Coming Home (Williams Siblings)

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Coming Home (Williams Siblings) Page 20

by Ann B. Harrison

  "Mummy, help me." The voice coming from inside the bedroom was clearly terrified and it clenched at her heart.

  She kicked and punched at the door, the tears streaming down her face. There was a metallic click and the handle turned. She stepped back. The door creaked and opened.

  Rooney tried to enter the room but something blocked her way. She looked over at Tam on the bed, her hands tied to the bedposts and the blankets thrown on the floor. Her small body was pale in the moonlit room.

  "No." A cold shiver ran down her spine.

  A dark shadow of a man was standing over her, a knife with blood dripping from its point. Her daughter lay in a pool of blood.

  "No, please no."

  "Should have thought of that before you stuck your nose in my business. Now it's revenge time." He stroked the point of the knife down Tam's arm and smiled as the blood welled and dripped onto the bed, staining the white sheets. With a laugh, he stepped to the door waving the knife in Rooney's face. "She’s coming with me. I lose, you lose."

  "No, please. I'll do anything, anything. Don't hurt her." She clawed at the invisible barrier keeping her out of the room.

  Stubbs wiped his mouth with a dirty sleeve. He flipped the knife in his hands, as if pondering his next move. "Anything?"


  Her body jolted and Rooney fell into the room. It was cold and the air smelled musty and hurt her lungs when she breathed.

  "Drop your hands."

  Rooney let her hands fall to her side, exposing her nakedness to him. He walked closer, the spittle running down his chin as he paced around behind, his gaze roaming over her. Swallowing the nausea threatening to choke her, she focused on her child. This is for Tam. I will do anything for Tam. Still the chill covered her skin with a sheen of icy goose bumps. She shuddered at the leery gleam in his eyes.

  The first cut brought tears to her eyes and she gasped for breath, the cold sinking into her belly making her tremble. She glanced down and groaned, breathing through the pain. A line of blood ran from just above her left nipple to her right hip. She watched the red fluid seep from the wound, her heart pumping in her ears. The second cut opened the side of her arm and blood ran down her hand to drip onto the floor, the splashback staining her bare legs. Rooney lifted her gaze and watched the mad changes on his face.

  "Enjoying that, are we?" He cackled and rolled his eyes, his mouth working soundlessly to the tune in his jumbled mind.

  If she could take the knife from him, they might both stand a chance. Tam stirred and threw her head from side to side, whimpering. "Mummy."

  Rooney leapt, ripping the knife from his hand. He retaliated with a back hand, sending her skidding to the floor. She shook her head to clear it, realising she held the knife in her hand. She crawled to her knees as he advanced on her, a murderous rage in his eyes.

  "You fucking bitch, I'll kill you both for that."

  Rooney crouched, ready to pounce and push the knife home, knowing she would only have one chance. She leapt, a primal scream ripped from her throat and she brought her hand down, driving the knife deep into his fleshy gut.

  The blood streamed over her face, warm and salty. Gagging, she rolled to one side, her stomach heaving. A gurgling sound reached her ears and a cold steely vice grabbed her ankle, pulling her toward him.

  "No. No more, please, no more."


  "Rooney, honey, shush, It's okay, I've got you. Wake up, baby." Stevie clutched her to his chest, stroking her hair as he held her tight. "It was just a nightmare, baby, I promise."

  "No, he has Tam, he cut her."

  Stevie pushed her back to gaze into her face. "Honey, it was a nightmare, I promise." He kissed her softly on the lips, brushing his cheek against hers. "Just relax."

  She pushed him away and threw back the blankets. "I have to see." Rooney grabbed a dressing gown from the end of her bed, wrapped it around herself and ran to the door. Flinging it open, she ran toward her daughter’s room. At the doorway, she stood gazing at her child sleeping peacefully, the small puppy at the end of her bed.

  She collapsed on the floor, her hands covering her mouth. The sobs escaped her fingers and Stevie crouched down beside her, holding her tight.

  "What's going on?" Cade hopped out of his room, rubbing his hand over his face.

