Unmissable: Haven Falls (Novella 7.5)

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Unmissable: Haven Falls (Novella 7.5) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2019 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design by: Sheridan Anne

  Photograph: Syda Productions

  Editing and Formatting by: Sheridan Anne

  Proofread by: Jessie Lynn & Heather Fox


  This short novella came as not only a surprise to you, but a surprise to me too. I had absolutely no intention of writing this, yet here we are!

  Once I completed book 7, I had countless readers demanding to have more and because of that, we now have Unmissable.

  This novella is dedicated to every single one of you who has fallen in love with Noah, Henley, Rivers, and Tully, and have followed their epic journey from the very start.

  I love you all for the support and encouragement you have all shown me and it’s because of you that I have the craziest need to get up every day and continue writing these incredibly complex characters with plot twists insane enough to make you think I’ve lost my mind!


  Babies. Babies. Babies.

  Who would have known?

  I could have sworn Noah and I had another few years before we went down this path. The second that pregnancy test came back positive—momentary freak-out aside—I knew it was right.

  36 weeks and counting.

  How much more of this pregnancy can I take?

  I thought our wedding day was the start of the rest of our lives, but it turns out, the day I go into labor is the real beginning.

  Our lives are about to get crazy.

  So, with my legs up in the stirrups, I take a deep breath and prepare for the most epic ride of my life.

  WARNING: Unmissable is a 17K word novella that takes place roughly nine months after the ending of Unstoppable – Haven Falls (Book 7.) It is written in dual POV between the two main characters, Noah and Henley.

  It is HIGHLY recommended that Books 1-7 be read before commencing Unmissable.

  The Haven Falls Series is a Young Adult / New Adult Romance filled with LOL moments, teenage angst, and of course, all the swoon-worthy moments I know you’re all dying for. This series is recommended for mature readers due to cursing and sexual content. If this offends you, then steer clear of this bad boy romance!

  For everyone else, dive in and have fun!




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  The Broken Hill High Series

  Author Biography

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1


  The alarm sounds and I fly out of the dining chair, leaving my uneaten lunch behind. As usual, I'm the first one here, scrambling for my gear and throwing myself into the fire truck. Within the blink of an eye, the rest of my boys are right behind me, ready to go.

  It’s been a hot as fuck kind of day with gale force winds to go with it. This is our third major call out and we’re only eighteen hours through our twenty-four-hour shift. The first was a bushfire on the boundary line of Haven Falls and Broken Hill that quickly escalated to emergency levels.

  We issued an evacuation notice to the homes in the area and with the help of the crew from Broken Hill, we were able to put that shit to bed without losing anyone’s homes. It was six hours of hell.

  We got back and sat our asses down for all of three seconds before the next call came in. There was a three car pile-up where a bunch of reckless teenagers nearly killed a mother and her toddler, and caused serious injury to a man, whose only intention was to get home to his wife.

  I guess it put all my teenage years into perspective. I was such a fucking idiot racing the way I did. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun and the adrenaline rush did me wonders, but I was endangering the lives of not only myself but the people around me. I was so cocky and sure of myself. You see people having accidents all the time yet you always think, ‘that’s never going to happen to me.’

  Truth be told, I was fucking lucky that never happened to me with the kind of shit I was getting up to in the middle of the night. When Henley came into the picture and my cocky, too sure of myself attitude tripled, I was desperately trying to impress her so I’m damn lucky I never got myself into that kind of trouble.

  I wanted her to think that I was larger than life, a fucking untouchable badass, and I think on some level she did. On the other hand, I think she could see right through my bullshit and I’ve never been so grateful for that.

  The day Henley Bronx walked into my life, I knew that one day I'd give her my name. I wasn't fucking wrong—I rarely am.

  Henley Bronx was a sure fire thing for me, despite her tough girl attitude. Maybe it was the way she was never afraid to put me in my place and call me out on my bullshit. Whatever it was, she reeled me in, hook, line, and sinker.

  The truck peels out of the fire station driveway, giving me that same adrenaline that I used to get as a reckless teenager behind the wheel of my Camaro.

  Dispatch comes through our radio as a second and third truck pull out behind us. We’re given the address and my heart sinks, but I don’t have time to dwell as she starts her explanation. “Apartment fire. Some kind of explosion that happened on the second level. A neighbor called it in and at this point, we are unaware of the cause. Residents in the higher apartments are trapped and no doubt panicking. It’s believed there are a handful of children.”


  “On it,” I acknowledge into the radio, letting dispatch know we’re prepared.

  “Be safe, boys,” dispatch says again before the radio falls to silence.

