Millionaire Romance: In Love With My Boss - A Contemporary Romance (Millionaire Romance, Contemporary Romance, Comedy Romance Book 1)

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Millionaire Romance: In Love With My Boss - A Contemporary Romance (Millionaire Romance, Contemporary Romance, Comedy Romance Book 1) Page 1

by Tolhouse, Audrey

  In Love With My…



  In Love With My…


  by Audrey Tolhouse

  Published 2015 by Street Lights Press

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment and education only. Stories, characters, and entities are fictional. Any likeness to actual persons, either living or dead, is strictly coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental. Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent is strictly prohibited.

  Copyright © 2015 Street Lights Press

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  “To Moose. Thank you for helping me and giving me the courage to dream big and shoot for the stars!

  To Amber. You were there for me when I needed you most. Thank you. Without your help, this couldn’t have been possible.”

  “They say a good love is one that sits you down, gives you a drink of water, and pats you on top of the head. But I say a good love is one that casts you into the wind, sets you ablaze, makes you burn through the skies and ignite the night like a phoenix; the kind that cuts you loose like a wildfire and you can't stop running simply because you keep on burning everything that you touch!”

  ― C. JoyBell C



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  What Now?

  I need YOUR help!

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Best Job in the World

  THE CLOCK HAD barely twitched to nine am and Mr. Melone was walking from the elevators. The secretary greeted him with a smile. He either didn’t notice the little blonde’s flashy grin or he did and still chose to ignore her. The latter was more likely. What Jennifer did notice is that when James looked up and locked eyes with her, he smiled.

  Her heart swelled just as it did every morning they held eyes. He made his way down the corridor to his office where Jennifer waited holding folders, files, coffee, a breakfast bagel and notes for his morning debriefing. When he came into earshot, he said, “You’re looking good, Angel. Ready for my rundown?”

  Jennifer nearly giggled. She would have liked to think that James’s personal name for her would have lost its effect after three years. It hadn’t. Just as her heart had threatened to stop the first time he told her that she was his little angel, it seemed like it could still explode. Of course, it never did. It kept beating merrily along, although probably 20 beats faster. It caused her cheeks to warm to a rosy glow.

  James opened the office door and stepped in. Jennifer followed him inside, cradling his favorite morning coffee and bagel dangling from a to-go bag in her hands. Once inside, James turned on the lights. He immediately went about his morning ritual of opening and raising the blinds and cracking the windows to allow for the best breeze the suite at 500 N. Michigan Ave downtown Chicago could bring.

  Jennifer watched him move, loving the way his cream colored collared shirt clung to his body. She took her seat just in front of his immaculate desk, thanks to her, and sat his breakfast down. She left the folders, files, and notes of his other clients in her lap. A few deep breaths calmed her heart. She had long since mastered the art of remaining professional in front of his heart-stopping gaze.

  Once he had arranged the room’s lights and blinds to his liking, James joined her from his captain’s chair. He sat down with a triumphant sigh of relief. He froze for a moment in the chair, needing a moment to press the button that would switch his gears and turn his business mind on for the day. After a second, he sat up suddenly and drew on a deep well of air.

  “Alright, let’s get this party started,” he clasped his hands together and rubbed. “What do you have for me?”

  “Overnight mail and messages have been read, sorted, and non-essential emails have been replied to and corresponding conference calls and meetings made. You have five emails that are urgent and need your personal attention,” she paused, “Would you like those messages right now?”

  James pulled the coffee cup towards him absently for a tasting sip. He grinned. “I forget how well you know me,” he commented, taking a deeper drink. He grabbed for the bag, breathing another sigh of relief when he saw the contents inside. “Any meetings?”

  “Yes, two. One at ten and another at 11. The ten o clock is a telecom and the 11 is the Dryson contract.” Jennifer paused, watching James take a bite. He could have been a model for Calvin Klein jeans shooting a promotional for Annie’s café, the little corner shindig she went for his breakfast every morning. He was young, out of his twenties and tiptoeing beyond. You couldn’t tell it by his face though, adorned with a precious five o’ clock that was immaculately trimmed and maintained.

  James was a breed of man Jennifer was certain most other men must have dreamed about. He was polite and kind with dashing deep blue eyes and a sharp cut of chin. He had it all, literally. The money, the successful business, and scores of hot women lined up for his attention just in case they caught his eye. Maybe that last part was an exaggeration, but Jennifer knew women who had their eye on them.

  It wasn’t uncommon for a woman or six to attempt to discreetly find more information about him from her. She always smiled and gave the same answer, “Mr. Melone would love to discuss potential business opportunities with anyone. Just give me your name and a good time to call and I’ll be sure to get you a meeting with him.” That usually shut the women up and kept them moving on in their stilettos.

