Abandon (Midnight Saints MC Book 1)

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Abandon (Midnight Saints MC Book 1) Page 3

by Iris Sweetwater

  I didn’t have to wait very long for Jacob to come rushing in. The smirk on his face told me all I needed to know. He was horny and expected me to oblige him. The idea of letting him near me was too much to handle. As he shed his clothes and stood naked with his dick fully erect and pointing right at me, I began to plead with him for more healing time.

  “It’s only been a week. The tear inside me hasn’t completely healed. It will rip open again and bleed. Then the healing process will have to start over, not to mention I could get an infection. Give it another week. Please!”

  “It’s been ten days, bitch. Ten days without release. My pecker is in pain. I need this, and the rest of you is useless. You can’t give me a handjob with your good hand in a cast. Your face is too damn swollen to give me a blow job, and your ribs are bound too tight anyway, so I’m gonna have to pound your pussy. Lay still, and it won’t take long. I’m horny as hell. Even the Bible says you shouldn’t deny your man his rights,” Jacob quoted like he really read the Bible. Fat chance.

  I was smart enough to know he had fucked every whore the club had while I was away. Shit, he did it while I was here, so why would that change? He wasn’t in pain or needy, and if he was, he could just go get a good fuck elsewhere. This was all about control over me, and proving he could do whatever he wanted because he thought he owned me.

  “I give you my permission to go to one of the club’s whores, Jacob. I still hurt. Please, don’t do this. Do you want me back in the hospital where you’ll have to explain how I was supposedly raped again when you were protecting me so well?” I asked.

  “Bitch, I don’t need your damn permission! I’ll screw the whole world if I want! Don’t you ever threaten me! I’m taking what I want, what I’m owed for feeding and housing your sorry ass. There won’t be any doctors or hospitals this time. If you heal, fine. If not, there’s always another whore to shack up with,” he warned.

  He ripped at the t-shirt, which was all I wore, and it tore down the center. Reaching out, he grabbed both nipples between his fingers, pinching and twisting. I screamed as pain shot through me. Jacob laughed and twisted harder.

  I fought back, raising my knee toward his dick, and using a fist on his nose. His answer to that was to circle my neck with his hands to cut off my air supply. He shoved my legs apart, even though I was kicking as hard as I could. He rammed his cock home, into my dry canal, and I felt myself rip open again.

  Jacob kept pounding away, and I kept fighting until I came close to passing out from lack of oxygen. As he got close to climax, he finally released my neck, and I gasped for air. Screaming was impossible through my swollen windpipe, even when he leaned down to bite my already bruised nipple.

  I put my good thumb in his eye socket and pushed. He yelped, orgasmed, and hit me in the face, breaking my nose. He took both my hands, cast and all, and held them above my head with one large hand. With the other one, he shoved his cock into my open, gasping mouth. It was covered in his semen and my blood. I choked.

  “Who’s the boss now, bitch? You’re not so pretty anymore, are you? No other man is gonna look at you now, so you’re stuck with me until I’m ready to throw you away. That might prove to be sooner than you think.”

  Jacob slammed his knee into my bandaged ribs as a parting shot before he left me lying there in misery.

  I was done. I was leaving. If someone shot me, so be it. I no longer gave a shit. If I stayed, I was as good as dead anyway. Jacob would be back for a second round in a matter of hours. He would kill me then. I was positive.

  An older woman entered my room while I was sobbing and trying to get out of the bed. I had no idea who she was or how she had gotten in, but to me, she looked like an angel of salvation. Her wrinkled face showed the shock she felt when she got a glimpse at me.

  “Lady, what happened to you?” she asked, shuffling to my side as fast as her crippled leg would allow.

  “A beating,” I gasped through my swollen, bruised throat. “Who are you?”

  “I clean and cook for Mr. Jacob while his lovely lady is in the hospital. Are you her?”

  “Not lovely anymore,” I whispered. “Help me, please.”