  I turn around to face the boys in the back while grabbing the radio once again, knowing my guys in the other trucks are eagerly awaiting my instruction. “Top priority; human life. We’ll split into three groups. Truck one is on the initial sweep, locating and freeing any trapped people. Truck two, I want you hot on our six, getting those people to safety and administering first aid until the paramedics arrive. Truck three; you’re on the fire. Once we’re done, it’s business as usual. This building is less than ten years old and does not have gas ovens. My gut is telling me this is something else other than a usual kitchen or electrical fire. Keep your eyes open. Are we clear?”

  “Clear,” comes from fifteen voices throughout the three trucks.

  I nod to my boys in the back before turning and facing the road. This is going to be a shit show and what’s worse, this is Tully’s old apartment block.

  It was less than a year ago that she was living here. These people trapped inside this apartment block were her friends and neighbors; the people who checked on her when Rivers deployed, the people who slammed their fists against the wall when she was busily rocking out, and the people who helped her feel safe when her life was a living hell.

  This was her home, her sanctuary, her peace where she could be herself and block out the world around her. Now it's all going up in flames, and though it kills me, it's the least of my troubles. There are people in there terrified for their lives. My number one priority is human life, number two is saving their homes and possessions.

  We’re about two minutes away when my phone starts going apeshit in my pocket. I cringe as I fish it out. I usually don’t have my phone on me while I’m working as it’s a distraction, but He
nley is 36 weeks pregnant, so I’ve been making an exception.

  Henley’s name flashes on the screen and my eyes widen as I hastily accept the call. The boys quieten down in the back, knowing I’ll only answer my phone if it’s necessary.

  I practically slam it against my ear. “Babe, is everything okay?”

  “It’s me,” my sister’s panicked voice comes through the line. “Henley’s water just broke and she also just told me that she’s been having contractions for the last few hours, the stubborn cow. We’re about to get on our way to the hospital. Where are you? Now that her water has broken, she’s panicking.”

  “FUCK! I’m on my way to an apartment fire. It’s going to be a few hours before I can get to the hospital.”

  “What? You have plenty of people. They’ll be fine on their own. You need to get here.”

  “Henley’s going to be okay. It’ll be hours before she’s ready to push.”

  “Noah,” Tully demands. “This is your wife. Can’t you leave work early just this once?”

  I cringe, knowing where she’s coming from, but this is peoples' lives we’re talking about. This is my team, my boys. How could I leave them a man short in such a dangerous situation? “I can’t, Tullz,” I tell her for the millionth time as I consider telling her where exactly this fire is, though decide not to as I want her focused on my wife, not her old apartment block. “If I had any other job, you know I’d already be out the door.”

  Tully groans before giving in. “I know…just, hurry, okay? I have a feeling she’s not going to make this easy on me and I’m going to be her punching bag until you can come and free me.”

  I grin as the excitement hits. “Fuck, yeah, you are. Can you put her on?”

  “Yeah, hold on,” she says. “She wanted a cool shower first.”

  “The fuck? What for?”

  “I don’t fucking know, but I wasn’t about to question her. Do you have any idea how grouchy she’s been the last few weeks?”

  I grin a little more. Tully’s right, Henley has been a bit snappy. This pregnancy hasn't exactly been easy for her, especially after watching how easily Tully went through her pregnancy, it's been a little bit of a sore spot.

  Henley’s practically had elbows, knees, and feet jammed up under her ribs for the last ten weeks. She vomited nearly every single day, she hasn’t slept properly in over five months, and not to mention the dreaded heartburn that brings tears to her eyes. She is going to be one happy Mommy when her guts are childfree.

  I listen as Tully takes her time walking through my home, and I resist groaning and telling her to hurry the fuck up. There’s only another minute or so before we pull up at the fire and when we do, I need to be ready, and in order for that to happen, I need to know that Henley is doing alright.

  Tully knocks on a door and I hear the sound of the shower in the background before Henley and Tully’s muffled voices.

  Not a second later, my wife’s already exhausted voice comes down the line. “Noah?” she questions.

  “Spitfire,” I say, unable to hide the adoration in my tone. “How are you doing? Tully said your water broke.”

  “Yeah,” she murmurs. “Are you on your way back?”

  I wince, hating that I have to tell her this. “No. Not yet, babe. There was an apartment fire. We’re just about there, but I’ll be as fast as I can. I promise you, Spitfire, I’ll be there. We’re going to get these people out and make this fire our bitch, and then I’ll be standing right there next to you. I won’t miss this for the world. You got that?”

  Henley sighs and I hear the devastation in her tone, but she understands despite how much she wants me there now. “I just really need you to come and hold my hand,” she finally says.

  “I know,” I tell her, feeling like a dick. “I’m sorry. I hate this just as much as you do, but I can’t leave these boys. If something happened to one of them…”

  “I know,” Henley tells me. “You don’t need to explain it to me. I get it and I’d hope that one day, they’d be strong enough to do the same for you.”

