The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 2

by Eva Andrews

  Stuttering, “No, this can’t be happening, get it together.”

  Leaning up against a marble pillar, she wrapped her arms around herself and bent over as she tried to catch her breath; desperately hoping the cool night air would help her breathe. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on her breathing and attempted to focus her mind to regain control. To this date, she had never experienced such a rapid reaction, no warning signs; she barely had anytime to escape.

  Hearing a rustling behind her she opened her eyes and swung around to find a mysteriously tall dark shadow standing before her, screeching, she stumbled backwards tripping over the hem of her gown in her rush to flee the shadow.

  Like lightning, strong arms wrapped around her waist right before she struck the ground.

  “Vieve, it is just me, Luke. Relax little one.” He whispered in a low voice as he cradled her in his arms and pulled her back up.

  Smelling his familiar cologne, and hearing his velvet voice, her heart skipped a beat, she admitted, “Oh Luke, I can’t believe this is happening now, after all these weeks!” She was so relieved to see her friend; he was one of the few men she trusted. He had been with her on countless attacks, he was familiar with her and her spells and knew how to console her.

  Luke steadied her on her feet and gave her a little squeeze and then rubbed her back in large circles as he hugged her, “Concentrate on your heartbeat Vieve, slow it down as you take long deep breaths. You can control this, I know you can.”

  She smiled at his confidence; listening to his words she did as requested. Burying her head against his strong chest, she closed her eyes. Wrapped in his protective arms she was able to regain focus of her mind, she concentrated on her heartbeat as Luke rubbed her back.

  The warmth of his hand through her silk gown sent a sensation up her spine that made her quiver, even though they were close friends, his magnetism was hard to deny. Just like Alastair, you’d have to be dead to not feel something for Luke. He was tall, and built like a god; his dark hair hung to his collar and refused to be tamed. His famous blue eyes could melt your soul in a heartbeat. Luke’s clothing was always immaculate, always expertly cut in a fashion that flaunted his muscular frame. He had a devilishly handsome smile; one he knew how to wield as a weapon.

  Being held in his arms allowed her to block out the rest of the world. Everything else just disappeared. She couldn’t think of anyone else she’d rather be out in the middle of a garden with. This season their friendship had grown immensely, partially because she was finally attending tonnish events in full force. She never would have guessed at the beginning of the season that Luke Michael Somerset, The Earl of Devonshire would morph into her closest ally.

  The last ten weeks of her life had changed so many of her views, her eyes were wide open at the possibility that she could have a normal life, like all her friends. As the tension slowly faded from her body she unlocked her hands from around his trim waist. It was always her way of letting him know she was okay, she had to let go first.

  Looking up at him in the dark night, his dark hair falling to his collar, his jaw flexed as he looked down at her. He had turned into a savior for her this season; so many times he helped her navigate the crowded balls of London, her protector.

  “What?” He asked in a low rumble, pulling her a little closer.

  Still standing in his arms, he had yet to let go of her. Feeling his strong hand on the small of her back she raised both hands, placing one on his hard chest, the other reached up to cradle his tense jaw, “Thank you Luke. I feel much better, you can let me go now.”

  He on the other hand wanted nothing more than throw her over his shoulder much less let her go, it took everything he had not to kiss her. Grinning at having to be told to release her, he slowly let go of her slim frame and watched her attempt to smooth her gown. Even in the dark of night her dark hair gleamed in the moonlight, as did her captivating green eyes.

  “Stop, you look stunning Vieve,” Picking up her ornately covered mask from the grass, he retied it on her lovely face and held out his hand, “Shall we try this again, except this time I’ll be by your side? Nothing to fear, just you and I Vieve, you can do this.”

  Nodding to him she clasped his warm hand as he wound it around his arm and guided her back through the garden and into the grand home full of light and laughter and music.

  Over the past few years Luke became friends with Genevieve due to his new sister-in-law Helena. Helena and Genevieve were extremely close friends and since he usually kept his eye on Helena and her sister, he grew to know Genevieve as well. He was very aware of her illness and had learned how to calm her down over the years due to watching Helena and Annabelle helping her on occasion.