  "Nightmare. She'll be okay. Russ told us to expect it." Stevie stood up, pulling Rooney to her feet.

  Russ opened his door, looked to see what was happening and walked out of his room toward Rooney. He lifted her chin and looked into her face. "I think you should take a sleeping tablet. You need the rest."

  She shook her head. "No. No, I'll be okay."

  "I'm not asking you, Rooney, I'm strongly advising it. Your body needs to heal as well as your mind and been ripped from your bed with nightmares is doing you more harm than good. At least just tonight, okay?"

  He gave her the big brother frown and she gave in. "Okay, just this once."

  "Take her back to bed and I'll go get a hot milk to go with it," Russ ordered.

  He headed down stairs and Stevie walked her back to bed. Plumping up her pillows, he helped her into bed, tucking her in. Holding her hand, he sat on the side of the bed. "You know I won't let anyone hurt you. You have to trust me to look after both of you from now on, it's my job."

  Tears welled in her eyes and she nodded. "I know, but I can still feel the blood on my face, smell it every time I close my eyes." She looked at him, afraid she was being weak. "I don't want to fall apart. I need to keep it together."

  "Maybe that’s the problem. You coped with having Tam on your own, losing your mother and then your job. Don’t you think it's time to let someone else shoulder some of the load?"

  "Yes it is," Russ said from the doorway as he walked in with a steaming mug of milk and a tablet bottle in his hand. "You need to let someone else in and not be superwoman, Rooney. You have a family to fall back on now, and Stevie. The last thing any of us want is you falling down in a heap." He handed her the mug and opening the bottle, shook out one tablet for her.

  "Thanks." She placed it in her mouth and washed it down with the hot milk.

  "I'm serious, Rooney. You’ll have all kinds of problems if you don't deal with things. Maybe I should give you a referral to someone."

  "Let me think about it. I just need some sleep without nightmares and I'll be fine. Thanks, Russ."

  "Anytime. Let me know if you need anything else. I'll see you in the morning before I go to work." He waved and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

  "Do you think I need to see someone?" She gazed at Stevie, reaching for his hand.

  "It could be a good idea. We get the offer every time a death happens in our line of work. You'd be surprised how much it helps. Some of the guys try to bottle it up and tough it out. Funny thing is, one day it just knocks you to your knees and you don't have any choice but to get help."

  "Just hold me. That's all I want for now."

  She placed her hot milk on the bedside table and shuffled down under the blankets. Stevie slid in beside her, wrapping his arms around her. Rooney closed her eyes and let the world drift away.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Russ ran downstairs and into the kitchen, leaving his briefcase by the door. He walked over and slid a mug under the coffee machine, grinning at Essie.

  "What's got you so happy this morning?"

  "Essie, today is going to be a better day than yesterday. That's enough for me."

  "I suppose it would have to be after yesterday. Bacon and waffles for you this morning?"

  "Sounds wonderful. Is Rooney awake, do you know?" He poured his coffee and took a seat at the island counter to wait for his breakfast.

  "No, still asleep according to Stevie. He’s outside with the little one. They took the dogs for a walk." She bustled around the kitchen, taking a warm plate from on top of the stove and dishing up his breakfast. Essie placed it in front of him and wiped her hands on the apron tied around her waist
. "Needs all the sleep she can get, if you ask me. A terrible business that, just terrible."

  "She was very lucky Stevie was able to stop Stubbs. I can't say I'm sorry to see the earth rid of someone like that." Russ picked up his knife and fork, cutting the bacon before placing it in his mouth. A sound at the back door made him look up. Stevie walked in with Tam holding his hand.

  "Uncle Russ, I told Daddy we should eat breakfast before Mummy wakes up. Then we can take her breakfast in bed. That's a good idea, isn't it, if she doesn't feel good?"

  "I think that is a brilliant idea, Tam. She has to rest up a bit so she gets better sooner."

  She held out her hands, gripping a couple of flowers she had picked on her walk. "These will look pretty in her room." She climbed up on the stool beside Russ. "Can I have some eggs for breakfast, Essie?"

