The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 8

by Eva Andrews

  Night after night went by as she danced with the men on her list and cast her gaze about the Ton looking for any man who could be a candidate. Sadly, none of them were like her Luke. She missed him terribly, until his absence, she hadn’t realized how much she relied on him and needed him. Alastair, bless his heart was an excellent fill in for Luke, and he was on her list after all. Most of the week, she was by the duke’s side.

  Tonight her family was traveling to another masque ball held by her parent’s friends. Arriving on time, her father led his wife and daughters into the brightly lit ballroom. Men and women alike donned masked for the evenings, quickly becoming the new fashion, masque balls were happening weekly now.

  Wearing a dark purple satin and lace gown and matching mask, Genevieve circled the room with her parents until she found a group to join. Seeing Alastair standing next to Luke’s sister Amelia, she headed off to chat with her friends.

  Crossing the room she walked past a long hall that lead to the powder rooms when she felt a hand shoot out and capture her. Before she could even react, he entwined his fingers with hers. The moment his skin touched hers she knew who it was, something in his touch made her come alive.

  With their hands clasped, putting a finger to his lips to keep her silent, he gently walked her down the darkened hall without saying a word. Near the end of the hall he found a room and opened the door and quickly pulled her in behind him. Kicking the door behind him, he locked it and turned around to face her.

  He ran his eyes over her from head to toe and pulled her against him, “You look good enough to eat Vive, God I missed you.” Picking her up he walked over to the daybed that sat by the window and sat down, bringing Genevieve into his lap.

  She savored the feel of his strong arms around her; it wasn’t until his absence that she realized how much she missed his touch. Every night that went by she felt emptier, lonely and aggravated that there was no other man who even compared to him.

  Unafraid to admit it, she whispered, “I missed you too much Luke, far too much.”

  “I’m sorry I had to leave without warning, it was imperative that I follow the lead immediately, I also didn’t want you in danger knowing where I had went.” Stroking her bare arm he kissed her jaw as he talked, “I will admit it is nice to hear you missed me too, these past days have been torture for me.”

  Lying in his arms, she nestled into his warmth and savored his touch, with him gone this past week; she soon realized any other man’s touch repelled her. She was smart enough to be honest with herself and what that meant, she wanted to explore other options, and they led her nowhere.

  The man her heart and body earned for was lovingly stroking her back and holding her tight, even his smell was comforting.

  “Your new list is quite impressive Vieve, I am proud you finally see your value. You put men of real worth and character on it, well done.”

  “I’ve updated my list again.”

  “May I see it?”

  “No,” She replied as sweet as could be with a mischievous smile.

  “Vieve.” He said in a warning tone

  “There is only one name left, so one could say it is no longer a list at all.” Genevieve whispered against his lips as she pressed closer to him.

  Watching her sit on his lap, Luke watched her kick up her skirts and straddle his waist, unable to keep his hands off, he ran his hands up her skirts and found her core. His fingers slipped into her as he watched her head thrown back, her hips shifted against him as he worked her wet core.

  “The name kitten, say it.” Licking her neck he brought her to her first climax within minutes. He felt waves of erotic euphoria envelop her as she imploded against his hand.

  “Oh my God, Luke, it’s you. Only you!” She screamed as he drove her higher into ecstasy until she collapsed against his strong chest.

  Slowly removing his hands from under her skirts, he brought his hand up to his mouth and sucked on his fingers that were just inside of her, “You taste like Heaven kitten, say it again. Tell me what I want to hear.” He purred.

  Genevieve had never witnessed or experienced anything so erotic in all her life, she answered as a blush crept across her ivory face. “The only name on my list is Luke Michael Somerset, The Earl of Devonshire.” Blushing she tried to slide off his lap.

  “Oh no you don’t, you’re not going anywhere yet love.” Grabbing her waist, Luke pulled her slowly back on his lap.

