Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series) Page 15

by Jeannette Winters

  “Would it be possible to give you my answer tomorrow?” I asked. Hopefully, that would give me time to see Shannon.

  “I’m sorry. We need this done today,” he said.

  There was an internal battle raging within me: a—all my wants and dreams from my past colliding with the ones of my future. If I hadn’t seen Shannon again, gone to the cabin with her, gotten to know who she was all over again, there wouldn’t be any hesitation now. I knew what I wanted a few weeks ago. But now it’s changed. I want what I wanted years ago. A family. And Shannon is that. She’s…my home.

  “I’m sorry to have wasted your time, but I will not be taking the apartment.”

  “Excuse me? You don’t want it?” the man asked, sounding as shocked as I was saying it.

  “No. It no longer fits my needs. Have a good day.” I hung up the phone and spun my chair around to look out my window. The Bachelor Towers were still in my view, but no longer the focus.

  Turning around, I got up from my desk and walked out of my office. Betsy was sitting there and wouldn’t even look at me.

  “I take it you’re leaving for a meeting?” she asked.


  “Fine. I hope you’re happy. You finally got everything that you wanted,” she snarled.

  “I’ll be happy if you can do me a huge favor,” I said.

  “I’m paid to do my job. If it’s under my job title, then I have no issue doing it. Did you need me to schedule a moving truck for you?” Betsy asked.


  “I suggest not waiting ‘til the last minute. That’s how things get broken.”

  “I don’t need one. I’m not moving. Not yet, at least.”

  She finally looked at me and said, “I know who was on that call. I know why they called.”

  “Yes, thanks for that heads up, by the way. And I told them…no. I’m not taking it,” I said. “It’s not where I want to be.”

  Her eyes widened, and then she rose from her chair and threw her arms around my neck. “I knew it. I just knew it. I’m so happy that I could…”

  “Yeah. Fine. But before you get overly excited, I need your help,” I said, pulling her arms away from me.

  She was grinning from ear-to-ear. “Does it have to do with Shannon?”

  “Yes. Now, come into my office because you have some shopping to do.” Betsy went to hug me again, and I said, “Don’t make me call HR.”

  She put her arms down and chuckled. “I think you should. I’ve earned a raise for sure,” she said with a wink.

  I owe you more than you’ll ever know. “We’ll talk about that later. Now let’s go. We’ve got work to do.”

  Chapter 22


  Betsy running late was getting to be a habit, one that she needed to break. It wouldn’t be so bad, but I hadn’t eaten lunch because I knew we were having dessert tonight. My stomach grumbled again, and I looked around. That was it. I wasn’t going to stand out here for another half-hour wondering when she was going to show.

  I pulled out my phone and sent her a quick text.




  My phone rang. “Betsy, I’m serious. I’m going to faint if I don’t eat soon.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m still at work. You know how it is. My boss is back from vacation, and I’m paying the price.”

  It was more likely he was taking out his frustration at me on Betsy. That wasn’t right. All she’d done was try to fix us up. Betsy had no idea of the tangled web Jace, and I had. And with my father’s interference, there was no chance of Jace and I ever working out.

  “I’m sorry Betsy. Did you want me to talk to him for you?” I offered.

  Instantly her tone went from dull and high pitched excited. “Would you? That would be great. Call him now, and maybe I’ll still get out before the sun goes down.”

  “Now?” I really meant text. I wasn’t ready to hear his voice again, even though not hearing it as killing me.

  “Of course now. It’ll keep your mind off how hungry you are.”

  I laughed. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d actually think you’re trying to be…”

  “Thoughtful. A good friend. And you’d be right. Okay. You go call him, and I’ll get back to…work.”

  Betsy ended the call even before I could argue with her. Why did I make that offer? Jace hadn’t reached out to me. I know I told him not to, but really, he could’ve at least made an effort. Now I’m going to look like I’m chasing him, coming up with an excuse to talk to him. That wasn’t it at all. I really only wanted to bring his mistreatment of Betsy to his attention.

  I sat back down on the bench outside the restaurant and dialed his number. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Hi Shannon,” he said.

  I didn’t expect for him to answer so quickly. It didn’t even give me a chance to think about what I wanted to say. “Um…Hi. I…um... I was calling about Betsy.”

  “You called my personal line to talk to Betsy?” he asked.

  “No. Not to talk to her, but about her. Well, really more about you. Not exactly you, but you and her.” This wasn’t going well. “That doesn’t sound right. I’m not trying to imply”

  “Good. Because there is nothing between me and Betsy,” he said firmly.

  “I know that. I was actually talking about work. You do have a working relationship, you know,” I said as though it was Jace that had misunderstood, instead of me sounding like a babbling idiot.

  “This might be easier if we discussed it in person. How about I pick you up and we go for a ride?”

  “I actually haven’t eaten. That’s why I was calling?”

  “I’d love to have dinner with you,” he said.

  I wasn’t inviting you. “I don’t want to change your plans. We can talk about this another time.” Any other time. This wasn’t like me. I’m going to chalk it up to low blood sugar from lack of food.