  “Mr. Jacob did this? He lied to me? I shouldn’t be surprised. He has evil eyes. He made me nervous, but money is money. As long as he paid and left me alone, I ignored him. My husband was an asshole abuser, too. My leg is proof. He’s dead now. My brothers saw to it. They will gladly do the same again. I will get them. We’ll help. Mr. Jacob will never know. Do you have somewhere to go?” she asked.

  I only thought about it for a second before I answered, “Yes, I do. Hurry! Jacob will be back. What about the guards?”

  “Those fools are easily distracted. They spend their time drinking and staring at women who pass by. My nieces can walk by in their tight, short skirts, twitching their asses, and they won’t see anything else. Horny bastards!”

  A laugh snuck out of me, bringing pain with it, but it was worth it. I adored this feisty, old lady. She was tough as nails, unafraid, and truly my angel of salvation.

  She dug a cellphone out of her apron pocket and made a frantic call to her brothers. A satisfied gleam in her brown eyes told me they would follow her orders and come for me. A second call went out to her sexy nieces, who I could hear laughing at her suggestion of taunting the guards.

  “Everything is set. In fifteen minutes, you will be free,” she explained. “Let me get you ready to move.”

  She washed the blood, semen, and sweat from my body, effectively erasing Jacob from my life. She straightened my nose and taped it in place. I refused to scream and draw attention from the guards because then I would never be free, just dead. She never commented on my condition or insisted I go to a hospital. She was intelligent and experienced enough to know Jacob would find me there. She had been in the same position once. Medical care could have kept her from being crippled, but she would have eventually been killed. She preferred to live, even with a limp. I would live, too. If the Midnight Saints took me in, I would also get medical aid. I would be luckier than my savior.

  “I won’t ask your name,” I told her while she dressed me in soft sweats. “It’s better that I can’t tell anyone who helped me. My knowing who you are would be a danger to you and your family. You should do the job today that Jacob hired you for and pretend I was already gone.”

  “I’ll do my job, lady, but I will put some nasty things in the food I cook. Mr. Jacob will be sick for a few days. He never knew my name, and to him, I was invisible because I am crippled. I was sent by an agency that will protect my identity. They are good people who will understand. They will tell him I no longer work for them, and send new help if he wishes, bad help. Besides, I protect myself now.” She pulled a small revolver from the apron pocket that had also held the cellphone. “I will never be at the mercy of a man again.”

  The electricity went out just as I heard wolf whistles and suggestions of what the guards would like to do with my savior’s nieces. As the woman had said, the guards were easily distracted. Her brothers hurried through the back door, trusting that the girls could take care of themselves. A handsome, gray-haired, muscular man lifted me in his arms and carried me out to an SUV waiting on the next street over. He ordered his brother to turn the electricity back on as soon as we were clear of surveillance cameras. The man shimmied up the electrical pole and reattached something without asking any questions. The neighborhood immediately came back to life. A loud whistle from his lips alerted the young women out front that their job was done. The change in atmosphere was instantaneous.

  “Damn you, bitches!” I heard the guards scream. “You’re nothing but fucking cock teasers! I should strip you right here and screw your brains out.”

  “Not with a broken dick, you asshole!” a young female voice replied with laughter.

  “My daughters have flipped off your guards, and kicked them in the family jewels,” the man explained. “They are good girls but know how to protect themselves. They ar
e beautiful, so we taught them not to let men abuse them. We didn’t wish them to have the same fate as my dear sister. I am sorry your man has no honor. Men who beat women are lower than animals. He should not be allowed to live. If you would like, we can make him disappear. It would be a pleasure.”

  I shook my head, and he sighed.

  “Where can I take you?” he finally asked.

  I gave him directions to the Midnight Saints’ clubhouse. Someone was always there. I didn’t deserve their help since I’d been stupid enough to leave with Jacob. When they had tossed him out, they had offered me a place as one of their protected whores, but I chose to become Jacob’s ol’ lady. I deeply regretted that decision. I prayed they would give me another chance, and sanctuary. I had nowhere else to go.

