Enemies in Love [High-Country Shifters 4]

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Enemies in Love [High-Country Shifters 4] Page 4

by Melody Snow Monroe

  His chest was still damp, so she lightly patted it dry. His cock had thankfully gone limp, but even so, it was huge. Not needing the distraction, she placed a dry cloth on top to keep her mind focused on the task. Kranor might not mind running around naked, but she didn’t need him displaying his prowess.

  She ran her hands down his legs to check the number and depth of the cuts. Most looked like they’d heal quite well. When he was feeling better, she’d suggest he shift into wolf form and clean the wounds himself. There was no better healing power than the body’s own saliva.

  From when Kranor had been in the tub, she’d noticed it was his back that had the worst of the wounds. She slipped out of the bedroom and found Jude in the living room. He was sharpening a knife. When he looked up, he smiled. Only when his glance dropped to her breasts did she realize that he had full access to her. She wasn’t shy, but she’d been told the wolf women covered themselves. As soon as she treated Kranor, she had to remember to change her clothes since hers were bloody and wet—and see-through.

  “Do you think you could help me turn him on his side? I want to examine his back.”


  This time when he walked next to her down the hall, he kept his gaze focused ahead. She had to swallow her smile. For some crazy reason, she wanted him to find her attractive. He might be a wolf, but he had this gentle strength that she liked.

  The only way to expose Kranor’s back was to lean him up on his side. “Maybe you can find a few pillows to help prop him up.” When he didn’t move, she figured he didn’t see the reason for the request. “The wounds on his back need to get air to heal.”

  “You hold him, and I’ll search for something.”

  “Thank you.”

  As she held up Kranor, she scoured his back for any infection. There were more muscles than flat areas. Only one cut worried her. The red rim around the wound looked bad. She waited until Jude returned, so she could make a poultice.

  Jude returned. “Let’s try this.”

  He’d brought a triangular pillow from the sofa. “How about draping a few cloths over it?”

  He tapped his head and did as she suggested. When she let go, the contraption kept Kranor from rolling on his stomach.

  “That seems to work. Shout if you need me.” He treaded lightly and disappeared from sight.

  Now it was up to her to make sure the man who had haunted her dreams survived. Using every bit of knowledge she’d learned from her mother and brothers, she fixed him up the best she could. Time would tell how well he healed.

  Before she’d even packed up her gear, Kranor began thrashing. He slapped away the bolster pillow and stretched out on his stomach. While his ass plumped up nicely, his chest wounds, minor though they might be, would not heal without the air.

  Since his side had only superficial cuts, she pulled on his shoulder to get him back up on his side, but no matter how much she tugged, he was too much dead weight. Stupid man.

  She got off the bed and looked around for something large that would keep him from moving. Nothing came to mind other than another body.

  “Shit.” She went in search of Jude again. He looked up from a book. Seriously? The man read? Too often the shifters either watched television or ran around when they weren’t fighting. She searched for any sign of electronics but found none.

  “What can I help you with?”

  “Can I trouble you to help me move Kranor again?”

  He instantly popped up. “He giving you trouble?”

  “I wish. He’s out cold.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I’ll show you.” She appreciated how he was always willing to lend a hand. Once they got into Kranor’s room, he was still on his stomach and the pillow was on the floor.

  “I see.”

  “I thought I could lie down next to him on my side and prevent him from moving. What do you think?”

  He grinned. “When he wakes up, be prepared for some action.”

  Once more her mouth opened. “He is not in any shape to have sex, and even if he were, it won’t be with me.”

  Jude said nothing as he rolled Kranor back on to his side, but from the way he kept looking at her, he wanted to make a comment.

  She lay down next to Kranor in the oversized bed and positioned herself so that his shoulder rested against her back. She had to support her head with her arm since he was using the one pillow. How Jude left and returned without her notice she didn’t know, but a moment later his warm hands lifted her head and placed a fresh pillow underneath.

