Coming Home (Williams Siblings)

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Coming Home (Williams Siblings) Page 22

by Ann B. Harrison

  Rooney held the glasses while he popped the cork. "Cheers." They tipped glasses and sipped before Stevie took snacks and juice from the hamper. He leaned back and watched the ducks floating on the water he’d skinny-dipped in with Rooney when they were growing up. He wished with all of his heart that Tam would have such the carefree existence they’d had.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  "Lizzie, open the door." Russ knocked, paused and knocked again.

  She could feel the vibrations as she leaned against it, willing him to leave her alone.

  "Go away." Her voice was muffled and she tried again, stronger this time. "Please, just go away."

  "I'm not going anywhere. We need to talk."

  She looked around her lounge, debating ignoring him and climbing under the bedclothes shutting herself off from the world. But that wouldn't make anything better. What was done was done, and she had to live with it. What she didn't have to live with, was the accusations pointed at her all over again because some stupid love-struck girl fancied the new doctor. Life was cruel and unfair. The very reason Lizzie had tried not to get involved with Russ Williams, because sooner or later someone would spill the story to him and he would run. They always did.

  "Lizzie, I'm not going to go away. I don't care if I sit out here all night. We need to talk."

  Tired and suddenly eager to get it over and done with, she unlocked the door and pulled it open. It stunned her how beautiful he was. A blond god with gentle blue eyes and a smile that made her knees tremble. "What do you want to say?"

  "Do you think I could come in? I don't think this is something the neighbours need to hear." He smiled and walked past her, stopping in the middle of the room.

  She shut the door, sliding the lock closed from habit, before turning to look at him. "Say what you have to and leave. I'm tired."

  "I'm sorry about what happened at work with Diane. That was unnecessary and plain mean." He looked around and took a seat on her lounge, gazing at her and no doubt waiting for her to answer him.

  "Fine. Is that it?"

  "No, actually it isn't. I wanted to ask you on another date. How about Saturday night? We can go dancing if you like. Not that I know where just yet, but we can work on that."

  "Are you for real? I was involved in an apparent murder. My face was flashed over the newspaper this morning, as you already know. Does that not mean anything to you?" She stared at him, sitting calm and handsome watching her lose the plot.

  "No. Should it?"

  Lizzie ran her hands through her hair, pulling the tie and letting the curls fall loose. Pain throbbed behind her eyes and she wished it was possible to dream it away. This conversation wasn't going as she thought it would. "Don't you want to know what happened?"

  "Only if you want to tell me. Your choice Lizzie, but it doesn't make any difference to me." He stood and walked to her, taking her hands in his. "Look, Stevie trusts you, so I do too. If you want to tell me what happened, then fine." He shrugged his shoulders. "If it makes you feel better, get it out and lets be done with it so we can move on. It's not important to me."

  She was stunned. This couldn't be right. Maybe if she told him the gory details he might run. Lizzie had to get it out in the open.

  "I had a very controlling boyfriend. Funny how you don't think that way initially. I thought he was just protective and that was kind of sweet." She walked away from Russ and stood with her arms folded across her chest, facing him from the other side of the room. "We were like lost souls who suddenly found each other, at least that’s what it felt like. It was amazing how alike we were. I was totally besotted with James. He did everything for me. If I worked late, he would have dinner, a hot bath and a foot rub ready for me when I got home. Everyone thought I was the luckiest girl." She gave a bitter laugh.

  "Things started to go wrong when we moved from Sydney to here. It was a huge step up in my career and I was thrilled to be offered the job at the hospital. James was all for it at first. He said he was ready for a change and got a transfer with his company, so it was all perfect. Until he decided he didn't like his co-workers or his new company car wasn't as nice as the one he left behind in Sydney. He would blame me. and slowly that blame turned physical. I'm sure you get the picture. Domestic violence and I should have seen it coming, but I didn't."

  The tears flowed down her face and thankfully Russ stayed where he was. "Each day, there was something else that made him angry. I knew the only way to stop him was to get away. So I packed my bags and told him I was leaving." She choked on a sob.

