Saving Riley

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Saving Riley Page 7

by Fel Fern

  Minutes later, they heard the first series of gunfire. Zack pulled out his shotgun, glancing at the side mirror to see Riley’s pale face. If something happened to Riley, Zack wouldn’t forgive himself. Well, better to have Riley close by instead of worrying about him. Matt accelerated and Zack finally saw a car, one of theirs, crashed into a tree, smoke coming out of the front.

  The riders though, looked like they managed to get out in time. Some were injured, but the rest looked beyond pissed.

  “What the fuck could make that hole in the car?” Matt asked.

  Frowning, Zack saw what Matt said. “Keep driving. We need to catch up to these bastards.”

  Matt’s question was soon answered when they came face to face with the first barrier leading to the captives.

  “Holy fuck,” Matt whispered.

  “What?” Jared asked, pushing between the seats, and then started cursing.

  “Guys? What happening?” Riley asked.

  Isaac answered him. “They have a tank.”

  Matt managed to surveyed right in time as the gun turret spun, angled at them. The tank fired, and the car swerved to the side. Zack would have bumped into the car door if not for his seat belt.

  “Hold on, everyone,” Matt yelled. The tank fired again and this time, Zack knew they wouldn’t be that lucky.

  “Everyone, jump out!” Zack undid his seat belt, nodded curtly to Riley at the back and jumped.

  He and the others hit the ground just as the missile hit Matt’s truck. Tucking into a roll, Zack groaned at the sound of the explosion. Once he stopped moving, he searched for Riley, who landed a couple of meters from him. Back on his feet, Zack ran to his mate, beginning to check him for injuries.

  “I’m good,” Riley wheezed, grabbing his shirt. “Zack, we don’t stand a chance against that tank.”

  Zack scoffed. The tank didn’t shadow the convoy containing what Zack assumed were the other captives. It idled toward them, gun turret rotating and looking for targets. Zack realized it was a distraction, so the rest of the vehicles could make a hasty exit.

  “You’ll see,” Zack told Riley, giving him a kiss. He turned to Matt and the others. “I need you guys to play bait.”

  “Why do we get the awful job?” Jared moaned.

  “Because Zack wants to impress his mate,” Matt joked back.

  Seeing Matt and the others changing shape, Zack pulled out his hunting rifle. Through the scope he saw Matt, Jared, and Isaac running up to the tank. They moved too fast for the turret to focus on either of them. When the tank focused on Matt, Zack pulled the trigger. He was a passable shot, but he missed the first time. Growling under his breath, Zack took aim again. His second bullet went right inside the main gun and so did his third. It stopped firing.

  Matt and the others backed away as an explosion sounded from inside the tank. A man opened the hatch, but Zack shot him before he could make his escape. Zack didn’t see the truck coming up behind the tank, manned by more mercenaries in black and they had a submachine gun at the back.

  “Duck, Zack.” Riley tackled him to the ground just as the mercenaries open fired.

  The shock of Riley’s sacrifice didn’t sink in immediately, not until Zack felt the wet blood spreading across Riley’s chest.

  “What the fuck did you do that for?” Zack whispered.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off his injured mate. Besides, he knew Matt and the others would deal with the newcomers. Sergio and the other shifters weren’t far along either. With a choking sob, Zack gathered Riley gently in his arms. Riley clutched at his sleeve, fingers strong. Zack tore open his shirt, biting his lip at the bullets embedded in Riley’s chest and torso. Not silver, but Riley had taken a direct hit.

  Riley couldn’t shift, that much Zack knew, but did Riley possess same healing abilities as any other werewolf?

  “Zack,” Riley whispered, pressing one blood-stained hand on Zack’s cheek.

  “Don’t talk. We’ll get help,” Zack assured him. He felt Matt padding to his shoulder, fur soaked in blood, but Matt didn’t look like he had severe injuries. Zack shook his head. Panicking wouldn’t help Riley. For fuck’s sake, Riley wasn’t dead yet. They needed to get cover.

  “I’m taking him,” Zack told Matt, who nodded his great head.

  He hefted Riley up his arms carefully. Jesus. Going back to either the cabin or Darkfall would take time, and Zack didn’t have that luxury. Matt and he tensed when they heard the sound of a car engine. They were vulnerable, ripe targets, but Zack refused to leave Riley behind.

