A Werewolf in Manhattan

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A Werewolf in Manhattan Page 22

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “Come here.” Continuing to cup her head in both hands, he urged her forward.

  She looked into his eyes as she crawled toward him and allowed him to draw her close for a long, hot kiss. The seductive movement of his lips and tongue pulled her down, down, into a whirling vortex of sensation. She missed the moment when he transferred his grip from her head to her hips.

  Without interrupting the kiss, he guided her into position, sliding his cock into her with such fluid grace that it felt like dancing. When they were locked together, he sighed against her mouth. “I could stay like this ... forever.”

  The words, so sweet and sincere, pierced the armor she’d been vainly constructing around her heart. She lifted her head to gaze down at him. “Don’t you dare fall for me, Aidan.”

  “I can’t.” But the truth was there to see in his golden eyes. He was going down for the count, just as she was.

  “I can’t fall for you, either.”

  He kneaded her bottom with his talented fingers. “So, don’t.”

  “I definitely won’t.” She closed her eyes because it was the only way she could lie to him. “I’m only here for the sex.”

  “Yeah.” His voice was husky. “Me, too.”

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “And the research.” Then she began to move, showing him with her body how she felt, even if she couldn’t say the words. Her gaze locked with his as she began a steady rhythm. The glow in his golden eyes reflected the same emotion she felt, the one neither of them could name.

  Gradually she increased the pace and watched the fire build in his eyes. He held her hips loosely, allowing her to be in control. Even as his jaw clenched and his breathing grew labored, his touch remained gentle.

  Surely that took effort. Her trust grew as she began to understand how deeply his protective instincts ran. Man or wolf, he would go to great lengths to keep her from harm. And her trust was returned. In this moment of intimacy, he’d surrendered completely, allowing her to be in command.

  She shifted the angle slightly and felt him begin to tremble beneath her. “Let go, Aidan,” she murmured.

  He struggled to breathe. “Will you?”

  “Yes ... soon.” She pumped faster. “Come with me.”

  “Emma ...” He rose to meet her, his movements in perfect cadence with hers.

  “I’m here.” She began to pant as her womb tightened. “Now, Aidan. Now.”

  With a groan, he held her still and surged upward. She climaxed at the moment of impact, and his name fell from her lips in a cry of pure joy as his orgasm flowed into hers.

  They rode the wave together, freed for that brief moment from the forces that conspired to keep them apart. Despite those forces, she knew they’d forged a bond ... and it was growing stronger.

  He had to know it, too. Quivering in the aftermath, she looked once more into his beautiful eyes. The emotion she’d glimpsed before was still there. Vibrant and strong, it said more than words ever could.

  And it would have to be enough.

  Chapter 22

  We’re in big trouble. Aidan had suspected it from the moment he’d realized his attraction to Emma, but as she smiled and tucked herself into his arms with a contented sigh, he began to understand the full extent of the problem.

  This petite blond woman—with a mind that had intrigued him from the beginning and a body he desired beyond all reason—could be his downfall. Or he would be hers, depending on how this all played out.

  Roarke had warned him, but Aidan hadn’t listened. Worst of all, he didn’t regret a single minute he’d spent with Emma. As he stroked her silky hair and wondered how the hell he’d ever dig himself out of this mess, the bedside phone rang.

  “I’ve got it.” Emma propped herself on his chest and reached for the receiver.

  “Maybe I should—”

  “Never mind. I have it.” Resuming her snuggle position, she put the phone to her ear. “Hello? Oh, hello, Nadia.”

  Aidan squeezed his eyes shut. Not the person he needed to be talking to right now.

  “Sure, he’s right here.” Emma shifted her position slightly so she could hand him the receiver, but otherwise she continued to nestle close.

  If Aidan didn’t know better, he’d think Emma was guarding her territory. But she wouldn’t stake a claim to him ... would she?

  He put the phone to his ear. “Hi, Nadia.”

  “Hi, yourself. When Emma said you were right there, she wasn’t kidding. I take it she doesn’t scare easily.”

  “Guess not.”