  “I have no plans. And you’re right. We should talk. I’m actually by the harbor now, so I can be at your house in about thirty minutes.”

  “Actually, I’m not home. I’m….at the harbor,” I said and looked around for his car, but didn’t see it. But there was a truck that looked awfully familiar. “Are you parked?”

  “I am. Why?”

  “I think I see you,” I said and waved. He stuck his hand out the window and waved back.

  “Then I guess I’ll see you in about thirty-seconds instead.”

  He ended the call and pulled his truck up to the curb by my seat. “Hey, beautiful, want a ride?” he said playfully with a wink.

  Two can play this game. “I was told not to take rides from strangers.”

  Jace put the truck in park, got out, and came over to where I stood. He extended his hand and said, “Hi. I’m Jace Goldstein, I’m a Sagittarius, and my favorite food is whatever you’re eating. However, I have become very fond of PB&J,” he said, smiling.

  I took his hand and said, “Nice to meet you, Jace. I’m Shannon Hamel, can’t cook, like to clean, and I have a weakness for chocolate.”

  He said, “No longer strangers.” He opened the door and said, “Hop in.”

  I climbed inside and looked in the back. “You still haven’t unpacked from when we were at the cabin?” Instantly I regretted mentioning it. Those memories were special to me, but I wanted to keep them that way.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  Too busy to call me.

  “So have I,” I said as he started down the road. “A lot has changed.”

  “Want to tell me about it?” he asked.

  I did, but not sure if he really wanted to listen. “I won’t be traveling as much. I’m going to open my own practice.”

  As he pulled onto the highway, he said, “That is a major development. Good for you. Will it be here in Boston?”

  “No. I want out of the city. Maybe even out of Massachusetts.” Ex
act location was still undecided. But I wasn’t looking at rushing into anything. I wanted to think it through and make this a final move.

  “So nothing is in stone yet,” he said.

  “Not where I’m going to live, but what I’m going to do is.” They were off track. “We aren’t supposed to be talking about me. I wanted to talk about you and Betsy. I don’t want you to punish her for what happened between us.”

  “I would never do such a thing.”

  I raised a brow and said, “Really. I think Betsy feels differently.”

  “Did she say I’m cruel, I mean more than usual?” he asked.

  “No. Just working her a lot.”

  Jace nodded. “I was on vacation, and we had to catch up. Doesn’t sound like anything out of the ordinary.”

  “No. I guess it doesn’t. Well, that was an easy enough conversation. Maybe you can drop me off at home so I can finally eat.”

  “Would love to, but I can’t.” Jace reached behind him and pulled out a paper bag. “This should hold you.”

  I opened the bag and looked inside. There was a juice box drink, an apple, and a banana. “What is this?” I asked.

  “Your supper. It should hold you for now,” he said.

  “What do you mean for now?” I don’t live that far from here. I looked around and realized we left Boston and were heading north. “Jace, where are we going?”

  “I have a stop I have to make. Do you mind coming for the ride?” he asked.

  What choice did I have? I was already in the truck. “Sure, why not.” It’s not like I had anything else to do tonight since Betsy didn’t show. I pulled out the apple and took a bite then asked, “How are you doing?”

  “Good. It’s been an interesting couple of days.”

  “Yes, you said, busy after vacation.” That wasn’t anything personal like what I shared. I didn’t to be trapped in the truck talking business. “Is there anything else you want to talk about?” I put it onto him. If he wasn’t willing to open up, then I’m shutting down.

  “Your father called me a few days ago,” he said.

  My jaw dropped. “My father? Called you? Why?” This was the first I heard about it.

  “He pulled some strings for me and got me into an apartment I’ve wanted for several years.”

  Yes. Way to go. I had asked my father to do this for Jace, for me. He never got back to me, and I thought he decided not to. “Well, I’m happy for you. Looks like you’ll be moving as well.” Inside, the thought was killing me. I knew where he was moving. Women threw themselves at the guys that lived there. That will help you forget all about me.

  “Didn’t take it.”

  I knew why. He wanted nothing to do with my father. I should’ve thought of that before asking him for help. “Just because you hate my father, doesn’t mean you should let that stand between you and getting what you want.”

  “I’m not. This decision had nothing to do with Ralph.”

  I waited for him to tell me more. Was this going to be like the game twenty questions, and eventually, I’d guess what was going on in that head of his?

  “So you’re not moving.”

  “I will. I’m also thinking about finding a place outside of Boston,” he said.

  Now we were getting somewhere. “That’s a big decision because your life is in the city. Your office is there too. I thought you liked having everything at your fingertips.”

  “Like yourself, I haven’t decided on a new location.”

  I rolled down the window and tossed out the apple core. I couldn’t believe we were still on the highway. Looking around, I tried to get my bearings. Off in the distance, I could see a sign. No way. “Jace, what errand do you need to make?”

  “I have to drop a few things off.”

  “In New Hampshire?” I asked as we passed the sign.


  I took another look into the back seat. It was filled with bags of groceries. “Where exactly are we going?”

  He gave me a quick look out of the corner of his eye before focusing on the face moving traffic. “To the cabin.”

