Death of Darkness

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Death of Darkness Page 40

by Dianne Duvall

  Normally Leah would’ve thought it freaking awesome that Seth could do all that in just a few seconds’ time with his mind. But her heart pounded and her thoughts and fears whipped around inside her like a tornado. Seth was really going to do it. He was really going to confront Gershom with just two other immortals.

  Marcus took a step forward. “What about Ami and Adira? If this is a trap and Gershom is luring you away…” Fear for his wife and daughter lent his eyes an amber glow.

  “If Gershom eludes us and comes here, David and Ami will both call me telepathically the instant he arrives and I will not hesitate to return.” He met Zach’s gaze. “Give me a minute to arm Leah.”

  Zach nodded.

  Leah gasped when Seth suddenly scooped her up into his arms. The room blurred and wind whipped her face. Seconds later, he set her on her feet. She gaped. The large room to which he had taken her could only be described as an armory. Holy crap, there were a lot of weapons! Men and women garbed all in black darted around the room—some at preternatural speeds, some at mortal speeds—grabbing many of those weapons and strapping them to their bodies.

  Seth joined them, swiftly weighing Leah down with shoulder-holstered 9mms and filling her pockets with thirty-round magazines. Daggers appeared in sheaths on her thighs as his hands moved over her. “Gershom has used vampires in the past to attack while I’m distracted. Remember to strike the major arteries if he does so again.”

  “Okay,” she agreed shakily.

  Once he finished arming her, he donned a bandoleer loaded with numerous daggers and draped it across his chest. Then he stilled and stared down at her.

  Her heart continued to slam against her rib cage. Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight, so afraid for him.

  He held her close. “I’ll be all right, Leah.”

  “You’d better be.” Rising onto her toes, she captured his lips in a kiss she hoped would convey everything she felt for him. Just in case it didn’t, she said, “I love you.”

  His eyes flared bright gold. Dipping his head, he delivered a scorching kiss of his own. “I love you, Leah.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “Please stay safe.”

  She nodded, a lump rising in her throat. “You, too.”

  Heavy silence engulfed the room.

  Loosening her hold, she looked around.

  Every immortal present was staring at their leader.

  Aidan stepped forward. “We’ll do everything we can to protect her, Seth.”

  The others nodded.

  “Thank you.” Seth settled his gaze upon her once more.

  Knowing that standing there with tears in her eyes would only make this harder for him, Leah forced a fierce smile and raised a fist in the air. “Go kick his freaking ass!”

  Every warrior in the room raised a fist in the air and loosed a battle cry.

  Grinning, Seth teleported away.

  Leaving Leah and returning to David’s study was one of the hardest things Seth had ever done. She was so mortal, so fragile despite her bravery. It terrified him, how easily she could be taken from him.

  A hand clasped his shoulder.

  Seth jumped, startled from his thoughts.

  “I know it’s hard,” Zach said softly, “but erase everything else from your mind and focus on the task at hand. It’s the best thing you can do to keep her safe.”

  He nodded.

  Marcus held up his iPad again. “Reordon sent us schematics of the building.”

  Seth’s eyebrows flew up. “He did?”

  Yuri moved forward. “I recommend you teleport to just inside this entrance. You’ll have a straight shot through to the wing of the building that houses the immortals.” He pointed to an area on the east side of the building. “You’ll find the first group on this hallway, each in a separate room guarded by armed mercenaries. Then take a right turn up this hallway to find the others.” He moved his finger farther along the schematic. “This room here is where we saw Gershom meet with the other guards. If you don’t find him with one of the immortals, you’ll most likely find him there.”

  Seth nodded. “Jared, if we don’t encounter Gershom where the immortals are housed, I want you to concentrate on freeing them for me while Zach and I continue on to confront him. If Gershom teleports away, we’ll follow. We shouldn’t have any trouble catching up to him this time because he’ll only be a few seconds ahead of us.”

