Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series) Page 11

by Jeannette Winters

  “I’d say no, but I haven’t forgotten what it looked like a few days ago. You could almost convince me we’re at a different place.”

  She looked around and chuckled. “Give me one trip into town and then I know you won’t recognize this place.”

  I pulled her into my arms. “No way. Once your feet touch civilization again, I might not ever get you back up here.”

  Shannon grinned. “Oh, I’m sure you could convince me.”

  I leaned over and kissed her neck. “We still have a few hours of light left. What do you say we take another walk to the waterfall?”

  “I think that’s a good idea.” Then she smiled and added, “I’ll bring the soap. I think you have more dust on you than the rafters did.”

  I shook my head and dust flew from my hair. She sneezed. “I’ll get the towels.”

  “And maybe a bottle of wine, too?” she asked.

  “And a blanket?” I added.

  She smiled. “Do you think it’s safe for us to sleep out there under the stars like we used to?”

  “Safe? Yes. But I hate to think of that beautiful ass of yours covered in mosquito bites.” I wasn’t worried about Carlton’s men watching us. They all knew better. But until Babboo was out of the picture, I didn’t want her out at night. Not where I couldn’t see what was coming.

  Shannon gave her side a scratch and said, “You know, I think you’re right. Besides, it’d be a shame to let this clean cabin go to waste.”

  “If I have my way, those sheets won’t be clean for long,” I teased.

  She crossed her arms and said, “I think you like giving me all this work.”

  “If you mean by juicing those sheets every night, you bet your sweet ass I do. And I don’t hear you complaining about it either,” I winked.

  She blushed, which was a rarity. “Trust me, I wouldn’t mind washing them twice a day if I needed to.”

  Challenge accepted.

  Chapter 15


  The last few days were amazing. Jace and I went on one hike after another. I wasn’t looking over my shoulder any longer. These woods were so vast, there was no way Prince Babboo could find me here. And since my cell phone had no service, it wasn’t like anyone else could, either.

  I knew my father must be going crazy with worry not hearing from me. When I told him I was going away for a few weeks, I never thought that I’d be totally off the grid. But this type of seclusion was growing on me. Of course, it wasn’t winter yet. That would most likely change my mind.

  Jace entered the cabin and asked, “What is that smell?”

  I smiled and said, “You know all those apples we picked yesterday?” He nodded. “Well, I decided to try my hand at a homemade apple dumpling. But don’t expect anything fancy. I’m not a baker and I didn’t have much to work with.”

  “If it tastes half as good as it smells, I’m going to want seconds.”

  I laughed. “Well, I guessed at what goes in them, but at least it will be something different to eat.”

  “Is that a hint for me to go fishing again? It’s not my fault you talked the entire time and the fish wouldn’t bite,” he teased.

  I threw an oven mitt at him. “Don’t blame me. I had to talk to stop you from singing. You’d think in all these years you’d have learned how to hold a tune.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t tempt me to sing you our song again.”

  I covered my ears and pretended to plead. “Please, no.” Then I removed my hands and walked over to him. “You know I’m only joking. I’d listen to you sing me love songs any time.”

  He raised a brow and said, “You said I sounded like a moose in heat.”

  I snickered and recalled how cute he looked when I said that. “You can’t be perfect at everything, Jace.”

  “Then I guess I’ll keep my day job,” he said, trying to look disappointed. I knew better.

  “That or don’t sing during hunting season.”

  He gave me a playful slap on the ass. I feigned a scandalized expression and said, “No dessert before dinner.”

  Smoke billowed from my pan. “Speaking of which,” I said, rushing to the stove, “it might not be as good as it looked a few minutes ago.” I lifted the cover and black smoke began to fill the cabin. “Oh, shit!”

  Jace came over and grabbed the cast iron pan from me and rushed to the door. I waved a towel in an attempt to clear the air, but in the process, I dropped it on the hot wood stove, and that started to smoke as well. It didn’t take long for the towel to catch fire. I grabbed it, rushed outside, and threw it on the ground.