  Since Genevieve rarely came to town, he didn’t see her often, however the past few months had brought them closer due to her now being here fulltime for her sister’s season. He always enjoyed seeing Genevieve over the years, she was quiet and reserved but extremely intelligent and kind. Luke had found himself drawn to Genevieve’s side in the past few years, especially this season, not a day went by when he didn’t see her. Their circles meshed daily, because he made it so.

  Luke knew crowds were hard for her, he also knew her loyalty to her sister was putting her in harm’s way. He worried about her and kept a distant eye on her in the crowds waiting for signs of an attack when he wasn’t beside her.

  “Do you feel up to a dance Vieve?” He asked as they rounded the corner and walked back into the warm ballroom. He saw the sights and sounds assault her as she looked upon all the masked faces that danced around the room. Bravely smiling she nodded in agreement; Luke gently guided her onto the crowded dance floor.

  Finding a spot with a little more room he placed his hand on her hip and gathered her close to him and swept her into the dance.

  He waited until they had rotated around the room once before he started questioning her, “What happened earlier? What triggered the attack?” He knew that there was a cause, his protective nature of her was showing, and he simply didn’t care. He had grown quite tired of trying to hide his worry over her.

  “I was standing next to Annie when a man asked her for the next dance, there was something about his presence that struck me as he stood next to us. I can’t explain it, my heart started to pound and my throat closed up almost immediately, there were no warning signs like before.”

  A large part of her melted when she saw how worried he was, she’d grown so used to his protective presence, so much she forgot that it wasn’t normal. He wasn’t a relative, or even a suitor, he was a very eligible, titled, wealthy bachelor who had befriended her years ago.

  For years she put off the thought of marriage, she had convinced herself that there was no man who’d want her, for who would want to deal with unsocial wife? As she grew older, she watched her friends marry and start families; her heart ached to have that someday. Year after year went by, and now three and twenty, she pondered if she had missed her chance.

  “What was his name? Have you seen him before? Did he touch you?” He quietly question as he drew her closer as people started to crowd them.

  She took a deep breath in, the heat from Luke’s body and his scent was making her heart start to race, she looked up and answered, “Rossdale, new to town and title. As soon as he was introduced and I shook his hand I started to feel sick. He asked Annie to dance and I excused myself from the group and went outside.” She went over the moments in her head, and looked up into his indigo eyes that seemed to be simmering with anger, she could feel his body tense up when she said the man’s name.

  His reaction confused her, not meaning to upset him, she tried to switch the conversation as they danced to the beautiful music, “How did you know I was in the garden?”

  “Alastair had mentioned it to me when I saw him, he said you seemed out of sorts,” Luke offered.

  She could tell something was wrong, he looked angry. His jaw was flexing, and she could tell his brain was racing. “Ala
stair being kind, I almost got sick on him as I made a dash for outside,” She chuckled and tried to coax a smile from her friend, she knew humor would get him to bestow one of his gorgeous smiles on her.

  With a warning tone, Luke demanded, “Stay away from Rossdale Genevieve.”

  With a questioning gaze, she looked back up at him, even more confused, “I will try my best Luke, but he seems taken with Annabelle. I’m not sure how much I can avoid him if he courts my little sister. However, given my reaction tonight, I can assure you I will keep my distance as much as I can.”

  “I’ll see if anyone from our circle can get details about him.” Finally smiling at her, he drew her about another tight turn when they spotted her parents also dancing on the floor. Still madly in love, Lady Selina was lost in her husband’s eyes and never noticed their oldest daughter dancing beside them.

  Luke caught her smiling at her loving parents as she watched them dance, their love for each other was so apparent, even after all these years. Whispering in her ear, “That’ll happen for you too Vieve, someday I promise you will find a man you’ll want to get lost in.”

  “I hope so Luke, I really do.” She looked up at the man holding her, and gave him a dazzling smile.

