Relatively Famous

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Relatively Famous Page 16

by Jessica Park

  “I knew I never liked you,” Nathan said as he grabbed Jason by the back of the shirt and pulled him away from Dani.

  “I never liked you either,” Jason sneered and swung at him, but Nathan ducked and then stepped back.

  “Let’s go,” Nathan ordered Dani.

  “You scared? Huh?” Jason said.

  “I’m not scared. You’re just not worth it,” Nathan shot back before turned away.

  Dani numbly followed him away from the party, down a steep set of stairs that led to the beach. “I can’t believe you just did that. Thank you.”

  “I should have knocked him out,” he muttered.

  Dani hurried to keep up with him. “Slow down! Are you all right?”

  Nathan dropped to the sand. He sat facing the ocean, not looking at Dani. “As long as you’re fine, that’s what matters.”

  Dani moved to sit in front of him. She took him in, how it felt to be so close to him. It was so obvious now. Until tonight, until this moment, Dani’s stupid infatuation with Jason had left her blind to how she felt about Nathan. Was it too late?

  “Nathan.” She pressed her hand to his cheek, but he refused to meet her eyes. “You’re the one what matters. I didn’t see it before, but I do now.”

  “Dani, no,” he said, sighing, looking back out at the water again.

  She kissed his cheek and then his lips. He hesitated, then kissed her back, and Dani felt her cheeks flush as she savored the flood of emotion that took over. This felt right. It was perfect and caring, and she didn’t want it to end.

  Then Nathan pulled away. “Stop. Stop it. You can’t do this to me.” He stood up. “No.”

  “I thought…I thought… I’m so sorry. Please don’t go.”

  “Look at yourself, Dani. You spent the entire summer running around with that idiot, and that was your choice. But don’t coming running to me now that you finally see Jason for the user that he is.” He shook his head. “Don’t do this to me.”

  Dani watched helplessly as Nathan walked away, unable to think of anything to say that would bring him back to her.

  Chapter 43

  It was Friday morning. Dani had two days until she would fly home. Just two more days of suffering and then she could get away from Nathan, Jason, Olivia, and, most importantly, Mark. None of them cared about her. Dani had managed to avoid Nathan since the fiasco at Ava’s party. Mark was depressed about his breakup with Olivia, so it hadn’t been tough to keep away from him. She would go back to Michigan and pretend this summer had never happened. Of course, Sam was back there, but it felt like their friendship was over. At least Dani could look forward to helping Leila plan her wedding.

  The extravagance of living with Mark had lost its appeal, and now that she understood that her father was using her, it was impossible to enjoy much of anything. She dove into the pool and began swimming laps. Maybe she could tire herself out enough to sleep straight through the dreaded going-away-party. It was no wonder he was throwing such a huge celebration—the guy had faked a relationship with her all summer for the sake of his career, and now he would finally be free of her. Congratulations, Mark.

  Dani pulled herself up on the edge of the pool and sat with her legs dangling in the water. She cursed her stupid string bikini and she started to re-tie it, but something caught her eye in the bushes. She squinted, trying to get a better look. She finished tying her suit and squeezed the water from her hair. Her body ached from her swim. She stretched her arms over her head.

  Just as she lay down on the lounge chair, hoping to fall asleep, Mark came tearing across the lawn. He ran past the pool, shouting at Dani, “Get in the house!”

  What was he doing? She sat up and watched Mark let loose a slew of obscenities as he ran down the driveway. He hit a button to open the main gate, slipped through, and raced away.

  She pulled on her sundress and went quickly to the driveway. She heard Mark before she saw him.

  “I swear to God, I will rip you apart!” Outside the gates, Dani now saw that Mark had a photographer pinned on the ground. “She’s fifteen, you sick—”

  “Dad! What are you doing?” Dani stared at her father and took a few steps closer.

  “I told you to get in the house, Dani! Go!”

  The photographer, even as he was gasping for breath, lifted his camera and took a picture of Dani. Mark looked incredulously at the man. “Are you serious?”