  Seeing the familiar yellow VW Beetle come to a stop near them, he breathed a sigh of relief. Michella rolled down her windows to call out to them, “Get in. We’ll take Riley and the badly injured to the shifter clinic in Northfield.”

  Not arguing, Zack helped Riley in the back seat, where two other seriously injured shifters were barely breathing.

  “Stay with me, baby.” Zack closed his hand around Riley’s. “Okay?”

  Riley gave him a weak nod. Zack took the seat next to Michella. The moment he got in, she stepped on the pedal. She swerved past vehicle wreckage and dead bodies. Zack churned, seeing the causalities, but right now, he could only focus on Riley.

  “The pack has no authority in Northfield. Will this shifter clinic you mention help us?” Zack had to ask.

  “They’ll help. I’m calling in a personal favor.”

  Zack didn’t like the thought of entering unfamiliar territory. Northfield was the town next to them, but mountains and miles of woods separated them. No dominant animal group or supernatural species claimed Northfield, it was a place where any paranormal could take refuge—which made it unsafe. Nothing Zack could do now, he had to trust Michella.

  “What about the captives?” Zack asked.

  “Sergio predicts they’ll be sticking to the mountain path away from Northfield. I’ve called on the local werebear clan living in that area. They’ll help, because some of their own had gone missing as well.”

  “We’ll get these bastards and rescue the prisoners for sure then?” Zack asked.

  She nodded, eyes trained on the road. He breathed a sigh of relief, but they weren’t out of the water yet.

  “Riley, was he hit with silver bullets?”

  “I didn’t smell it on him, but he’s different. I’m not sure about his recuperative abilities,” Zack confessed.

  “He’ll pull through. Your mate’s stronger than you take him credit for, Zack.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  In fifteen minutes, they arrived in the sleepy little town of Northfield. Michella took short cuts and stopped in front of a shady looking building on the outskirts of town. There was no sign up front and the windows were boarded up, but Zack could see light inside.

  “They’re expecting us. Help me with Riley and the others, Zack,” Michella said, cutting the engine.

  Together, they managed to bring Riley and the two other wolves inside the clinic. Although the outside looked dilapidated, the inside was equipped with beds and the necessary machines and equipment.

  Zack hovered by Riley’s cot, holding Riley’s hand. Riley looked paler than Zack last saw him, but Zack could see Riley made an effort to stay conscious. Only three staff were there and they were hurrying, tending to A.J., who was in worse state than Riley. Zack culled his temper. He saw Michella talking in a terse voice with a handsome man in his late thirties, the head doctor, Zack assumed.

  “Are these all?” he overheard the man asking.

  “No, this is just the beginning. There will be plenty more coming in later, but our healers are on the way here.”

  “Michella, you can’t bring your wolves here. What—”

  “You owe me a favor, Daniel,” she said simply and that ended their conversation. Michella met Zack’s worried gaze. “Can you check on Riley?”

  No matter the personal business between the two, Daniel looked like a professional. He hurried over to Riley’s side and began checking his injur

  “How bad is it?” Zack asked.

  He knew he should step aside and let the doctor do his work, but he was too worried. Damn, but he shouldn’t have allowed Riley to come, but Riley had the right of it.

  “It doesn’t look lethal, given its not silver, he’ll pull through, but I need to extract the bullets to make sure. Michella, can you take him aside?” Daniel asked, sounding annoyed.

  “Come on, Zack. Let’s check on the others.” Michella steered Zack gently away from Riley.

  One doctor started pulling silver fragments from Doreen, and the two others tended to A.J. Seeing the shredded length of A.J’s back and his arm, Zack winced. Was it selfish to be thinking he was glad Riley would recover?

  Michella looked deep in thought. “Daniel says A.J’s back is salvageable, but he might lose his left arm, because the silver bullet’s gotten into his bloodstream.”

  Zack winced. While they could heal from most injuries, they couldn’t re-grow an entire limb and a werewolf amputee, what kind of future would A.J face?

  “How do you know him, the doctor?” Zack asked.