  Luke’s jaw almost dropped, when he took her all in, everything around them disappeared as he looked down into her dazzling green eyes. She had never talked about wanting to marry, or even being interested. He knew she was under the ridiculous impression that her illness would prevent her from making a good match, let alone finding a man who wouldn’t cause her attacks.

  It was the first time he registered the thought that the woman in his arms might get swept away from him by a charming suitor. Instinctively, he drew her closer, she was exquisitely beautiful, her raven hair was such a contrast against her flawless ivory skin, and her green eyes were enchanting. Her gown matched her eyes perfectly; she was easily the most beautiful woman here tonight.

  Over the past few weeks he found himself seeking her out each night, he told himself it was to make sure she was okay, yet he knew there was more to it. Her father was more than competent at keeping an eye on her. Her mother and sister were also famously protective of Genevieve, yet he couldn’t refuse the need be by her side.

  The more time he spent with her, the more he realized how bloody brilliant she was, she was more than a pretty face and sweet ass, she was grace and full of passion. The woman she presented in the crowded ballroom was nothing like the wildcat she was at heart. Over the years he figured out her act quickly, and the reason why. Luke began to slowly meet the real Genevieve; she was rarely quiet or reserved. However, in public she embodied those traits to all who watched her.

  “Genevieve, forgive me,” He pleaded nicely as the song slowed and came to an end. He saw her shoot up a questioning eyebrow as she took his arm. Keeping her close so others wouldn’t bump into her, he leaned into her ear, “You look incredible tonight. Emerald green is a color I’d love to see you in everyday, kitten.”

  “Oh stop Luke, you know I hate it when you call me that name in public!” She swatted his arm and couldn’t help but smile. It was a name he given her years ago after finding out her non-shy side, cute and quiet and endearing, but could rip you to shreds if you crossed her wrong.

  “No one ever hears me Vieve, relax a little.” Seeing her parents and her sister Annabelle off to the side, he took Vieve directly to her family.

  “Luke! Good to see you son, how have you been?” Lord Phillip asked as he extended his hand to Luke as they drew near.

  “Evening Phillip, Lady Selina” He nodded at Vieve’s mother and shook hands with Lord Phillip.

  “Good eve Luke, welcome back to London,” Annabelle offered as she extended her gloved hand to her sister’s handsome friend.

  “Annabelle, looking lovely as ever,” Luke offered, lifting her gloved hand to his lips and quickly letting her hand drop gently. He avoided touching Annabelle as often as possible, he noticed it physically bothered Vieve. She never mentioned it or showed it to the others, but he could see.

  “Thank you Luke, you look dashing as always!” Annabelle gushed, looking over at Genevieve, her face quickly changed, “It happened again, didn’t it Vieve! You didn’t get any of us! You promised!” In a low whisper, she questioned Genevieve as their parents and Luke looked on.

  “Vive, are you all right my child?” Her father placed his arm around his oldest daughter and brought her between himself and Lady Selina away from Luke’s side.

  “Yes, I am fine Father. Luke talked me down from my attack. Everything is well now, I promise,” She offered. He could tell she was embarrassed.

  “How is it that I didn’t notice any of it?” Annabelle asked as she also looked over her sister with worry.

  “My guess is because you were in the arms of Lord Rossdale on the dance floor my dear.” Her mother quietly replied with a smile as she rubbed Genevieve’s back.

  Annabelle looked over at her sister with apologetic eyes and said, “I’m sorry Vieve, I should have been paying attention.”

  “Will you please stop! You are here for your first season Annie; I do not need to be babysat. I refuse to allow you, or our parents to readjust life any further due to my illness,” she crossed her arms and looked at the four people staring back at her, “Please just let me handle myself, if I need any of you I will let you know. I was handling it just fine when Luke found me, please do not treat me like I’m a child.”

  “Genevieve, we do not think of you as a child, nor do we want to see you in harm’s way my dear, we care about you and are generally concerned for your life. Can we not compromise?” Lady Selina asked as she rubbed Genevieve’s back.

