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Greed Page 2

by Summer Wynter

  Hello L,

  I need to begin by saying I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m guessing people say that all the same but it’s really true. I like the idea of spending time with you, having how you put it “a perfect 2 weeks, nothing more or less”. I appreciate how you promise I would not have to do anything I didn’t want to.

  You wrote that you live on the beach. I love the feeling of the sun on my skin.



  Tiffany had no idea what to pack. She imagined being a sexual ingénue may require a different wardrobe then her current college kid staples; however no Cosmopolitan article had given her any guidelines. She figured bikinis were a safe bet and put in the red dress with the plunging back that Jo had nagged her into buying for last years formal but beyond that she was stuck. It seemed unlikely would be hanging out in her sweatpants, but she couldn’t stay in gowns. Finally, Jo just threw in all her short cut off shorts and prayed that “L” was into the country girl kind of vibe.


  “You’re sure you’re okay driving all the way the there by yourself.” Clayton stood at the doorway of his daughter childhood room watching her get ready. They had come to a sort of truce since the scene in the restaurant with neither bringing the topic again. Instead they talked in stilted polite phrases and were generally profoundly uncomfortable.

  “I’ll be fine Dad. The cell reception in the mountains is crappy so don’t be worried if I don’t call, okay? I’ll see you when I get back.” She’d lied about where she was going, and lied further to keep it secret. What Daddy didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Besides, wasn’t he the reason she was in this mess?

  “Okay honey. Just be safe. And Tiff, when you go back we should go over the numbers for next year. I get a pretty good price on the cottage so I may be able to help more than I thought.” Clayton thought about giving her a hug, but decided against it. “I love you Tiff.”

  “Okay Dad. We’ll talk we I get back. Love you too.”

  Chapter Three:

  Okay this was a house, thought Tiff as she pulled up the address she had been given. Not too large but everything about it scream style and luxury. The architect was an obvious fan of the post modern look, with the entire structure looking like glass bocks that a child had left out. Okay, game time, Tiff thought desperately wishing that her hands would stop shaking.

  Linc watched the girl pull up from an upstairs window. There was no let down; if anything the pictures Tiffany had sent had undersold her beauty. From the pep talk she seemed to be giving herself in the car Linc surmised that she had been truthful about this being her first time in such a situation. He smiled as she got out of the car and made her way to the front. This should be interesting.

  “Hi, I’m Tiffany.” He knows that already, she berated herself. Be more interesting. This man was going to make her next year possible which in turn would make the rest of her life possible; she had to try and keep him interested. “Your house is amazing. You must love it here, all by yourself.”

  “Thank you. I do enjoy my solitude very much. It is nice to have some company now and then.” The girl is shaking, Linc thought. “Tiffany you don’t need to feel scared or nervous. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen.”

  “Oh I know. I believe you Linc, I do. It’s just this is a little strange for me.”

  “Actually this is new for me too.” He picked up her bag and walked her into the house. “Perhaps we should just start with getting to know each other.”


  When she pictured her first evening at Linc’s house, Tiffany figured it would be full of tawdry lingerie and overt sexual overtures. What she would not have imagined was spending the evening playing cards while watching the ocean. Linc, shocked that she knew nothing of any cards had taken it upon himself so give her a tutorial starting with euchre. Despite herself she became involved in the game, her natural competitive tendency showing through.

  “Read them and weep. I am the queen.” Tiffany crowed after finally getting the hang of the game. She immediately flushed; perhaps girls in her position were supposed to act a little more submissive. She glanced at Linc but he seemed only entertained with her victory.

  “You are a quick study at that. We need to work on your strategy but I think I could have you running tournaments before our time is done.” He seemed genuinely thrilled at the prospective.

  “Is that what you want to do for the next two weeks? Play cards?” Tiffany tried to have a sultry voice but honestly she just wanted to know; what would they be doing with their time? What was Linc planning? She stretched out her legs. “Would you mind if I go for a run on the beach before it gets too dark? The car ride left me a little stiff.”

  “By all means.” Linc watched as Tiffany sprang up and after finding some skin tight running shorts and what looked like the top of a bathing suit, was off.

  It is pleasant, he thought, watching her run. She had the gait that reminded him of a young filly just coming into her size. Lanky yet efficient, she ate up the shore until all he could see was the shadow of a figure in the distance. Truth was he had no idea what he was doing here either; but so far he was enjoying the time with this fresh faced girl, no matter how expensive. He found her lack of guile charming, while the yard of smooth legs, the creamy skin on her navel, the breasts high and firm, interested him on a less intellectual level.

  She turned around just when she was nearly out of sight and began the return trip. The last light of the day made her blonde hair look nearly aflame. Tiffany, enjoying the beach and the feeling of freedom that being near the water always gave her, impulsively ran into the surf, laughing when the wave broke around her. Linc refilled his glass and watched. None of the women he’d brought to the house before, refined and lovely as they all were, had ever gone chasing waves at sunset. He was very much looking forward to the next two weeks.


