter 9

  Ben kissed her again, and then turned off the engine with a jerk. “Let’s get inside before I do something to shock the neighbors.”

  Tammy smiled and he knew in his gut that they were both in for something amazing tonight. She didn’t wait for him to open her door. Nope. She took smooth, unhurried steps that he suspected were just for show. He’d seen the heat in her gaze. Tasted the need in her kiss.

  He soon joined her on the front porch, barely able to keep from touching her a little bit as she unlocked her door. Then they were in her entryway but he barely noticed anything but the girl in front of him. She locked the front door and flicked the lights on.

  He got the impression of a couch with fat cushions that he couldn’t wait to try out. The fabric was crisp linen yet the lines weren’t formal. No. The style was comfortable and chic.

  “The place suits you,” he said.

  The pleased flush on her face told him she was proud of the home she’d made. “I like it.” She kicked off her heels and began to unbutton her shirt, showing him more of that lacy purple bra he’d touched earlier today. Her breasts were held lovingly by that lace and his mouth watered. “Come on, Big Ben. Don’t keep me waiting.”

  Desire slammed through him so hard his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He kicked off his sneakers and started to lift his shirt over his head, and then stilled. “Wait.” He looked around the living area, taking in the high ceilings and hardwood floors. “What are the specs on this townhouse?”

  She clicked her tongue, draping her shirt over one of the stools near the tall counter bracketing the kitchen. “It has very thick walls, Mr. Architect. Fireproof.” She came close to him and slid a hand over his belly up to his chest and he groaned. “And soundproof.”


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