  “Are you two in bed?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t catch that. Must be some static on the line. What can I do for you this morning?” He grabbed Emma’s hand as she began tickling him.

  “There’s static on the line,” Nadia said. “And it’s you trying to blow smoke. I tried your cell phone, and you didn’t answer, so that’s when I called your room. I’m downstairs in the lobby.”

  “Oh! Um, I’ll be right down.”

  Emma scooted up and began nibbling his earlobe.

  “Don’t come down,” Nadia said. “I’ll be glad to come to you. In fact, I’d prefer that. Because we already have a Henderson bodyguard stationed outside your door, the hotel gave me a key to access the elevator, but I thought providing you with some advance warning would be a classy gesture.”

  “Thanks, Nadia. You’re welcome to come up here, but could you give me ten minutes?”

  Emma pushed herself to a sitting position and frowned at him.

  Nadia chuckled. “Yeah, sure, lover boy.”

  “See you in ten.”

  Emma scrambled out of bed. “You should have asked for twenty,” she said over her shoulder as she headed for the bathroom.

  “It wouldn’t matter,” he called after her. “She’s figured out we’re involved. And you weren’t helping, by the way, by tickling me and nibbling on my ear.”

  Emma paused and turned back to him. She looked like a wood sprite—naked, rosy, and ready for more of what they’d just enjoyed. “Aidan, I have to say this, and then I’ll shut up about it. It’s a crime against nature for someone as passionate as you to spend a lifetime with someone you’re not excited about.”

  “It’s my—”

  “Your duty. I know. You said that. And if you’re hell-bent on doing your duty, I guess there’s nothing more to discuss. But if your parents truly care about you, I can’t imagine them wanting you to make such a sacrifice. In fact, I can’t imagine Nadia making that sacrifice, either, or expecting you to.”


  “And just so you know, this isn’t about you and me. Being the crown prince and all, you probably still have to hook up with a female werewolf, and that’s cool. But at least pick someone you have some chemistry with.”

  He opened his mouth to argue the point, but she’d already disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He’d do well to follow her example and make himself presentable before Nadia showed up. He headed toward his own bathroom.

  Nine minutes later, he walked into the penthouse living room dressed in slacks and a white dress shirt open at the collar. He’d chosen typical work clothes because he needed to stop the fun and games and get down to business. His hair was slightly damp, and he’d nicked himself while shaving, but other than that, he looked reasonably respectable.

  The door to Emma’s bedroom was closed, and he could hear the hair dryer. Apparently coming in contact with Theo’s head the night before hadn’t broken it. Aidan wondered whether Nadia believed the hammer story. Probably not, but he was very curious as to why she’d come here today.

  Right on time, she rapped on the door, and he hurried to open it. Having a chance to talk to her before Emma came into the room would be a good thing. No telling what would come out of Emma’s mouth.

  Nadia smiled as she entered the room with her usual graceful stride. Under a black goose-down jacket, she wore a metallic gold running suit.

  He helped her off with her
coat. “You’re looking great, as always.”

  “Thanks. You’re looking happier.”

  “Happier than what?” He’d never given much thought as to whether he looked happy or sad.

  “Happier than you usually do. I think Emma must be good for you.” She stopped him as he started to put her coat in the closet by the foyer. “Don’t bother. I’ll keep it with me. I won’t stay long.” Her gaze swept the room and lingered on the coffee table where the remains of Emma’s breakfast sat on one side and his untouched plate sat on the other.

  Aidan figured she’d have no trouble reconstructing the scene—obviously they’d started out eating breakfast and ended up abandoning the meal to jump into bed. He hadn’t given himself time to clear away the evidence, but then again, so what if Nadia saw this? It wasn’t as if she hadn’t suspected.

  “Please, have a seat.” He gestured toward the two sofas. “I’ll order up some fresh coffee.”

  She walked over and sat down on the right-hand sofa, the one he’d chosen for eating the breakfast he’d never touched. “No coffee for me. Thanks.” She glanced up at him. “I came to warn you that my father’s swallowed Theo’s ridiculous story—hook, line, and hammer.”

