Death of Darkness

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Death of Darkness Page 37

by Dianne Duvall

  Her frown deepened.

  “If you change your mind and wish to speak to Dr. Lipton or one of our therapists, just pick up the phone, call my office, and say I could really use some chocolate.”

  His words finally succeeded in erasing her frown. “What?”

  He smiled. “I could really use some chocolate. It’ll be our secret code so Jordan won’t know what it’s about. Melanie loves chocolate. So I’ll send her in with some and she’ll mention wanting to do a little more blood work. Once you leave the room with her, she’ll bring you to my office where we can speak without the vampires or Jordan listening in.”

  She gave a slow nod. “Okay.”

  “Just don’t use the code in an attempt to escape. That would be a real dickish move because I’m honestly trying to look out for you. Okay?”


  “Anything else you want to talk about while the vamps can’t hear us?”


  “Okay then. Let me help you get Jordan settled on the sofa.” Opening the door, he headed back into the apartment’s main living space. Jordan was an inch or so above six feet and muscular like the other Immortal Guardians. Chris grunted as he folded the man over his shoulder and rose. “Sometimes I really wish I had you guys’ strength.”

  “I could’ve done that,” Liora pointed out as she watched him.

  “Nah. I’m fine.” He dumped Jordan on the sofa. “If you don’t want him in bed with you, make him take the sofa. If he gives you any grief, the vampires will tattle on him.”

  Her head swiveled as she looked at the wall. Her lips twitched.

  “Let me guess,” Chris said. “They’re agreeing?”


  “Good. Just don’t drive her crazy with your chatter, guys. And give her at least a few days to acclimate before you start hitting on her.”

  Genuine amusement shone in the eyes she turned back upon him.

  “I’m not even going to ask what they’re saying now,” he said, unable to hear them.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you.”

  It was good to see her looking a little less shell-shocked. “Well, I’ve got work to do, so I’m gonna book.” He offered his hand.

  She hesitated, then shook it.

  “It’s good to meet you, Liora, no matter the circumstances. I’ll be seeing you again soon.” He strode over to the door. Removing the key card from his pocket, he swiped it, then shifted so his back blocked her view and typed in a code. A thunk sounded as it opened. “Oh.” With one hand on the handle, he turned to face her. “Would you like me to bring Tessa to you once she returns?”

  She tilted her head to one side. “Who is Tessa?”

  Surprise struck. “You don’t know Tessa Hayes?”

  “No. Should I?”

  Releasing the door, he drew his cell phone out of his pocket. After opening Photos, he scrolled through images until he found one of Tessa. “You’ve never seen this woman?” He turned the screen to face Liora.

  Moving closer, she studied the picture. “I have seen her. Just once. But I didn’t know her name. Why? Who is she?”

  “She’s another gifted one Gershom kidnapped and transformed. You only saw her once?”

  “Yes. She had just been told that Seth killed Veronica and her son Michael. Gershom held her while she wept, then took her away to grieve privately.”

  His lips tightened. Fucking Gershom. “Was she being held at the same location you were?”

  “Yes.” Her features hardened. “Until Seth captured and killed her.”

  “Seth didn’t kill her, Liora. She’s alive and well and can come visit you if you like.”

  She stared at him. “Tessa is alive?”


  “Veronica is, too?”

  He sighed. “No. We weren’t able to save Veronica. But Michael is well.”

  Her face filled with uncertainty.

  “Do you know where Gershom was keeping you?”

  “No. He always teleported me there because he was afraid Seth would read it in my thoughts if he found me and kill us all.”

  “He held Jordan there, too?”


  “Was it a home or—”

  Chris, Jared warned in his head, don’t damage the progress you’ve made by interrogating her. I will search her memories for the answers you seek.

