Untitled Book 2

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Untitled Book 2 Page 12

by Chantal Fernando

  Faye stays quiet for a moment, but then says, “I call the shepherd.”

  I grin, pressing my fingers together like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. “Colt is mine.” Colt was the harlequin Great Dane that had grown attached to me over the last few days.

  “You named him Colt after Lana’s character?” Faye asks, laughing even harder than before, tears forming in her hazel eyes. “Basically you named the dog after Tracker’s alter ego.”

  “It suits him,” I say, lifting my shoulders in a shrug. “He’s going to be as big as a horse too, so it goes.”

  When Clover picks up the Neo and says, “Mom can we keep this one?” Faye and I share a scheming glance. Yes, our plan was going to work out just fine.

  “Should we do an evil laugh too?” Faye asks, copying my Mr. Burns hand moves.

  “I feel like it’s appropriate.”

  “Mwahahahahahahaha,” Faye laughs, making it sound pretty damn evil.

  I copy her, and then she does it again, and then so do I.

  Sin walks out and gives us a suspicious look. “What the hell are the two of you up to?”

  “What gave us away?” Faye asks, tone full of mock innocence. She then starts giggling. “How great is my evil laugh, babe? I should be in a Disney movie.”

  Sin blinks slowly, then turns his eyes to his daughter. “We’re not keeping all those dogs.”

  “Of course not, honey,” Faye replies, waving her hand flippantly. Under her breath she mutters, “Just two of them.”

  In that moment, I realize that when I grow up, I want to be Faye.



  I HIT the punching bag for the last time and then step back, sweat dripping down my face.

  “Do you fight in the ring?” Shay asks, looking at the place the guys usually spar with one another.

  “Yeah, we usually do,” I say, moving to the weights. “Once a month we’ll all get together, make sure our fighting skills are on par.”

  “Do the women fight?”

  “Faye and Anna do. They teach the rest of the women some self-defense moves. Faye is pregnant, so she can’t teach you now, but you should ask Anna. It’s important to know, and it could save your life one day.”

  Just in case I wasn’t there to save her.

  “I like that idea,” she says before moving to the treadmill. I watch her ass as she starts to walk, her headphones in her ears, then moves into a jog. The yoga pants she’s wearing are sexy as hell, showing off every curve she owns. When I start to get hard, I realize us working out together isn’t going to work. I lift the weights a few times, trying not to look in her direction and fail. Eventually I put them down and sit on one of the benches, watching her.

  “Working hard, I can see,” Tracker says, chuckling. “You look like the seediest bastard right now, you should see yourself.”

  Not bothering to deny it, I shrug and say, “Best ass I’ve ever seen. I can’t help it. Did you hear about the puppies?”

  “No, what about them?” he asks, then adds, “By the way, that was my move, you asshole. You stole it and made it even better by getting three of them, different breeds too. Overachiever.”

  My body shakes, I laugh that hard. “Shay loves animals. Her happy place is a fuckin’ pet store, so I wanted to bring her happy place to her. I didn’t mean to steal your thunder, brother.”

  “Well it seems to work, doesn’t it?” he says, tying up his hair in that fuckin’ man bun thing the women are always raving on about. “So what were you saying about the pups?”

  “Shay talked Faye into keeping the rest of them,” I tell him, smirking. “She’s crafty, I give her that. Faye and Clover are both going to take one each.”

  She probably got it from her asshole of a cousin.

  “Best move she could’ve made,” Tracker agrees, pulling off his T-shirt. “How’s Sin taking it?”

  “He said the dogs weren’t staying.”

  “What did Faye do?”

  My lip twitches as I say, “She went out and bought three dog kennels, each with the dog’s name on the front. Then she somehow bribed Sin into being okay with it. Who knows what creative shit she came up with to sway him.”

  “I don’t even want to know.” Tracker laughs. “Maybe she played the pregnancy card.”

  “Maybe,” I agree, my eyes zoning back onto Shay.