  He nodded. “If you need my help—”

  Seth shook his head. “You’ll have your hands full with the immortals since they believe us the enemy. If you need help—”

  “I can handle it.”

  “Don’t kill them,” Seth warned.

  “I won’t.”

  Zach shook his head with a wry smile. “He’ll just talk their ears off until they wish he would kill them, then ask the women out.”

  Jared laughed.

  Seth extended his hands. Two swords appeared in them. “If the guards become a problem, read their minds and kill those who aren’t worth saving. Knock out the rest.”

  All agreed.

  Seth met David’s gaze.

  David dipped his chin in a nod.

  Seth looked at the others. “On three. One. Two. Three.”

  David’s study went dark. Then bright fluorescent light showered Seth as he teleported to the hallway just inside the east entrance of the building. Stark white walls surrounded them. White professional-grade epoxy flooring gleamed beneath his feet.

  Zach and Jared appeared on his left, Yuri and Cat on his right.

  Yelps and curses erupted behind him.

  Seth swung around just as half a dozen guards turned their weapons upon him.

  Jared darted forward in a blur and knocked every man out with preternaturally fast punches. He stilled. As bodies collapsed to the floor around him, he grinned at Seth. “This is going to be fun.”

  Yuri pointed down the hallway in the opposite direction. “The immortals are down there.”

  Vampires, Gershom broadcast telepathically, arm yourselves. Seth and his Immortal Guardians have found us and have come to kill you all.

  Adrenaline surged through Seth’s body.

  Gershom was still there. At last, this would end.

  “Free the immortals,” Seth ordered Jared and raced forward, Zach at his side.

  The doors along the hallway abruptly flew open. Men and women bearing glowing amber eyes poured out. Every face filled with hatred as they drew weapons, roared battle cries, and struck.

  And all of them targeted Seth.

  Seth brought up his swords and managed to deflect most of the daggers that flew toward him. Those he couldn’t he gave a telekinetic push at the last moment to keep them from impaling him. Then bullets slammed into him, hitting him in the chest and stealing his breath. Two struck him in the head, scattering his thoughts. He tightened his hold on his swords to keep from dropping them as he stumbled backward, pain radiating through his cranium.

  What the hell caliber bullets had those been? It felt like half his brain had just exited the back of his skull.

  Zach and Jared leapt past Seth. The clash of weapons erupted as Seth clenched his teeth and bent over, waiting for the fucking damage to his brain to heal. The ground beneath his feet began to tremble as anger rose inside him, barely checked. The floor tiles he stared at reflected the bright golden glow that entered his eyes.

  “Seth!” Zach called.

  “Don’t kill them,” he ground out. Metal projectiles fell from his chest and made tinkling sounds as they hit the floor.

  More guards ran into view, coming up behind them.

  Seth tried to telekinetically yank the weapons from their hands. But the damned head injury he’d suffered was bad enough that it had temporarily robbed him of the ability.

  Dropping his swords, he yanked daggers from the bandoleer across his chest and threw them with preternatural speed. All found a home in the guards, whose minds Seth couldn’t afford to take time to read firs
t… not that he could probably read them right now anyway.

  The pain in his head eased. His thoughts began to clear.

  Grabbing his swords, he swung around.

  Another bullet struck him in the head. Then another and another. “Fuck!” He stumbled backward. Seth had suffered so few head injuries in his lifetime that he hadn’t realized bullets could deprive him—at least for a while—of some of his abilities.

  “Get his fucking gun,” Zach snarled behind him, “while I handle these two!”

  Agony enhanced the rage that suffused Seth. He couldn’t think. Couldn’t focus. Couldn’t restrain the power that rose up inside him and abruptly found release in a roar of fury and burst of energy that radiated outward like the blast wave of a bomb.

  Cries erupted in the hallway.

  Bodies hit the floor.

  “Seth!” Zach dashed up and gripped his shoulder. “Seth, reel that shit in. Now.” He cupped the back of Seth’s head with his other hand.