  Russ jammed his hands in his pockets and kept a neutral look on his face.

  "He hurt me so badly that time, I couldn't leave. I was in too much pain. He put me to bed and pretended I was alright. I wasn't. I had to stay in, hidden under the blankets for days before I could face the world. It took me another four months to pluck up the courage to try again. I think in a way he knew it was coming, but this time he changed tactics. He brought out a gun." She took couple of deep breaths before she could continue.

  "He didn't threaten to kill me though. He turned the gun on himself, holding the muzzle at his temple. If I walked out the door, he said he would pull the trigger. I made it to the letterbox when he did it." The vision of blood and brain matter splattered over the walls of their flat came back with a rush. "It was Stevie who was first on the scene. He found me sitting stunned with the body, the gun in my hand. I'd taken it from James afterward. I wanted everything to go back to how it was, before the smell of gun powder and blood filled the room." She bit her lip and glanced at him before continuing. "Rumours flew around that I’d pulled the trigger and Stevie soon discounted that. James's family blamed me, of course, and the lies flew thick and fast. I got immune to them for a while and almost pushed it from my mind when you came on the scene."

  Lizzie, exhausted now sank into a chair opposite Russ. "I tried once before to date again, but it was a mess. He was a nice guy and we got on well until some nice caring friend told him who I was and what had happened. That was the end of that. It was easier not to bother. I can only be ripped to shreds so many times and keep my head, Russ. I can't go through this again."

  Russ stood up and walked slowly toward her. Without saying anything, he held out his hands and she grabbed hold of them. He pulled her to her feet and Lizzie fell against his chest, a sob wrenched from her throat. He held her while she cried out all of the pain and hurt from the last four years. The misery she’d gone through on a daily basis as a victim of domestic violence, and the aftermath of blame and incrimination.

  He managed to steer her in the direction of the couch and they sat together, Lizzie leaning into him for support.

  "I guess now I need to come clean too." He smiled and took her hand. "I can't tell you how sorry I am for what my ex-wife did the other day. It was unforgiveable but very much in her character, I'm afraid. You see, my family are rather well off and when she found out my father had died recently, I think she thought there was more money around than there is. Luckily it’s all tied up in a family trust and she can't touch it." Russ wiped his thumb under her eye, drying the last tear. "There is a baby, as she said, although I can honestly say it isn't mine. Paula was having an affair with her boss and thought she could pass it off as mine when the smell of more money reached her greedy nostrils. She has signed the papers, Lizzie. I'm truly a free man and one who wishes to take you dancing. Now everything between us is out in the open, how about that date Saturday night? You can even pick where we go."

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  He decided to leave off his brace after his shower. Cade picked out his clothes for the night with care. Since Kate had invited him for dinner, he was intent on making the best impression he could. Nerves fluttered in his stomach, something he hadn't had since he was thirteen and keen on a girl. He had always been able to take what he wanted. Tonight he would be at her mercy.

  Cade pulled a white short-sleeved shirt from a hanger, slipping it over his arms before turning
to look at his reflection in the mirror.

  I should have bought her some flowers. Hell’s teeth, idiot. Girls expected something when they offer to cook you a meal. Or chocolates, that always works. He pulled on a clean pair of jeans and slipped on his casual shoes before running down the stairs to the kitchen. "Essie, help. Do you have a box of chocolates in the pantry?"

  She glanced at him, her eyebrow raised in question.

  "For Kate. She's…um…cooking me dinner and I…uh…thought," he coughed, "I should take her something."

  "Go and pick a bunch of flowers from the garden. Your mother’s roses are looking pretty special at the moment." She nodded her head toward the secateurs hanging on a bright ribbon by the back door with her straw gardening hat. "Make sure you bring them back too."

  Cade walked over, grabbed them and headed to the garden. He pushed open the wrought iron gate with Molly by his heels, and walked into his mother’s favourite outdoor space. Roses, right, but which one was the favourite? This should be easier than it is. He looked around the wild collection of vegetables, herbs and flowers his mother planted in a fashion only she could understand.