  He lightly kissed her cheek. “Sleep tight. I’m next door. If you need help, you know what to do.”

  She chuckled. “Thanks.”

  This was going to be the longest night of her life.

  * * * *

  Henla swore she wasn’t able to sleep, but when something poked her in the back, her eyes opened. “Kranor? You need something?”

  When he didn’t answer, she slowly rolled over. To her dismay, as soon as she got on her other side, the man fell forward and nearly crushed her. Only now did she realize the full extent of his fever. The man was on fire.

  Hardly any light came through the window. Since there was no clock in the room, she had no idea what time it was, but one thing was sure, Kranor needed help. She thrust her leg out to give her some momentum. She moved an inch. Using all her strength, she pushed up on her elbows and managed to get out from under him and prayed she hadn’t harmed him.

  Once free, she inched her way to the door and fumbled on the side for the light sensor she’d seen Jude pass his hand over. The room immediately was bathed in a dim light. She needed to see more. She swiped her hand again but nothing happened. Having different technologies between the two territories sucked, but she had to make do. After her eyes adjusted, she went back to the bed.

  “Kranor? Can you hear me?” She nudged him.

  He didn’t budge. The wound on his back looked worse despite the poultice. If they could rouse him, dipping him in a tub of ice water would do wonders to bring down his fever. She needed help.

  He groaned. Good. “Kranor?” Worry ate up her insides. Jude was relying on her to save his friend. “Kranor!”

  He cracked open an eye. That was a good sign. “What?”

  “You have a fever. You need to get up.”

  He groaned and turned his head away from her. Desperate, she had to use her ace. “I’ll have sex with you if you get up.”

  She didn’t say it was right now, so technically she wasn’t lying.

  How he managed to push up to a seated position, she had no idea. She swore she caught a glimpse of a smile. She checked out his wounds and was pleased many of them had started to heal. “I’m going to draw a bath for you. Wait here.”

  She went to go when he reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Sex first.”

  Chapter Five

  “He causing a problem?” Jude stood in the doorway, looking way too adorable in what looked like American pajamas.

  Kranor let go of her wrist. “Trying to get my half of the bargain.” No one could miss the pain lacing his voice.

  She looked back at him. “I said you needed to get in your wolf trough just as soon as I fill it. Then we’ll talk.”

  What followed was unintelligible. She faced Jude. “He’s burning up. He needs a cold bath.”

  “Not cold. Hate cold.”

  Tough. It was the only way she knew to bring down the fever. If this didn’t work, she’d have to insist they find a medical doctor. Her brand of medicine usually worked, but Jude had waited too long to call her in. Kranor’s wounds had already gotten infected. Besides, she had no idea if her herbs worked the same way on wolves as they did on lions.

  Jude nodded. “You draw the bath, and I’ll get the ice.”

  She waited for Kranor to shoot back a complaint. When he crumpled to the bed, she rushed over to Jude. “I don’t think we’ll be able to get him in the bath now.” She drew in her bottom lip and d
ragged her sweaty palms down her skirt. “Instead let’s pack some towels with ice and place them on his body.”

  Not one to spend unnecessary time talking, he got to work. She ran a hand over Kranor’s chest. His body was covered in sweat, and her stomach ached for his pain. Her frustration mounted. They needed better care. Jude rushed in with two cold compresses.

  “Here’s the first batch.” The torment in his voice nearly tore her in two. Clearly, he and Kranor cared deeply for one another.

  When she placed the cloth on Kranor’s forehead, he didn’t even seem to notice. Next she placed one in the middle of his chest. It wasn’t a good sign that he didn’t react to the blast of cold. “I’ll need a few more.”

  Jude disappeared and returned quickly. She placed one on either side of his groin, hoping he’d cool faster. She spotted a chair in the corner and pulled it next to the bed. Jude was glancing down at his friend. His shoulders slumped.