  Around them the masque ball continued, no one noticed them in the large mass of people who were dancing, mingling or coming in and out of the famous gardens.

  “We can talk about this at home? I do not want to waste any more time tonight on my silly illness. Enough of it, can we just forget it and crack on?” Genevieve asked, her anger was apparent in her tone.

  Her father nodded and that was the end of the conversation. He always took Genevieve’s side, and when she put up her walls, he usually defended them. Luke had known them all long enough to know how they operated.

  Luke felt obligated to ask Annabelle for a dance now that they were all standing together, “Annabelle, would you care to dance?”

  “I thought you’d never ask Luke, of course!” Linking arms with the younger St. George sister he escorted Annabelle to the dance floor. He couldn’t help notice the look in Vieve’s eyes as he walked away. Something was off, it was more than her recent attack, he’d bet his life on it.

  Genevieve stood between her parents as she watched her dashing friend guide her little sister flawlessly across the floor with hundreds of other dancers, desperately wishing she wasn’t such an invalid. Watching Luke and Annabelle together always upset her; she saw how her sister effortlessly took London by storm, while she was a fish out of water. Annabelle looked like Luke’s perfect match; she complimented him and was comfortable in his circle of influence. It was hard to not feel jealousy.

  Genevieve imagined that Luke would pick someone like Annabelle when he was ready to marry; he lived an active life with a majority of his time spent in London. Luke owed a shipping company like her father did; the two companies were very much flourishing and profitable. Whomever Luke picked for his wife would need to live here in London with him for months on end, something she would hate.

  Even though she and Luke were not romantically connected, she was honest enough to admit she was possessive over him. She had found one man amongst the Ton whom she was completely comfortable with, on occasion she even imagined herself falling in love with him. His charm and devilishly handsome good looks were hard to resist, she tried to remind herself he was only her dear friend.

  While daydreaming, she failed to notice a gentleman approaching her, before she even recognized his presence, he spoke, “Lady Genevieve, will
you do me the honor?”

  With a slight shake of her head, she shook off her wandering thoughts, and turned to see the powerful man before her, the Duke of Blackstone, their host. Matching his smile, she was happy to see him, he was fast becoming another ally.

  “Of course Your Grace,” curtsying she took his outstretched hand and felt him wrap it around his strong arm.

  Over the years she became comfortable around him due to Alastair’s association with her close friends and her father’s shipping company. Even though Alastair was the embodiment of tall and intimidating type that usually scared her, he always mindful of her shyness. He was a born gentleman, and the last remaining unmarried Duke of their generation. He was as tall as Luke, and had light blue eyes that seemed to be translucent at times. His blonde hair was the defining factor that set him apart from most of the titled gentlemen of the Ton; the ladies of town had lovingly nicknamed him the Golden Duke.

  Within moments he had her twirling around the dance floor next to others and laughing as well. He was easy to like, and fast becoming someone she trusted.

  “So tell me sweet Genevieve, what bothered you tonight? Is there anything I can do?” He was genuinely asking.

  “There was a man who upset me earlier, but it is of no concern, Your Grace,” she weakly answered back as the music kicked up into a higher tempo requiring him to hold her a little tighter.

  “If one of my guests upset you, I would say it is my business” His reply was gruff and had her tensing up almost immediately. Noticing her stiffness, he apologized, “I didn’t mean to upset you Genevieve, I only want to help.”

  “What do you know of Lord Rossdale?” She asked as she locked eyes with the powerful duke. She noticed he took his time and pondered her questioned fully before he replied.

  “I know he is newly titled due to the passing of his uncle. He isn’t well known around our circles. Did he say something that upset you?” He tried to not sound so stern this time.

  “He asked my sister to dance, just being by him physically upset my stomach. I don’t know why, that has never happened before.” She wasn’t sure why she was sharing this information with The Duke of Blackstone, but he was close with her family and Luke and she trusted him. She learned long ago to trust her instincts, and she knew in her heart that Alastair was a good man.


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