The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance.

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance. Page 6

by A K Michaels

  “Do you normally just appear in people’s offices?”


  Cassius fought to keep the scowl from his face. A first meeting with the Demon now in charge of the Council should go smoothly, or so he hoped. “As you know, I’ll be sworn in as Dominum in a few weeks and I’ve made great progress in cleaning up Manhattan. However, there are some rather difficult Demons who are causing us problems. I was hoping you’d deal with them.”

  Basilius sat up, crossing his legs and staring intently across the desk. “I could do that for you. Hold on one moment.”

  Cassius opened his mouth to thank the Demon but before he could utter a word the man disappeared. “Damn.” Cassius smirked. “That’s a good trick.”

  Opening his laptop he again thought how lucky they were to still have technology when most of the world no longer did. He had high hopes for getting documentation of Vampires onto the system, as well as expanding the IT Department. Well, seeing as he was the IT Department that wouldn’t be hard.

  As he was about to check the applicants for said IT job there was a change in the air around him and Basilius was once again sitting opposite him.

  “Done,” the Demon said with a cheeky grin.

  “You work fast. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, always happy to help,” Basilius replied in his deep voice. “Anything else I can do to help?”

  Cassius had heard stories about Basilius, ones that he didn’t know if they were true. However, he would treat him like he did any other new business dealings—with caution. “No, I’m sure I’ll manage the rest.”

  “What have you got in the area? Obviously Vampires, but any other species?” Basilius queried, looking calm and at ease as he sat in the armchair.

  “Some Wolves, but they behave, mostly.” Cassius looked thoughtful before carrying on, “We do have a tribe of Fairies in Central Park. Gotta say they’re not what I was expecting.”

  Basilius laughed, a deep throaty rumble before nodding. “I know what you mean. They’re certainly not an inch tall with wings, and they can fight.”

  “More like a tribe of warriors.” Cassius had seen first-hand what they were capable of.

  “Absolutely. You don’t want to get on the bad side of a tribe of those fuckers.” Basilius looked out the floor to ceiling window that overlooked the park. “They can hold a grudge for a lifetime and always get their own back for a perceived insult.”

  “Good to know,” Cassius said, his eyes trying to read the Demon. So far he’d been personable, friendly and helpful. Were the rumors about him true? Or not?

  “You’ve got this place running well. What are your plans now?” Basilius asked as if he was truly interested.

  “We’re lucky to have power and the technology that brings. I’m hoping to hire someone that knows their way around computers and get Vampires documented to keep track of them. It’ll be much easier to track down a Sire if one needs disciplined in the future.”

  “I’ve heard what you’re planning regarding policing your species.” Basilius sat forward. “Is it correct that you are going to hold a Sire responsible for their progeny’s misbehavior?”

  “Indeed.” Cassius’ voice was firm. “That’s the way it was in the old days. If you turn someone then that should mean you are responsible, sort of like a parent. And if you fail to take action when they do wrong, well, that’s not acceptable. I think it’s the best way to move forward. No longer should rogue Vampires be able to roam freely and wreak havoc, killing and destroying others.”

  “That’s a very honorable way to think.” Basilius smiled, his perfect white teeth shining brightly. “I’m glad someone is going to do something about this problem. It’s been going on for far too long and has to be stopped.”

  “Exactly my thoughts.”

  Basilius stood, offering his hand across the desk. “I think we’ll work well together, Cassius, and I hope you find someone soon to employ to start the documentation.”

  “Thank you, I hope we can work together to improve this hell we find ourselves in.” Cassius tapped his laptop. “I’m hoping to interview some applicants next week and then we can get started on the work. It’ll be laborious and time consuming but I think it’ll be worth it in the end.”

  “If I can help then just call.” Basilius stepped away.

  “Wait.” Cassius held up his hand. “We’re having a Masquerade Ball for the inauguration, would you like to attend?”

  Basilius frowned. “What date is it?”

  “Just over three weeks from now.”

