One World

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by J Buchanan


  A Sci-Fi Novella




  Atoms or Adam, which came first? Atoms of course, they are the force behind the physical, making things visible. But one second preceding, Love was believing. This omnipotent force was God of course, creating the blueprint for existence and evolution.

  The actual fabric of space-time was conceived by the pure energy from a divine thought of Love. It exploded out from one point of singularity to form an unbelievably hot and dense soup of radiation. This sent out scolding quarks that suddenly burst into matter as the trillion degree temperature cooled.

  Massless matter expanded out with swift inflation for a quick duration. These massless particles collided with invisible Boson particles, and it was like a buffet as the massless particles immediately gained weight. After the feast protons and neutrons were born, causing atoms to form.

  An unlimited mixture of atoms and energy fused like cosmic fireworks, expanding outwards millions of light years as a colossal gumbo of scorching gas and matter. Once this simmering elemental brew finally began to cool off, hydrogen and helium condensed from the mix, as well as other essential elements.

  A primordial periodic table of various matter materialized over infinite space. Clumps of elements and clouds of gas gravitated together to form a bunch of different galaxies. Most of them merged together to form larger galaxies. In no time there were countless clustered and grouped galaxies, all spaced apart at mind blowing distances. Within the giant molecular clouds of each galaxy, dense clumps of gas and dust made turbulent love with gravity, birthing bright stars in every direction.

  Every galaxy served as a habitat for the stars, like Hollywood or Manhattan, except each galaxy contained billions of stars. Orbiting most of the stars were planets, which were formed from the clumping dust and debris found around a star during its infancy. Billions of years elapsed as the stars and their planets formed solar systems all over the place.

  In one specific, medium sized galaxy over in a calm and quiet section of the universe, elements flourished over time and matter evolved everywhere. Near the outskirts of this spiral galaxy was a five planet solar system with a giant yellow dwarf star that shined bright and white. Two of the planets in the system were gas and the other three were rock.

  The outermost planet had a light green glow with glistening planetary rings that sparkled like diamonds around it. This terrestrial planet radiated bright lime in the day, and blue-green like a traffic light at night. Its beauty was accentuated by pearl white clouds, silvery oceans and a glittering halo that made Saturn look dull and bland.

  Back when the planet was young and forming, it was frozen as a result of its distance from its star. Grainy ice and ammonia crystals collected around its orbit in a comely fashion. As time progressed and events happened in the solar system, gravity pulled the planets closer to the star. This planet was still the furthest of the five, but now it was positioned much closer.

  This maturing planet started to warm up a bit as it roamed around in the habitable zone. After the planet thawed completely, it reached a cool climate condition with an average temperature of fifty-five degrees. A majority of its surface ended up being a massive liquid ocean that was clear as glass. In the middle of the aquafina ocean emerged a humongous landmass shaped like a giant asymmetrical snowflake, with strings of islands branching out from every point.

  The smooth but rugged terrain had been through so much turbulence as it took shape during the planet's embryonic stage that, the nature of its mega landmass turned out to be filled with unimaginable beauty. Its highly fragmented topography was a combination of countless islands of all sizes joined together, which created dazzling mountainous landscapes and endless lakes.

  In a few million years the planet stabilized with hospitable weather patterns. Its ecology got a chance to originate and the deep crystal clear ocean was where the mixture of matter started to occur.

  A divine thought of Love caused molecules to dissolve around the hot springs at the bottom of the ocean. They interacted and formed living organisms that survived and thrived. They multiplied and modified, and over eons, organisms evolved to become composed of billions and even trillions of cells. They bonded and materialized and diversified in water before making it to land. Over countless generations they began to stand. Evolution or creation, the image of man.

  The biological process of advancement from animals to the level of acumen took millions of years. Before long, a specialized species of hominids manifested in multiple millennia. Inspired by imagination and intelligence, over many lifetimes they made their way in a world where it was all about survival of the fittest. Originally, morals took a back seat to survival because people were mostly tribal. As time went on they became more righteous and began to think beyond the limits of physical investigation.

  It took extended eras and several stages of cultural evolution for them to settle and organize into nations, which was the key to enhancing their overall duration. They developed into a spectacular species of people with extended height and round dreamy eyes. Their appearance was normal but their skin was flawlessly smooth and covered in beautiful tricolor schemes of chocolate, tan and peach. Everyone's body print was unique and comprised of those three colors in a swirl or curvy pattern.

  Their fascinating physical paled in comparison to the evolution of their mental. Tens of thousands of years into their quest as a species, their brains had developed exceptionally well. They erected sophisticated cities on the islands and many mega-cities throughout the mainland. All of the cities were lean, self-sufficient and pretty. Most of the food, energy & water production was interwoven into and onto the major city buildings for maximum efficiency.