  “So, is she staying here, then?” Tracker asks, following my line of sight. “The two of you seem fuckin’ inseparable. I know you claimed her, but you haven’t really spoken about making her your old lady.”

  “It’s still early,” I reply, standing up. “We’re still getting to know each other.”

  “Seems a little more than that,” Tracker comments before walking off to start his workout.

  I don’t know why everyone wants me to explain what’s going on with Shay and me, because I don’t even fuckin’ know how to explain it without sounding like a dickhead. I’m just enjoying her right now, while trying to save her ass at the same time, so I do have the option of making her my old lady. If I’m being honest with myself, it’s something I definitely plan on doing. But everyone else doesn’t have to know that. Shay gets off the treadmill, pulling her earphones out and closing the space between us.

  “I know only twenty minutes of cardio is shit, but I’m hungry,” she says, looking sheepish. “And I miss Colt.”

  I shake my head. “I’m gonna stay here and do some weights. I was getting distracted by your ass.”

  She turns and does a little booty shake, making me growl.

  “Get out of here, you little temptress.”

  She drops her towel and picks it up, taking her own cool time with her ass in the air.


  She straightens and flashes me a seductive look over her shoulder. “I’ll see you later.”

  I look down at the tent in my shorts and sigh.

  * * *

  “What did you buy me for my birthday?” Faye asks me as she fries some eggs. “I just want to know how big it is, you know, so I know what to get you for your birthday. So from a scale of cheeseburger to a car, how extravagant is my gift?”

  I look at Sin with a How the fuck do you deal with her? expression, but he just smirks and drinks his coffee. I haven’t bought Faye anything yet, one, because I didn’t even know her birthday was coming up, and two, I haven’t exactly been to a shopping mall in a while.

  “It’s somewhere in the middle,” I tell her, scowling at Sin as he chuckles. “What are you buying your lovely wife, brother?”

  “It’s a surprise,” Sin says, keeping a straight face.

  “I love surprises,” Faye says, serving the eggs onto plates.

  I look at Sin, who mouths, “I have no fuckin’ idea.”

  “When is her birthday?” I mouth back.

  “Next Wednesday,” he replies, smiling as Faye puts his plate in front of him and then another one in front of me.


  “Thanks, babe,” Sin says, grabbing her and kissing her stomach.

  “You’re welcome. I’m not making dinner though, so someone else will have to tackle that. I have to head to work. Don’t forget to pick up Clover from school today.” She kisses his lips. “I’ll see you at home tonight.”

  Faye and Sin have their own private house, although they are here most of the time. I owned a house too, but I was currently renting it out. I like living at the clubhouse and don’t plan on moving out anytime soon.

  “Vinnie, Shay’s breakfast is in the frying pan,” she says, kissing me on the cheek, then hustling out of the kitchen to get to her law job.

  “What are you and Shay doing today?”

  “Apparently buying your wife a gift . . . something in between a cheeseburger and a car.”

  Sin barks out a laugh. “She’s something else, isn’t she? Never a dull moment.”

  “She’s like a fuckin’ superhero. Makes us breakfast; goes to her law job, where she dominates that field
too; a great mother; and she also carries around nunchakus in her purse.” I pause. “That she can actually kill someone with.”

  “Not to mention what she’s like in the bedroom,” Sin adds, lip twitching.

  “I’d rather not hear about that,” I say, cringing.

  Shay walks into the kitchen, freshly showered. “’Morning, Sin.”

  “Good mornin’,” Sin says, nodding his head to the stove. “Hungry? Grab a plate.”

  She serves herself, then sits down next to me.

  “Guess where we’re going today?”

  “Where?” she asks, biting into her toast.

  “To the mall to buy Faye a birthday gift.” I look back at Sin. “We having a party here or what?”

  “We should throw her a surprise party,” Shay suggests, a gleam entering her eyes. “She’s always doing everything for everyone, I think it would be fun.”

  “Faye would find out,” Sin and I say at the same time.