  Right. He shook his head. “I’m sorry.” He sent her a smile. “We don’t need to go into that right now. You need rest and time to process all of this. There’s nonperishable food in the cabinets. I’ll have perishables delivered for the fridge. There are also more satellite television stations than you’ll ever need and an iPad loaded with thousands of e-books, movies, and apps if you grow bored. Remember, if you decide you want some chocolate, just pick up the phone and call me.”

  She looked toward the wall. Her lips slowly turned up in a smile as if she didn’t want to but couldn’t help it. “The vampires said they want some chocolate.”

  He laughed. “Take it up with Melanie, boys. She’ll be back soon.” He swung the door open and motioned her closer. “See the big guy down the hallway?”

  Cautiously, she approached and poked her head out.

  Still leaning against the guards’ desk, Jared tossed her a wave.

  “That’s Jared. He’s old as shit and will talk your ear off if you give him half a chance.” The multitude of heavily armed guards around Jared all nodded with long-suffering looks that nearly made Chris laugh. “But he’s a good guy. If you need anything and for whatever reason can’t reach me, just say his name.”


  Smiling, he stepped out into the hallway. “Try to get some rest, Liora.”

  She nodded, looking so lost and vulnerable that it broke his heart.

  It was hard as hell to close the door, but he forced himself to do it. She needed time.

  And he needed to get back to work and help Seth eradicate Gershom once and for all.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Reclining on a sofa, Leah covered her mouth to stifle a yawn. The hands of the clock that silently kept careful time had long since passed midnight. Then one a.m., two a.m., three a.m., and beyond. Normally, Leah would have to wake, eat breakfast, and open her store in a few hours. Mandy had taken over that task for her temporarily. But Leah still found it hard to stay awake.

  She and Seth hadn’t slept much last night… or this afternoon. Not that she had any complaints there. She would choose sex with Seth over sleep any day. She had never in her life had so many orgasms so close together. She hadn’t even thought it possible. And would love to see if she could again. Just the idea of him running his big hands—

  An image of her and Seth sitting beside each other on the edge of a playground sandbox suddenly filled her head, an elaborate sandcastle rising in front of them.

  She frowned. That was weird. Why had that—?

  A small hand closed over her knee.

  Leah glanced down.

  Adira stood before the sofa, leaning into Leah’s leg and watching her with expectation.

  Had she been trying to get her attention while Leah was fantasizing about Seth?

  Leah smiled. “I’m sorry, sweetie. What was that?”

  Again the image of her and Seth in the sandbox filled her head.

  Leah stared at the little girl. Had she done that? “You want to go to the playground again?”

  Adira nodded. “Wif Baba.”

  Leah looked at Ami. “That’s amazing.”

  Sitting on the floor with her husband amid wooden blocks that were stacked in various formations, Ami raised her eyebrows. “Did she show you a picture of it in your mind?”


  She nodded. “Adira has strong telepathic abilities. Since she doesn’t speak much yet, she tends to communicate with images a lot.”

  Leah smiled at the toddler. “I’d love to go to the park with you and Baba. Can Aaron come, too?”

  Grinning, she nodded.
  “Deera,” Michael called and held up a block.

  Adira returned to building with him and her parents.

  Roland and Sarah had claimed spots on the floor as well. Leah suspected neither had wanted to leave while Tessa remained at David’s home.

  Leah glanced at the woman beside her.

  Tessa looked exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Her eyes were still a little bloodshot from crying earlier. And she could barely keep them open. “Adira is a gifted one?” she asked wearily.

  Ami glanced at Marcus, as though she wasn’t sure how to respond.

  Leah fought a frown.

  “Yes,” Marcus said. “She’s a gifted one.”

  Tessa stared at the little girl. “I didn’t think immortals or vampires could have children.”

  Again Marcus and Ami shared a look, but Leah didn’t think Tessa noticed.

  “We adopted her,” Marcus said at length.

  Tessa seemed to accept that as truth. But Leah knew it to be false. Adira looked too much like Ami to be adopted. And while Seth had spoken freely about adopting Ami, he had said nothing about Ami adopting Adira.