  His touch was slow and sensual; sliding her across his lap his touch caressed her skin. With a small shift of her hips, Genevieve’s eyes grew wide as she felt Luke’s arousal; their clothing did little to hide his massive cock.

  Her jaw almost dropped, how would that fit in her?

  “What happened in a week to make a list of highly qualified, titled, good men go from five, to now only me?”

  Running a hand over the lapel of his midnight black suit, Genevieve looked deep into Luke’s crystal blue eyes and got lost, “While you were away I danced with every one of those men, I tried to imagine what life would be like as their wife. The only one who didn’t startle me was Alastair, however I do not have these feelings for him,” patting her chest over her heart, “I go to bed thinking of you, I awake wondering if you are safe or what you are doing. The desire to have you by my side grows daily; while you were away my heart was sick. When I see my future, when I see my future babies, I only see you beside me and as their father.”

  Luke ran his strong hands up her back and squeezed her against his solid chest, one hand ran up her neck tipping her head back as he kissed her cleavage and worked his way up to her ear.

  She had become his everything so quickly. The past week had been torture being away from her. Unable to see her, to check on her, to verify she was okay drove him utterly insane. Reading her list night after night slowly drove him insane; he was convinced he’d arrive back in town to find her engaged.

  Luke looked deep into her emerald eyes and held her ivory face with both hands, caressing her jaw with his thumb, “Every second away from you is hell, I want you to be mine forever Vieve. I dream about you. I obsess about your safety. I need you; you are the only woman for me. Will you marry me? Be my wife and put me out of my misery kitten, I cannot live without you. I will keep you safe and happy for eternity, my heart is yours.”

  Before she could answer, her world went black.

  Chapter 7

  Waking up in her bed, Genevieve stretched under the covers and pointed her toes as she squirmed under her warm covers.

  Quickly opening her eyes, she sat bolt upright in her bed and saw that it was morning. She was dressed in one of her cotton nightgowns, and her hair had been taken down. Looking around her room, she threw her covers off and sat on the side of her bed. Stumbling out of bed she tried to remember what happened last night, hearing her door open, Genevieve looked up to see her sweet mother.

  Selina rushed to her daughter’s side, helping Genevieve over to the couch by the fire, “Oh Vieve, you had us all so worried! You fainted and couldn’t be woken up, we’ve never seen you so. How do you feel sweetheart?” Settling her into the couch, her mother tucked a stray hair behind Genevieve’s ear and felt her forehead for fever.

  “Where is Luke? I need to see him.”

  “He just arrived a few moments ago, he is with your father in the library. You can see him after you feel better darling,” Tucking her in, Selina walked over and poured Genevieve a cup of hot tea.

  Throwing the covers back off her legs, Genevieve stood up and demanded, “Mother, I need to talk to him right now!”

  Selina walked over to her distraught daughter and sat down the tea and cupped Genevieve’s hands, “Dear child, what is wrong?”

  Tears brimmed in Genevieve’s eyes as she admitted, “Luke asked me to marry him last night, and I fainted before I could answer! I need to see him. I need to answer him. He needs to see I’m okay, trust me, please?” She begged.

  Lady Selina’s face lit up, a beautiful smile gr
aced her aged face, “Oh Vieve! I am so happy for you, of course I’ll go get him love, I can’t wait to tell your father! He thought something might be brewing between you two. Oh, do tell me you are going to say yes?” Dabbing her tears away she looked temporarily worried.

  “Yes Mother, I would have answered him last night had I not passed out. How utterly embarrassing! Can you help me get dressed?”

  Lady Selina did better; she ordered food and a bath, quickly depositing her daughter into the hot waters. An hour later and Genevieve was dressed in a beautiful vibrant green gown, her own mother had expertly crafted her hair.

  Arm in arm Mother and Daughter descended the grand staircase together, smiling and giggling like schoolgirls. Waking into the library without knocking, they saw her father reading over documents at his desk, alone.