  Jace took one look and stamped out the flames. Then asked, “Any more?”

  I peered inside and shook my head. “Nope. That’s about all the damage I’m doing tonight.”

  There was still smoke in the cabin, but not as much. I looked at the inedible apple dumpling and burst into tears. Once I started crying, I couldn’t seem to stop.

  Jace pulled me into his arms and tried to console me. It wasn’t the first dinner I’d burned in my life, but it was an entirely new level of bad, and my already fraught emotions were getting the better of me.

  “Oh Jace, I’m…a…hot mess,” I sobbed.

  “Because you can’t cook?” he asked, and I nodded. “You’re a doctor. And as someone very wise told me earlier, you can’t be good at everything.”

  Through my sobs, I chuckled. “My cooking is almost as bad as your singing.”

  “Almost? I’d say we’re pretty even,” he teased. Wiping my tears, he said, “Should I guess that we’re having peanut butter and jelly again tonight?”

  With a sigh, I said, “Unless you feel like packing up and heading back to Boston.”

  He leaned back and stared at me. “Are you serious?”

  I wasn’t until the words came out of my mouth. Now I knew it was time to go home. This time together was nice, but it wasn’t reality. Besides, work could be calling me and I’d never know. Of course, I wouldn’t know if Babboo was harassing me either. I hadn’t let him control my life this far, and I wasn’t about to start now.

  Looking up at Jace I said softly, “Yes, I think I am.”

  Jace didn’t say anything right away, and I thought he was going to try to talk me into staying the entire two weeks. He should be impressed I made it through one. But after a moment he said, “It’s going to get dark soon. Do you mind if we head out first thing in the morning? It’ll give me time to pack everything back into the truck.”

  “You don’t want to leave it here until next time?” I asked.

  “So I can give it a cleaning more than once every ten years?” he joked.

  “Actually, I was thinking there were some nice trails and we could come do some snowmobiling. That is, if you feel like taking another vacation in a few months.”

  What am I doing? I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t thinking that far ahead. Jace and I never spoke about tomorrow, or the future. All we really had was here. For all I knew, when we got back to Boston, he’d dive back into his routine and so would I. It wasn’t a bad thing, but I hadn’t realized how empty my life was until he was back in it.

  “There are more comfortable places to travel, you know.”

  At least it wasn’t a no. “Who knows where in the world I’ll be at that time, anyway?”

  He tipped my head up so I couldn’t avoid his eyes. “Shannon, no matter where you are, I’ll always be able to find you.”

  Babboo had held my face and said those same words, and they had terrified me. From Jace, I found them comforting, and for the first time in three years, I felt…safe. Damn it, Jace. I’m falling in love with you all over again. Thankfully his lips claimed mine before the words left my mouth. Once they were spoken aloud, I wouldn’t be able to take them back.

  When he broke the embrace, I thought he’d carry me into the cabin and make love to me as he had done each night. Instead he said, “I’m going to take a quick walk. Then we can start packing.”
/>   Packing. Sure. Leaving was my idea after all.

  He kissed my forehead and headed down the path. I had no idea why Jace needed so much time alone. I know it had nothing to do with ‘marking his territory’, but he really wouldn’t give me a straight answer. I knew I shouldn’t follow him, but my feet had a mind of their own. One step turned into a few yards, and soon I was close enough to hear him talking to someone.

  “No, she’s at the cabin,” he said.

  I froze, knowing he was talking about me. What doesn’t he want me to know?

  “Who are you talking to?” I demanded. When he spun around, I saw him holding his cell phone. “Wait. I thought we didn’t have any service up here?” The guilt was written all over his face.

  “Shannon, I can explain.”

  Those weren’t words I wanted to hear. He had cell service all along and never told me. That was bad enough, but why was he discussing me? The warm, loving feelings I’d had just moments ago were quickly replaced with anger. “Jace, who were you talking to?”

  “A friend,” he said.

