The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 5

by Eva Andrews

  “Well that explains why she was sick at my ball the night before, he was beside her and Annabelle almost the entire night. Her senses are clearly accurate, that man is a snake.” Alastair slammed his fist on the card table.

  “Indeed, he set her into a full-blown panic attack. Few witness it; she keeps her illness well hidden. Consider yourself lucky, you are one of the few men she can be around comfortably. There aren’t many of us,” Luke stated.

  “I say we put some more leads out on Rossdale and see what else comes back, we obviously can’t trail him personally as we will be noticed. Nor do we want to spook him into hiding, if he is potentially seeking Annabelle’s hand I know her father will want to know everything about the man. Best we have answers for him if that time comes, aye?” Alastair asked with a smirk, always looking to keep his mind off the constant barrage of women trying to trap him into marriage, a new investigation is exactly what he needed.

  “Solid logic my friend, here we go again.” Raising his glass of whiskey, he saluted his one time commander officer who oversaw the War Office these past years.

  Chapter 4

  The next afternoon went by exceedingly fast for Genevieve, hoisted out of bed an ungodly early hour, her mother and sister required her to join them for an afternoon of shopping on Bond Street. Lady Selina and sweet Annabelle’s version of an afternoon shopping trip kept her moving from store to store with efficient grace, they were relentless.

  Lady Selina insisted the girls order several new gowns, standing for hours being measured and shown fabrics should have kept her busy enough to not have a moment to spare thinking of Luke, yet, that is all she did.

  She was unable to keep the irritation out of her voice all day, both her mother and sister commented on her behavior several times while shopping. She didn’t even try to hide it from them, they were the one few safe zones for her, she knew they wouldn’t push for an explanation, and most of all, they’d tolerate her snippy attitude, because they loved her.

  After what seemed like a ten hour shopping trip, Genevieve arrived home, her feet were aching, as was her back. Her damn sister was just as happy as a lark as she floated upstairs singing to herself.

  Selina sighed as she watched her eldest daughter, “Dear child, go upstairs and take a hot bath, I do not know what troubles you my dear, but relax your mind. Calm your nerves, we have yet another busy night ahead of us.”

  Slumping her shoulders slightly, Genevieve felt defeated, all day she was unable to let go of her fight with Luke. It is like it was it physically hurt to be at odds with that damn man.

  Looking at her beautiful mother she tried to contain her tears as she whispered, “Yes Mother, I’ll see you later tonight,” turning to walk up the stairs, she heard her mother’s worried voice.

  “Vieve, would you like to talk about it?”

  Shaking her head quickly she responded, “I’ll be okay, I’ve only just recently thought of seriously looking for a husband. In whole, it is very overwhelming to me, thank you for asking, if I do need to speak to anyone, you’d be the first.” Nodding to her mother, Genevieve walked up the stairs towards her room, running a hand over her heart, she thought of the very man who had been on her mind all day.

  After a long bath Genevieve slowly dried off, feeling genuinely relaxed she sat down at her desk and wrote a new husband list. She had thought of nothing but her blasted list all day, and of course her depressing fight with Luke.

  As much as she hated to admit it, Luke was right. She needed more than a boorish man or a widowed man with children. Deciding that her list needed to encompass higher standards, and fewer names. She had finally come up with a handful of names that she was genuinely proud of. Not for one second did she allow herself to feel unworthy of even the most exclusive bachelors around.

  She wanted happiness, love and a family. All of her friends were all getting engaged and married. She saw them all find happiness and take chances, why should she be any different? She knew love could happen. She witnessed it all around her, why should she settle for anything less? In her heart she believed the right man wouldn’t see her illness as a hindrance.

  Her thoughts kept wandering back to her parent’s garden when Luke kissed her. Before that, she had yet to experience the passions lay that between a man and a woman. She felt almost embarrassed and ashamed of being so ignorant. She had kept men at such a distance; she was three and twenty and had only been kissed a handful of times.