  When Tiffany came out of the shower she went looking for her host. He hadn’t been on the deck when she came back from her run so she had showered and put on a thin sundress that was made of the softest cotton and verging on transparent. Unsure of how comfortable she should make herself, she instinctively went towards the bookshelf, thrilled to see that some of her favorites were there. She picked up a mystery and found that the stylish couch was actually comfortable and soon became so lost in the story that when Linc came in he had minutes to watch her unnoticed. She reminded him of some sort of woodland fairy, with her long legs tucked under her and her long hair wild and free.

  “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a Parker fan.” Startled she nearly stood up when she noticed him before regaining her composure and reclining, into what she hoped was an enticing pose.

  “I am. When finals are over I celebrate by taking stacks and stacks of mysteries and hiding in my bed all day, doing nothing constructive – just reading and lazing around.”

  “I imagine it’s not hard for a girl like you to find some college man to keep you company in that bed of yours.”

  “I guess I’ve never been very good at dating. Boys my age they,” she trailed off, not sure if this conversation was suitable for the situation. Did one discuss past lovers with a future one? Unsure she decided that he had brought it up so continued to answer and honestly as she could. “They just aren’t that interesting. OR maybe I’m not that interesting. Either way we don’t have much to talk about.”

  “Hmm. I guess I can see why they might have trouble getting words out.” Linc reached over and caressed the smooth skin made bare by the shirt riding up. It was the color of honey, and seemed to glisten in the low light of the room. “When you walked into my house it took me a few minutes to rediscover language as well.” Moving from here abdomen to her lower back Linc lightly continued, almost a whisper of a touch.

  Tiffany felt paralyzed. This patient, yet playful caress touched off a cascade of sensations in her body, something that had never occurred with the pawing petting that concl
uded most of her dates. She wondered of she was suppose to do something, react, reciprocate? Helpless she lay still and watched as the long fingers move closer down, lightly under her panties now. A sound escaped her that might have been moan, or maybe a gasp. When Linc’s eyes met hers she was shocked by the warmth there, a heat barely stoked. She, for the first time, realized that she truly was out of her depth in this situation. Strangely this didn’t make her afraid. As his hands moved around to the front, to find her care, already wet and trembling, there was simply no room for fear in all the pleasure shooting out from her body.

  Linc forced himself to go slow to savor. In truth he wanted to devour this girl, take her on the floor and empty himself into her. But not being a college age boy he knew the value of restraint, the joys of tasting and teasing. And this girl, who minutes before had seemed an innocent, was now flushed and ready; seemingly staggered by never before felt sensations. When he brushed her clit she moaned with such intensity that she shocked herself. And when he entered her with his fingers she came with such ferocity that he wondered if she had ever reached climax before.


  She might be blind. That seemed a fair trade for the explosive pleasure that still rocked her body. How was it possible that this man could take her body to the heights of pleasure with only his fingers? She wasn’t a total innocent, she had had boy in her bed and sex and orgasms (so she had thought), but nothing that was even in the stratosphere what had just happened. She should do something, attempt to give back some pleasure but Tiffany was reasonably sure her bones had disintegrated. Happily, her sight had returned and when she found Linc’s face, kneeling in the floor in front of here, he didn’t look at all disappointed by her state. He looked she thought, like a cartoon cat that had just swallowed a canary.

  “Well Tiffany, I am very much looking forward to our next two weeks.” And, still smiling in a somewhat feral fashion, he got up and moved to the kitchen. “Shall we dine? I’m famished. I believe you said you like seafood, yes?”

  “Umm, yes. I love seafood.” Tiffany watched him leave and then collapsed fully back into the couch. She was also very much looking forward to the next two weeks with this man.

  Linc was an excellent cook Tiffany discovered at dinner. The meal was simple yet delicious; mussels in a wine reduction served with good French bread and good French white wine. And while Tiffany was sure that she would be at a total lose of words the entire meal Linc managed to draw her into a lively debate about an author they had both read.

  “You can’t tell me you think that the main character having a complete personally shift is a minor flaw.” Tiffany used a crust of the bread to soak up some of the truly amazing sauce. “I mean she went from a total high school wallflower to the general of an army in less then a month. That kind of change just isn’t believable.”

  “I think I may have the advantage of my advanced years here. You will probably be surprised in your life multiple times by how people you thought you knew very well seem to fundamentally alter the personality.” Linc found he was incredibly entertained, and yes aroused, with watching Tiffany eat. The girl had no pretensions, she simply and fully enjoyed each and every aspect of the food; her face he now knew, showed each of her emotions.

  Tiffany thought to the recent situation and was forced to agree. Months ago she would have never believed that her father would let her down so fully. “I guess your right. So are you saying that people’s personalities are essentially malleable? Can I become a neat freak through pure force of will?”

  “I tend to think that people’s character is a lot deeper than we appreciate. There may be hidden attributes that, given the right circumstance or situations, can come to light that before would have been unthinkable.” The way Tiffany felt his gaze on her she was reasonably sure that they weren’t talking about the book anymore. “Would you like dessert?”

  “Yes. Um I think so. Do you? I mean I do. A lot.” Was this code? Should she try and look more inviting? Tiffany was pretty sure that Linc wasn’t paying her tuition in order to have dinner conversation. Damn why hadn’t Jo and her made notes on proper seduction technique.