  Essie looked at her, an eyebrow raised.


  "Of course, child. Stevie, bacon and waffles for you?" She walked to the stove top and picked up a plate, ladling eggs out for Tam.

  "Thanks, that would be great." He perched up next to his daughter and watched her eat.

  "How did Rooney sleep?" Russ looked at him, hoping the low dose sleeping tablet did the trick.

  "Yeah, good. She talked for a bit, then snuggled down and was out for the count. I left her snoring soundly when I heard Tam up."

  "Keep an eye on her. Are you going in today?" Russ sipped his coffee.

  "Later on I will. I'm going to take Tam to school then spend some time with Rooney. I can always stay here if I need to. She won't need for anything, you can rest assured on that."

  "I know. It was always you for her. Glad things are working out for the three of you." He took his plate and placed it in the sink. "Better get going, I suppose." Russ picked up his briefcase and walked outside.

  The door banged behind him and he looked up.

  "Russ, a minute if you don't mind." Stevie walked up to him, his dark eyes watchful.

  "I don't want to intrude on your business but Rooney and I were talking last night."

  Russ tensed, waiting for the advice he was sure was coming his way.


  "It's not well known around town but Lizzie has had a few issues. It's the reason she is…well I suppose you could call it standoffish. Rooney thought you ought to know in case you think she’s giving you a hard time."

  "You may as well tell me then. To be frank, I could use some help after the way Paula did her best to destroy my chances the other day." He dropped his brief case and grinned. "Although I doubt she’s going to want to talk to me, I might have to make her listen at least. How do you know so much about it anyway?"

  "You seem to forget I'm involved in the community now. I know more than you would think. She had a bad experience with her ex-boyfriend. Guy threatened her and all sorts of drama. I have a lot of time for her, she's a lovely person. Most people get the wrong idea thinking she’s snubbing them, but that's not it. Lizzie has been hurt more than most people and it's hard for her to let her guard down." He looked around the farm, his lips twitching at something only he knew. "All I'm saying is…be kind to her. Rooney wanted me to tell you to get off your arse and fight for her—her words, not mine."

  "Sounds like her. Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help. She’s had a tough time and none of us were there for her. That makes me sick in the gut, but at least we all have a chance to make up for it."

  "Have a good day and good luck." Stevie turned back to the house, leaving Russ alone.

  He walked down to the barn and got in his car. Before he drove away, Russ tried to sort out in his mind what he was going to say to convince Lizzie to give him another shot.

  Russ drove and thought, and by the time he pulled into the car park at the hospital, his mind was clear and focused. The drone of the lawn mower filled the otherwise quiet morning as he walked inside the hospital.

  "Morning, Doctor Williams."

  "Morning." Russ walked straight to his office and removed his jacket, hanging it on the coat hanger before putting on his white coat. He was doing up the buttons when Diane popped her head in the door.

  "Doctor Williams, I wonder if I can have a minute." She walked in and shut the door behind her.

  "What can I do for you?" Russ stood where he was, the prickles of unease sliding down his back.

  "Well, it's like this." Diane ran her finger over the edge of his desk as she sidled toward him, her eyes half closed and a smile on her face. She ran her other hand over her hips, her gaze on Russ. "I think it's time you and I got together. I know Cold Fish Stanley doesn't do it for you, and she never will by all accounts, but if you’re looking for someone warm and friendly you've found your girl."

  She lifted her top, showing off a wide expanse of bare belly. Before Russ could say anything, Diane launched herself at him, winding her arms around his neck and leaning in for a kiss.

  "Stop right now!" Russ twisted away from her to avoid her lips, grabbing her arms and pushing her back. "I think you forget yourself, Nurse. If I wanted to take you out I would ask you, but I don't. You need to get that through your head."

  Russ ran a shaking hand over his face and tried to keep things from getting too nasty. "Look, you’re probably a lovely person, but to tell you the truth, you’re too young for me. I'm not interested in an affair, I'm sorry."