  Her friends whispered about being kissed in the dark by their suitors, or how they felt when they were away from their lover’s embrace. She had heard story after story only to feel empty inside, she had never felt an ounce of that excitement before that kiss with Luke. How could she? Rarely being in town, hiding in the country so long, she had missed so many experiences her friends had on a weekly basis, she felt so behind.

  Shaking off her thoughts she went to get prepared for her night, her long hair would take time to style and she always hated sitting still for that long. Letting out a loud sigh, she called for her maid, best to start the long process then rush at the last minute.

  Hours later she was dressed in a dark purple gown that fell off her shoulders and showcased her lovely curves. With a well-placed necklace, it brought all the attention to her chest and face, she decided on a different tactic tonight and started mentally working through her list.

  She had to face the reality of the situation, how would she ever find a husband if she never tried? Hiding in the shadows wouldn’t land her husband; she needed to show London she existed.

  Tonight she swore she’d step out of her hiding spot, tonight she promised herself she would dance and smile and start examining the men on her list. A new found confidence swirled in the pit of her stomach, she felt a sense of empowerment wash over her, she knew she was worthy, she knew someday, she’d find her husband.

  Her parents as normal escorted Genevieve and Annabelle to the event of the night, a ball given for Lord MacFarlane’s newly engaged daughter, Margaret. Placing herself in a new circle of friends, Genevieve was happy to see one man who made her new list, Joseph Riverton, The Earl of Glennclose.

  He was just a few years older than her and was a well-noted scholar in Egyptian artifacts. She had met him last year and was on a first name basis with him, she enjoyed his knowledge of Egypt. Joseph was a pleasant man who was happier in the countryside compared to the bustling city life, he had proclaimed that himself months ago. The only reason he was in town was to install and unveil the new exhibit at the Antiquities Museum of London.

  Sliding in beside the sandy brown haired man, she nodded a silent hello to the others of the group as she listened to the current conversation about the new exhibits at the Antiquities Museum.

  Joseph noticed her immediately, “Good evening Lady Genevieve, you look simply fetching tonight my dear.” He offered as he took her hand and kissed her gloved knuckles.

  “Thank you Joseph, please do not let me stop your conversation, I’m very interested in the new exhibits, please continue,” she mentioned, as she lowered her hand.

  Diving back into his discussion of his recent travels to Cairo, he wowed the group with his vivid descriptions of the pyramids and mummies they had brought home. Untold curses and fortune that lay hidden in the stone structures across the world kept the group enthralled.

  When compared to the likes of Luke, Joseph paled in comparison. He was barely taller than her; his sandy brown hair matched his timid brown eyes, yet he was vibrant and peaceful.

  Genevieve reminded herself silently to stop comparing every man she met to Luke; he was an impossible standard to measure men against. It just wasn’t fair for the men on her list, no one stacked up against Luke Somerset.

  Behind them, the musicians were starting to play; the ballroom floor was beginning to fill when Joseph turned to her and asked her to dance. Instantly proud of herself for stepping out of her comfort zone, she was more than pleased to accept his invitation and allowed the scholarly e
arl to escort her on the dance floor.

  Genevieve chatted happily with Joseph throughout the entire dance, his worldly travels and charm made her smile. He was humble yet refreshing, Joseph even made her laugh several times as they danced.

  Unfortunately, his worldly travels and charm didn’t make up for her poor toes; they were aching from being constantly stepped on while they danced. Quickly reminding herself not to judge, she kept her smile on and tried to enjoy their dance.

  Genevieve saw Annabelle across the floor; she was dancing with Alastair and having a gay time. Seeing her sister was safe, she let her eyes wander around the floor while still trying to pay attention to her dance partner.

  Genevieve locked eyes with him within seconds; Luke was standing off the floor surrounded by beauties galore, laughing and drinking with his friends. Luke raised his glass to her as they locked eyes, giving her a friendly nod and smirk, then turning his focus back to the ladies by his side.

  His cool dismissal reminded her of their argument the previous evening, reminding herself how mad she was at him, she focused all of her attention on the babbling earl she was dancing with. Irritated at herself for being baited by Luke.