  “Aaah, no, sorry,” Basilius said regretfully. “I’ll be on a trip then. I’m visiting some of the more distant continents and will be away for more than a week.”

  “I understand.” Cassius looked for any sign of deception, his gut telling him the Demon was lying, but he saw no indication of it.

  “Maybe next time you’re throwing a shindig I can make it. I’d love to meet some of the other more influential people from your species. I don’t know many Vampires.”

  “I look forward to introducing you.” Cassius gave him his best smile. “We’re not all bloodthirsty fiends.”

  Basilius returned the smile. “I’m sure. Now I have to go, lots of work for me to catch up on.”

  Cassius was just about to say goodbye when the Demon disappeared. “Wonder how he does that,” he said aloud to the empty room as he walked out towards his bed. Undressing as he went he felt his hunger gnawing inside and knew he would need to feed soon, or grow weak, and that wasn’t something he was going to let happen.

  Although the Demon had appeared friendly, helpful even, he remembered the reports he’d received. Cassius didn’t trust that being one little bit and he would definitely stay strong and keep his guard up.

  Basilius shouted as soon as he reappeared in his office, “Orthon!”

  His assistant ran in quickly. “Master?”

  “I need you to hack into Allarde’s network and find out all you can about him looking for an assistant of some sort. Someone that can use computers. Then I need you to insert information for an applicant. Use the name Marie O’Connell and hype her up as being proficient in that field. Use some aliases as references and if any queries come in make sure she gets a glowing report. Once you’ve done that print off what you’ve added and give it to me.”

  Orthon nodded furiously. “Certainly. I’ll get right on it.”

  Basilius halted him. “Did you deal with the mess in my room?”

  “Yes.” Orthon lowered his head, cowering before him.

  “Good.” Basilius tapped his chin, deep in thought and it was several moments before he realized Orthon still stood before him. “Go, you dimwit! Do what I ordered.”

  Orthon darted out, closing the door quickly as Basilius smirked. “I’ll get you right inside Black Rose, then it’s up to you.”

  His disgust for Cassius was deep and his plans didn’t involve the Vampire. He needed someone more malleable in the role of leader of the blood-drinkers. Someone he could use to his advantage and he was going to get that person elected as soon as possible. After The Black Rose fulfilled her mission. She better not fail him because if she did she’d see a side to him that few were permitted to witness: his Demon form in all its glory.

  “What do you say we break out the barbecue and have some steaks tonight?” Seth panted as he wiped the sweat from his face. “I think we deserve it after the day we’ve put in.”

  Rose bent over, her hands on her knees as she gasped for breath. She raised her hand, shaking it around for a moment before she could speak. “Yeah,” was all she managed, her lungs feeling as if they were on fire. Her clothes totally soaked through and every muscle in her body hurt.

  “You okay, Flower?” Seth asked, a grin on his face.

  Throwing him a filthy look, she nodded before standing upright again. She fought to walk without her legs shaking, hoping a shower would help her aches and pains. “I’m fine,” she snapped as she tried her best not to
let him see just how bad she felt.

  His laughter stopped her dead, spinning around to see him shaking his head. “Damn! I’m in trouble. At no time in history is a woman okay when she says ‘I’m fine.’ That’s code for a host of stuff but none of it means she’s fine.”

  Rose snorted, cocking her head to the side and glaring at him. “I’m fine.”

  Seth started to laugh again as he walked toward his room. “I’ll take a couple of steaks out to thaw and then I’m hitting the shower.”

  Usually she would be following, eager to join him in the hot water. Not today. She wasn’t even sure if she’d make it back to her room without collapsing, but she wasn’t going to let him see that. No way, no how, was she going to admit just how badly she hurt. Damn! Even her tongue was sore. How was that even possible?

  “Hmm mm,” she mumbled as she mustered the last remaining dregs of strength from deep inside and went towards her room. When she got inside she almost fell to the floor, hoping her weakness hadn’t shown.