  Shay laughs and rolls her eyes. “What if we did it before her actual birthday? I don’t think she’d be too suspicious then.”

  “Are you offering to organize this?” Sin asks her, contemplating.

  “I am, yes.” She looks at me. “You’ll have to take me around to get everything we need though.”

  “Not a problem.”

  We could do it all today, as a matter of fact. Get Faye’s present, decorations, and whatever other shit we need. Then the day before the party go and do a huge grocery store run.

  “When are we going to do this, then?” I ask them both.

  “I think the more people we tell, the more likely Faye is to find out. We could organize the whole thing ourselves, just tell everyone to come by here, say this Saturday night. That won’t be out of the ordinary, and it’s only a few days before her actual birthday,” Shay suggests.

  “I think it’s perfect,” Sin says, blue eyes on Shay. He looks impressed, and for the first time I actually see him soften a little toward her. I know he was unsure about her from the start—what with her ties to Talon and her story that doesn’t quite add up, but also because he looks after his own and wouldn’t want to see me get tangled up in something unless it was worth it.

  But he didn’t have to worry, because she is definitely worth it.



  CHET Faker’s “I’m Into You” plays in the car as we’re on the way to the mall. Excitement filling me, I glance down at the quick list I made for all the supplies we’re going to need for the weekend.

  “Remember, stick by me at all times; don’t fuckin’ go wandering off,” Vinnie lectures me, not for the first time.

  “I won’t. I’m not stupid, Vinnie. I won’t leave your sight, and we won’t linger, just go in and out and get what we need to. What do you want to buy her for her birthday though?”

  “I was kind of hoping you’d have that under control,” Vinnie admits, glancing at me, then back at the road. “You’re a woman, she’s a woman, do you see where I’m going with this?”

  I raise my eyebrow at him. “What do you normally get her?”

  “Last year I got her a gift voucher for that makeup store she’s always spending all her money at.”

  “How about a gold bracelet or something?” I suggest. “I guess it depends how much you want to spend. I can use my credit card, unless they’ve figured out my fake name by now and can trace me from it.”

  “Why the fuck would I ask you to use your money?” Vinnie asks, sounding annoyed. “You don’t need your cards, or your father’s money. I can give you everything you need.”

  “I have money,” I say, a little defensively. I don’t want him having to pay for everything for me, when I do have money put away. I don’t really like the idea of having a man look after me in that way. I prefer to be a little more independent, especially since my father passed away, there are shitloads of it sitting in the bank. His accounts are under his shell corporation, in my name in case something were to happen to him. I plan on giving away most of it to charity but to keep enough to buy myself a house and to support me until I can find a full-time job.

  “I know you have money, Shay,” he says in exasperation. “But I want to take care of you, and I can. I have money too, you know. Not fuckin’ millions like you, but more than enough for us to live a good life.”

  Sometimes he says things like he plans on us being together forever, and sometimes he acts like he has no idea what’s going on between us. To be honest, I don’t think he really knows what the hell the future will bring, and neither do I. I want him, more than anything, but it’s almost stupid to admit after such a short period of time, isn’t it? I’m keeping my thoughts to myself, but eventually we’re going to have to talk about this. Actions speak louder than words though, and he treats me like I’m his woman. I am his woman.

  “You don’t have to take care of me,” I say, gentling my tone. “If I can access the money, I’m more than happy to contribute money toward everything. I don’t like the idea of you having to pay for everything; it just doesn’t sit right with me.”

  He surprises me by chuckling.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Just thinking about how spoiled and selfish I thought you’d be, but you’re nothing like that at all, as you keep proving to me over and over again. I’ll tell you what, let me take care of everything for now. When everything is a hundred percent safe, you do what you want with your money, but for right now, I’m going to take care of you. I’ll give you one of my cards, and you use it as you wish. You don’t have to ask me for shit; it’s yours—do whatever you want with it.”