  "You look a little bit lost, brother." Rooney walked up the driveway flanked by Stevie and Tam.

  "Yeah, you could say that. Hey, which are Mum’s favourite roses?"

  She walked to the gate and wandered in, a serene smile on her face. "You don't know? I'm ashamed of you. Those," she pointed to the same pink flower planted by their parents graves. "What's going on, Cade."

  "I need some for Kate." He looked up at the knowing smile on her face. "Don't even start, Rooney. It's dinner."

  "Sure, you say that now but I happen to know it's more than that for both of you." She watched him hack at the rose bush a couple of times before taking the cutters from him. "Let me." Rooney cut a bunch of roses and pruned the stems leaving them clear from thorns and leaves. "Now let's add some light green foliage to really make them stand out."

  Cade watched her step over, cut a few fern fronds and place them around the roses. He glanced over at Stevie who was staring at her with a besotted look on his face.

  She came back and held them out for him. "Here you go. Just so you know, if you hurt her, you'll have me to deal with." Rooney gave him her death stare and Cade sighed.

  "I have no plan to hurt her. If anything, I’ll be the one coming home wounded."

  Her eyes opened in surprise. "Oh, wow, so little Kate has got to you at last. I'm pleased, Cade. She is a lovely girl." She held her hand over her eyes, shading her face from the setting sun.

  Cade reached out and grabbed her hand. "What is this?" He glanced over at Stevie, standing with a satisfied smile on his face.

  "This beautiful thing? It's an engagement ring. Stevie popped the question again and I said yes." She threw her arms around Cade's neck, a squeal piercing the air and he managed to hold the flowers out of her way.

  With one hand, he grasped her tight. "I'm really pleased for you guys. Congratulations, Stevie. Hoped you would become one of us sooner or later."

  Tam ran through the gate and held out her hand, proudly showing off her ring. "Look what Daddy gave me, Uncle Cade."

  He crouched down and took her hand inspecting it seriously. "You are one lucky girl, Squirt. Congratulations, all of you."

  "Now we just have to work on you and Russ." Rooney tilted her head and smiled.

  "Whoa, not so fast girl. It's dinner, okay. Nobody mention the 'm' word for a bit." He gave a fake shudder and grinned at his sister. The thought of being tied to Kate wasn't as scary as he would have her believe. It had a nice gentle feel to it and the more he thought about it, the cosier it became. Almost like coming home.

  "Somehow I don't think you will have much luck with Russ. He’s too damned conservative for his own good." Cade shook his head, sad for his brother. He couldn’t understand someone so set in their ways they’d refuse to fight for what they wanted.

  "Don't worry about Russ." Stevie crossed his arms and nodded his head. "He’s on the right track."

  Cade and Rooney looked at him waiting for more, but he wasn't forthcoming.

  "Well, well. That will be interesting—getting information from Big Brother." Rooney winked and laughed, taking her daughter’s hand. "Let's go and get you bathed ready for dinner, young lady. Daddy and I need an early night. I'm feeling just a little bit shattered with all this excitement."

  Cade watched the blush rush up his sister’s cheeks and smiled at Stevie. It looked like they had a few things to catch up on. He hoped against hope that he would get lucky tonight too and thought about slipping a couple of condoms into his pocket. Worth a go, but he wasn't going to push her and risk blowing the whole relationship thing if she thought he was treating her like a groupie.

  "Thanks for the help." They all walked inside and Cade hung up the secateurs and placed the roses in the sink while he ran upstairs. Slipping a couple of condoms in his back pocket, he wiped his hands on a towel.

  Normally, his palms wouldn't sweat but the closer he got to going over to Kate's cottage, the more nervous he got. He splashed on his favourite cologne and ran downstairs.

  Essie had tied his roses with twine and brown paper, and held them out as he came into the kitchen. "Thanks, Essie, they look great."

  "Welcome. Don't forget the wine in the fridge. Have a good night, Cade." She winked at him and he stared at her.

  "Yeah, sure. Thanks." That felt weird.

