by James Curran
racism 7–8, 198–201, 245–7; anti-anti-racism 189–93; coded racism 205; institutional racism 193–5, 196–8; press racism 184–6; reaction to report on racism 204–6; spin 209–10; targeting Labour 206–9
racist bin liner 61–2
radical right government 20, 21
Rallings, Colin 162
Rampton, Anthony 192
‘Rape of the Innocent Minds’ 95
Raphael, Adam 125
reaction to report on racism 204–6
Reading Matters Bookshop 107–8
Red Ed 218–21, 220, 224, 228, 235; failure of 225–6
Red Ken 18, 32, 176–7
refugees 186–9
Reinhold, Sue 89–90, 92
reiteration 109–12
Reith Lectures 112
Rentoul, John 111
Reporting London 41
reporting on GLC (Greater London Council) 50–2
Rhead, Rebecca 241
Richardson, Robin 209
Ridley, Nicholas 15, 94, 122, 148
riots 27–8
Rippon, Sir Geoffrey 54
rise of New Labour see New Labour
Robinson, Nick 230
Roche, Barbara 188–9
Rossi, Sir Hugh 84, 90, 97, 103
Rothermere, Lord 173
Rowbotham, Sheila 9
Runnymede Trust 201, 206
Russians 235–6
Salim, Pat 93
The Salisbury Review 192
Saltoun, Lady 99, 102
Sampson, Anthony 112
Sandbrook, Dominic 146, 219, 235
Sanders, S. 103
Sands, Sarah 176
Sawyer, Tom 129
SCA (Shadow Communications Agency) 147–8, 154, 157
Scarman, Lord 27
schools, multiculturalism 10
Scruton, Roger 191–2
The Scum 108–9
SDP (Social Democratic Party) 27
Searle, Katy 231, 260
Section 28 98–104, 112
Secure Borders, Safe Havens: Integration with Diversity in Modern Britain 200–1
sex education 85–6, 110; ‘freedom fighter of the angry suburbs’ 88–91; Clause 28 104–9; Haringey Council 93–6; London local elections May 1986 82–3; Lords 96–8; parental rights 93–6; ‘promoting homo sexuality’ 98–104
Sex for Beginners 95
sexual discrimination 8
sexuality 20; gay liberation 241–2
Shadow Communications Agency (SCA) 147–8, 154, 157
Shaw, Eric 151, 159
Sherman, Alfred 192
Shore, Peter 257
Shropshire Star 63
signification spirals 109
sixties generation, new urban left 12–14
Skelmersdale, Lord 100
Sky News 259
“sleepwalking to segregation” 212
Smith, Anna Marie 103, 109
Smith, Chris 91, 106, 182
Smith, Graham 130
Smith, John 165–7
Snapchat 261
Social Democratic Party (SDP) 5, 27
social media 233, 235, 260–1, 263
Soley, Clive 106
Spare Rib 7
Spearing, Nigel 131
spending, local governments 120
spin 176–8; racism, 209–210
spiral of silence 170
Spraggs, G. 103
Staines, Paul 263
Star 69
Stern, Chester 61
Steven, Stewart 198
Straw, Jack 193, 195, 197, 200–2, 204, 206–7, 209–210, 212, 245
strikes, miners’ strike 128
subversion: moral subversion 32; political subversion 26–31
Sun 64–6, 165, 172, 254–5; 2017 General Election 235; attacks on Foot 146; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 70, 75; Brown, Gordon 179; congestion charge 176; institutional racism 199; Miliband, Ed 227; ‘Red Ken’ 176; sex education 87, 94; targeting Labour 207
Sunday Express 123; gay literature 107
Sunday Mercury 73
Sunday Mirror 52; congestion charge 244
Sunday People 65; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 72
Sunday Telegraph: ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 74; Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain 202; homosexuality 86; institutional racism 195, 198; racism 191; Reading Matters 107
The Sunday Times 123, 150; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 73–6; Corbyn, Jeremy 229
Sunday World, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 70
support for community groups, GLC (Greater London Council) 33–4
Swann, Lord Michael 192
Swann report, Education for All 192
Tatchell, Peter 83, 145
Tebbit, Norman 17, 18, 122, 148, 191, 210
terror, IRA (Irish Republican Army) 30–1
Thames News 41
Thatcher, Margaret 17, 19, 20, 30, 36, 103, 108, 133, 135, 142
Thatcherism 142
Thomas, James, 145–6
Thomas-Johnson, Rosemarie, 102
Thompson, Daley, 205
Thrasher, Michael, 162
Times 148, 175, 255; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 74; race relations 190; racism 191; reaction to report on racism 205; sex education 82
Times Educational Supplement 192; sex education 88
Tingle, Rachel 102
tolerance 186
Tottenham Conservative Association 84
Toynbee, Polly 111, 130, 199
Tracy, Honor 192
Travis, Alan 205
trust 177–8, 255
Tumany, Gerrard 90
Tunstall, Jeremy 257
Twitter 261
Two Kingdoms 192
The Unfinished Revolution 183
urban myths: ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 69–76; ‘Barmy’ Bernie Grant 62–5; fake news 76–8; lefties bar manholes 67–9; racist bin liner 61–2; ‘total tissue of lies’ 65–7
Utley, Tom 229
van Dijk, Teun 185
victimhood, GLC (Greater London Council) 43–4
Video Recordings Act 1984 116n71
Virago publishing house 7
The Voice 70
voluntary groups, GLC (Greater London Council) 48
Wainwright, Hilary 9
Walker, John 78
Ward, Michael 9
Waterhouse, Keith 68
Waterson, Jim 77, 262
Watkins, Alan 135
Watkins, Lord Justice 42
Waugh, Auberon 73–4
Weekly Herald 65
Weightman, Gavin 50
Welch, Colin 18
West Indian Children in Our Schools 192
Westminster journalists 257–9
Whitelaw, William 17, 52
William, Sir 197
Williams, Lynne 66
Williams, Shirley 66, 192
Wilshire, David 104–5
Wilson, Harold 26
Wilson, Tony 43
Wilson/Callaghan government 5, 6
Winter of Discontent (1978-9) 143–4
Wintour, Patrick 147, 150, 156
women-only shortlists 168, 243
women’s liberation 20–1
Women’s Liberation Workshop 7
women’s movement 7, 10–11, 242–4
Wood, Deirdre 123, 149–50
Worsthorne, Peregrine 19, 191
Yorkshire Evening Courier, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 73
Yorkshire Evening Press, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 72
Young, Gay and Proud 105
Younge, Gary 194, 196, 205