  “Your cabin? Are we going to your cabin? That’s your quick errand?” I never would’ve agreed to go if I’d known that.

  “I don’t recall saying the word quick.”

  I huffed. “I’m in no mood for playing games, Jace. You know damn well that I would’ve said no if I knew where you were going.”

  “I do.”

  “So why are you bringing me someplace you know I don’t want to be?” My frustration level was high, and my tone was rising as well. I pulled out my cell phone and called Betsy. Maybe she could talk some sense into Jace.

  “Hi Shannon. What’s up?”

  “I need you to talk to your boss.”

  “I’d love to, but I’m off the clock. I’ll have to do it on Monday. Have a great weekend.” Betsy ended the call, and I just stared down at my phone. Unbelievable. When I turned back to Jace, he was grinning. “Does she know about this?” Not even a flinch from him. “Jace. Does Betsy know about us going to the cabin?” I demanded an answer.

  “She knows. And before you call her back and yell, you might want to hear what I have to say first.”

  I wasn’t going to yell, maybe talk loudly at her, but this meddling needed to stop. What I don’t understand is what Jace wanted. If it was sex, he could forget it. I’m not going back down that road. My heart can’t take it.

  “Why don’t you tell me while you drive? This way, if I don’t like what you say, you can still turn around and take me home.” At least I was giving him a chance. That’s more than I wanted to do.

  “That’s fair. So I wanted to talk about something your father said. He made it seem as though I took you to the cabin…”

  “Because of Babboo.”

  He nodded. “That’s not entirely true. There was a new level of concern over your safety. I could’ve brought you to my house, or Carlton could have brought you someplace else. But I wanted to bring you a place that I built with you in mind.”

  “You’re saying you were thinking of me when you built that place? Because there isn’t much stuff that is there for a woman.”

  He chuckled. “I think you forget you weren’t so picky when you were younger.”

  I laughed. “That is true. So you wanted a vacation with me? That’s nice, but that wasn’t our issue. You were hiding things from me. You knew about Babboo even before I told you, and yet you pretended as though it was the first time you heard his name. How do you think that is supposed to make me feel?”

  “I can’t even imagine. All I know is I honestly thought I was doing the best thing for you. I was wrong. I can’t take it back. But if it meant you were safe, even if you ended up hating me, then it was worth it. I just know I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you and I could’ve prevented it.”

  I believed him. Did that make it better? Slightly. “Part of my feeling safe is knowing who I can trust. If you lie to me, how do I know you won’t do it again?”

  “Shannon, I wish I could promise you I’d never hurt you again. That would be a lie. I know I will. It will either be something I say or do, or maybe something I should’ve done. I’m not perfect. Hell, just ask your father. He’ll tell you. I’m in no way good enough for you. That doesn’t change the fact I want to be with you.”

  “We’ve been there twice, remember? Neither time worked out. But I will tell you I spoke to my father. I asked him what happened years ago. I…never knew you wanted to marry me.”

  Jace got quiet for a moment, and then he said, “I was young. So were you. Your father might not have chosen the right words, but I know he wanted what was best for you. Trust me. It’s taken me this long to figure that out myself.”

  “So you guys have worked everything out I see.” That just leaves you and me.

  “I wouldn’t go that far. Your father got me into the Bachelor Towers. I assume that is his way of saying he doesn’t want me anywhere near you.”<
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  I grinned. “No. It’s his way of saying he loves me.”

  “I don’t get it. How?” he asked.

  “I asked him to do it for me.”

  Now his jaw dropped. “I don’t understand why you’d try to get me in there. Unless that’s your way of saying…we’re through for good.”

  I actually believed we were. Not so sure at this moment. “Betsy told me how badly you wanted into that place. How much it meant to you. I just wanted you to be happy. And now that you declined the apartment, I’m still unsure as to why.”

  Jace put on his turn signal and pulled off the highway to the side of the road. Then he put the truck in park and turned to face me. “Shannon, I didn’t take the apartment because that’s not what I want any more. Since you came back into my life, what I desire has changed. I’ve changed. I wish I could convince you of that.”

  “I…think I can see it. I even felt it at the cabin. Our…connection is still so strong.”

  “I don’t think my love for you ever ended. I just put it in a box with a note, don’t open until I’m with Shannon again.”

  That was the most freaking romantic thing I’ve ever heard. But the only word echoing in my mind is the word love. He still loves me. I, for once, was speechless.

  He added, “Your father told me if you love something, set it free. But I don’t want to let go of you again. We’ve lost so much time already that I don’t want to think about the next day, never mind year without you in my life.”

  “I love you, Jace. We were given a second chance. But I’m…so scared about…”

  “Trusting me?” he asked. I nodded. He reached out and took my hand in his. “Trust has to be earned. All I can do is ask for you to give me that chance to prove myself to you.”

  I was working my rebuilding a healthy relationship with my father. Now Jace is practically pleading for the same. But there is a huge difference between the two. My father will always be my father, but Jace, he could change his mind again, and I’m not sure I’d survive it.


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