  Soon their planet was a technological wonderland. They used technical ingenuity to change and customize their own nature. They excelled in stem cell technology to where most physical ailments and diseases were cured. For safety from harsh weather patterns, and for pleasure and comfort as well, they focused their efforts into manipulating the weather. Eventually they were able to master a way to control the climate.

  They were not a perfect species but they constantly strived for excellence. The remarkable quality of life they enjoyed on their planet was achieved through cooperation and unity. They named their planet Wuhn, which meant ‘whole’ in their vocabulary.

  The Wuhns' epic ascent from single celled organisms to the multi-complex beings of intelligence they had become, seemed to be more than just a lucky or random occurrence. They were at the top of the food chain of millions of other animals that had evolved on the planet. Their ultimate intent was to become more than just an apex animal species.


  Wuhn was a pristine world with lime skies and clear oceans, surrounded by a thin ring system that looked like crumbled glaciers sparkling in the sky. The grass and leaves were royal blue because of the abundance of blue protons seeping through the atmosphere. Its landscape was diverse and luxurious, with cliffs and architecture that reached the clouds.

  The Wuhn society was a Type 1 civilization of highly intelligent beings. They were over a billion strong and they had developed a moderate degree of telepathy and other advanced abilities. It took a long lineage of strife and struggle for them to make it to this level.

  In their early history, life was trial and error, and sometimes terror. For most, life was toil and no one was spoiled. Them being weaker in strength than the other predatory species of the world, caused them to have to resort to using their intelligence and other physical attributes. This put them on a divine path to gaining advantage over everything on the planet; everything except for themselves. An achievement of that magnitude would take time and wisdom.

; Back in their primate times, the murder of another person occurred for almost any reason. Showing kindness to anyone outside of one's immediate family rarely occurred. Nevertheless as time progressed, cooperation was required and morality was conceived.

  The journey of the Wuhns continued over thousands of years as they became civilized, although corruption still existed through civil lies. Even in religion, by the ones in power making the decisions. But religion was necessary and that was satiric. For it was the glue that kept them true to their inner spirit.

  As the arrow of time forged ahead, morality cultivated while they used their heads. Worldwide intelligence and integrity increased substantially. Then came industrialization, which boosted advancement throughout the nations. However, the side effect of this was that it affected the planet's ecosystem in a negative way.

  For this problem, technology came to the rescue. It was used to help better the quality of their lives. Competing corporations produced new technology and made major progress every year. Centuries of advancement occurred in only decades, as technology took their intelligence beyond its natural capacity.

  Technology expanded into a family tree of categories, one being computers and information technology. It was within this section of the family that The Internet was born. The Net grew to be the most popular of them all. It became a social sensation because of its ability to connect everyone in the world like never before.

  Computers served as the main gardens for technology to grow. Everyone became dependent on them. The Internet cut six degrees of separation in half, especially through business and social networks. Billions of people were more connected than ever. Opinions and viewpoints about most issues, especially moral issues, were becoming the same for everyone. Anyone who did anything remotely immoral was socially crucified.

  Technology made the world into one big community. Social media became so intensified that everyone merged towards one consciousness. This reality manifested in perfect timing with one secret group's ongoing effort to establish a highly intelligent society of morally unified individuals.

  During centuries of advancement before technology, there was a group of people who originally started off as a clandestine collective of intelligent individuals seeking enlightenment. They called themselves The Collective. Over many generations, this group of people expanded by initiating like-minded others who were in positions of power and influence. With time they rose to prominence by successfully conspiring and controlling world affairs.

  The Collective inconspicuously masterminded their ascent to domination by grasping all power and influence in the world. Using the brightest intellects accumulated from the planet's best professions, they established themselves as a worldwide government known as One World. A conspiracy theory about the One World Collective became engrained into the mind of popular culture. Those in the general public thought that The Collective was some type of mystical mythical organization.

  Simply put, peace and unity was the ultimate goal of the One World government. They played a continuous chess game over generations by strategically orchestrating significant social, political and financial occurrences aimed at unifying the thoughts and actions of all people worldwide. Social media became a beneficial and coincidental accomplice to them, as it was already uniting everyone across the world into one society. Now most opinions were shared and people actually cared, about each other like a sister or a brother.

  As a species they had come a long way from their original, almost animalistic tendencies. At one point, showing kindness to anyone outside of one's immediate family made no sense at all. But by the twenty-second century of their dating system, compassion was something that occurred almost instinctively. This was the point when the One World government decided that it was time to start perfecting and assimilating Wuhn citizens into The Collective.

