Death of Darkness

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Death of Darkness Page 52

by Dianne Duvall

  All uncertainty left Leah’s expression as she grinned up at him.

  You’re so wrong, he muttered telepathically.


  Because I believe I’m supposed to dance with your mother next and now I can’t. He didn’t have to tell her why. His hips were pressed to hers, allowing her to feel how much she had aroused him.

  She bit her lip as though she held back a laugh. “Tell Sheldon to play some big band music.”

  He looked at Sheldon. Play some big band music, something we can swing dance to.

  Sheldon gave him a salute. A second later, the thrumming beat of “Sing, Sing, Sing” began to play.

  Seth caught Lisette’s gaze and waved her forward.

  With a little whoop of excitement, she pulled Zach onto the grassy dance floor beside them.

  Then Sheldon handed something to Darnell, grabbed Tracy’s hand, and jogged forward to join them, too. Ethan and Heather followed.

  His heart light, Seth twirled Leah away from him and began to swing dance.

  She laughed when he tossed her over his shoulder, swung her around, and landed her on her feet again. “This is so awesome!” she cried over the music, grinning from ear to ear. “Best! Wedding! Ever!”

  She looked so happy. Seth always wanted see her thus and felt almost as young and carefree as a boy as they danced and played together.

  More immortals raced forward and joined in the swing dancing. Much to his surprise, Leah’s mom and dad did, too.

  Darnell and Sheldon kept the tunes coming, playing music from many generations.

  Seth eventually got to dance with his new mother-in-law while Leah danced with her father. He also danced with Ben’s wife, Abby. And Lisette. And some of the other female immortals present while Leah danced with one immortal male after another.

  An hour or so later, he reclaimed Leah and took her to get a drink. “I know the bride and groom are supposed to sneak away fairly early,” he said as she drank thirstily, “but…” He took her free hand. “I don’t know when we’ll all be able to gather together like this again. Would you mind if we stayed a bit longer?”

  “Of course not,” she replied with a grin. “I’m having a wonderful time. And I don’t know if you noticed, but like fifty immortals asked me to save them a dance on our way over here.”

  He smiled. “I noticed.” All were eager to get to know the woman who captivated him. “Are you sure?” He sent her a comical leer. I don’t want you to be too tired to make love with me once we leave.

  She laughed. “Nothing could make me too tired for that.”

  Edward—a young, British immortal who had been stationed in North Carolina briefly—joined them. Bowing, he extended a hand to Leah. “Would you do me the honor of joining me for a dance, Leah?”

  Smiling, she took his hand. “I would love to.” Handing Seth her drink, she headed back to the dance floor.

  The revelry continued until sunrise. Seth thanked everyone for celebrating with them, then asked Zach to begin teleporting them all home. Most would like nothing more than to continue the festivities, but the youngest immortals couldn’t withstand more than a few minutes of exposure to daylight.

  Seth closed his eyes and drew some cloud cover overhead to give the elder immortals more time to teleport them to safety. Even Roland pitched in and helped now that he could teleport, too.

  Leah’s parents both looked happy and tired. Ben held his sleeping son against his chest. He and his wife had done their fair share of dancing, too, and appeared worn out.

  Leah kissed her mother’s and father’s cheeks. “Good night. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, baby,” they chorused.

  Seth caught David’s eye. “Would you take Leah’s family home, please?”

  “Of course.”

  Once they vanished, Seth drew Leah close and kissed her forehead. “Ready?”

  She nodded.

  Darkness embraced them as he teleported away.

  Chapter Thirty

  Seth appeared outside two large double doors.

  Leah glanced around in surprise. “Is this your castle?”

  “Yes.” Bending, he lifted her up and cradled her in his arms. “The one in England.” She had never seen the exterior of it.

  “Oh.” She stared at the large heavy double doors in front of them. “I thought we were heading back to David’s place.”