  Who the hell was she kidding? Seth knew her better than she knew herself and he was sure to have seen the signs. At least he hadn’t teased her. Rose stripped as she went, her bathroom almost calling to her as she turned on the water. Grateful once again for the power they garnered from the many solar panels they were lucky enough to have.

  As the steam started to fill the stall she removed her panties and stepped inside. A soft groan of pleasure falling from her lips as the water eased her painful body. Seth had worked her so hard she’d thought she was going to collapse. Only her steely determination getting her through to the end.

  It’d been the first time she’d seen him just as fucked as she’d been by the end. He was taking her upcoming mission deadly serious. Far more than any other she’d taken and that had her over-thinking things. Shaking her head under the water she puffed out a long sigh. “I’m The Black Rose. I can do anything, anything I fucking want,” she spoke aloud, her voice filled with feeling, grit and purpose.

  “Indeed.” A voice caused her to jerk around, grabbing a towel to drape over her body as she looked for a weapon.

  “Who the fuck’s there?” she snarled, her anger rising at the intrusion, steam all around she snaked her hand to the side of the sink vanity, pulling free a short sword from the sheath taped there.

  “Did I scare you?” The deep voice said with amusement and she knew who it was.

  “Basilius, get the fuck outta my bathroom. Now.” She kept hold of the sword as she grabbed a robe, pulling it on quickly and striding through to her room.

  “Out.” She motioned with the sword toward the sliding doors as Basilius looked her over with what looked to be hunger in his eyes.

  “Now,” she reiterated, her anger flaring again.

  As the Demon stepped outside, she heard Seth’s feet running down the hall. “What’s going on?” he shouted as he skidded to a stop just inside her room, a large katana in his hand.

  “Seems Basilius decided to drop by again.” She inclined her head to the Demon now standing on the patio.

  Seth jogged over, outside, then stood before the Demon. “What the fuck do you think you’re playing at? You don’t just appear here whenever you want and you definitely do not enter Rose’s room.”

  Basilius looked Seth over, his face impassive as he shrugged. “I’ve got news and it couldn’t wait.”

  Rose tugged her robe tighter around her as she joined them. “What news?”

  “First, let me ask, do you have any experience with technology? Specifically computers, laptops, that sort of thing.”

  She and Seth looked at each other and then she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Yes. That’s your answer? How much experience do you have?” Basilius frowned, looking unhappy at her one word reply.

  “I’ve got experience with both, quite extensive actually. Why?”

  “Why?” Basilius grinned widely but it was only his mouth that smiled. His eyes still looked at her with hunger. “Allarde is looking to employ someone to start documenting Vampires and to expand his IT department. So, little Rose, I can get you there and you can get in before anyone else.”

  The Demon held out a folder to her, a smirk on his face. “Here, this is the information that’s been added to his search for someone. You need to read it over and make sure you know who your references are. I’ve arranged for any queries regarding your past employment to go to my assistant. He will, of course, give glowing reports of you and your talents.”

  Rose took a step forward, snagging the file quickly. “I see. But, back up, you said you can get me there? I don’t understand. Seth and I were going to make our way up there once the fee deposit has been paid.”

  “No.” Basilius shook his head, glaring at her. “We leave in a few hours. I can transport you and whatever means of transportation you were going to use. I’ll put you a few streets away from the hotel he’s using. You can get in first and dazzle him with your experience and that beautiful smile of yours.”

  Rose almost snarled up at him. “I’m not sure about this. Seth was supposed to be coming with me in case of any problems. Will you ‘transport’ him too?”

  Basilius looked at Seth quickly then turned his eyes back to hers. “No. He can make his own way there. I’m too busy to be darting back and forth. You, Rose, are the person that needs to get there as quickly as possible and ensure you get the job. That way you are inside and can infiltrate Allarde’s business and files. Anything you pass on will gain a larger fee for your troubles. Once you’ve gotten everything you think you can and send it to me, well, then you get to carry out your original assignment.”