  "You liar, I've seen the way you look at her." Diane brushed her top down, glaring at him with a sneer on her face. "She won't give it to you. Stanley is a frigid bitch."

  There was a knock on his door and he called out. "Come in."

  Lizzie stood there, her face pale and pinched.

  Hell, she heard that.

  Diane brushed past her and stormed from the office.

  "Lizzie, we need to talk." Russ walked toward her, saddened by the sheen of tears in her eyes.

  "No, we don't. I heard more than I needed to. You’re required in emergency, Doctor." She turned on her heel and rushed away.

  Russ watched her hurry down the corridor before he followed. Today is turning out all wrong. He hurried to emergency and dealt with the growing number of patients lining up for treatment. Diane was in a foul mood and avoided him as much as possible while glaring pointedly at Lizzie. The stress was beginning to take its toll by lunchtime and Russ was relieved to get a break.

  He returned to his office, shutting the door behind him. Russ sat in his chair and leaned back, his head starting to pound with a tension headache. He lifted his hands and massaged his temples, breathing deep to clear his head.

  Before he could feel any relief, his pager beeped and he was heading back to emergency.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  "Thanks for staying with me. I appreciate it." Rooney smiled up at Stevie, her eyes dreamy, her face relaxed. They sat outside under one of the huge trees in the front yard.

  "It's what I'm here for."

  "How did Tam like you taking her to school?"

  He smiled at the vision of his daughter beside him in the police car when he drove her into the school drop of zone. "She seemed pretty proud to arrive in the squad car, even if it is undercover. You've done a great job with her, Rooney. She is an amazing kid."

  "Yeah, she is. I've been lucky I guess. She’s been the easiest kid to raise, which is just as well with all the study and work I've had to do." She looked down at her fingers tearing at the strand of grass in her hand. "Can I ask you something?"

  "Of course you can. Whatever you need is yours, you know that." He waited with a knot in his chest to see what she needed and hoped it wasn't space from him after yesterday.

  "Can you stay with me again tonight? I don't think I can stand to sleep alone for a while and I don't want to take a tablet every night. They knock me around. I still feel dopey."

  "Of course I will. I might need to go home and grab a bag of clean clothes but I won't leave until you say you'll be okay on your own."

  Rooney lifter her hand and cupped his jaw, bringing his lips dow
n to hers. "I'm fine here with Essie. You go and do what you have to do. I'm sure they need you at work."

  "I do have things to take care of but I've promised Tam I would collect her after school. If you can manage until then, I can go into town and get everything done." He stroked his finger down her cheek and traced her lips with the tip of his finger. "I said I'll do anything to prove how much you mean to me, and I mean it."

  "You’ve already proved more than you need to. I love you, Stevie Taylor. I always have."

  Stevie said goodbye and left Rooney in the care of Essie before heading back to town. He was almost at the Police Station when his mobile rang.


  "Stevie, it's Russ. I wonder if you have time to call in and see me today?"

  "Sure, what's up." He listened while Russ filled him in on what he needed help with. "Fine. I'll meet you in your office in half an hour."

  As he passed a service station, he pulled over and brought the morning’s paper. On the front page was a photo of Rooney and Stubbs, and a smaller one further down of Lizzie when she’d been brought in for questioning five years prior.

  "Hell, this is the last thing she needs." He threw the paper on the front seat of his car and headed into the office to sort out his roster and make plans for the rest of the week.

  Then he drove to the hospital. Tucking the newspaper under his arm, Stevie walked inside and asked directions to Russ's office. He walked in and sat in the corner to wait.

  He heard footsteps approaching and a muffled giggle of a young lady. The door opened and Russ appeared.

  "I knew you would come to your senses when you read the real story of Lizzie Stanley in the paper today." Diane walked in clutching onto Russ's arm. When she saw Stevie sitting in the corner, she stopped.

  "Come in, Diane. Have a seat." Russ walked behind his desk. "You know Senior Sergeant Taylor?"

  "Diane." Stevie stood and walked behind her to stand at the door.

  "What's this all about?" She twisted her fingers together and looked up at Russ with frightened eyes.


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