Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series) Page 4

by Jeannette Winters

  “Are you telling me you’re not happy to see Jace again?”

  I wasn’t really sure how I felt about it. Part of me wanted to yell and scream at him. And yet if he had pulled me into his arms and kissed me, I’d have kissed him back. Could it be the remnants of what once was an amazing physical connection? I’ve never been one who functioned on that alone. But nothing was normal when it came to me and Jace. Why should this be any different?

  “Betsy, I know what you’re trying to do. You think if you get us together, somehow we’ll rekindle what we had years ago. That’s not possible. Some things can’t be fixed,” I admitted sadly.

  It takes two people working towards the same goal. Just looking at Jace, I could tell he wasn’t on the same page as I am. I’m not even sure we’re reading the same book. I had no idea what he’d been doing all these years, but it didn’t look like he had developed a lifestyle I could live with.

  “Shannon, you get in your own way. Why don’t you just enjoy tonight and see where it leads? Who knows, you might even have fun.”

  I chuckled. “I’m not sure he knows what the word means anymore. Maybe you see a different side of him in the office.”

  “Hardly. I think you can help him break out of that rut he’s in,” Betsy said.

  “Hmm. I’m beginning to think you’re doing this for you and not me.”

  Now Betsy laughed. “You mean that if I make my boss happy in his personal life, he’ll be nicer in the office?”

  “Exactly,” I said flatly. Hearing about Jace made it sound like he was a tyrant to work for. What happened to change the kind, loving guy I’d fallen in love with?

  “Let’s just say I consider it a win for all of us. You’ll be happy, he’ll be happy, and I’ll…”

  “Have something to gossip about,” I teased. “Messing with your boss’s relationship is a good way to find yourself on the unemployment line. And like you said, sometimes a friend knows things you don’t. And you’re not going to find another employer who would put up with your being a…buttinsky.”

  “Me? I’m no such thing. If anything, I’m helpful,” Betsy said smugly.

  Oh, yeah. You’ve ‘helped’ me right into another awkward situation.

  “Maybe try being a little less helpful, then. From now on, I’d appreciate it if you let Jace and me decide if we want to talk.” I could make the suggestion, but I knew she wouldn’t heed my advice.

  “You can spend your time telling me what I should do, or you can go and get ready, because you’re supposed to meet him soon. I bet you haven’t even picked out what to wear or done your makeup.”

  “We’re going bowling. I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I’m not out to impress him.” Or turn him on.

  “Oh, Shannon, am I going to have to leave work and come help you?”

  “I don’t think Jace would find that to be a good use of company time. Now get your butt back to work and let me do the same.”

  “Maybe I need to teach you both how to have fun,” Betsy said before the line went dead.

  I’m fun. Well…kind of. I sat on the couch thinking about the last time I went out for fun. I spent so much time working abroad that when I was back in the States, all I wanted to do was relax. My big outings were meeting up with Betsy and going out to eat. Fun, but not by Betsy’s standards. That’s why I agreed to bowling even though I suck at it. Now I get to go with Jace and totally embarrass myself with gutter ball after gutter ball. Where’s the fun in that?

  This would make last night’s dinner seem enjoyable by comparison. There was no way I could go bowling with Jace. I had told him I’d meet him, but now I was regretting that.

  Grabbing my cell phone, I sent him a text.


  I wasn’t canceling our date, but nothing wrong with altering it a tad.

  Jace responded. WANT ME TO PICK YOU UP?

  He obviously doesn’t know that I’m staying in my father’s house. My father never was…nice to Jace. He thought Jace was a bad influence on me. It really was the other way around. Jace was what had kept me grounded back then. From the looks of him, that might not be the case anymore.


  I waited, expecting him to argue, but he didn’t. It made me feel as though tonight might not be his idea. Was Betsy manipulating the situation again? I’m going to need to have a sit-down conversation with her if that was the case. But tonight, I want to get some answers from Jace. He should know this isn’t easy for me. If he doesn’t, then I’m about to let him know.