  Healing warmth slithered into Seth through the touch. The pain in his head swiftly eased. His thoughts realigned themselves. His control returned. “Oh shit.” Eyes wide, he spun around.

  Every immortal, save Zach and Jared, was down. All lay still, eyes closed, blood trailing from their noses and ears.

  Seth’s heart began to beat harder with fear and dread. Had he killed them? Had he just slain the immortals he had come here to rescue?

  He sent Zach a frantic look.

  Zach squeezed his shoulder. “You didn’t kill them. Their hearts still beat. Listen.”

  He did. And some of his fear receded.

  “They’ve all suffered brain injuries,” Zach told him, “but they’re not life-threatening and can be healed later.”

  Remorse pounded through him as Seth dragged an arm across his forehead and wiped away the blood that dripped down it. Retrieving his swords, he looked at Jared. “Watch over them.”

  Jared nodded. “Go.”

  Seth and Zach raced forward as one.

  Three more kidnapped immortals came around the corner.

  Their eyes took in their fallen comrades, then flashed amber with hatred as they spotted Seth.

  “You killed them!” a female shouted.

  All raised their weapons.

  Prepared this time, Seth telekinetically yanked their weapons from their hands and sent the swords and firearms flying toward the opposite end of the hallway.

  Jared swore and ducked as they sailed past.

  Relieved that his telekinetic abilities had been restored, Seth sheathed his own weapons, darted forward, and touched a hand to both male’s foreheads. “Sleep.”

  Their eyes closed as their knees buckled.

  Zach grabbed the female and did the same.

  Yuri spoke from around the corner. “Guards are headed your way from the next hallway.”

  Seth and Zach darted around the corner and knocked the guards on their asses before they could even register they were no longer alone.

  Yuri and Cat stood at the opposite end of the hallway. Both pointed in the direction Seth should take.

  Seth raced down yet another hallway, Zach at his side.

  When they reached the closed door at the end, they didn’t bother to pause. They just plowed through it… into an empty room.

  “Son of a bitch!” Zach shouted.

  Seth swung around to face Yuri.

  Yuri shook his head. “He was here when we arrived. We’ll see if we can pinpoint where he went.” He and Catherine huddled together and closed their eyes.

  Seth focused on the lingering tendrils of energy he could sense. “Zach.”

  “I’m working on it.”

  Yuri and Cat vanished.

  David, Seth called telepathically as he worked to determine Gershom’s path, Gershom has fled. We’re tracing his path now to determine his destination and follow.


  Seth frowned. David? he called again.

  Still nothing. Had the damned head wound robbed him of his telepathy? “Zach, I can’t reach David. I think it’s the head wound. Warn him Gershom is on the loose.”

  Zach nodded. Seconds later, alarm flared in his gaze. “He isn’t answering. And I can’t reach Lisette.”

  At the same instant, Seth realized Gershom’s energy trail was heading toward David’s home. Swearing, he palmed his swords and teleported away.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Ethan and the other immortals in the armory all stared at Leah after Seth’s departure. Though she tried valiantly to keep her smile in place, she failed. Nor did she succeed in hiding the anxiety that inundated her. Ethan could practically feel it from where he stood, and he wasn’t an empath.

  “Seth, Zach, and Jared just teleported away,” Aidan announced.

  Ethan wished he could’ve gone with them. Leaping headlong into battle alongside his brethren while knowing what to expect was far preferable to waiting to see if some force would launch an attack here at David’s home while details of the other battle trickled in. Wherever Seth went, it would be warrior against warrior. Here… Ethan didn’t know what might happen. Would an attack even ensue? If it did, would vampires carry out that attack as they had in the past? Or would Gershom throw something new at them?

  It also wouldn’t just be immortal warriors tossed into battle here. There were two tiny, vulnerable children to protect. And Leah, who was so very human. And Susan, who was a gifted one. Not to mention Ami and the Seconds.

  The other immortals began to file out of the room, the Seconds following.