  She shrugged, but answered him anyway, as if she understood he was asking to distract himself from worry. “Daniel’s an old friend.”

  “Just a friend?” Zack teased.

  He’d seen Michella date a few men over the years, but none of them stuck. Then again, having overprotective brothers like Sergio and Alessio made it hard to find a suitable mate.

  “We dated. I was starting high school, and he was about to graduate from college. Alessio broke his arm, and that was that. He calls occasionally, when some of the supernaturals in his community need help.” Michella regarded him, patting his arm. “I think you can go see Riley now. Oh, don’t forget to call Jordie. He must be worried.”

  Jordie. Christ. Zack nearly forgot. Michella was right. Jordie would probably be worried sick about Matt and him. Matt, Zack knew, could handle himself. He and his little brother had plenty to talk about though, especially about Riley and how he’d been a dick all this while.

  They could go on double dates now, Riley and him with Matt and Jordie. With this mess cleared up, Zack could start thinking and planning for a future, one which starred Riley and him.

  Before going to his mate, Zack had to ask, “How did you know when to arrive at the right place and time?”

  “Gut instinct. I’ve been doing this so long. It’s not bad to be prepared with a plan B.” Michella glanced at the door of the clinic.

  Zack could hear more howls and cars outside. Judging by the cheers mixing in with the groans of the injured, the pack had succeeded. It felt like a weight inside him had been lifted. No other shifter would go through the same ordeal Riley went through. That didn’t mean everything was all tied up in a bow. Were there other operations like these, scattered throughout the country?

  One thing was for certain, the pack wouldn’t keep this information for themselves, but one step at a time. They won one victory tonight, but there might be plenty of battles in the future.

  “Well, I’d like to thank you for stopping and picking us up. I wouldn’t have known what to do. I owe you one.”

  “I’ll take your word for that then, Zack.”

  After Michella headed outside to see the others, Zack hurried over to Riley’s side. Bandages covered his chest and an IV had been hooked to his arm. Zack thought him asleep, too, but Riley gave his hand a squeeze when Zack reached out.

  “Hey, baby. How are you feeling?”

  “Awful, like I need to stay in bed for a week,” Riley grumbled.

  If Riley could make jokes at his state, Zack had nothing to be worried out. Zack kissed his hand.

  “We’ll do just that. After you recover, we’ll celebrate. Go on a real date. Genuinely get to know each other. You’ll like Darkfall.”

  Riley cracked a smile. “Sounds like a plan. You know, for a while back there, I really thought I was done for, but it looks like fate has plans for us, huh?”

  Zack grinned. “You hear the other shifters outside, pet? We’ve succeeded. These humans won’t be bothering anyone anymore and knowing the pack, they’ll be helping the victims get back to their homes and families.”

  Tears filled Riley’s eyes. “Zack, thank you.”

  “I don’t deserve the credit. It was the right thing to do. Now sleep.”

  “You’ll stay by my side?” Riley asked, sounding hopeful.

  “Of course.” Zack kissed him on the mouth gently. “I’ll be the last thing you see before you sleep and the first when you wake.”

  Chapter Ten

  A Month Later

  Riley jumped when the doorbell rang, biting on his lower lip to glance at the table, which was only half-set. Worse, the plates and cutlery didn’t match. Zack and he had just recently moved into their new apartment three days ago and their guests wouldn’t expect much.

  Still, this place, not yet completely furnished, would become their home. Zack’s and his. Riley still get over that little fact. Never in his wildest imagination would he imagine mating a gorgeous and thoughtful mate like Zack, who didn’t care he couldn’t shift. Feeling Zack’s muscled arms around his waist a second later, Riley sighed.

  “We can’t keep Matt and Jordie waiting.”

  “Let them wait.” Zack nuzzled his neck. “Why so nervous? Relax, baby.”

  “Because the table’s not ready and I burnt the chicken.”

  “That’s why we ordered take-out.”

  “It’s not perfect.”

  “Life never is.”

  Zack had a point. Closing his eyes, Riley sunk into Zack’s embrace, enjoying his warmth when the doorbell rang again. Parting from Zack, Riley opened the front door to let Jordie and Matt in.

  “That took damn long,” Matt muttered.

  “Did we interrupt something important?” Jordie asked. “We stopped by your favorite bakery along the way, Riley.”