  She looked up at Jude. “Why don’t you get some rest, and I’ll sit with him. If there’s a change, I’ll wake you.”

  He walked over to her and squeezed her shoulder. “Henla, you’re a good woman.”

  He must have understood that to have two of them exhausted wouldn’t do Kranor any good. She watched Kranor for another hour, but her chin kept dropping to her chest. A moan jerked her awake. Her lids flew open and she leaned forward.

  Damn. The ice had melted and had dribbled onto the bed. She gathered the sopping wet cloths and hurried into the kitchen to repeat the process. She must have made too much noise because Jude came out.

  “How is he?”

  “Not any better.”

  “As soon as it’s light, I’m going to get the doctor.”

  “You read my mind.” That was a relief, but he should have contacted him sooner. “Let me replace these, and then I want to talk with you.”

  She hurried into Kranor’s room and placed the cold compresses once more on his body trying to bring down the fever. He thrashed about, but the cloths seemed to stay put at least for the moment.

  She returned to the kitchen and sat at the table. “Tell me why you didn’t get help after the fight.” She tried not to sound accusatory, but from the way he winced, she’d failed.

  “How much have your brothers told you about us?”

  She had to admit that Kranor’s name didn’t come up all that much, but the last time she’d heard either man mentioned was in reference to helping Malik and Cavon. “Not much.”

  “You probably can surmise that the fact we helped save four lions implies we don’t condone all of the senseless killing by our clan.”

  “Neither do I, but sometimes it can’t be helped.”

  “I know, but the wolves are intent on taking over Anterra. They laughed about mauling children when they are in cub form.”

  She covered her mouth. Wolves had mauled two young boys only last month. “They laughed?” Her lip curled.

  “Yes. They were making fun of how stupid lions were at the bar and how much all lions deserved to die. Kranor reacted. What started out as a fight of one against one ended up as one against four.”

  Her throat tightened in sympathy. “I’m surprised he wasn’t killed.”

  “I stepped in, but that brought on more wolves. Kranor is a better fighter than they are. He had the chance to kill one, but he was merciful.”

  The horror of war sickened her. “Why can’t we live in peace? There’s food enough for everyone.”

  “It’s not about food. It’s about power. That’s why we’ve chosen to move on the edge of the territory. We’re growing our own food the best we can, but we need others to join us.”

  She couldn’t imagine trying to survive on her own. “The lions depend so much on each other.”

  “We do, too.”

  “Is that why you didn’t want to go to the hospital? You thought they might try to harm Kranor?”

  Jude nodded. “He’s known around town as the one who is against the wolf philosophy. I tried to talk him out of going to town, but he said he wasn’t ashamed of what he believed.”

  “I hope he learned his lesson.”

  A small smile lifted his lips. “I doubt it. Kranor is stubborn.”

  She knew a lot of lions who fit that bill, too. “Don’t you work with the wolves?” Taryn had mentioned something about selling mineral rights.

  “Yes. I don’t think many of the wolves like us, but they tolerate us because they need our services.”

  “You said you would get a doctor to come here tomorrow? Do you think he’d be willing to treat Kranor?”

  “I know one doctor, Tamor Kran, who does not believe in the killings either.”

  “Ah, so he’s the type to make house calls to the less than desirables.”

  This time, he did smile. “I see you’re catching on to our politics.”

  He should have called the man sooner, but the deed had already been done. She yawned. “I need to get back in to Kranor. I’m afraid when the ice melted it soaked the sheets.”

  “I’ll help change them.”

  She quirked a brow. “Do you read minds?”

  “Yours? Absolutely.” He winked, negating his comment. Nonetheless, she felt more at ease with him than most other men.

  * * * *

  Henla didn’t remember when she decided to crawl into bed with Kranor, but she did fall asleep. The sun streaming in the window woke her. She immediately rolled over to check on him. Damn. Not only was the bed drenched again, but his skin was clammy and hot.

  “Knock, knock.”