  “What do you expect? She’s hot, man.”

  Mark tore the camera from the man’s hands and hurled it into the bushes.

  “Do you have any idea what that camera cost?” Mark’s victim whined.

  Mark held the man’s stare for a moment, as if considering whether to hit him. Mark drew his arm back.

  “Dad! No!”

  Mark glanced at Dani and reluctantly stepped back. “Get your miserable ass out of here. Now,” Mark fumed.

  Dani stared at her father. There was something about watching him take charge like this that was spellbinding. Mark was protecting her. He walked toward her. Dani reached out and took his hand. She could feel him shaking.

  “Don’t blame me. She’s the one in the string bikini,” the photographer taunted.

  Dani felt her father clench her hand as he stopped in his tracks. He whipped around.

  “You already choked me. I’ll sue you for assault,” the photographer said smugly.

  “I’ll show you assault.” Mark stepped forward and delivered a solid punch, sending the man staggering backward. He kept his eye on the photographer as he backed away. He held out his hand to take Dani’s hand. “No more bikinis.”


  Dani leaned her head against his powerful arm and walked with him to the top of the driveway. She hugged her father tightly. Mark felt tense, frozen against her. Dani pulled his arms so he would hug her back. And he did, nearly crushing her with his strength. But his embrace was strong and safe. He pressed his cheek to the top of her head, and Dani clutched him even tighter.

  Chapter 44

  “Please don’t say anything. Just let me talk.” Dani stood in the flower shop and looked pleadingly at Olivia.

  “What are you doing here?” Olivia asked sternly, and she continued cutting stems from a bouquet of roses.

  “I came to apologize to you. This was all my fault.”

  “No, not all of it.” Olivia sighed and set down her scissors. “I told you the first time I met you that going out with someone like Mark would be disastrous.”

  “It shouldn’t have been disastrous, though. I’m so sorry for that. Please don’t be mad at him.” Dani looked down at her feet. “He didn’t do anything wrong. I did. I hated how much time he was spending with you. And I was punishing him for…well, for a lot of things. But I’m leaving in two days, and then my dad is going to be all alone. He needs you, Olivia.”

  “I don’t need him,” she said firmly.

  “Please, will you just come to the house tonight? At seven?”

  “Absolutely not.” Olivia’s eyes flashed. “Would you leave, please? I can’t even look at you right now, Dani. Go home.”

  “I know I deserve that. But don’t come to the house for me, come for him. He’s miserable, Olivia.”

  “Well, so am I.” She lifted the roses up and set them gently into a vase of water. “So am I. But it’s over.”

  “Seven o’clock,” Dani pleaded. “At least think about it.

  Olivia refused to look at her again. “Please leave.”


  “I wish you’d told me where we’re going, Dani. I didn’t know what to wear.” Mark was dressed all in black—maybe to match his mood. Dani had asked him to put on nice clothes and to come down to the pool before seven.

  “I said casual not funereal. But you look good,” Dani said approvingly. “Now come sit down.”

  Mark took a few steps forward before he took in his surroundings. All of the potted trees had been pushed together, creating a large semicircle arou
nd a bistro table. Twinkle lights hung on the trees were just beginning to sparkle as evening approached. Music piped through the sound system, and floating candles drifted slowly across the pool’s surface.

  “What is all this?” Mark asked.

  “Come stand here.” Dani beckoned him. “Just stand with me.”

  She looked so excited. Her cheeks were flushed, and she clasped her hands together anxiously. She did not have on any makeup, and her hair was pulled back simply. For the first time, he could see himself in her features.

  “What are we doing?” Mark asked.

  “We’re waiting,” she said with certainty.

  “For what?” Maybe Dani was having some of her friends over? But there were only two places set at the table.

  “We’re just waiting.”

  Mark finally sat down. Thirty-five minutes went by. It was dark, with the only light coming from the decorations. Dani’s eyes were fixed on the path that leading to the patio. “Dani, this is getting silly. Why are we out here?”