  “Has Katie called at all?”

  Jennifer’s jaw twitched. Pressing a smile into her face, she swallowed back a sting of pride. “Not yet, James.”

  He met her eyes again; his gaze turned downcast. “That’s not good.”

  Jennifer kept herself from smiling genuinely. “Another fight?” Maybe she sounded too happy about that. She bit her lip.

  James glanced towards Jennifer. He sat back in the plush computer chair, the plastic squeaking beneath his weight. When he looked at her a second time, his gaze steadied. “I guess you could call it that,” he stopped talking and seemed to linger on an unspoken idea.

  Jennifer’s stomach tightened. She decided to continue, “I’ve got the reports and numbers for the Calson meeting at ten. Accounting said they need a couple more hours for Dryson .”

  James nodded mindlessly. He ignored the two folders Jennifer held out for him. At length, he asked, “How would you feel about calling her?”

  He paused when Jennifer clicked her jaw s
hut. She squinted her eyes and after several seconds, her face simply fell. No fake smile, just nothing.

  “Are you serious?” She asked?

  He began again. “Okay, maybe not to talk to her,” James spoke fast, eying his assistant carefully, “but perhaps to invite her to a restaurant with me.” He ended with a hopeful grin. “You know, something like an anniversary dinner.”

  “It’s not your anniversary,” Jennifer reminded thickly. James knew there was hardly anything that he couldn’t ask that she wouldn’t do—except that. For all his incredible charm, the one thing he wasn’t was available.

  James nodded at Jennifer’s remark. He lowered his head, deep in thought. When he lifted it again, he wore a sultry grin.

  “Aaannnnngel,” James called.

  Jennifer frowned, ready to fight his soft cooing. She felt her face warming. She smiled, but then quickly forced a grimace.


  “Angel, come on,” he coaxed with a growing grin.

  Jennifer shook her head. “James, no.” She said it with more force, but her even her eyes began to dance at his drawing call.


  She sighed, huffing with a feigned irritability. “James,” she opened her mouth to think of an excuse but sputtered on air instead. “Tonight?” She asked finally, exasperated. “You want me to create an evening for you two tonight?”

  James shook his head quickly. “Maybe tomorrow. I took your advice about a second investor level partner and set an interview dinner with someone this evening.”

  “What?” Jennifer’s face changed, dropping to severe. “You did something without me?”

  James beamed. “A surprise. I want you to be there with me,” he gestured, point to Jennifer. “You can help me assess this guy.”

  Jennifer racked her memory of James’s scheduled appointments and needs. He didn’t have any dinners planned. As far as she could remember, his evening was open. “Okay, what time is that tonight? I’ll need to put it on your calendar.”

  James lifted his phone and swiped at the screen. After a couple of taps, he sat it down again. “Just sent the info now,” he paused. “What about Katie, Angel? Can you do something for tomorrow night?”

  “You have a benefit.”


  Jennifer’s jaw tightened. “I’ll be in Denver, but Wednesday’s free for you.”

  He smiled and jumped up. “Wednesday it is!” He reached for the folder Jennifer laid on his desk and opened it, sitting back down in silence.

  Their morning run down was over. He had work to do. Jennifer stood. “Casual or formal for the interview?” She asked, hesitating at the door to his office. James didn’t lift his head from the folder.

  “Check the email.”

  Forcing a tight smile, Jennifer nodded and turned. “Of course,” she muttered under her breath.

  Chapter Two

  Jilted and Made to Dance

  SHE HAD BEAUTY she was certain other women must have craved. With shoulder length auburn hair that flowed and curled loosely and dark, sultry hazel eyes, she was a Midwestern city chick through and through. She had worked alongside James for five years. He had begun his serious relationship two years ago and she still didn’t understand what had made him smitten with her, Katie—the main chick.

  Katie didn’t know his business—didn’t care anything about it. She didn’t know about his financing, competitors or understand the incredible relationships he had built along the way.

  Of course, Jennifer had a hand to play in all of that too. The business relationships that had made his name in Chicago had been equally her success as well. Together, they were truly a dynamic team. She attended important meetings and had met, dined with, and sat in on several other high paying clients back when they were just potentials, and he needed her charm to seal the deal.

  James paid her well for the life she breathed into the growth management consulting firm, but none of that money meant anything against the recognition she craved from him. She took a deep breath and took in the sight of her shapely frame adorned in an emerald vintage dress, the hem of which rested just above her kneecaps. It resembled a faux wrap-around with buttons along her left side. A thin, black felt belt held her poise together. Formal business casual. She nailed it every time.