  As if summoned by the thought, Seth abruptly appeared near the front door.

  One look at his grim face lured Leah to her feet.

  Some of the tension in his expression eased when he saw her.

  Crossing to him, she rose onto her toes and drew him into a hug.

  Sighing, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

  “Tough night?” she asked softly.

  He nodded. His lips brushed her neck in an affectionate kiss before he drew back and looked over her shoulder. “How are you feeling, Tessa?”

  Leah kept an arm around Seth as she shifted to stand at his side.

  Tessa shrugged. “Hanging in there.”

  He nodded.

  Adira raced toward Seth with a big grin. “Baba!”

  At last his features brightened as he knelt and scooped the toddler up into his arms. “There’s my girl. What are you doing up so late?”

  Marcus smiled and shook his head as he began to scoop the blocks into a couple of canvas bags. “We shouldn’t have let them nap for so long earlier. They’re both still wide awake.”

  Adira touched Seth’s cheek.

  He met her earnest gaze. “That was very sweet of you.” He bussed her cheek, then set her on her feet. “It wasn’t the nap,” he told her parents. “She felt Tessa’s sadness and hoped to cheer her up.”

  Tessa looked up. “What?”

  Leah stared at the little redhead as she toddled back over to her parents. What a remarkable child.

  Roland rose, holding a yawning Michael in his arms. “Now that you’re home, I think it’s time we get these two to bed.”

  Sarah, Marcus, and Ami agreed. As soon as the blocks were tucked away, the parents said their good-nights and headed down the hallway.

  “Night-night, Baba,” Adira called over Marcus’s shoulder. “Night-night, Leah.”

  Leah smiled, her heart turning over. “Good night, sweetie.”

  Michael was already nodding off, his tousled head rocking on his papa’s shoulder.

  Once they were out of sight, Leah looked up at Seth. “She’s an amazing little girl.”

  He hugged her close. “Yes, she is.” Then he looked over at Tessa.

  Tessa rose, eyeing them uncertainly.

  “Tessa,” Seth began, regret entering his voice, “I’m sorry to ask this of you, but I’d like you to return to the apartment Chris assigned you at network headquarters.”

  She stiffened. “Of course.”

  “It isn’t for the reasons you think.”

  Tessa cut a hand through the air. “It’s okay. I get it. I’m not one of you. I attacked Leah and—”

  “You are one of us,” he interrupted.

  Leah nodded, guessing his reasons for wanting her to stay at network headquarters instead of David’s home. “I told you to forget about attacking me. I’m fine, Tessa. I survived. I’m over it. And we both understand why you did it. It’s just…” She crossed to the younger woman and took her hands. “Gershom may try to get you back. And—for whatever reason—he hates Seth. It wouldn’t be safe for you to sleep under the same roof as Ami and Adira, both of whom Gershom has targeted in the past.” She looked over her shoulder at Seth. “Right? It would be too great a lure, don’t you think?”

  “Such was my concern. We also found two more of the missing immortals tonight.”

  Leah’s eyes widened. “You did?”

  He sent her another weary smile. “Yes. They’re already settled at network headquarters.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Leah skipped across the room to him and leapt into his arms. “I’m so happy for you, honey.”

  He squeezed her tight, lifting her feet off the floor.

  When she stepped back, he was smiling down at her with an expression she couldn’t quite read. “What?”

  “That’s the first time you’ve used an endearment when you addressed me.”

  She grinned. “Actually, I believe I called you buttercup earlier when a certain suspicious throng of immortal warriors threatened to burst into our bedroom.”

  He laughed. “So you did.” Taking her hand, he strolled over to Tessa. “The two immortals we found are Jordan Moore and Liora Duran. Do you know them?”

  Tessa shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Liora told Chris Reordon she only saw you once. Apparently Gershom later told her I killed you.”

  Leah frowned. “He’s such a dick.”