  “Pie!” Riley whooped taking the pie from Jordie.

  He’d been nervous meeting Zack’s brother at first. Jordie was Zack’s only family, and Zack, Jordie and Matt had grown up together. It turned out Riley had nothing to worry about.

  Zack grunted. “We were about to have sex.”

  “You wish.” Riley blew his mate a kiss, although Riley wouldn’t admit he looked forward to that.

  They settled down for dinner, opening Chinese take-out boxes and pizza. After devouring everything in sight, they adjourned to the living room to watch the game. Riley and Jordie hung back, while their mates cursed and whooped at the TV screen.

  “Beer?” Jordie asked Riley. “Wine?”

  Riley shook his head.

  “You rejected a drink earlier, too.” Jordie’s eyes widened in realization, but Riley put a finger to his lips.

  “I haven’t told Zack yet.”

  “You know I’m bad at keeping secrets,” Jordie muttered. “But oh, I’ve always wanted to be an uncle to cute little wolf pups.”

  “Hush, you. I planned on telling Zack tonight.”

  “What are you two gossiping about?” Zack asked, finally noticing them whispering.

  Jordie was ready with an answer. “None of your business.”

  Zack frowned, but returned his attention to the game.

  “How exciting,” Jordie gushed.

  “Yeah? Say that to me when I’m all fat and waddling.”

  Jordie grinned. “You’ve always said you wanted to start a family. Zack does, too.”

  “I know.” Heck, Riley already started drawing out a list of names. He just found out yesterday when he brought a pregnancy kit after throwing up.

  “I’ll make sure Matt and I leave early so you guys can talk,” Jordie promised.

  True to his word, Jordie dragged Matt away once the game finished. “Why?” Matt groaned. “It’s barely midnight.”

  “Don’t you want me for dessert?” Jordie asked, instantly silencing Matt. He gave Riley a wink, before Matt pulled him out the front door.

bsp; “What was that all about?” Zack mumbled, shaking his head and shutting the door.

  “Aren’t you hungry for something else too?” Riley teased.

  Zack approached him, hungry look in his eyes. “You?”

  “Me,” Riley confirmed. He grabbed Zack’s hand and pulled him to their bedroom. There was only a bed inside the room and they hadn’t had the chance to finish furniture shopping, but it will do.

  Zack yanked him close to a kiss and in seconds, Zack’s hands were on him, fumbling for his shirt. They undressed each other in haste. Once naked, Riley ran his hand over the hard planes of Zack’s upper body. Looking down, Riley’s cock woke, seeing Zack’s thickening, massive dick.

  Despite living together for a month and having mind-blowing sex on a daily basis, Riley still couldn’t get enough of Zack.

  Each time their bodies touch, the electricity between them seemed to burn brighter. Their tongues and teeth clashed. Riley opened his mouth wider, letting Zack thrust his tongue down his throat. Closing his eyes, Riley enjoyed the toe-curling kiss. When Zack withdrew, Riley moaned into his mouth.

  “Tell me, pet. Do you want me in you?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Get me ready, so I can sink my dick into that tight ass of yours.”

  Aroused by the image, Riley fell to his knees. He felt Zack’s fingers in his hair, tugging insistently. Zack pressed his tip against Riley’s mouth and Riley’s tongue darted out, licking away the pre-cum. Swirling his tongue around Zack’s cockhead, Riley finally took Zack between his lips, applying suction. Zack groaned above him, tightening his grip on Riley’s hair.

  “Your mouth feels so good, pet. I’m taking over.”

  Riley relaxed his throat, letting Zack fuck his mouth. Zack thrust into his waiting mouth several times and Riley knew Zack was close to bursting. At the last second, Zack pulled away.

  Hoarsely, Zack said, “On the bed, pet. I want to see your face when I fuck you tonight.”

  Eager and excited, Riley lay on his back on the edge of the bed. Zack retreated to the bathroom, to get lube, Riley knew. When he came back, Riley smiled fondly at him. Yesterday, after seeing the stick, Riley was terrified for a moment. He wondered what he’d do, if Zack reacted badly to the news. Jordie was right though. Zack always said he wanted a family of his own, their family.


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