  Ethan hung back with Heather and sent Leah a smile, hoping to ease some of her anxiety. “He’ll be okay. I know you’re worried. But Seth won’t take unnecessary risks. He has you to come back to now.”

  Leah nodded. “Thank you.”

  Ami made her way to them with a sleepy Adira perched on her hip. Tucking her free hand in Leah’s, she led her from the room.

  Ethan and Heather brought up the rear, following everyone else upstairs. Every immortal headed into the kitchen to tank up on blood, just in case. Ethan and Heather did the same, then joined the others in the living room.

  Leah, Ami, and Adira claimed a sofa and were soon joined by Marcus. Roland, Sarah, and Michael took the sofa across from them. David seated himself in a wingback chair kitty-corner to both while Ethan and Heather found a love seat nearby.

  The two toddlers almost immediately slid off the sofas and began to play with their favorite building blocks, scattering them on the coffee table between them.

  Heavy silence fell once the rest of the immortals and Seconds found seats. All, like Ethan, covertly watched Leah while they waited, both curious about their powerful leader’s woman and concerned for her.

  Leah glanced around, her face somber. “I know you told Seth you’d keep me safe, but if it should come down to choosing between protecting me or protecting the children, I want you to protect the children.”

  Ethan exchanged an uncomfortable look with Heather. Just the possibility of having to make that choice chilled his blood.

  “I mean it,” Leah said firmly. “If you have to make a choice, choose the children. Seth lost his son and daughter. I don’t want him to lose Adira and Michael, too.”

  Ami swallowed hard, then turned to her husband. “I agree. The children come first, Marcus. If something foul goes down and you have to choose between me and the babies, save the children.”

  “Ami,” Marcus whispered, his expression full of torment, his voice hoarse.

  She cupped his face in a small hand. “I know. I love you, Marcus. But we have to keep Adira safe.”

  Brow furrowed, he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers.

  Sarah looked up at Roland. “The children come first. Okay? Promise me.”

  He swallowed hard, his face grim. “I promise.”

  Then every female present said the same, ordering the men in their lives to protect the children at all costs. Because they knew the men’s first insti
nct would be to save the women they loved.

  “You too, Bastien,” Melanie said. The two occupied a sofa across the room. “I need you to promise me. I need to hear you say it.”

  He studied her, his expression grave. “Why?”

  “Because I’m starting to get that feeling again. And this time I don’t think it has anything to do with Cliff.”

  He swore, as did several others present, including Ethan.

  Melanie’s psychic gift might be muted, but whenever she got one of her feelings, serious shit went down.

  David rose suddenly. “Seth is speaking to me.” He drew two long swords. “Gershom has fled the building. He—”

  Gershom abruptly appeared behind David, pressed a gun to his head, and shot him three times.

  David’s knees buckled as he sank to the floor.

  “Oh shit!” Ethan leapt to his feet alongside the others and drew his weapons.

  “Sleep!” Gershom bellowed, his face mottling as tendons stood out in his neck.

  A tingling sensation struck Ethan’s body as a ripple of power passed through him.

  Every immortal and mortal in the room closed his or her eyes and collapsed to the floor.

  Every immortal save himself. Because Ethan’s mind was wired differently, leaving him impervious to mind control.

  Shit! Ethan dropped his weapons and caught his wife before she could hit the floor. “Heather?” he called frantically. She was so pale and still that he feared she was dead until he detected her heartbeat.

  The cries of a child broke the ensuing silence.

  Ethan’s head whipped around.

  Michael lay still on the floor beside his parents, his eyes closed.

  Adira miraculously remained conscious. Crawling over to Ami, she tugged on the front of her mother’s shirt, then pressed her face in the crook of Ami’s neck as she wept.

  “Sleep!” Gershom commanded again with a scowl.

  Neither Ethan nor Adira succumbed.

  The children come first. Heather’s words pounding in his brain, Ethan fought every instinct that commanded him to get her the hell out of there and lowered her to the love seat.


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