  “That’s what my dad said.”

  “I know Theo’s lying, but it’s too bad both of you ended up shifting in front of Emma.”

  “It was the only way I could effectively fight him, but you’re right. It’s not good.” Aidan thought about the benefit he’d derived—being able to have sex with Emma without a condom—and realized he wasn’t as sorry as he should be.

  “How did she take it?”

  “She ...” He hadn’t really thought about that, either. “She’s fascinated—which, now that you bring it up, is remarkable. You’d expect her to run screaming into the night, but she didn’t. She wants to learn more.”

  “But the more she learns, the more she could reveal about us.”

  “Yeah.” Aidan paced in front of the fireplace. “I’m not sure how that’s going to be resolved.”

  “Obviously, my father’s frantic, which is why he posted that guard. What steps have you taken so far?”

  Aidan outlined the cobbled-together plan of substituting a virtual book tour for the in-person one and whisking Emma away to Upstate New York. “Her mother thinks we’re madly in love and I’m taking her to an undisclosed tropical hideaway,” he added.

  “The first part of that story appears to be true.”

  He hoped she was making a wild guess and his obsession with Emma hadn’t turned into a flashing neon sign above his head. “It’s not.”

  “Okay. You would know.”

  Aidan grabbed the first change of topic he could think of. “How’s your brother?”

  “Obnoxious as always. But he has a pretty big knot on the back of his head. I don’t buy the hammer story, but what happened?”

  Emma came out of her bedroom wearing black slacks and a soft white turtleneck. “I bonked him with the hotel hair dryer, which still works, amazingly enough. I wish I could say I’m sorry I smacked him, but I’m not. He was trying to hamstring Aidan.”

  Nadia glanced from Aidan to Emma. “You were defending him, even when you knew he was a werewolf?”

  “What difference does that make? He was still Aidan under all that fur, and he’d come to my rescue when Theo shifted. I wasn’t about to stand by and watch him get hurt.”

  Nadia’s eyebrows lifted, and her gaze swung to Aidan as if to say, See? Madly in love, both of you. Then she turned her attention back to Emma. “Aidan says you’re curious about our lifestyle.”

  “That’s putting it mildly.” Emma walked over and sat on the sofa opposite Nadia. “I could get so many ideas for my books! You’re a creative person, so I’m sure you can understand how exploring the actual world of Weres would provide unlimited inspiration for my work.”

  Nadia leaned forward, and her voice was warm with empathy. “I do understand, but ... having you know so much is a danger to us, Emma.”

  A chill slid down Aidan’s spine. “She won’t be. I’ve promised everyone that.”

  “And I’ll promise, too!” Emma looked so earnest, so eager. “I can be trusted with this information. And I could help with your PR image. Not to brag or anything, but my books sell pretty well. Aidan said he was happy to find a writer who portrayed Weres in such a positive light.”

  “I’m sure he was, but whether a writer presents a good picture or a bad one doesn’t really matter if we remain a secret society. And we’re committed to that, or I should say most of us are.”

  “Theo isn’t,” Emma said.

  Nadia sighed. “No, he isn’t. He’d like to have us all uncloak ourselves and stage a massive takeover. I’m sure he thought you’d help him because your books are so sympathetic to Weres.”

  “Dear God.” Emma recoiled in horror. “By writing my books, I caused the Wallaces to put me under surveillance and Theo to crank up his takeover scheme. All I wanted was to create an entertaining fantasy that would earn me enough to live on.”

  Her plaintive tone caused Aidan to round the sofa and sit next to her. “Theo was headed off the deep end before you came along,” he said. He longed to take her in his arms and reassure her, but he wasn’t going to do that in front of Nadia.

  “Yes, he was,” Nadia agreed. “But I’m afraid he’s changed your life forever, Emma.”

  Aidan winced. He’d been trying to avoid saying it so baldly.

  “I know.” Emma sounded brave and resolute. “But no matter how my life has changed, I need to have two things stay the same. I want to continue my publishing career, and I want to be able to see my mother. Those two things are nonnegotiable.”