  Taking one last look in the mirror, I debated changing my outfit. I was comfortable, but there weren’t many opportunities to wear a dress. For a September day, the temperature was fantastic – bright, sunny, and warm. Pulling my shirt over my head, I tossed it onto my bed and slipped out of my jeans. I walked over to the closet and pulled out a sundress that still had the tags on it. This wasn’t a sexy dress at all. It gave off strong ‘sweet and innocent’ vibes, but I loved daisies. They were magical, and no matter what my mood, they always brought a smile to my face.

  I tugged the tags off and slipped the dress over my head. As I looked in the mirror a second time, I liked what I saw. This dress made me feel…. pretty. This had nothing to do with Jace. I just felt like wearing something different. If he made any smart-ass comment that he thought otherwise, I’d set him straight as well.

  With the outfit change, I was cutting it close on meeting up with Jace. If I was late and he decided not to wait, so be it. I was going out for ice cream with or without him. It was too nice of an evening to spend indoors.

  I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs. I had already made arrangements with the doorman to have a taxi waiting. My father would have no issue with me taking the limo, but that would mean he had access to my whereabouts. I enjoyed my privacy, what little I’m allowed here. Since my father worked late, he probably wouldn’t even know I had gone out.

  The doorman held the taxi door open for me and gave me a knowing wink, as though he understood my plight. It was well known that Ralph Hamel had to control everything. Maybe that is why he handled the vendors who serviced some of the elite buildings in Boston. You couldn’t even deliver clean linens without his approval and a thorough background check. Unfortunately, that type of scrutiny was unbearable if you were his child. That fact is I’m not a child any longer. I’ve given up trying to get him to see that. That’s why I come back to Boston as little as possible.

  The drive wasn’t long at all, and the taxi pulled over to let me out. I looked around but didn’t see Jace anywhere. “Would you mind if we waited here until my…friend arrives?” Even the word ‘friend’ was more than generous for who Jace was to me.

  “It’s your bill, lady. I’ll stay parked here all night if you want to pay me,” he replied in a dry, ‘I don’t give a fuck’ tone.

  Gee, that’s so nice of you.

  There were times I missed being in a small village overseas. Things weren’t so rushed all the time. The problem was money. They didn’t have any. But even here in the heart of the city, I can see the poverty and sadness on the streets. Here you can’t just walk the streets and help someone, treat their medical needs. There’s a long list of paperwork to fill out, and you get caught up in all the red tape. The ones who end up suffering are the ones who need help in the first place. I need to be someplace where I’m making a difference, not just hoping to.

  Looking around at all the people in their business suits talking on their cell phones, I knew this life wasn’t for me. My father thrives in this environment, but I hate it. I have no idea how Jace can even work for one of these guys. What happened to his dream? We used to spend hours lying in a field and he’d tell me how someday he’d build a log cabin by hand and we would live up in the mountains. Each morning he would go out and fetch eggs from our hens and I’d cook him breakfast.

  Mountains were replaced by skyscrapers, apparently, and the wildlife – well, tho
se were the rude, unruly humans all fighting for success. I chuckled. My heart ached for Jace being stuck in this. He must be miserable working here. He’s not the type who’d want to claw his way to the top. I bet his boss takes advantage of his good nature. He’s probably stuck working late tonight.

  It would be easy enough to find out. All I had to do was reach out to Betsy, who would be more than happy to share any information. But I can’t ask her not to butt in and then ask her questions. Usually when she and I speak, it’s about her and her husband, not about work. The only thing I know about her work is that she’s Jace’s secretary or something.

  I chuckled. What kind of friend am I that I don’t even know what Betsy does for a living? For all the talking Betsy does, I sure haven’t been a good listener.

  “Hey, lady, I’m doubled parked. If you want, I’ll drive around the block, but I can’t stay here much longer.”