  “Not tonight.” He wanted neither distractions nor interruptions on their first night together as husband and wife and hadn’t even brought his phone with him. Leah had been teasing him with touches and brushes of her body all night. Seth planned to spend the next several hours making love to her with abandon.

  The doors swung open at his telekinetic command.

  Seth carried Leah inside, flicked on the overhead lights with a thought, then stopped short. His eyes widened.

  “Holy crap,” she breathed.

  The castle boasted very high ceilings. And every single room in sight was packed from the floor to those ceilings with prettily wrapped packages.

  Leah looked around. “Are these…?”

  “Wedding presents,” he replied, overwhelmed by the sheer number of them.

  “How many do you think there are?”

  Moving forward, he wound his way through the piles and climbed the stairs. “Thousands.”

  “Wow. It’s going to take us a year just to open them all. You’re so lucky to have a family that big. Especially one that cares about you so much.”

  He smiled. “Yes, I am. And they’re your family, too, now.”

  More gifts lined the hallways he traveled and spilled out of the rooms they passed. It would appear every immortal on the planet had sent them at least one gift.

  Carrying Leah into his solar, Seth set her on her feet.

  “This is your bedroom?” she asked, looking around curiously.

  “Our bedroom,” he said as he tugged at his tie. He hoped she liked it.

  Turning to face him, she bit her lip. Her lovely face grew solemn.

  Some of his joy faded. She didn’t look as though she liked it. “You can redecorate it any way you want,” he quickly assured her.

  If anything, her brow furrowed more.

  Seth paused, still gripping his tie. “Would you rather we go to our bedroom at David’s place?”

  “It isn’t that. It isn’t the room.”

  He lowered his hand, taking the tie with it. “Then what is it? You can tell me anything, Leah.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “I was wrong.”

  “About what?”

  Releasing a long, weary sigh, she sent him a look full of contrition. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this, but… I’m too tired to make love. All that dancing has left me exhausted. I’m sorry, Seth. I really am. I don’t think I can even dredge up enough strength to shower before going to bed. I just want to dive under the covers and sleep for the next twenty-four hours.”

  Disappointment flooded him. He had really been looking forward to this, their first night as a married couple. But he made a valiant effort to hide it. He didn’t tire nearly as swiftly as a human. And Leah had gamely danced with every immortal who had asked her until they had run out of time. He dropped the tie on the floor and forced a smile as he stroked her arm. “It’s all right, sweetheart. I understand. We’ll just—”

  She burst into laughter. “Ha!” she shouted, eyes sparkling with amusement as she pointed at him. “Got you! I’m just kidding. You should see your face.”

  Seth laughed. She had gotten him. Then he narrowed his eyes. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one,” he warned in a sinister voice and lunged toward her.

  Leah shrieked and spun away, laughter trailing behind her as she ran.

  Of course, Seth was preternaturally fast, so she didn’t get very far. Growling in feigned anger, he scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder. He didn’t think he had ever heard Leah giggle before and felt warmth unfurl inside him when she di
d so now. Damn, he loved her.

  “Where are you taking me, caveman?” she cried amid giggles. “And why aren’t you naked? I could be grabbing your bare ass right now.”

  Again he laughed. “Patience, love.”

  After carrying her into the bathroom, he bent and turned the taps in the large bathtub.

  “Still waiting for you to get naked,” she mentioned casually, dangling upside down and drumming her fingers on his backside as he adjusted the temperature.

  Grinning, he set her on her feet and straightened. “I take it patience is not your strong suit?”

  “Nope.” She glanced at the steamy water filling the tub, then up at him and arched a brow. “But I’m liking where this is going.”

  He winked. “You’ll like this even more.” Seth snapped his fingers.

  Their clothing vanished as he teleported it to their bedroom at David’s place. All but the delicate white lingerie Lisette had bought her, that is.

  Seth’s gaze fastened on it—and on the pale, perfect flesh the lace both concealed and revealed. His body hardened as lust struck with a vengeance. His voice deepened an octave when next he spoke. “Remind me to thank Lisette again later.”

