The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 11

by Eva Andrews

  “Fair enough love, fair enough,” snuggling against his chest she shut her eyes and dreamt of their future.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning Genevieve awoke to the gentle feeling of the ocean rocking her, the sun peeked through the doorframe. Stretching her arms and pointing her toes under the warm blankets, she let out a loud yawn. She wasn’t surprised to find Luke absent from the cabin. Rolling out of bed she picked up their clothes off the floor and couldn’t help herself from smiling thinking about last night.

  Humming to herself she poured water into the washbasin and cleaned her face, hearing shouting above the deck she looked up above her and tried to hone on the voices.

  Walking over to her trunk she flipped the latch and found a crimson dress and slipped it on quickly, working on her long tresses she plaited her hair into a passible fashion and searched for her shoes she discarded last night.

  Twirling around the room, she searched for her missing shoes. Kneeling down on all fours she searched under the dresser and bunk when she heard the door open behind her. On her hands and knees she turned her head and looked back to find Luke leaning up against the door with his arms crossed. His dark hair was windblown, smiling as his eyes raked over her.

  “This is a view I can get used to Vieve,” walking in, he shut the door and walked over to her and extended his hand, “What are you looking for love?”

  “My blasted shoes, I can’t find them anywhere.” Grabbing his hand, he lifted her off the wooden floor and wrapped his arms around her small hips and lifted her up against him.

  Perfectly dressed, he looked like he just stepped out of a fairytale.

  “What is going on up there?” She asked as she ran her hands up his back.

  “We are getting ready to dock, the crew is preparing for our arrival. You slept most of the morning away kitten. Are you ready to see Ireland?” Kissing the tip of her nose before he walked over to the side of the bed and tossed her shoes over to her.

  “What are the plans?” Asking as she reached down and slipped her bare feet into her shoes.

  “We are going to check into our room and eat some food, I know you have to be starving. I will fill you in on our mission, would you like to go up on the deck with me to watch our arrival?”

  “Oh yes please!” Skipping over to him she smiled brightly as he took her hand and led her out into beautiful afternoon sun.

  “When you are on my ships Genevieve, it is very important you never wander without me,” strolling along the walkway he let her walk up ahead of her, “and speaking of which, how did you manage to get on my ship unseen?” Walking up behind her he was more than curious how she pulled off such a feat.

  “I dressed as a sailor and helped load supplies early yesterday morning, no one even blinked at me, I hid my trunk in your room and slipped off later to change and await you.”

  Linking hands with him she let the bright sun bounce off her face as she breathed in the sea air. The fresh air felt amazing, she was thankful she never suffered from seasickness.

  “You’ve got quite a knack for sneaking into places that ought to be secure, I’ll have to talk with my men, never less, I’m pleased you are with me, I went to your house yesterday to say goodbye.”

  “You came to see me?” She looked over at his handsome face.

  “Of course Vieve, I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.” Raising her hand he kissed her knuckles and they strolled to the bow of his two-mast ship. Luke had many ships in his shipping line, she knew this was the one he took on short distances, long and sleek, she cut through the water fast.

  The shores of Ireland were stretched out in front of them; dark craggy rocks rose from the white-capped sea. The island was blanketed in green; the afternoon sun drenched them all in warmth as they saw the island come into view. Standing on the deck of Luke’s ship, Genevieve stood beside him as she reveled in the moment. She looked up to watch Luke’s face, as he held her tight.

  A few hours later the ship had been docked, Luke escorted Genevieve off the ship while his crewmembers tried not to stare. All of the crew was wondering where she had come from, she had heard their questions as they exited the ship.

  A line of carriages waited by the wharf, hiring a well-appointed carriage, Luke loaded Genevieve and their luggage into the carriage.

  Inside, Genevieve was in awe, she had never been to Ireland before. She found the sights and sounds enchanting, taking in all of her surroundings she smiled as she watched Luke enter the carriage and sit next to her.

  Luke slid next to her and pointed out all the sights along their way to the inn. The beautifully colored doors, the amazing brick and stonework throughout the city was impressive. The shops lined every street; people were everywhere, yet she didn’t feel overwhelmed.

  While she watched from inside the carriage, she pondered how he wasn’t upset about her sneaking on his ship, or how quickly he let go of their fight. The words she said last night were true, there wasn’t a man alive who was more perfect for her than Luke. He knew when to push, he knew when to comfort, and he didn’t take her attitude, and he never tried to tell her what to do.

  Rumbling down the brick roads she was looking out the carriage door when she spied a familiar face. Sitting back against her seat she closed her eyes and covered her mouth with her hand.

  Luke saw the delight in her eyes turn to panic before she shut them. “What did you see Vieve? Tell me please”

  “Rossdale, I just saw him,” she whispered, still keeping her eyes closed.

  “Did he see you?” He asked as he shut the curtains and sealed the carriage from all light.

  “No, he was talking to a tall man with grey hair.”

  “Good, if he sees you then my assignment would be ruined. We must keep you out of sight, or disguised very well.” He explained as he scooped her up into his lap.

  “How long will we be here?” She whispered.