  In order to pull off something of that magnitude, the One World government had to create an infallible system of ingenious indoctrination. They invented a special machine and set up a special procedure designed to put an individual through a mentally rigorous, yet refreshing process of enlightenment.

  The place where this occurred was at One World's main headquarters, buried securely within an immense mountain range in the planet's Northern Hemisphere. Over a third of the headquarters consisted of various Assimilation Labs that resembled the insides of warehouses and office buildings. Each of the laboratories were filled with assorted doctors and state of the art MRI Dream Machines.

  These Neuroelectric Dream Machines were used to mold and shape minds like a sculptor. They used bad dreams to strengthen and eliminate evil from the brain, while building empathy & character from within. The One World government systematically employed this perfected technology on the public, without the public being completely aware of what was going on.

  These mental manipulation mechanisms were originally invented for entertainment, as somewhat of a futuristic holodeck of the mind. It created a distinct delusion of an alternate physical existence. The government took this technology to another level, by enhancing it to where it created a vivid virtual reality that was just as complex as the real life reality they were living. It provided an experience that sent the consciousness of a person into a different world, to experience a makeshift reality in the body of that world's top species.

  The life experience created by a Dream Machine lasted only an hour in real time, but it lasted a full lifetime inside of a dream-life. The dream-life existence takes place in an alternate world of another galaxy. The experience is controlled and the destiny of a subject is predetermined, but the subject still has free will during the experience.

  The One World Collective steered all individuals towards a central philosophy of unity & integrity. This was achieved by intense, almost nightmarish dreams that were meant to rid the brain of negativity.

  These Dream Machines were used to brainwash people towards righteousness. Its brain control worked to prevent any and all negative transgressions from being thought of. The average person had to experience a few dream cycles before reaching moral excellence. Occasionally there were some who became ready for assimilation after only one or two dream cycles.

  Assimilation was the last phase of the process for a person to become part of The Collective consciousness. During this phase, the information collected from the dreams and formed in the subconscious mind, is transferred into the individual's conscious awareness. Afterwards, a microchip is implanted deep inside of the prefrontal cortex, which automatically links the individual's brain to the collective consciousness.

  Once an individual successfully endures a series of methodically contrived lives in the Dream Machine, and completes the assimilation process, that person is then able to go back into society and live whatever dream they'd always wanted.

  Reaching enlightenment into The Collective became the definition of success on Wuhn. Those who were not yet a part of it were wishing, wanting and working hard toward 'making it' into the One World Collective.

  Time moved on and almost a hundred years later, by the mid twenty-third century, a majority of the people on Wuhn were already interconnected and in sync with The Collective. The other ten percent of society was still awaiting their opportunity to become assimilated. Less than one percent of that population consisted of a small band of organized rebels known as The Entity. This group of outlaws objected the philosophy of the One World government, and fought to maintain their own sense of individuality.

  The loss of individuality was not what The Collective represented though. Their fundamental goal was peace and perfected morality. Their objective was absolute, but it was not forced because it was what most people aspired for. Within The Collective everyone was able to keep a sense of their own identity, even though they were all connected. People lived a multitude of individual lifestyles of their own choice.

  Society as a whole became a highly evolved, brilliant biological machine. It was twelve billion strong with the ability to operate as on
e entire unit, or as grouped units when necessary. Everyone was still able to think independently and make their own choices, yet most important decisions were made as one worldwide unit. They all pretty much agreed on everything anyway.

  Unity was second nature to the people of The Collective because their minds were synced together. This global interconnection allowed them to have super abilities such as enhanced sensory and intelligence, as well as a controlled telepathy in which they were able to switch on and off at will.

  Life on planet Wuhn had become somewhat of a utopia, although the methods used to reach this level were questionable.


  Deep within an intricately carved out mountain, in an undisclosed section of the Broadus Alps mountain range, was the assimilation headquarters of the One World government. Like a giant ant mound, there was one main entrance at the top of the mountain that led down into the interior like branches on an oak tree. Multiple tunnels and chambers extended down to various offices, rooms and laboratories, via moving walkways and shuttle elevators that ran in all directions.

  The entire compound was a strictly business environment, structured like a corporation but operating as a collective. Most activity was nonstop, and responsibilities ranged from that of maintenance all the way up to various scientists.

  Down at the far end of the development division, were endless looking corridors that were lined with rooms containing huge Dream Machines. A medical doctor and a radiologist occupied one of the rooms. They were observing a patient who was coming back to consciousness from out of her first dream-life. The patient was laid back on a table that was sliding out from the glowing tunnel of a Dream Machine. This medical apparatus was double the size of an MRI machine, and served as a mental portal to another world.


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