  It was amazing, Linc thought, truly every thought projected on her face. He tried not to laugh as her brain speed through all the meanings and potential meanings of the questions. “I meant crème brulee. I’ll get the torch out but let’s do in on the back porch so we don’t smoke up the the house.”

  “That’s amazing. Crème brulee is my favorite thing to order at restaurants but I’ve never seen it done. Can I clean up here?”

  “The cleaner will get it tomorrow. Let us retire to the porch then.” He picked up the tray with the two ramekins and walked out the massive glass doors.

  Chapter Four:

  Outside they sat side by side, facing the surf. Tiffany realized that, aside from the encounter in the library earlier this was the closest she had been to Linc. She liked the way he smelled, and looking at him in a white shirt and linen pants she could clearly see the muscles of his shoulders and arms, solid and substantial.

  “The trick to a good brulee is fire and timing.” Linc liked the way hew eyes got wide when he lit the torch. “You need to scorch the sugar, but you don’t want it blackened.” He applied himself to the task, enjoying her open astonishment. The smell of the sugar became the right amount of burnt and he settled himself back in the chair. “Now we wait. It takes a minute to set before you can get the good crack with your spoon.”

  “That sound is my favorite part.” She had pulled in legs in anticipation and now sat cross legged; with her pale hair wild around her head she appeared to be some sort of mermaid, temporary allowed on land. Unable to resist Linc brushed some hair away from her face, leaving his hand on the back of her neck.

  “This is my favorite part.” And he leaned in and possessed her mouth. It was a kiss yes, but to Tiffany if felt more like a question, an investigation. His teeth skirted her lower lips just shy of being a bite before plunging back in to full tasting of her. Like earlier she felt somewhat stunned by the pure sensation that a small amount of contact with this man could bring.

  Linc couldn’t remember any other kisses. He had he was sure, it was part of the standard seduction technique, but with her he felt physically compelled to continue, to want more. This magnetic pull to this fresh girl both excited and scared him. His cut the kiss short, before he lost all control and simply stared at the wide eyes of his partner.

  “Is it ready now?”

  “It is.” He held out a spoon which she grabbed with pure anticipation. This time for Linc the sound of the brulee breaking paled in comparison to the peals of laughter for Tiffany.


  Waking the next day Tiffany was surprised to find that she was a little disappointed that she was in her room, alone. After dessert they had some more conversation revolving around shared literary tastes before Linc, every inch the gentlemen showed her to her room and bid her good night. Despite the promise she had read into the kiss and the afternoons activities there had been no ravishment. Did she want to be ravished? Tiffany had never really pondered the question; it had never been a possible option. After the glimpses she had felt yesterday she was beginning to understand that she might really know very much about what she really wanted.

  The main room and the kitchen were already immaculate; Linc had mentioned the cleaning staff came in early. Poking around in the kitchen she found a breakfast spread already made up for her, complete with lox and bagels. A note from Linc on the platter bade her to enjoy the house, and informed her he would be home around noon. Feeling extremely pampered Tiffany decided to have a bath in the massive washroom with a tub the size of her bedroom at home.

  Clipping her hair up she pulled her nightie off and picked at random from the options of oils and bubbles. When the room was fragrant and steamy she sank into the oceans of bubbles. What would Jo say if she saw her now, Tiff thought. It had been less then a day and she barely recogni
zed the college kid that arrived yesterday. As she melted into the waters her minds again returned to the couch yesterday, and the sensations that Linc had teased from her body. Without noticing at first she began to trace the path of his fingers with her own, from her taunt abdomen to the small of her back, recreating the delicious sensations of yesterday. And like yesterday her orgasm was intense beyond words when she barely brushed over her moist cunt.


  Linc loved his job. He had to remind himself of that dozens of times that morning as the image of the tousled blond he left sleeping in his house tormented him. The lack of physical intimacy last night did nothing to diminish the ache of need he had when he thought of her. In fact, it seemed to increase it; Linc could never remember feeling so strongly about any of his conquests before. Perhaps he mulled, because they weren’t conquests.

  The women he typically kept company with knew the script as well as he did. Diner would be served, the discussion would circle on some mutual friend’s ill luck, with a brief polite foray into politics followed by a scene of seduction, consummation and a retouching of make up prior to him calling a car. Very civilized, reasonably satisfying and ridiculously boring.

  Looking out the window Linc realized he hadn’t done a thing on his agenda today. When he realized that him being at work was no more productive then him not, he started to pack up.

  “Meeting on hole 19?” Linc startled up at his friend Clayton, who had appeared at the door to his office. “I was hoping to get your ear about a new business pitch. Got a minute?”

  “Umm the thing is… I have a meeting. I’m meeting some clients for lunch and already running late.” Linc couldn’t believe it, he was yammering like a school boy caught out for truant.

  “Bloody hell, are you blushing? Meeting a client my ass, you have the face of a man running to a woman. Come on, tell? Who is it?” Laughing at his friend now Clayton entered the office fully, hoping to get some salacious stories from Linc’s latest conquest. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush in all the time I’ve known you. She must be something.”


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