  Seth laughed. “Yes, he is.” But his face gradually sobered. “And he played the same mind games with them as he did with you. Jordan is fighting the truth. Liora seems a little more amenable. If you’re up to it, I think your being there willingly would help us sway them to our side.”

  Tessa rubbed her hands up and down her thighs, her face anxious. “You really think Gershom might come for me?”

  Leah’s heart went out to her. Poor girl. Her world had been turned upside down tonight, and now she had to worry about Gershom’s sorry ass getting his hands on her again, too.

  “In truth, I don’t know what to expect,” Seth answered. “Gershom has proven to be a cunning and unpredictable adversary in the past.”

  Leah loved that he was honest about it and didn’t try to pussyfoot around or offer false promises.

  “But if he does,” Seth continued, “Jared—an immortal as ancient as I am—will be there at the network to guard you. And he will summon me at the first hint of danger.”

  Tessa nodded.

  Seth turned to Leah. Dipping his head, he brushed her lips with a kiss. “I shall return shortly.”

  “Okay.” Leah stepped away and hugged Tessa. “Good night, Tessa.”

  Tessa hugged her back. “Good night.”

  Seth touched her shoulder and teleported away, leaving Leah alone in the huge living room.

  Recalling how grim and weary Seth had looked—such a vast difference from how happy and relaxed he had been while they had been ensconced in his bedroom—Leah headed into the kitchen. She had to open a few cabinets to locate a bamboo serving tray. Crossing to one of the two enormous refrigerators the spacious kitchen boasted, she opened the first and gaped at the wealth of food it contained.

  “Wow.” That much food could feed her for a month.

  A hell of a lot of powerful warriors—both male and female—did seem to live here though, so…

  Shrugging, she tentatively began to rummage through it.

  “Looking for anything in particular?”

  Jumping, she spun around.

  Sheldon stood in the doorway. He grinned. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Resting a hand over her pounding heart, Leah smiled. “That’s okay. I was just looking for something to feed Seth when he got back. I doubt he’s eaten anything since dinner.”

  “You haven’t either, have you?”

  He headed for the other refrigerator. “Here.” He opened one of the double doors. “I always keep a supply of sandwiches on hand for the immortals. Especially for Seth and David. Those two are always go-go-going, and Darnell has a hell of a time trying to get them to slow down long enough to eat a meal.”

  Leah closed the refrigerator door she held and placed the sandwiches he handed her on the tray.

  “Just for future reference, Seth likes lots of veggies and a few spicy peppers on his. All organic.” He eyed her carefully. “You aren’t going to get your shorts in a bunch about that, are you? Some people do. I don’t know why.”

  “No. I eat organic, too. When my doctor scared the crap out me and told me to start eating healthier, I figured I might as well go all in.”

  He nodded. “Well, these guys aren’t health nuts or anything. They just have supersensitive taste buds and can taste the difference between natural flavoring and the fake stuff.” He wrinkled his nose. “And some are simply as hardheaded as everyone else I know. After hundreds or thousands of years of eating nothing but organic food, they tend to dig in their heels if someone suggests they change their diet.”

  She laughed. “Yeah. I wasn’t too thrilled about the idea either.”

  “Anyway, here’s some tea. And a couple of apples. Seth likes the red delicious ones best. That pantry there is stocked from floor to ceiling with chips and other snack foods. Seth tends to gravitate toward either the original flavor ruffled chips or the black-pepper ones. And the deep freeze there is full of ice cream and other frozen treats guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth. Speaking of which…” Crossing to the large freezer, he opened it and drew out two chocolate-covered vanilla ice cream pops. “Tracy sent me to get these,” he said with a grin.

  Leah smiled.

  “Anything else I can do for you?”

  “No. This is good. Thank you, Sheldon.”

  “Anytime.” He strolled out of the kitchen.

  Leah added some chips to the tray loaded with sandwiches, apples, and tea, then carried it to Seth’s bedroom. The door stood open, but Seth wasn’t inside. Sheldon must have opened it for her as he passed.


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