  Bullshit. “One last chance, Jace. Tell me what’s going on.” I held my breath and waited. Does he have a girlfriend and I’m just a fling on the side? Whoever it was on the phone, it was obvious that they meant more to him than me, because he didn’t answer immediately. Raising my hand, I said, “Never mind. I don’t want to know. I have packing to do. You can go back to talking to your friend.” I stomped away, wishing he would follow and pull me into his arms and explain what the hell was going on. But he didn’t.

  Once inside the cabin, I didn’t cry. I started packing, shoving everything into boxes and bags. I wanted out of this place. This was…over. Just like last time, my heart was in it, but his wasn’t. And just like last time, he had no explanation for me.

  When will I learn? Second chances are for fools.

  Jace came back into the cabin, looked around, and saw that just about everything was done. It was a statement and he knew it. There was a look in his eyes that I couldn’t read. He had put up a wall between us. How can he do that after what we’ve been through?

  I finally understood what people mean when they say someone died of a broken heart. It ached like nothing else. There wasn’t any medicine or treatment to fix this. It was going to get a lot worse before it started to get better, and this time it was even worse than the first. It’s a fine line between love and hate right now, and I don’t know which side I’m on.

  I turned away from Jace, unable to look at him. There was no emotion coming from him, so I wasn’t going to let him see mine, either.

  I guess saying goodbye is as easy as flipping a switch to him. Well, consider my heart turned off for good. I’m never going to love anyone ever again.

  Chapter 16


  “What the hell were you thinking bringing her there?” Ralph barked at Carlton. “You know that bastard Prince Babboo has connections here in the States. They could’ve followed you! And in those woods, how would you even see them coming?”

  “It wasn’t his idea, it was mine,” I stated. Ralph shot me a piercing glare. I met his gaze steadily – he didn’t scare me anymore.

  “I should’ve known,” he responded, then turned his attention back to Carlton. “I’m paying you to protect my daughter. When did you start taking orders from this guy?” he said, jerking his thumb in my direction.

  Carlton said, “I’m doing my job. She was and is safe. But she is free to choose where she wants to go and with whom. From what I witnessed, Jace didn’t force her.”

  Force? No. Lie? Yes. In Shannon’s book, there wasn’t any difference. But that wasn’t information Ralph needed. “She was enjoying herself,” Carlton added.

  “But?” Ralph said, as though he knew there was much more than that.

  “She overheard me on the phone talking to Carlton,” I offered. “Now she believes I was lying to her.”

  “From what Carlton told me, you were. I have no issue with that. I prefer not to call it lying, but some things are best kept secret if done for the right reasons,” Ralph stated.

  It was absolutely the right reason, as far as I was concerned, yet it sure as hell didn’t feel right. When I dropped Shannon off at home earlier, she wouldn’t even make eye contact with me . I didn’t expect anything different. The entire drive had been silent. I searched for the right words, but there was nothing I could say. Not now, and possibly not ever.

  If this had been the first time I’d fucked up and hurt her, I might have a chance to fix it. But this was strike two. Her tone when she’d said goodbye was cold, final. She never wanted to see me again and I couldn’t blame her. I deserved that and more, and she still didn’t know what was really going on. God, baby, I wish I could tell you the truth. I really do. But the price could be your life, and I won’t risk that. Even if it means you hate me forever.

  “It’s fucked up no matter how you cut it. And if she ever finds out what we did, it won’t just be me she hates,” I warned Ralph.

  “She’s my daughter. She’ll understand that sometimes I have to do things she won’t like, for her own good.”

  Like getting me out of her life years ago? Yeah. Look how that worked out.

  “She might be your daughter, but trust me, Ralph, she’s nothing like you.” She’s the opposite of us. That’s probably why I love her.

  There was no question any longer about my feelings. I was still in love with Shannon. I had never really stopped, just buried my feelings. But love wasn’t enough. I’m still not the man for her. Judging by the tears she shed on my account, I think she knows it, too.

  “It’s possible she might not ever know the actions that were taken to keep her safe,” Carlton stated.