  That was actually really sweet. I can’t think of anything worse than having to ask him for money, so having my own card without any explanations is very thoughtful of him. Either way, I will be paying him back for every cent that I use.

  “Okay,” I agree hesitantly.

  “Spend whatever on Faye’s present, I don’t mind,” he continues, reaching his hand over to place the card on my thigh, rubbing his thumb in circular strokes. “Do tell me what’s on this list of yours.”

  I glance down. “The present. Balloons. Birthday sign. Order a cake. I thought it would be easier just to get plastic plates, forks, cups, etcetera. And alcohol. I’m going to make some mocktails for Faye, since she can’t drink. The food we can get on Friday, or even Saturday morning.”

  “We could get one of the DJs from Rift to come,” I suggest, knowing how much Faye loves to dance. “I think she’ll like that.”

  “Excellent idea!” I beam at him. “That sounds awesome, Vinnie. So we’ll all hide out in the back, get Sin to lead her in.” I pause. “And hopefully she actually will be surprised.”

  “Don’t underestimate her,” Vinnie says in a dry tone. “She’s a fuckin’ ninja.”

  “I believe it,” I say, smiling. “So first stop . . . how about a jewelry store? Tiffany’s? Or maybe we can get her a designer bag, what woman wouldn’t love one of those?”

  Vinnie cringes but nods his head in agreement. “I can’t even wait in the car while you run in because of those fuckin’ assholes looking for you. I swear, I’m going to kill them just because of this.”

  I roll my eyes at how dramatic he’s being and lean over to press a kiss into his rough cheek. “You’ll survive, Vinnie. I’ll be as quick as I can.”



  I WAIT outside the store, watching everyone who enters and leaves. There’s only one entrance/exit so there’s nowhere else she could leave from, just in case someone decided to try something. Chances are slim, of course, but better to be safe than sorry.

  My mind wanders to Shay, who is happily making an effort to give a woman she only just met a birthday surprise. I don’t think I’ve met anyone like her before. She’s always present, always eager to help. Usually upbeat, even though if I’m being honest, her life is in shambles right now.

  When I check the time and see that she’s been in there
for twenty minutes, I decide to go and check on her, just in case. She said she’d just be in and out, but she is a woman after all. When I glance around the shop and can’t see her, my heart starts to race.

  Where the hell could she be?

  I dial her number, but she doesn’t pick up. Did someone take her? How? Unless there’s a staff back door that they were able to leave through. I’m about to call for backup when I see her standing in the corner, talking to a woman.

  “Shay,” I growl, ready to take all my worry out on her. She sees me, eyes widening, and says something to the woman before meeting me halfway across the room. I grip her upper arm and all but drag her out of the store. “I thought I lost you.”

  “I was right in there,” she says, brow furrowing. “Sorry I took so long.” She holds a little bag up in her hand. “There was a lot to choose from. I think I found her the perfect one though.”

  “I almost had a heart attack,” I say, exhaling deeply, trying to slow down my heartbeat. My hand lets go of her arm and moves up to her nape.

  “You thought someone got to me inside a store that only has one exit at which you were standing?” she asks, the look on her face telling me that I’m overreacting.

  “Well, you were in the fuckin’ corner of the store, a blind spot where I couldn’t see you, so what else was I supposed to think?”

  I let go of her nape, but she reaches up and touches my arm with her hand. “I’m sorry. Nothing happened, as you can see. Next time, I’ll be quicker.”

  My anger all but disappears. “Next time I’m coming in with you.”

  My fear of losing her is higher than my dislike for shopping, and I feel fuckin’ stupid for letting her go in alone in the first place. From now on, she doesn’t leave my sight.

  “Okay,” she says, shrugging her shoulders. “We’ll be joined at the hip for all future shopping endeavors.”

  See? Upbeat.

  She’s one of those always-look-on-the-bright-side people, and it’s contagious.

  I open the car door for her, and she flashes me a little smile in return. I wait until she gets in, close the door, and then make my way to the driver’s side.


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