  “They are.”

  “Good…shit,” she groans. “Another contraction is coming.”

  I suck in a breath, hating that I’m not able to be there for her right now. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah,” she says. “It just sucks. These next few hours are going to be awful.”

  “You’re going to be okay, Henley. You’re the strongest woman I know and you have Tully right by your side. You’re my fucking Rockstar, babe. I’m going to keep my phone on me if you need me, okay?”

  “Okay,” she says, letting out a slow, deep breath as the contraction takes over her.

  We pull down the street of the apartment and smoke is billowing up into the air as bystanders begin to scatter to make room for our trucks. “We’re here, Henley. I have to go, but don’t for one second forget how fucking much I love you.”

  “I know,” she says. “I love you too. Be safe, okay?”

  “I will, babe. I’ll come as soon as I can.”

  With that, Henley ends the call and I tuck the phone back into my pocket and concentrate on the task ahead of me. “Alright, boys,” I say to the other four men in the truck. “My wife just went into labor and as much as I love doing this shit with you guys, today; a quick game is a good game. Let’s get in and get it done so I can get to the hospital.”

  They all nod in agreement before giving their congratulations. But truth be told, their congratulations are pretty fucking lousy, but that’s what I expect seeing as though each and every one of their eyes are cast out the front windshield taking in the blazing apartment block right before us.

  Orange flames take over the second story with smoke pouring out the windows while an idiot down on the ground is busily trying to convince the people up on the third and fourth levels to jump from their balconies.

  I shake my head. It’s fucking idiots like that who make our job so much harder.

  The truck comes to a stop and we all pile out, rushing around to get what we need. Without any of the boys needing clarification on what to do, we all head straight for the building as the police show up and start pushing the bystanders away and creating a perimeter around the building. Hopefully dealing with that idiot as well.

  We charge through the building, starting with the occupants of the apartment currently on fire. We find him out in the hallway, trying to crawl away from the smoke as he violently coughs. He’s alert enough to let us know that there is no one else in his apartment.

  One of the guys from the second truck comes through and helps him out of the building while the rest of us go on, searching each and every apartment, not stopping until we’ve checked behind every single door, under every bed, and inside every last closet.

  We find a toddler on the third floor in the apartment directly above the fire, screaming for his mommy only to find the woman unconscious after the explosion had blown a hole right through her floor.

  Flames have started making their way around her, but it looks as though she was knocked out by the debris from the explosion.

  We rush in and get her to safety and once that’s done, we focus on getting the rest of the trapped residents out of here.

  Having faith in my boys from the third truck, I make the call to start leading the residents out of the building. There are at least fifty people trapped in here, but with the fire burning the structure of the building from the second floor, it’s imperative that we get these people out of here in case the integrity of the building decides to give out.

  With the emergency exit engulfed by flames and the elevator out for the count, we’re left with no option but to take the window from the third floor.

  I explain to the residents what’s going to happen as the truck is pulled into place and the ladder is extended. A life net is stretched out below in case of a fall, and the residents instantly begin fretting.

  It’s understandable. This isn’t the kind of shit that happens every day, but whe
n the building begins to creak and the sound of something collapsing on the floor below echoes all through the building, they’re suddenly more than ready to face this daring escape.

  I look down at the view below to ensure everything is in place and ready to go. I see the paramedics working furiously on the man from apartment two, and the woman from apartment three being put in the back of an ambulance while her son remains safely in Blake's arms.

  With everyone in place, the residents start going out the window. Some need to be coaxed while others with an itch for adrenaline seem to enjoy it.

  An hour and a half later, all fifty residents are safely on the ground while my men are busily putting out the last of the flames.

  I’m the last one down to the ground and instantly go check on my boys. “What’s the damage?” I ask our fire chief.

  He lets out a sigh and shakes his head. “Would you believe it if I told you it was a meth lab?”

  Disappointment shatters through me. Three-quarters of this building gone, a woman in the hospital, and a shitload of people all without a home all because of drugs?

  It’s an issue we’ve been dealing with more and more. When Anton Mathers, Henley’s biological father, was put away, that put a stop to drugs being imported into Haven Falls and the surrounding areas. It kept our town clean for a while until people realized that in order to get the hit they wanted, they were going to have to source their drugs from somewhere else.

  Overnight, everyone and their fucking dog became a dealer, and with that, came all the dumbass suppliers.

  This marks the fourth drug-related incident this year.

  It’s fucking pathetic.

  I shake my head as the fire chief and I start heading back into the building to check it out for ourselves, and what we find is no doubt going to end up on the evening news.

  When is this bullshit going to end? Haven Falls is better than this.

  “Alight, Noah,” Chief says as we exit the building. “I’ll handle this one from here on out. You go be with that woman of yours.”


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