  Before we reached the access road to the rear of the clubhouse, I made my rescuer stop. I wasn’t foolish enough to show him exactly where the club was. It would be betraying the Saints before I even asked for sanctuary, proving I wasn’t trustworthy. Somehow, I’d have to get myself through the last couple of miles.

  “I will not leave you here, lady. There is nothing in sight, no one to help you. Come back with me, and we will find you a place to stay,” he begged.

  “I’ll be fine. There is safety here. You just can’t see it. For the sake of your health, I can’t prove it to you. You must trust me. Thank you for your help. I owe you, and so will my friends. We never forget our saviors.”

  I could tell he wanted to argue, or even hold me captive until I wasn’t acting quite so foolish, but he wouldn’t add more fear to what I was already experiencing. He chose to let me go free regardless of how badly I was injured.

  For his sake, I did my best to pretend I was doing much better. I walked upright and hid my tears, although each step was a hellish nightmare of pain. The instant I made it around a curve and was out of sight, I gave in to the agony. Sobs wracked my weary body. I clung to trees to remain on my feet. I moved slower and slower, bent at the waist to hold my ribs. I cursed Jacob and wished him dead. The last few feet, through the array of motorcycles parked behind the clubhouse, was too much. I fell to my knees and crawled, sometimes dragging myself along. So weak, and in so much pain, I was barely conscious, I used my nails to scratch on the heavy door, praying someone inside would hear me. Then, everything went black.

  Chapter 5


  I didn’t know what to fuckin’ think of my family anymore. The family I chose— that is. The ones who chose me. I was a prospect damn near sixteen years ago, ready to roll heads and die in the streets like a little punk. They showed me a different way to be. Not that those things didn’t still get my adrenaline pumping, but I had a purpose beyond that. We didn’t just run around shooting people at random and stirring up shit, though I couldn’t say there weren’t clubs who did that. We tried to stay away as much as possible, though some were right in our backyard— and unavoidable.

  The Quarter Kings were one such bad crowd. Those creole boys were looking to get into the worst kind of business possible lately, though I heard they weren’t always that way. But here in Georgia, we got to stay more isolated from them unless they came on our turf, which was rare. We had to deal with the surrounding states instead.

  I never would have thought a problem like this would have come from the inside, though. And to think Devon was executed like that because they mistook him for Tony. But it wasn’t like I would have rather it gone the other way and they found Tony. Then, we would have no leadership to get us through what happens next, whatever the fuck that was going to be.

  Members were dead, our Prez gone for good and working against us, and who knew who else had betrayed us if The Preacher himself had gone astray. And now the fucking Shadow Order was after us. They were not a group anyone wanted on their bad side. They weren’t true bikers, not a club, just a group of dark assassins invading territory that didn’t belong to them in the worst underhanded way possible.

  I was one of the lucky ones, not injured enough to have to go on the trek with the others to get fixed up. I stayed behind as the man in charge while Tony not only saw to his minor wounds but also made some kind of sense about what had happened to us. It was a lot of responsibility, even for an Enforcer, protecting the club in the absence of any other leader. So, as much as I wanted to drink away the sorrow and confusion, I just couldn’t. I had to stay clear-headed.

  Some of the younger prospects were still here and a couple of longer-term members, but most of the important ones who had stayed had gotten injured in the battle if they survived. I had to protect the young ones from anything else they might be throwing at us.

  I heard a commotion outside and didn’t like that one bit. We were already attacked, fucking shot down on our turf— and then had to deal with the pigs too. Tony had fucking lost it, and while it looked bad, I couldn’t blame him. I would have fucking gone off and killed Maxum already or died trying. I didn’t care if he was a community staple, preaching to the masses every Sunday and talking about using our funds to help children in need and all that bullshit. I wondered how long it had been an act because it was a damn good one.

  I made sure both guns were locked and loaded, motioning for Cameron and a newer prospect to come with me outside to see what the hell was being stirred now. I didn’t like what the fuck I saw.