  “Oh Genevieve, you look incredible! You gave us such a worry last night, how do you feel child?” Getting up from his chair, he walked over and hugged her.

  “I feel much better Father, where is Luke?” Her disappointment wasn’t hidden.

  “He left moments ago, Alastair had gotten a tip and needed his assistance. Luke is very worried about you love, he didn’t want to go,” patting her arm he kissed her temple.

  Looking at his wife he asked, “Selina, would you give me a few moments to talk to Genevieve, I have some questions I’d like to ask her. When we are finished we will join you for lunch if that suits you?”

  “Of course, I’ll see you two in a little bit my dears.” Leaving them behind, Selina closed the library door quietly behind her.

  “Come sit by the fire dear.” Her father took her hand and led her over to the seats by the fire, “I have a few things I’d like to talk to you about if you are up for it?”

  Smiling at her handsome father, she knew what was on his mind.

  “Ask away.”

  “Luke told me that the past several attacks have been triggered by Lord Rossdale’s presence around you, is that true?” He asked as gently as possible.

  “Yes, Luke is correct. I don’t know why, but I do know that just being around his person sets off my panic attacks. The other night he brushed my arm while walking past and I almost got sick in front of everyone.”

  “Luke and I have had several discussions on Lord Rossdale, I agree, something isn’t right about the man. I am not happy he’s taken with your sister. I do not trust him. Before I even spoke to Luke I had hired several people to look into Rossdale’s history when I saw he might be vying for Annie’s hand.” Her father shifted in his seat and looked into the fireplace as he toyed with his wedding ring.

  “I’m glad to hear you had suspicion as well, have you talked to Annie about this yet?” She asked

  “No, until I know without a doubt that there is something nefarious about him I will remain quiet. I do not want to be overprotective and ruin something for her or you without due cause.”

  “That is the same reason I haven’t told her about my reactions to the man, I do not want to ruin it for her.” She admitted and leaned against his shoulder.

  “I have faith that Luke and Alastair will get this handled appropriately, if they look into this and find nothing then I cannot stand in the way if your sister does want to marry him eventually,” he patted her arm, “Speaking of marriage, do not think I’m blind child. I keep a sharp eye on you, I’ve noticed a change in you my dear.”

  “Has Luke talked to you?”

  “He talked to me last week love, he asked me for your hand of course. I gave him permission without hesitation, I’ve known that boy for years, and I know you feel safe with him and that he’d be a wonderful husband. There is no other man alive who I’d rather see you married to.”

  Smiling at her loving father, “He surprised me last night by showing up at the ball, I didn’t know he was back home. He asked for my hand, and I fainted. I actually fainted! I’m so embarrassed, I’m sure Luke is worried?”

  She cringed thinking of how the incident must have played out.

  Chuckling he patted her arm again, and got up from the seat pulling her up with him, “He handled it effortlessly, one doesn’t make it as a top official in the War Office in England by botching something as easy as a young maiden fainting. He sent a footman off to me, and got you into the carriage without anyone noticing. I can’t tell you what a blessing it will be to have that young man looking over you when you are married.”

  “I’m so embarrassed, I’ve never fainted like that before,” she said as she closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Tipping up her chin, her father comforted her, “No worries child, I’m sure you’ll see him soon. Let’s go eat with luncheon with your mother and sister before they come looking for us.”

  Her handsome father walked her out of the library and to the morning room; she smiled as she thought over her father’s words. With Luke beside her, her future would be bright and safe. Luke would never falter.

  On the other side of London, Luke had a restless day of following several leads. Alastair had obtained credible evidence that he required Luke to follow immediately. Luke didn’t want to leave the St. George house earlier today without seeing Genevieve personally, but he knew time was against him.

  Alastair had uncovered a string of recent traffic of stolen goods that were being sold on the black market. He was able to connect Rossdale to the stolen war treasure that was being sold in the black-market all over London. The war treasure tied Rossdale to the man Alastair and Luke had been hunting for years, The Jackal.