  By the grace of God, the dance was soon over. Her feet were throbbing; in need of a chair and a drink she had Joseph escort her over to her parents. Excusing himself, Joseph left Genevieve with her parents while he found his next dance partner of the evening.

  Genevieve knew her parents were easily escaped; she was able to use her illness as an excuse to get away from crowds when it suited her. Standing alone with her parents, she cried off for a quick stroll in the open gardens. She promised to stay within view of the balcony where many guests were strolling about, claiming she needed fresh air.

  Calmly walking to the garden door, her purple gown trailed behind her elegantly as she gracefully evaded people so she wouldn’t be waylaid into a lengthy conversation. Slipping out the door, she felt the rush of a warm summer breeze rush over her skin as she walked down the marble stairs to the garden; it felt like balm to her soul.

  A young waiter offered Genevieve a glass of champagne as she entered the fragrant garden floor, accepting the glass she meandered about and sat on a bench by the fountain.

  The music from the ball could easily be heard, the voices of those on the balcony muffled in the wind. Guests strolled around the garden patio in delightful conversations with one another.

  Genevieve sat alone, in perfect peace as she sipped her drink. Her feet were aching, and she felt a slight headache coming on. Taking another refreshing sip of her sweet champagne she looked up at the night sky.

  A rush of panic hit her as she heard footsteps across the courtyard; her skin had goose bumps and a cold tingle jolted down her spine. Scanning, Genevieve saw Lord Rossdale and several men walk into the garden maze; she froze as she watched them slither past her. Their faces were like stone, they were not chatting, they simply followed Rossdale in eerie silence, completely ignoring the fact that she sat there.

  A sensation went up her spine and a chill fell around her as they disappeared into the darkness of the garden. Slowly, she rose up from her seat; she looked around to see if anyone was watching her. Seeing no one, she picked a different path that ran parallel to the one the Rossdale had just taken. It was easy to slip away in the evening sky without notice.

  Sitting down her glass and picking up her purple skirts as she walked as quickly as she could without drawing attention. Ahead of her, she could hear their low angry voices when Genevieve felt a warm hand entwine with hers.

  Stopping dead in her tracks, she looked beside her to see Luke smiling.

  Raising their clasped hands, Luke placed a kiss on her inner wrist and winked at her, “Following men into the dark gardens will get you a husband indeed Vieve, bravo.” Whispering into her ear. He tugged her forward and continued to walk until they were beside the group of men, only a ten-foot wall of shrubbery stood between them.

  Walking as close as they dared, he put a finger over his lips to make sure she stayed silent, pulling her close, they leaned towards the bush and listened to Rossdale’s conversation.

  When Luke had seen her slip out the garden entrance, he had promised himself that he wouldn’t worry about her tonight, that he’d leave her to fend for herself. However, when he saw Lord Rossdale follow behind her moments later, fear gripped him and he acted. When he stepped out on the balcony that overlooked the courtyard, Genevieve was easy to spot, the green-eyed vixen picked a bench outside in clear view. Happy that she was safe, he turned to walk back inside when he saw Rossdale pass Genevieve along with two nefarious henchmen bound for the maze. Luke’s gaze immediately swept over Genevieve, from his vantage point he saw her rise up, and follow the men into the maze.

  Damn near losing his mind, he navigated the marble staircase and rushed after her as quickly as possible without drawing attention to himself. Slipping out of the house and down into the garden, he had felt a rush of anxiety when he lost sight of her.

  In the maze, Luke wrapped a hand around her hip as they leaned closer to hear, his fingers sunk into her lush ass as he drew her closer. Simply touching her, pulling her close gave him peace, the anxiety subsided and he felt calm once again.

  Away from the heat of the ballroom, Genevieve’s bare shoulders and arms were growing cold as Rossdale talked of trivial things with the men. She quietly unbuttoned Luke’s elegantly tailored jacket and slipped her slim arms around his ribcage and brought her chest pressing into his.