  Leah shifted her weight to one leg. Tilting her head, she sent him a sultry smile and trailed the fingers of one hand over her collarbone, down over the lush mound of one breast. Those fingers paused to tease the pink nipple, then continued onward down her stomach. “You like it?”

  He swallowed, his hands curling into fists. “Very much.”

  She drew her tongue across her lower lip. “You want me?”

  “More than anything in this world, wife.”

  Her face flushed, not with embarrassment but with the passion that had been arcing between them for hours.

  She moved forward the same moment he did. They fell into each other’s arms, both frantic with need. Seth crushed her lips beneath his own and slid his tongue within to stroke hers.

  Leah moaned. Raising one leg, she looped it over his hip and ground her damp core against the erection trapped between them. “Screw the bath,” she whispered hoarsely. “I want you. Now.” Jumping up, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Seth groaned and clutched her to him. “This is our first time together as husband and wife.” He trailed hot kisses down her neck. “I want to do it right.”

  Her head dropped back as he lifted her high enough to close his lips around one hard, sensitive nipple. “Who says fast and hard isn’t right?” she asked on a moan. “You’ve been teasing me with touches and brushes and kisses all night. We’ve had hours of foreplay, so forget the bells and whistles and just take me.”

  He laughed against her firm, tempting flesh. Shaking his head, he delivered a love bite to her breast.

  She jumped against him, then moaned again. “Seth, please. I want you inside me.”

  More than willing to comply, Seth telekinetically turned off the taps and carried Leah back into the bedroom. Kneeling on the bed, he lowered her to the mattress.

  She reached for him before he could pull away, writhing and rolling toward him.

  Seth nudged her legs apart and settled himself between them.

  “Yes,” she moaned when his cock brushed her entrance.

  Seth shook his head. “Not so fast, wife.” Dipping his head, he closed his mouth around a taut nipple shielded with pretty lace and sucked hard.

  Leah swore, squirming beneath him as she buried her fingers in his hair.

  He lavished more attention on her other breast, then trailed his lips down her stomach. He teased the warm, soft skin below her belly button with his lips while he slipped a finger beneath the delicate bikini panties she wore and tore them away.

  “Oh shit,” she whispered. “That’s so hot.” She groaned when he touched his tongue to her clit, circling it, flicking it, and stroking it while she arched up against him. “You and that mouth of yours. So good.” Her fingers fisted in his hair and gave a sharp tug. Lust shot through him, making his cock jump. “Damn, I need your ass.” She moaned. “And I mean that literally. I should be grabbing your ass right now.”

  Seth stopped stroking her long enough to choke out a laugh. “Don’t make me laugh, damn it. I’m trying to make this good for you.”

  “It is good,” she declared. “It’s better than good. But I want you buried deep inside me, with all your delicious weight pressing down on me when I come, so I can grab that gorgeous ass of yours and—”

  Seth ducked his head, pressed his tongue to her clit and stroked her so swiftly it would feel like he held a vibrator to her.

  Leah instantly stiffened, crying out as she arched against him and came hard.

  He could hear her heart slamming against her ribs as she slumped back against the covers. Rising above her, he arched a brow. “Better?”

  She smiled. “Hell yes. Now take me, handsome.”

  Shaking his head, he knelt between her thighs instead and sat back on his heels. “Look at you,” he murmured, taking in her beautiful body splayed out before him, adorned in delicate lace. Leaning forward, he cupped her perfect breasts in his hands, teased the nipples with his thumbs.

  Renewed desire flared to life in her eyes as he drew his hands down her sides to her hips.

  His gaze traveled a leisurely path over her body. He was so hard for her. Wanted badly to be inside her. Couldn’t believe she was his. That he could be so fortunate.

  Shifting his thumbs, he slid them farther down and caressed her clit.

  She gasped, arching into his touch. “Seth, please,” she whispered.

  Nodding, he stretched out above her and settled himself between her thighs.