  “I can’t believe she didn’t come,” Dani whispered.

  Mark’s heart sank. “Olivia. We were waiting for Olivia, weren’t we?”

  Dani didn’t answer.

  “I don’t think she’s coming.” Mark stood up. “I see what you were trying to do, Dani, but you can’t force her to be with me. Kid, it just wasn’t going to work out with us, I guess. I love that you tried so hard, but it’s not going to happen.” Mark hung his head. He had called Olivia for weeks after their breakup, but she had never answered his calls. He’d blown it. “We didn’t break up because of you. It was more complicated than that, and I should have done more. Let’s just go inside and—”

  “She came,” Dani’s voice lifted. “I knew it.” Dani smiled and patted Mark’s arm before leaving.

  Olivia stood a few yards away. Mark forced himself to breathe, taken aback by how painful it was to see her. He could see the hurt in her face.


  His heart ached at the sound of her voice. He wanted to speak, but he didn’t know what to say.

  “I’m sorry I said what I did about you and about Dani. I was mad at myself, and I took it out on you,” Olivia said. “You were everything I thought I didn’t want. Macho. Narcissistic. More gorgeous than you deserve. An actor, of all people. I never expected to fall so hard for you, and I got scared. I was trying to push you away that night. And you let me.” She unexpectedly dropped her face into her hands. “Why didn’t you stop me?” she sobbed.

  Mark stepped forward until he there were only inches between him and Olivia. “I should have, but I was scared, too.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in. “I’m sorry for everything. I messed up with you and with Dani. Will you let me make things right?”

  Olivia looked into his eyes. “I hate to admit this,” she said as she wiped away her tears, “but I always wanted one of those ridiculous movie kisses. You know, the one where the guy dips the girl backward and then they kiss passionately?”

  Without hesitating Mark swept Olivia backward and kissed her deeply.

  Chapter 45

  Dani left her father a note before going over to Kayla’s for the night. She needed a friend right now. She was hoping to make it to the safety of Kayla’s room without running into Nathan. The housekeeper let her in.

  “Hi, Dani,” Kayla called from the second-floor balcony. “Come on up.”

  Dani started up the stairs.

  Kayla frowned. “What is it? You look so upset.”

  Dani couldn’t speak. She headed to Kayla’s room and sank onto the bed.

  Kayla knelt down. “Is it Jason? I thought that was just a casual summer thing. I really didn’t think you’d end up getting so hurt. Nathan should have decked him for what he did to you.”

  “No. You were right about Jason,” Dani said. “And your brother is actually pretty amazing.” Despite every effort, her eyes welled up again.

  “I knew it,” Kayla said softly. “You really like Nathan, don’t you? I thought there was something brewing between you two.”

  Dani lay back onto the soft bed and closed her eyes. “I’m so tired of everything. I’m tired of myself and the way I’ve been acting all summer. You’ve been so nice to include me with your friends, and I love that you taught me how to do my hair, and wear the best clothes, and all of that. But I can’t keep up with you and Chelsea and Violet. Even my dad tried to make me over. Wait until you see the dress he picked out for me to wear at my party tomorrow night. It’s this crazy designer gown with sequins and taffeta all over it. I’m a jeans and T-shirt girl at heart. I’ve been trying to act the way you do and date cool guys, and all I’ve managed to do is get myself into a mess.” She rolled over to face Kayla.

  “God, I’m such a wench!” Kayla moaned. “I’m so sorry if we made you feel like you had to be exactly like all of us. That’s the way we are, but it doesn’t have to be who you are. And we all have our quirks. Chelsea’s got pink hair, Violet lives in a recycled house, and I hurl myself in front of the paparazzi whenever I can. You just be you, okay?”

  “Okay.” Dani smiled lightly.

  “I’m going to miss you like crazy, but we’re your friends, and we’ll stay your friends even after you leave. And you’ll have Sam waiting for you at home,” Kayla said cautiously.