  Cade got the bottle of champagne, walked out the door and bent down to talk to Molly. "I need you to stay here, girl. Stupid cat is scared of you." He patted her on the back and walked over the lawn to Kate's, the nerves in his gut churning.


  The knock on the door made Kate jump and she dropped the spoon, letting it fall into the gravy. "Shit." She had never been this affected by nerves before. She didn't know if it was because she was worried about doing the right thing or how she was going to stop herself jumping his bones as soon as he walked in the door. Grabbing a fork, she lifted it out and balancing carefully, carried it over to the sink, letting it fall into the soapy water. She turned off the stove and pushed the pan to the back, away from the heat before smoothing down her clothes.

  The strappy green dress showed off her bare shoulders, hugged her waist and fell in folds around her knees. It was an impulse buy, and one she had regretted every time she opened the wardrobe and saw it hanging there. Even her position as farm manager didn't give her any opportunity to wear it.

  The colour was hard to resist because it showed off her coppery red hair to perfection according to the shop assistant. All Kate knew was, as soon as she slipped it over her head, she felt pretty and that was enough.

  She hurried to the door, took a deep breath and grasped the handle. Looking over her shoulder to make sure Wally was out of the way, she took another calming breath and turned the handle.

  Cade stood on her doorstep with a bunch of flowers in front of him. The anxious look on his face made her stomach contract. He's as nervous as I am. I don't get it. He was fine before and I'm sure he's used to being chased by girls.

  "Hey Cade, come in. They're very pretty flowers." She stepped aside to let him enter.

  "Thanks, I picked them for you." He thrust them into her hands, chewing his bottom lip.

  Kate squeezed her thighs together as a shot of pure sexual energy ran to her core. She leaned against the hallway wall and waited for him to pass. With a couple of deep breaths, she followed him into the lounge. Wally lay on the couch, watching with half closed eyes.

  "I left Molly at the house. We didn't need a repeat of last time." He looked around and Kate had a chance to look her fill of him. Tonight she was going to take him to her bed, and she would be the one to make the first move.

  "Can I get you a drink, Cade?"

  "I can wait for dinner. Anything you need a hand with in the kitchen?" He walked toward her, a strange look on his face. He looks really nervous. Well, I'll be. That makes two of us

  "I think I'm okay. Did you want to sit out the back on the veranda and I'll bring dinner out soon?"

  "I'd rather give you a hand."

  Kate backed into the kitchen and stopped when she found herself against the bench.

  Cade followed. His stance went from nervous to predator by the time he reached her. Placing a hand either side of her on the edge of the bench, Cade leaned in to place his mouth close to hers. "I think there is something I need to do before I think about food though." He placed his lips on hers, tasting at first, then firmer.

  Kate gave over to the feelings racing through her body. She gripped his hips, pulling him against her. The heat raced through her core, screaming for release. A groan escaped her throat and Cade pushed her back against the bench. She could feel the hardness of him against her stomach and ground into him.

  His teeth grazed her bottom lip and along the line of her jaw. She quivered under him when he kissed the soft skin below her ear, a quiver that went all the way to her throbbing centre. Kate ran her hands up his back under the cotton shirt. His skin was silky smooth. She brought her hands between them and traced his stomach muscles.

  With a gasp, he stepped back. "Wow. Just wow."

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Kate's face flamed with heat and she tucked her hair over her shoulder as she looked at him.

  "I'm glad you did." He rested his hands on her shoulders, leaned down and dropped a sweet kiss on her nose. "Thing is, my darling Kate, if you continue to do that, we won't get dinner tonight."

  "Would that be a problem?" She tried to look innocent and broke down in giggles when he frowned at her. "Okay, I get it. You are hungry." Kate reached up and kissed him. "Let's do dinner then we can take up where we finished, okay?"

  Cade coughed. "Yeah…um…that would be great. Are you sure, Kate? I don't want to rush you or anything."

  "Yes, I'm sure. Now help me with dinner. You can take out the salad and the wine. I'll bring the chicken."


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