  She jerked up and blinked. A tall, broad-shouldered man, carrying a case like the ones she’d seen on American television, came into the room. She scooted off the bed but kept her gaze on him. His full lips and strong jaw gave an appearance of strength. Okay, the broad shoulders helped with the image.

  From the way her body was reacting, he was also a wolf shifter. No doubt he knew she was part lion, but he said nothing, as if it didn’t matter if she were a giraffe.

  “I’m Henla.” She held out her hand.

  He shook it. “Tamor. So how’s the patient this morning?”

  She liked that he was all business. “No change. I tried to bring down the fever with ice, but it had little effect.”

  He straightened. “If you’d give me a few minutes alone with him, I’d like to examine him.”

  Since she’d placed a towel over his groin, the doctor probably thought that was for privacy and not to bring down his temperature. “Sure.” She glanced again at Kranor. “I had covered him with ice, but it melted.”

  The man’s lips partly lifted. “I see.”

  She dragged a hand through her hair. She probably smelled. Hell, she did smell. She was covered in Kranor’s dried blood. As soon as the doctor left, she was going to take a shower. Her stomach grumbled, and she went in search of food. Jude said to help herself.

  When she got to the kitchen, he was pulling eggs and some meat out of the cooler. “I take it you’re hungry?”


  “Sit down and let me fix something for you. You don’t look so hot.”

  That was not what she wanted to hear, but he’d said it with enough cheer in his voice that she forgave him. The moment the eggs hit the pan, the scent made her stomach go crazy again. He popped in some toast and cut up more fruit. After he flipped the eggs, he tossed the meat in another pan. By now, her mouth was watering.

  “Do you cook for the both of you?”

  What are you…

  Who said that? Her brain seemed to tighten. She rubbed her temple, fearing she was going crazy. It was as if someone had shoved words in her head.

  Jude rushed over. “What’s wrong?”

  She couldn’t tell him. “Nothing.”

  He leveled her with a stare. She didn’t want to move her lips, but it was as if he’d willed them to move and tell the truth. “I thought I heard something in my head.”

  “What did I say?”

  She jerked at th
e implication. “I can’t read minds.”

  He smiled and pushed back his chair, probably because smoke heavily scented the air. He removed the eggs and the meat. He slapped the meal on a plate and placed it in front of her. “Eat up.”

  Something was going on, but now wasn’t the time to question him.

  The snap of the doctor’s bag caught her attention. A second later the doctor entered the kitchen.

  “I’ve done all I can. I cleaned his wounds and gave him an antibiotic.” He placed a vial of pills on the table. “Give him one every six hours.”

  He looked up at Jude. From the way their eyes were moving, they were communicating. That really pissed her off.

  “If you have something to say, say it in front of me.”

  Neither could erase the sparkle in their eyes. From that reaction, at least the good doctor wasn’t telling Jude that his friend only had hours to live.

  “Call me.” The doctor walked out.

  “What the hell was that about?”

  Jude poured her some juice and brought it over. “He commented on how pretty you were.”

  The man exuded sincerity. “Oh. Next time you see him, say thank you for me.” She gobbled down her meal. “This is divine.”

  “I’m glad.”

  She cleaned her plate in no time and placed the dishes in the sink. “I’m going to check on Kranor. Then, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take a shower.”

  “Do you need help?”

  Her mind raced to all sort of places, none of which was good. “Do I?”

  She couldn’t figure how the light switch worked in the bedroom, so maybe the shower would be as troublesome. It would be terrible if she got naked and then couldn’t figure out how to turn on the water. Calling him in for help might suggest she was interested in having hot monkey sex with him.

  Whoa. Where had that idea come from? She squinted her eyes. “Are you putting more ideas in my head?”

  He burst out laughing, and the sound swirled around in her mind, coating it with such joy that her whole body thrummed.

  “No, sugar. Come on. I’ll show you the intricacies of our shower system.”


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