  Closing her eyes, she felt Luke’s muscles ripple under her touch; smiling to herself she took a couple of deep breaths just to push her breasts farther into his chest. She had the feeling that he was feeling what she did. His reaction was intoxicating; she felt his hardness grow against her belly. Her thin gown left nothing to the imagination, his scent was making her weak in the knees, his hard warm body made her want to melt into him. She never wanted to let go.

  Across from them Rossdale’s conversation finally steered in the direction Luke had been hoping to hear, trying to concentrate was hard, all he wanted to do was rip off Genevieve’s damn gown off and brand her forever, yet, he had to listen to the men on the other side of the maze.

  “When will the shipment be here?” Rossdale inquired in an agitated tone.

  “Tonight, in about two hours”

  “Very good, I need those crates unloaded and stored, we will be moving them in a fortnight. See that the shipment is secure, and report back to me the final numbers. No mistakes gentlemen, no mistakes.” Rossdale warned dangerously.

  “Aye, m’ lord, we’ll see it done.”

  They could hear the men turn and walk away. Silence followed them.

  Luke looked down to see a crown of dark curls; her head was pressed against his shoulder as she clung to him for warmth. With Rossdale walking away, Luke pulled Vieve closer as the group walked away.

  “What do you think he’s involved in?” She asked in a whisper

  “Whatever it is, it has to be illegal. The Swansong has a long history of doing underhanded business in the shipping world.” He replied, as he lifted her up and captured her ruby lips.

  The moment he touched her lips she arched into his hard body and her hands shot up into his hair. Lifting her up higher, he wrapped her leg around his waist as he ground his hips into hers, pinning her against the garden wall. Slipping his hand up her naked thigh he heard her moan against his lips.

  Every night Genevieve surprised him; she only grew more beautiful as the season progressed. She looked fantastic tonight, her every move made him mad with desire. Her plunging neckline was a dramatic step for her, one he appreciated. He knew she had an amazing figure, it was about time she stopped hiding it from the world, although he hated other men to drool over her. Their fight from last night forgotten, he smiled against her lips when a she moaned his name.

  Hearing others in the maze, Luke broke their kiss as sweetly as he could, slowly lowering her back on her own feet,
he held onto her until he knew she had her balance. Wrapping her arm around his; he slowly escorted her back towards the ballroom. Running his free hand through his hair he smoothed out his disheveled hair as best he could, and smiled to himself as he buttoned up his evening jacket.

  God she was a vixen, she was all passion and fire, he loved every second of it. Looking over at her face, he saw her face was flushed from their romp in the garden. Luke smirked to himself as they lazily made their way back inside, he was trying to give her extra time to settle her emotions.

  Entering the ballroom Genevieve saw her sister in the arms of Lord Rossdale, Annabelle seemed to be enjoying their waltz together immensely. Rossdale must have came straight in and claimed Annie’s hand for the dance.

  Following her eyes Luke leaned down towards her ear, “Has he been to the house yet? Taken her on a ride to Hyde park?”

  “No, not yet.” She quickly replied and looked at his gorgeous face.

  “When he does, let me know. I don’t think you have too much to worry about with just a few dances a night. However, when he starts calling at home, and wanting to take her on a ride to the park I’d be concerned his intentions were much more earnest in the way of marriage.”

  “Good to know, I will let you know.” Genevieve replied and smiled at a group of friends they walked past.

  “Are you up for a dance? I saw you out there earlier, so I won’t accept no for an answer kitten.” He nodded his head towards the dance floor, and with little effort he had her twirling around in seconds.

  Leaning up against him Genevieve whispered into his ear, “At least you don’t step on my toes.” Trying to contain a giggle.

  “Ah, yes, Riverton isn’t quite an accomplished dancer is he?”

  “Not like you.” Allowing herself to relax in his arms, she let go of any tension that lingered in her from earlier tonight and enjoyed the music and the dance, she was safe in Luke’s arms. It was easy to tune to world out when she was wrapped in his secure embrace.


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