  With a wistful sigh, she turned from the mirror and walked from her bathroom into the living room where the potential new partner’s information had been laid out. His name was Andrew Wiles. James hadn’t given her any information as to other candidates for the slot. From what she could tell from the man’s track record, based on credentials and experience alone, he seemed like he would make a killer presence to the company face.

  He had worked on big name accounts in the past and had even sat on a few private corporation boards, a thought that lingered with Jennifer as she reviewed his credentials. His previous work labeled him qualified for whatever James was planning, but the real question was whether or not they would click as a partner. Not just between James, but her as well.

  Jennifer eyed the thin wrap of watch around her wrist. It was show time. There was nothing like showing up thirty minutes early to give the illusion to a candidate that you were waiting specifically for them. She grabbed the keys to her Continental Bentley and scooped the candidate’s files into her nicely manicured hands. If anything, dinner would be glamourous and the evening fun.

  Twenty minutes later found her relinquishing her vehicle to the valet outside of Shanghai Terrance, mere blocks from Lake Michigan on E Superior Street in downtown Chicago. She was shown to the table within minutes of the reserved time and immediately requested a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand, 2009.

  Jennifer relaxed against the plush cushions of the small loveseat. The atmosphere of the Terrance was incredible and at night, it was beyond stunning. With a breathtaking view of the John Hancock shining against the dimming sky with random offices lit, the Terrance captured a mood and atmosphere was that was fit for lovers and businessmen alike. Jennifer smirked at the thought and lifted the crystal glass to her lips for a drink.

  She’d exercise self-control and only have one smooth glass before the candidate arrived. Afterward, she’d leave it full during the interview and finish off whatever remained once the men departed to go their separate ways.

  Crossing her legs, Jennifer drew her right arm into her lap and considered the time. Fifteen till seven. Taking a deep breath, she let her shoulders rise and fall accordingly. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the Chinese cuisine floating through the atmosphere.

  She didn’t think James would show up exactly at the start of their reservation—that’s what she was for—but she did expect him to arrive before their guest. At this rate, if the candidate were any sort of professional, he’d be coming within the next five minutes.

  After another deep drag of the Chicago air, Jennifer opened her eyes and scanned the room. With reservations for an outside table, she wouldn’t have the luxury to see the potential first. Instead, he’d get his first glimpse of the back of her head before he’d be graced with a full front view of her body. She wondered briefly what he would look like? Was he older than Melone? Younger? Would she even like him?

  Jennifer forced herself to keep calm. She had been the front “man” in a deal setting many times before. If there was anything she learned from being at James’s side throughout the years, it was that the other team couldn’t see her sweat, and that included masking her curiosity. She glanced at her watch again and pressed her lips together with a tart sigh. It was getting closer to game time, and there was still no sign of James.

  “Andrew Wiles, Miss.” It was a soft, pleasant voice to her right that spoke. Jennifer turned, spotting the maître d’. Behind him was another man, taller, lean and at ease within the tailored Canali European cut suit that clung to his body. She tried to take the man’s frame in within that short second but reigned in her eyes, and faced the maître d’.

ennifer nodded in approval and he bowed out for his leave. “Andrew,” Jennifer spoke his name softly, “please take a seat,” she used her left hand to direct him to the soft love seat opposite the candlelit table in between them. She watched him as he moved. Definitely about the same age, or a bit younger. He was fit and seemed tall, possibly taller than James. Their eyes connected just before he sat down. They were intense pools of darkness. She couldn’t look away.

  His lips stretched into a smile and he leaned over the table, extending a hand. Jennifer looked down at it, hesitating a moment before she finally took hold of him. His skin was warm, yet his skin soft. Andrew raised her hand to his lips, keeping his eyes locked on hers. He kissed the back of her palm.

  “It’s a pleasure, Ms. Rhodes,” he said softly, releasing her hand. Jennifer’s brows pinched together. “I know all about you,” his gaze was piercing.

  Swallowing back the unease rising within her gut, Jennifer smirked. “All about me?” She challenged.

  “You’ve been with James Melone for five years, right?” It wasn’t really a question. “You’re his personal assistant and he entrusts everything to you.” He smiled coolly, accepting the wine that a passing waiter stopped to pour into his empty crystal glass. “I think it’s telling of a man, the type of people he allows himself to do business with,” with an assured nod, he paused to sip the wine. “That’s good,” his voice was dark and rugged, like cut earth from the side of a cliff. Her skin crawled with heat.

  It was true that she had been to many a meeting with James, but never was her role so extensive that it would suffice a man to research her status within the company. Jennifer tried to blink her shock away.

  “It would seem you do know a bit about me,” she cleared her throat. “I didn’t think that my presence during business negotiations was of interest to anyone.”


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