  Four Diablos stood at the edge of our property, looking like they were having a heated discussion with our guards. The prospects guarding the property didn’t need this kind of shit, and I couldn’t imagine why the Blue Diablos would drag their asses all the way here for some chit-chat.

  I ordered for Cameron and Kyle to step behind me, but Cameron remained loyally at my side, his gun clutched in his right hand. He was young and had just been patched in, earning every bit of it through hard work and loyalty. He had come to us from the foster system, aging out of that shit when he turned eighteen and fleeing from the last family they stuck him with. I wouldn’t even go into the horrors he faced there. This place was a miracle for him, and he treated it and all of us as such.

  “Can we help you, boys?” I asked, my chest puffed a bit. I was one of the biggest guys in the club—much bigger than the Diablos in front of us. It was why I was the muscle here, making sure everyone did what they were supposed to do. But apparently, I was bad at sniffing out the moles, and I felt half responsible for the shit going down right now.

  “Five of our men are dead,” one of them spat at me. He took off his sunglasses to reveal a nasty cut over his eye. I hardly recognized him as Sunshine, the VP for the Blue Diablos. We didn’t see each other much, and between the fact he hadn’t been aging well and the new addition to his face, I hadn’t realized it was him.

  “I find it hard to see how that is our fucking problem. We’re Saints, and while we have no ill will of you and yours, we have no fucking alliance contract either. Just a friendly agreement.”

  “That friendly agreement was stomped all over when your Prez and some of your Saints came in with the Shadow Order and tried to snuff us out. Ya’ll didn’t send enough, though. We came here to see the Prez and give him a little present. You know how the law works. Hand him over, and the rest of you can patch over,” Sunshine offered.

  I scoffed, trying not to show how shaken up I was at this news. I didn’t need to show any weakness right now, the Diablos being loose cannons and all. I was sure that was why Maxum did what he did . . . because he knew if he and the Order didn’t finish us off already, the Diablos would come for us without question. They were insane. Almost a disgrace to the MC name.

  “You know as well as I do we would never come on your turf, and if we did, we’d know to bring the whole crew. Preach is not here on account he isn’t our fuckin’ Prez anymore. He double-crossed us. We got attacked by the order ourselves this morning. I’d show you our battle wounds, but they’re all being fixed up right now,” I told him, trying to be reasonable but firm. They weren’t stepping another foot closer, and they sure as hell were not go
ing to accuse us of some shoddy raid on their compound.

  Sunshine spit on me, and Cameron moved a step closer, cocking his gun for a hit. I put my hand up to stop him.

  “You can’t possibly expect us to be jackasses enough to believe the shit you’re spitting, right? You’ve wanted us gone for years. Preach has always made that clear, all holier than though and shit. You can expect us to be back with the rest. Don’t bother praying for mercy because you won’t get any.”

  Before anyone could process what had happened, they rode off on their bikes, one of their men sending a shot back at us on the way. I didn’t think it hit any of ours until Cameron went down, blood coming from his leg.

  “Well, fuck. That’s too many enemies in one day for my taste. Let’s get you fixed up.” I ordered Kyle to get him to the doc and went back in to get more guards. We were gonna need them.

  Then, I rang for Tony, knowing he needed to know the next layer of this shit pile.

  “What the fuck is it, Seth?” he asked, and I grimaced at his tone. He was still out of whack, probably would be for a while.

  “We just got a visit from our not so favorite neighbors, the Diablos. It seems good ol’ Preach showed his ugly betraying mug at their clubhouse and shot it up along with some of our own and the Order. They think I am shitting them. Sunshine was pissed as hell, calling me a liar. Damn, his face is all fucked up. They threatened to come back for us with their whole MC, Tony. I think this goes deeper than we realized. I know you’re trying to figure this shit out, but we need you.”

  “I’ll be there in ten.”

  Chapter 6


  Tony sent me to gather the rest of the crew. Most were already headed into the meeting room, with their injuries patched, and revenge on their minds. I found it necessary to knock on a few stragglers’ doors. We had all spent the night at the clubhouse, feeling the need to congregate and gather power from each other.


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