  “I know Sam shouldn’t have done what she did, but in the end, I’m glad I did find out about my father. Even though my friendship with her is probably over since I haven’t answered any of her messages.” Dani wiped her eyes and looked sadly at Kayla. “And Nathan will never forgive me.”

  Chapter 46

  Dani’s plan to reunite Mark and Olivia worked. At least she had been able to repair one of her mistakes. Now Mark was spending most of the day at the hotel, supervising the party set-up.

  She trudged up the stairs to her room, dreading the evening ahead.


  Leila sat on the bed, grinning. “There’s my baby girl!” She took her daughter in her arms.

  “What are you doing here? Oh, I missed you!”

  “Mark invited me and Alan out here to surprise you. He thought we might like to meet your friends and come to the party.” Leila took Dani’s hands in hers. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” Her mother was already dressed for the party. She wore an exquisite long silk dress.

  “I’m so happy to see you, but I hope you’re prepared for how horrible the party is going to be. You cannot believe all the crazy things Mark has planned. Where’s Alan? I want to see him.”

  “He’s with Mark. They’re getting along well. I never would have guessed, would you?”

  “Dad isn’t so bad, Mom,” she said quietly.

  “No.” Leila looked Dani over. “He seems to have taken pretty good care of you. Certainly the accommodations aren’t lacking. And you’re not as orange as I thought you’d be,” she said, laughing. “Actually, you look wonderful and very grown up.”


  “Yeah, honey?”

  “I’m really going to miss him.” She dropped her head.

  “I can tell. I see that you two made more of a connection than I thought you would. I’m happy about that, Dani. I really am.”

  “Is it weird for you to see him after all this time?”

  “I’m not going to lie. Yes. It’s tough. I spent years thinking that I did the right thing to not tell Mark about you, and now… I think it was a mistake.” Leila paused. “And it’s hard to see someone that you used to be in love with. You’ll know what I mean someday.”

  Dani took her mother’s left hand and looked at her engagement ring. It was exactly right for Leila.

  “Pretty great, huh?” Leila lifted Dani’s chin. “Is there something else going on?”

  Dani shrugged.

  “I know that look because I’ve felt the same way before. Is it that boy, Jason?”

  “No, not Jason.”

  “Oh. Someone else. Whoever he is, he really got to
you, didn’t he?”

  She nodded. “But it didn’t work out…I ruined it…I don’t know. I never gave him a chance until it was too late,” Dani said sadly. She tried to brighten. “Will you help me get ready?”

  “Of course.”

  “Don’t barf when you see my dress. Dad picked it out, and I’m going to look weird.” Dani pulled a garment bag from her closet. “He took it back to have them change something, and now it’s probably covered in feathers.”

  “It can’t be that bad. Why don’t you go shower and try to relax, and then I’ll help you with your hair and makeup.”

  “You’re going to help me with makeup?” Dani asked, shocked.

  “Yes. This is a big night for you.” Leila winked at her. “I can tell you’re the same good kid even with eyeliner.”

  After Dani had showered and dried her hair, she let Leila put on her makeup while she relaxed in her robe. “Just a little bit, Mom.” When her mother finished, Dani glanced unhappily at the garment bag. “I guess it’s time. I’m not looking at it though. You’ll have to hold it out, and I’ll step into it with my eyes closed. Then I just won’t look down all night.”

  “You’re being ridiculous, but if that’s what you want,” Leila agreed.

  Dani shut her eyes and heard her mother unzip the bag. “You ready?” With her mother’s help, she slipped into the dress. So far, she wasn’t being tickled by feathers or scratched with lace.

  Leila pushed her forward, and Dani knew she was heading toward the big mirror. “Open your eyes, my dear,” her mother said.

  Dani sighed. “Oh, fine.” She looked at her reflection. This was not the dress Mark had shown her. The square-cut halter top had delicate beading around the edges. The silken fabric fell softly to just above her knees. “It’s perfect. I can’t believe he got it so right.”

  “You look incredibly beautiful, Dani. Your father knows you better than you think.”

  “Yes. I think he does.”


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