  Nadia exchanged a glance with Aidan. They both knew Emma was in no position to dictate terms.

  Yet Aidan also knew at that moment that he would stake his reputation—no, that wasn’t right. He would stake his life on seeing that Emma got what she wanted. He couldn’t allow Theo, or himself, for that matter, to be responsible for ending her career or her relationship with her mother.

  “And as long as I’m making pronouncements,” Emma said, “I might as well get this off my chest, Nadia. I think this marriage pact you and Aidan have going on is ridiculous.”

  Aidan groaned. “Emma, let’s not get into—”

  “Yes, let’s do,” Nadia said. “Because Emma’s right. Until this weekend I had assumed that both of us were so committed to uniting the two packs that we couldn’t allow ourselves to feel deeply for someone else. I thought we were programmed that way from the day our parents decided to give us names that were mirror images of each other.”

  “I am committed to that,” Aidan said quietly. “I have been ever since I was old enough to understand.”

  Nadia met his gaze. “Then you have a greater talent for self-sacrifice than I do.” She stood. “That’s mostly why I came up here, to see for myself what I sensed was a growing bond between you two. Now that I’m convinced how strong it is, I’m renouncing you as a potential mate, Aidan. You’re free.”

  Although a huge weight lifted from his heart at her words, Aidan couldn’t let it go at that. He came to his feet. “You can’t just go against the wishes of the packs and throw away the proposed merger of our families.”

  “Yes, I can. It was never a great idea to begin with.”

  Emma stood and raised both fists in the air. “Hallelujah, a woman with common sense! Excuse my terminology. I should probably say a werewolf-slash-woman with common sense.”

  Nadia laughed. “I think it’s the woman part that’s making this stand. My werewolf side always wants to go the traditional route, but at the moment my twenty-first-century emancipated female is in charge, and she wants to kick this outdated custom to the curb.”

  “Good.” Emma folded her arms and smiled in obvious satisfaction.

  “There will be hell to pay,” Aidan said. “Your father—”

  “My father and your father will have to deal with t
his and realize they’re asking the impossible. Besides, I plan to blame the whole thing on Theo and his shenanigans, and I would advise you to do the same. The threat of Theo forced you into proximity with Emma, which ignited your mutual attraction.”

  Aidan sighed. “The fallout will be significant, but in reality they can’t do much about it, I guess.”

  “Nope. They can rant and rave, but it’s our decision.” She paused. “Still, I need to warn you that, although I’ll try to hang this on Theo, everyone will probably blame you and Emma, and mostly Emma, because she’s not a Were, which makes her an easy target.”

  Aidan moved closer to Emma, as if he might have to start defending her at any moment. “But that’s so unfair. She didn’t ask for any of—”

  “It’s okay.” Emma laid a hand on his arm. “I don’t mind taking the fall if it means you’re free to marry for love.”

  “In a perfect world,” Nadia said gently, “he’d be free to marry you. But all things considered ...”

  “I know that, too.” Emma lifted her chin. “I’m a human, and the pack will despise me for leading their crown prince astray. As I said before, all I want is my career and the freedom to see my mother.”

  “And you’ll get that,” Aidan said. “No matter what I have to do, I promise you’ll get that.”

  Chapter 23

  No sooner had Nadia left than Roarke called Aidan, and Emma watched in awe as the Wallace team went into action. Howard Wallace contacted his old pal Roger Claymore, and before Emma could turn around, her book tour had been rearranged. The Internet and Skype would allow her to appear at each bookstore on a computer monitor, and fans would be able to talk to her as if she were there in person.

  Emma fielded a call from Jenny and gave her publicist the phony tropical getaway story Aidan had concocted. Emma tried not to feel like a lying piece of crap for misleading yet another trusting person in her life.

  But the truth would put Jenny at risk, just as it would her mother. Emma had never aspired to a cloak-and-dagger life, but she’d been thrust into one anyway. She preferred her conflicts on the page, but she couldn’t figure out how to dial back the drama.


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