  I might not enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city, but I’d rather be out walking than sitting in this smelly taxi with Mr. Grumpy. I glanced at the meter, handed the driver an extra ten, and got out. As he pulled away I heard Jace’s voice.

  “I didn’t know that was you in the taxi. I thought you’d be in --”

  “My father’s limo?” He nodded and I added, “Then I guess you really have forgotten who I am.” Part of that saddened me.

  “I’m glad I was wrong.” He reached out and took my hand in his.

  “Excuse me?” I said, my eyes widening at the sudden touch.

  “It’s easier to maneuver through the crowd and not get separated this way,” he explained.

  My body didn’t care why, it was just enjoying his strong hand holding mine again. I couldn’t even imagine what would happen when I saw him licking his ice cream cone. Damn my libido!

  I’m a doctor. I know this quickened heart and rising temperature are just a physical reaction. Maybe my hormones are off? I should have bloodwork done. But if my hormones are messed up, shouldn’t I be having this reaction to other men, too? Only Jace could get me wet just by holding my hand.

  With a sigh, I reluctantly followed his lead as he wove us in and out of the crowd until we came to a shop that sold a variety of sweets, including ice cream. This had sounded like a safe choice. Now I was second-guessing myself.

  I should’ve just canceled, never mind changing the theme of the date.

  “What do you feel like?” he asked.

  Tasting you. “How about death by chocolate? And make it a double scoop, please.”

  Jace smiled. “I see you haven’t lost your love of chocolate.”

  “At least there’s one thing that didn’t change.”

  “The night is young. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find more,” he said.

  God, I hope not. Resisting him wasn’t just going to be difficult, it was going to be impossible. I’d only be in Boston for another few weeks. No matter what happened between us, it would be short-lived. Why bother starting something that we both know won’t last?

  He handed me my waffle cone and said, “Let’s take this across the street and eat at the park.”

  “Okay.” Once again, he took my hand and led the way. Even when we were alone in the park, he didn’t let go. I forced myself to think about the ice cream. The sweet chocolate wasn’t enough of a distraction. As we walked by a trash can, I tossed the remaining cone inside.

  “Never saw you throw ice cream away before,” he teased.

  “Not as hungry as I thought.”

  He raised a brow. “Is that all it is?” he asked, tossing his away, too.

  I wanted to clear the air, so I might as well do it now. “Why did you call today?”

  “Because I wanted to see you again,” he replied.

  “I mean why now? All these years I haven’t heard from you. Why now?” Was it just because it was convenient?

  “Are you saying that you wish I hadn’t?”

  “I’m not sure,” I answered, as honestly as I could. “It’s hard to see you and not think about…the past.”

  “It wasn’t all bad.”

  “No, but what was bad…really hurt.” More than I want to admit.

  “You mean when I broke it off,” he said.

  “Without any reason,” I added. “And I still don’t know why.” I had stopped wondering what I had done long ago, but now I needed to know all over again.

  “Shannon, I wasn’t the same man back then.”

  “I can see that. I’m not the same person either. But it left me feeling as though I did something…wrong. Like I wasn’t good enough for you,” I admitted. It had nothing to do with money or status for me. It left me feeling like my giving my whole heart wasn’t enough for Jace.

  He lifted his hand and stroked my cheek. “Shannon, you were perfect then, just like now. It was me and still is. I was never good enough for you.”

  “Because you didnon’t have money? That never mattered to me.” Men had wanted me because of my father’s money. Jace was the opposite. “I’m not rich. My father is. I volunteer my time as a doctor. The pay sucks, but it is rewarding.”

  “And you have just proved my point. You will always be something I’m not,” he said. “And someone I want.” His voice was so husky, filled with need.

  As I looked into his eyes the heat rushed between my legs. I want you, too.