  “We received a tip that the Jackal was to have a meeting here in five days, assuming the meeting takes place, we should be home within a week.” He sat back and thought about Genevieve. How could he guarantee her safety? How could he do his job for Alastair and protect her at the same time? Rubbing his forehead he ran through the logistics of what he’d need to accomplish these next days, having Genevieve with him complicated everything.

  “I’m sorry Luke. I didn’t mean to make your job harder. You can send me back on a passenger ship if you’d like.”

  Feeling the carriage roll to a stop, he moved the curtain to see they had arrived at their hotel, “You stay with me Genevieve. There is no way in the world I’m letting you go again.” Opening the door, he stepped out and surveyed the bustling street traffic.

  Peeking his head back in the carriage he said, “Pull your hood over your hair, we will be traveling under the guise of husband and wife, shall we go see if our room is ready?”

  Smiling, he offered his hand as she pulled her hood over her hair.

  Luke knew for the most part they’d be safe in the bustling city of Dublin, however, he wanted to keep her identity as hidden as possible. They’d blend into the background and not raise an eyebrow while here.

  With her hood up, she joined hands with him as he helped her out into the drizzling rain. He could tell she was just now thinking of the ramifications of stealing away on his ship. He could not tell her exactly when they’d be able to leave for London, for he didn’t know himself. Missions like this could be short, or extend over long periods of time. Having her with him posed a challenge he’d never been faced with before.

  As they entered the establishment, he noticed a few patrons sitting at the tables; otherwise the place was fairly empty this early in the afternoon.

  “Follow me Vieve,” picking up their trunks he walked to the counter and was met by a jolly old man who was more than happy to give them their best room for the week.

  Genevieve and Luke were promptly shown upstairs to the grand suite that overlooked the busy road and Liffey
River. The Liffey Inn was a hidden little gem with a friendly staff; Luke had stayed here several times in his past. The room’s view was perfect for his line of work.

  The owner showed himself out and left the young couple alone.

  Walking over to the windows Genevieve watched the busy streets in a daze, leaning her head against the glass she felt him walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. Sitting his chin on her shoulder he joined her as they watched the strangers below.

  “Tell me what is on your mind love?” Asking as they stood together.

  Turning in his arms, she faced him and looked into his liquid blue eyes, “It is dawning on me that I left my home, stole away on your ship and potentially made your job harder while here. Why do I always make a mess of things?” Laying her head on his shoulder she sighed and melted into his warmth.

  “I will send a letter to your father letting him know you are safe darling, you can’t change what has been done. My investigation will continue without hindrance; you have not ruined that. I’ll just have to work at a much quicker pace so I can get you home soon.” Wrapping a strong arm around her thin waist, he ran his down her hip, “I’m sure you’ll feel better once you eat some warm food and sleep, would you like to go downstairs and eat?”

  Genevieve nodded; she was indeed hungry, and exhausted. Regardless of what Luke said, she knew she was in his way. He was being a gentleman, and most likely afraid to upset her, and their fragile relationship. She silently promised herself she would keep to their room and not be seen or heard from, with everything Luke had put into this investigation she refused to ruin it. With a determination to not muck this up, she turned into Luke.

  Hand in hand they went to the main floor and selected a spot hidden away by the crackling fireplace, helping her into her seat Luke said, “I’ll go order us some food and drink, you warm up.”

  Scooting into the far corner of the wooden bench, she let the warm fire cast a comforting glow on her. She followed him across the wooden floor with her eyes, the way he carried himself was a sight to behold. His looks could make an old matron swoon; yet he was not vain. A titled earl in his own right, he made a name for himself in the shipping industry during the war. With his brother, the Duke of Montrose fighting Napoleon, Luke watched over his family for the past five years. His reputation as a rogue was well earned, at seven and twenty he had cut a swath across England breaking hearts in every town. Throughout the years she had known Luke, she couldn’t even begin to count the number of marriage traps he escaped. He was well respected by the Ton, as was his whole family. He was a consummate charmer by nature, you’d be hard pressed to find one person say something bad about him.

  Rebel he was, but he always toed the line; he thought little of what the Ton thought about him, he lived by his own rules. Of course, in typical Ton fashion, they loved him even more for it.

  Genevieve had met him years ago while attending a ball with Helena, the woman who was now Luke’s sister-in-law. Thinking back on her first introduction she began to chuckle, even then she made a mess of things. That had been so many years ago, just mentally thinking over all the years that have flown by.

  So much had changed over the years. They had changed so drastically. The years had changed them and molded them. Luke was so steady and confident, that had never changed. She always remembered him being bold and in control.

  She could recall years ago when just locking eyes with Luke made her slip into a panic attack, now, even his mannerisms and presence made her hot. Everything about Luke was polished and sophisticated, so unlike the man she envisioned she’d end up with. Luke was the opposite of what she thought she wanted, so unlike anyone she ever met.

  Luke walked back to the table with a bottle of wine and a few glasses. Walking up to the table he sat the glasses down. “Halfpenny for your thoughts love?” Pouring each of them a drink, he handed her glass as nestled in beside her and draped a heavy muscled arm around her shoulders, leaning into her, he kissed the side of her head.