  I shook my head. “Shannon wasn’t looking before, but I think her eyes are open now. It’s not about if she finds out, it’s a matter of when. I’ve seen the fire in her eyes when she’s been betrayed.” I just wish I hadn’t been the one to provoke such a reaction. “If we don’t get the results we’re hoping for in time, Shannon might be the one who stands in our way.”

  “You don’t think she’d turn you in, do you?” Carlton asked.

  Ralph answered. “If she’s as angry at you as I think she is, she will. Hell, I feel for my poor, sweet girl. You’ve done this to her twice.”

  I clenched my fist, and it took everything in me to not shut that mouth of his. Had he really forgotten why it ended between Shannon and me the first time? His fucking controlling, meddling ways cost us a future together. And this time I’m the meddler who ruined everything.

  “Her feelings will heal, as long as we keep her alive,” I said flatly, not willing to acknowledge anything further to Ralph.

  “Not only does she have to deal with Prince Babboo, but with you as well.”

  I growled out, “Don’t ever put me in the same fucking category as that asshole. I loved your daughter and we were happy.”

  “And you could give her nothing,” he said bitterly.

  I glared at Ralph. “That’s not the case now, is it?” My name was well known. Ralph knew my status in Boston.

  “And yet she still doesn’t want you,” he said snidely.

  No other man would’ve gotten away with speaking to me like that. But if Shannon hated me now, I could only imagine what she’d do if I knocked her father out.

  “You know nothing about what Shannon and I mean to each other,” I said between gritted teeth.

  “I know your reputation, Jace. You’ve been seen all over Boston with one woman after another hanging all over you. And if I heard correctly, you’re trying to obtain an apartment at the Bachelor Towers. That doesn’t sound like a man who should be…involved with my daughter.”

  That was true. Men living at the Bachelor Towers weren’t looking for what Shannon had to offer. They’d see her as a sweet piece of ass, but not look any further than that. She was so much more than any of them deserved. More than I deserve.

  “My living arrangeme
nts are none of your business.” I can’t believe I had once held hope that Ralph would use his connections to expedite a vacancy for me. I see now that our history would make this impossible – Ralph would block my entry completely.

  “Not to break up you two deciding who’s better at hurting Shannon, but we have bigger things to discuss. Gabe said Prince Babboo boarded the royal family’s private jet. We tried to obtain his flight plan, but none was filed,” Carlton said.

  “Who the hell is Gabe?” Ralph asked.

  Neither of us responded to Ralph. He wasn’t any help. All Ralph contributed, was paying for Carlton’s team. I could easily throw that type of money Carlton’s way too. Besides that, I didn’t see Ralph engaging himself personally in any of it. He wanted to protect Shannon, but not risk himself. If she had been my daughter, I never would’ve let it get this far. I’d have sat her down, told her the hard facts and then took action against Prince Babboo. I’m not a father, and most likely never will be, but I know I’d have done better. The less Ralph knew about what Gabe and I were doing, the better. I wouldn’t put it past Ralph to blackmail me with it later.

  “You mean you have no idea where he’s going?” I asked.

  Carlton shook his head. “Gabe is trying to locate his jet, but as of yet, it’s MIA along with our prince.”

  Ralph asked, “Do you think Babboo is on his way here?”

  Carlton shrugged. “It was a sudden departure, but that’s all we know.” He gave me a significant look, as though there was more to say.

  I turned to Ralph and said, “May I suggest you work from home today? That way you can let us know if Shannon is going out anywhere.”

  “Where would she go? She’s too upset to leave,” Ralph replied.

  “Jace is right,” Carlton said. “We need someone on the inside to keep an eye on her. If you don’t want to do it, maybe Jace can stay at your place with her.”

  Ralph huffed. “That would be like asking her to run from the house. I’ll cancel my meetings and do what you suggest. But I expect you to keep me abreast of any and all updates you receive. I’m not pleased with you keeping me in the dark. Don’t forget who signs your paycheck,” he said with a snarl.


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