  He stepped closer and pulled me into his arms. I could feel his muscles tense through his suit. My hands slipped under his jacket and up his chest. My legs trembled and I leaned into him to support myself. “Jace,” I breathed, my voice barely a whisper. It almost sounded as though I was begging him to kiss me. Jace eagerly obliged, his lips crashing against mine, the hunger enveloping us both.

  His tongue traced my lips and I opened to him. Jace tasted like strawberries and cream and I nipped his bottom lip and moaned into his mouth. My stomach pressed against him and I could feel the bulge harden.

  God, I need more.

  I felt a jolt and Jace pulled away. A man passing by must’ve bumped into Jace hard enough that he practically knocked us over. I might have been a bit dazed from our embrace, but I could tell Jace was pissed at the guy. He looked like he wanted to beat the crap out of him. Why? It was an accident.

  Reaching up I touched his cheek, encouraging Jace to focus his attention back on me. But when he did, the passion that had been in his eyes had vanished.

  Damn. The pulsing between my legs wasn’t a dull ache any longer. It was almost uncomfortable. I hadn’t forgotten what Jace likes and I knew I could easily bring him back to where we were. But that interruption was probably for the best.

  Pulling away from Jace, I looked in the stranger’s direction. He turned, looking right at me over his shoulder. A chill ran through me. Where do I know that guy from? I wanted to call out to him and ask, but I didn’t want to sound like I was losing my mind. So what if I had seen him before? It wasn’t as though the guy had been stalking me. If he had, then making his presence known in front of Jace was foolish. Jace might have changed, but he used to be very protective of me.

  Jace stepped further away. “We’d better get going. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be in the park after dark.”

  No matter how comfortable I felt in his arms, Jace was right: this was no place for me. It wasn’t being mugged that worried me. It was my own feelings running out of control. “I should get back home anyway.”

  “Already?” he asked.

  “We’ve had our ice cream,” I replied sarcastically.

  Jace looked down at me. But he didn’t try to get me to stay longer. No pleading eyes, not one word about the night being young. Instead he grabbed my hand and led me back out of the park.

  You know it, too. We’re playing with fire and the only guarantee is getting burned.

  Once was enough for me. I didn’t need to go through that hell again. Whoever that stranger was, he had just stopped me from making a huge mistake. I had been so close to asking Jace to make love to me. Now the only thing I wanted w
as to go home.

  Chapter 5


  I had fucking warned him, but Carlton apparently didn’t heed my advice. He’s lucky I didn’t call him out in front of Shannon. The only thing that held my tongue was the fact I still couldn’t figure out why she needed protection in the first place.

  If Carlton hadn’t still been lingering, I would’ve suggested Shannon and I find a more private place to continue what we’d started. But I knew there would be yet another interruption. I needed to put a stop to those.

  Carlton walked into the bar and took the stool next to me. “Don’t bother saying it. I told you, I’m paid to watch her.”

  “And slamming into us is part of your job as well?” I knew it wasn’t. Carlton needed to learn I’m not one to fuck with anymore.

  “You were blocking my view. I was just making sure she was…safe.”

  “If I didn’t want information from you, I’d knock you on your ass,” I said.

  Carlton chuckled. “I see you’re still using your old tactic: crush anything that stands in your way.”

  “You say that as though it’s a bad thing,” I said, downing the last of my beer before ordering another. My cock still ached for Shannon, and it was going to take a lot of alcohol to numb her effects.

  “It’s bad if you’re involved with my client.”

  “I thought she didn’t know,” I glared at him.

  “I mean the Hamels. And she doesn’t.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. She had a very questioning look in her eye. You might not be as good at your job as you believe.”

  Carlton laughed. “Trust me, I am. I’ve been watching her for the past three years.”

  “Carlton, I need to know. What happened?”

  “Maybe you should sit down with Mr. Hamel and ask him,” Carlton replied.

  I laughed. “He’s not going to tell me anything except to fucking get lost.”

  Carlton didn’t even crack a grin. “If you had a daughter, would you want her to date someone like you? I know I wouldn’t.”


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