  She smiled. “Finally.” Reaching down between them, she curled her fingers around his erection.

  Pleasure shot through him as she rubbed the sensitive crown against her entrance.

  He met her gaze. “I love you, Leah.”

  Leaning up, she pressed her lips to his in a kiss that carried as much love and affection as it did passion. “I love you, Seth.”

  He thrust deep inside her. So tight and hot and ready for him. Then withdrew and drove deep again.

  “Yes.” Arching up to meet him thrust for thrust, she wrapped her arms around him.

  He groaned when her nails scored his back. Then, just as she’d promised, she slid her hands down to grab his ass and urged him on.

  “Don’t hold back,” she pleaded, her breath coming in gasps.

  Seth moaned as the ground began to shake. “Leah…”

  Leah jerked awake. Her heart pounded a rapid beat in her breast. What had awoken her?

  She lay on her side beneath the covers in Seth’s big bed at his castle. After spending all day making love, she had finally collapsed in an exhausted slumber near sunset.

  Darkness eclipsed the room now. The covers drooped, allowing cold air to touch her bare shoulders. No warm body curled around hers to keep the chill away. Reaching back, she felt around for Seth but found only covers still warm from where he had recently lain.

  Confident that he would return soon, she burrowed beneath the blankets and closed her eyes.

  Bright light exploded behind her lids, as blinding as that which had surrounded her and the others right after Seth had been slain. Heat filled her body as though she stood before a roaring fire in a fireplace. At first it felt good, banishing the chill. But within seconds it bordered on pain.

  Fear piercing her, Leah opened her eyes… and saw only white. Brilliant white light that banished everything around her. She could make out no walls, no ceiling, no shapes.

  “Seth!” she cried, terrified.

  I’m here.

  “I can’t see you!” And just like the night she’d lost him, he spoke in her head.

  A sob caught in her throat. Had something happened? Had Gershom escaped? Had she lost Seth again?

  “Close your eyes.” He spoke aloud this time from somewhere close. His voice was calm, untroubled, as though she had just woken from
a nightmare and he were trying to soothe her back to sleep.

  The heat intensified. “What—?”

  “Close your eyes, Leah. Trust me. Please.”

  She closed her eyes. Her muscles seized suddenly as though an electrical current touched her. She clenched her teeth. “It hurts.”

  “I know, sweetheart. But it will be over in a minute.” His hand closed around hers, his touch keeping her from totally losing it.

  “Don’t let go,” she pleaded, terrified of losing him again.

  His lips touched the back of her hand. “Never.”

  Then the light vanished. The prickling heat left her body. Her muscles relaxed.

  Leah opened her eyes and looked around frantically, her breath coming in gasps. But the light had been so bright that it took her eyes several moments to adjust to the sudden darkness.

  Seth sat beside her on the bed, wearing only a pair of sweatpants, his wings a dark shadow behind him.

  Leah barely had time to register that before he dragged her onto his lap and cradled her in his arms. Burying his face in her hair, he held her so tightly she suspected he would leave bruises. And his whole body began to tremble.

  “Seth?” Concern for him suspended her fear and confusion. Wrapping an arm around him, she cupped the back of his head in one hand. “Are you okay?” She glanced around. The castle bedroom looked the same as it had before they had succumbed to sleep.

  He nodded but didn’t raise his head.

  Alarm returned full force when she felt moisture on her neck and realized he wept. And she could hear his heart pounding in his chest. “Seth, talk to me, honey. You’re scaring me. What just happened?”

  “My father came,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  She glanced around the room with wide eyes. “Your father was just here?” His father the Watcher?

  He nodded. And she felt him swallow hard as though he fought back a sob.

  “Why?” Now that the odd heat had left her, her skin prickled with feeling. And her ears felt weird.

  “To give us a wedding gift.”

  Again she searched the room but found no prettily wrapped package. “What gift?”

  At last Seth raised his head. Moisture shone on his cheeks as he cupped her face in both hands and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “He granted you immortality, Leah.”


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