  Smiling, she leaned against his warm body, “I was thinking of them first time we met, how disastrous I was, even back then!”

  Chuckling as he remembered their first meeting, “It wasn’t disastrous at all, well, unless you count the priceless antique statue you broke at my parents’ house, and of course falling into my mother’s lily pond.”

  Giving him a little rib jab, she smiled into her glass and took a sip, “You jumped out in the middle of the garden and scared me half to death! It wasn’t my fault I fell back into that statue; a gentleman would have caught me!”

  Chuckling she replayed the debacle in her head over and over again, laughing harder each time she thought of it. She knew that night she had made a friend among the Ton.

  Shaking his head, he poured them another drink, “You shouldn’t have been in my parents’ garden alone Genevieve, but I say, watching you trip over your dress, into the statue, and land in my mother’s fountain was a sight to behold indeed! Lucky for you, the massive thing didn’t fall on you.”

  “Yes, a finer introduction has never been seen.” Rolling her eyes, she took another drink, she remembered how he laughed at her as he pulled her out of the fountain, soaked from head to toe and introduced himself.

  “It is one I’ll never forget, and I took the blame for the statue if I remember correctly.” He reminded her.

  Shaking her head, “It was the least you could do since you mercilessly made fun of me as you plucked me from the lily pads!”

  Leaning into her ear, he dropped his voice and whispered, “It was either make a joke, or strip that wet gown off you and make you mine. Since you were only eighteen at the time, I thought it best to progress with the joke. I can still remember every curve of your body in that soaked white dress, it was completely see though my love, I was ready to worship at your feet.”

  Shocked he was attracted to her even then; she sucked in a breath, “Luke! I never knew you had the slightest desire for me in the least bit! I thought you were simply being a pompous ass.”

  Kissing her jaw, “I always saw you like that Vieve, I’ve always been attracted to you, there has always been a pull to your side from the moment I met you.” Leaning his head back against the wooden booth, he closed his eyes and admitted, “At first you were so young, and rarely present in town. Eventually with time, and learning of your attacks, I felt a possessive and protective nature over you. For a long time I think I had myself fooled that I didn’t care for you as much as I really did. When I realized you were finally considering marriage, something in me snapped, my true feelings for you couldn’t be denied. The thought of you marrying another man was enough to drive me insane with rage.”

  Exhaling a deep sigh, Luke lifted his head up he kissed her softly, “I love you Genevieve Elizabeth, I’ve loved you for a very long time, I was just too stupid to admit it.”

  Tilting up her chin, she kissed his jaw; she knew admitting feelings of this nature had to be hard for him. He had always kept his emotions well hidden in the years she knew him. His admission warmed her heart; he had to have exercised such control over the years while around her. If he was attracted to her, he did a stellar job of hiding it from her. Yes he had always been a charmer, flirting and the occasional inappropriate joke.

  “I love you Luke Michael, stop being so perfect, it’s hard to believe sometimes.” She playfully joked.

  Just then the staff brought out two steaming plates of beef strew with a loaf of fresh baked bread and sat it down in front of them. As soon as she smelled the delicious dinner, her mouth began to water. Genevieve dug in with vigor, not even waiting for Luke; she hadn’t eaten since she left her parent’s home, well over twenty-four hours ago. Savoring the rich stew she moaned in appreciation as she sunk back in her seat with a mouthful of hearty food.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were that hungry Vieve?” His question received a simple shrug from her as she continued to eat. Shaking his head Luke watched her for a few seconds before he
started his own meal. Pulling apart the loaf of fresh bread he handed her half.

  As the inn door blew open, in walked a small group of men who took a seat across the room; rolling his head slowly, he caught a view of them from the corner of his eye. He had chosen their seat wisely tonight, from his view he had a clear view of the entrance, the stairs to the rooms and the entire pub.

  Closing his eyes he slid closer to Genevieve and put his right arm around her shoulders, drawing her close. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “Rossdale’s right hand man just walked in, he is in a booth across the room with two associates. I need to listen to their conversation, please keep still, eat your meal like normal.”

  With a swift nod she went back to eating like he hadn’t said a thing, unwinding his arm he sat back in their booth and tried to catch as much of the conversation he could.

  Genevieve ate with little fear; he had her well hidden in the corner booth with his body blocking her from anyone’s view. Picking up his glass of wine, he sat back and listened to the group, the acoustics of the Liffey Inn pub room was perfect for his mission. Voices carried easily among the wooden rafters, as there weren’t many patrons; their voices were easy to pick out.

  The meeting went longer than he anticipated. Genevieve had long finished her meal and drink. His pretty little thing had succumbed to the warmth of the fire and fell asleep leaning against his chest an hour ago. Tucking her closer, he drank his wine and listened as the meeting went on for another hour.

  From what Luke could hear, there was a shipment coming in tomorrow night, the cargo was to be sold quickly. He also heard The Jackal’s name brought up several times while Rossdale’s man gave out instructions. The men he listened to were planning out the logistics of moving such a famous cargo in a short time. They were so engrossed in their deep conversations they never paid him any mind.


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