  Seth shook his head as he growled. “That wasn’t the mission. She was to go in and carry out her task and leave. Now you want her to hang around and spy for you.”

  “That’s exactly what I want.” Basilius didn’t even bother to look at Seth. “I’ll double your payment. Think of that, two full trucks filled with food and water, as well as the gas. It’ll keep you two going for years.”

  Rose thought about their stocks which were severely depleted and nodded. “Okay. Come back here in four hours.”

  Basilius grinned, again the smile not reaching his eyes. “I’ll see you then.”

  With that he disappeared as Seth stalked over to her, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “What the fuck? Rose, what are you thinking? This is too dangerous, you have to say no.”

  “Seth, I’m not saying no. We need supplies and this is going to make it much easier, safer even, for me. If I get in under the pretense of working there, then I’ll be able to move around freely. It’ll make it simpler for me to do what I gotta do and get out in one piece. Please don’t argue with me. I want us to have a nice meal and relax a bit before I have to leave. You can make your way up to New York as we’d planned and contact me when you’ve arrived. I’ll try and get out to see you but if I can’t then we’ll still be in contact.”

  “I don’t like it, Flower. I’ve got a bad feeling about all of this. Had it from the start and now it’s even worse.”

  Rose shrugged. “We’ve had bad vibes before and got through it. This time will be no different. I’ll have one of the long range walkie talkies as well as my satellite phone so we can keep in touch once you arrive.”

  Seth shook his head as he turned away. “If anything happens to you, I’ll hunt that bastard down and send him right back to Hell.”

  Rose laughed as Seth stormed away. “That’s it, get all that anger out.”

  He turned to throw her a filthy look before disappearing inside. “Guess I better pack,” she said to herself as she returned to her room.

  Tugging her long hair up into a messy knot she stuck a couple of ornate silver sticks through it to hold it in place. They weren’t just for decoration, a present from Seth, she’d spent hours sharpening the points to make them deadly in the right hands, her hands. She would definitely be taking them with her. If she was going to be living within a horde of Vampires they may j
ust come in handy.

  She grabbed her travel backpack and started to fold clothes into it, mostly jeans and casual t-shirts, underwear and thick, fluffy socks she wore with her biker boots. A couple of old and comfortable baggy tees to wear in bed joined the clothes along with a pair of brand new sneakers. The only jacket she’d worn for more than two years lay on a chair, the one she wore while riding her motorbike, leather, softened by use and feeling like a second skin.

  The last thing she put in was her toiletries and she hoped that if she got inside Allarde’s hotel that she’d have a room with hot running water. She always missed her showers when away on a mission, as most places had no power, far less the luxury of bathing. A simple pleasure that she craved whenever it was unavailable.

  Picking up her walkie talkie and phone she went to the bathroom and pulled out a large box of tampons, emptying it and placing them in first before packing the tampons back inside. She’d been searched far too many times to count when out on an assignment, but never had a man actually opened her tampons and looked inside. Usually they would pass over it as quickly as possible, sometimes blushing as they did.

  Men. So easy to manipulate.

  Once she’d packed the tampons inside her pack, pushing it down so it lay about halfway, she looked around to pack one of her prized possessions. A book. A real book and one she’d started before the last mission. Reading was her escape, a way to wind down after taking the life of yet another despicable being. This particular book she’d found the previous year while sleeping in an apartment in a small mid-west town. The person who’d lived there obviously loved reading and there were several books still in good condition so Rose swiped a couple to bring home. This one had drawn her attention because of its title—Halfbreeds. Exactly what Rose was. She vaguely wondered if the author, someone called Eden Elsworth, was even still alive.

  She hoped so because she would hate to think of someone so talented no longer being in this fucked up world. The only problem was that this was book one in a series and so far Rose was loving it and dreaded reaching the end because she wasn’t sure how, or if, she would be able to get her hands on the next one. Damn. She’d need to keep that in mind and see if she could find a library. One that hadn’t been looted or burned to the ground. Maybe, just maybe, she’d get lucky and find the rest in the series.


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