  Alastair and Luke had been investigating Lord Lucius VanEtter, the newly titled Viscount of Rossdale for months. The two were part of a team at the War office that specialized in tracking down traitors to the crown. Months ago they suspected Lucius, better known as Rossdale to his peers, of dealing in stolen war treasure, a lucrative side business that would have put him in direct contact with, The Jackal.

  Hours passed quickly as Luke watched crates be traded off carriages in the back alleys of London’s east side. He had followed Rossdale’s men all afternoon and into the eve without being spotted, they were transferring cargo.

  Switching his positions, he found a new lookout over the warehouse the men had been operating out of all day. The sun had disappeared hours ago, as he sat and watched the buzz of activity below him. Throughout the day, Luke kept thinking of Vieve. His thoughts refused to land anywhere but with her. He had never seen her faint like that, blaming himself for rushing his proposal, he prayed she was awake and well.

  In his heart Luke knew Genevieve loved him. Even without her saying the words, he knew she cared. Luke just didn’t know if she was ready to say yes. It caused him great concern that he solicited such a reaction from her. He was used to being able to calm her attacks, not cause them. Part of him worried that she’d be scared of him now, he didn’t know what he’d do if that happened.

  He knew his night would be busy watching and hopefully inspecting the secret cargo within the building below. Luke resigned himself to waiting till tomorrow to check on her again.

  It wasn’t an hour later when Luke moved slowly from his hiding spot and quietly climbed down off the roof of a neighboring warehouse. The dense fog had rolled into the wharf making visibility poor. Deciding to search the warehouse, Luke proceeded with caution.

  The last man had left the warehouse hours ago, assured that almost everyone was gone Luke went to investigate. The man he sought to catch was elusive, intelligent and murderous and moved like the mist. The Jackal was the mysterious right hand of Napoleon.

  No one ever saw this man in person; all of the men Luke and Alastair had captured received their orders from his minions. No one had ever met the real man. It was as if he was a ghost. Alastair’s team estimated the Jackal had sent over five thousand men to their deaths by selling England’s secrets to Napoleon.

  Working in secret for the War Office, he had invested much of his private life into investigating and delivering justice. The Jackal was the last piece of his puzzl
e, the last case he had to solve.

  Luke had spied a broken window on the far north side of the building, climbing in; he stuck to the shadows as he assessed the interior of the warehouse. It was nearly pitch black inside, small rays of moonlight beamed through the dirty windows illuminating parts of the cavernous building. Feeling along the edge of the wall he bumped into a stack of large crate. Squinting into the darkness he counted thirty identical wooden crates.

  Working quickly he used his swordstick to pry a crate open. The first crate revealed a cache of expensive French wine, the following crate had coins and gems and many pieces of fine jewelry. Jumping to the next one he pried it back to find bolts of silks filling the crate to the brim. All the items were easy and quick to sell, funds could be gained easily if one knew where to sell such items. Wars cost money, which required the liquidation of goods for coin.

  Luke selected a few key items, he quickly them to take back to Alastair for their investigation. Resealing the crates, Luke worked quickly and quietly in the dark, he wasn’t sure when the crew would come back.

  Double-checking to make sure his search left no trace, he listened for any sounds as he slipped back into the shadows and climbed back through the broken window.

  After almost sixteen hours of investigation he was sore, tired and hungry. He found himself wondering what Genevieve was doing right now, was she sleeping? Was she just getting home from Farthington’s ball? Did she stay home? Did she ever wake up?

  Walking towards the busier streets, he cataloged the day in his head. There were many things he needed to discuss with Alastair in the morning after he checked on Vieve. Hiring the first carriage he saw, as usual he requested the driver to drop him off two streets away from his home. He had learned over the years to separate his personal life from work, there was always a chance he was being watched. He had too many close calls over the years to grow lax during his last official investigation.


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