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Greed Page 4

by Summer Wynter

  Linc’s laughter died down, but Clayton laughed hysterically at his friend’s announcement. “You went online, found a college girl, and now you’re saying you might be in love?” Clayton’s words drawled on, and Linc knew his friend was wasted. They were supposed to be adults, but often they would simply drink too much. It was like college days all over again. With that thought in mind, Linc threw back his whiskey, and felt the warmth spread through his bones and muscles. It was time he relaxed.

  A few hours into their drinking, Linc had relaxed enough to loosen his tie and take off his sports coat. Clayton had done the same, and both men were laughing, toasting, and yelling at the sports game on the tv behind the bar. No talk of Linc’s younger woman had been brought back up, but Linc’s mind kept going back to her. Without thinking, Linc finished off his beer and raised his voice above the clatter of voices in the bar.

  “She’s beautiful, you know,” Linc said to his friend.

  Clayton raised a brow in his direction as if he had forgotten all about the situation. “Your college girl?”

  Linc nodded in reply. He wanted to tell Clayton all about her, about her smile and her laugh. He wanted Clayton to hear about the hot sex that had been having over the course of the week, and how much Linc wanted to see her more.

  “She even has a beautiful name, Clay. I mean doesn’t Tiffany just make your mouth water and your blood pump?” Linc, lost in a moment of ecstasy, didn’t notice his friend’s laughter dying, or the look of horror in his eyes as he stared at Linc across the table.

  “What did you say her name was?” Clayton questioned again, his eyes seeming to have gone suddenly sober.

  “Tiffany?” Linc said plainly.

  Clayton’s face began to grow red with a sudden surge of anger. Linc, seeing his friend’s intense gaze, sobered up quickly before standing to his feet. “What’s her last name?” Clayton questioned demandingly.

  “I-I’m not sure,” Linc stuttered while grabbing his sports coat from the back of his chair. Clayton stood to his feet as well, keeping his gaze locked on Linc.

  “Does she have blonde hair?” Clayton questioned with force. “Is she tall with long legs? Where does she go to school?”

  “I’m not sure where,” Linc replied honestly. He didn’t know. It had not occurred to him to ask her about her schooling other than a few basic things. “It can’t be your daughter.”

  Clayton, in a rage, grabs his sports coat and rushes out of the bar without another word to Linc. The man, with astonished eyes, sat back down in his chair and stared into the half eaten basket of roasted peanuts that the two had been enjoying only moments before. Was it really Clayton’s daughter?

  Chapter Six:

  The bubbles and hot water relaxed Tiffany until she was almost intoxicated by the refreshment. Of course, the wine didn’t help either, but Linc had insisted she open a bottle and take a long, hot bubble bath while he was out having drinks with his friend. She had been a little worried at first, thinking he might be seeing another woman, but she pushed the thought aside and decided to enjoy the luxury while she could. Tiffany shut her eyes and sank deep into the large tub full of foamy water. Her chin rested just above the water line, and she relaxed.

  Suddenly, her phone began to ring, the sound cutting through the silence in the room. Tiffany jumped, causing the water the splash a bit. She sat up, all peace gone, and dried her hands on the towel just beside the tub. She grabbed her phone, looked at the caller ID, and took a deep breath.

  “Hey, Dad,” Tiffany began while leaning back against the back of the tub once again.

  “Tiffany! Where the hell are you?” her father shouted from the other line. Tiffany sat up in the tub, her stomach fluttering and her body cold.

  “Um,” she began, searching for a good excuse. “I’m with Jo. We’re, um, going out tonight.”

  The line grew silent as Tiffany waited for her clearly angry father to say something in reply. All she could hear was his breathing in the receiver. “Don’t lie to me, young lady.” Clayton’s voice sounded more controlled, but the anger was still clearly on the forefront.

  “I’m not lying,” Tiffany spat out quickly. She knew her excuse was lame. Her father knew when she was lying; he could tell from a mile away, or through the phone for that matter.

  “Linc told me at the bar tonight, Tiffany,” her father shouted through the phone. “Is this punishment for me forcing you to get a job?”

  Tiffany felt gooseflesh rise up on her arms and back. Somehow her father had found out about her staying with an older man. The only issue was, how did he know the man, and how did they become friends? Is that who Linc went to have drinks with? Her father?

  “Linc is my boss, Tiffany,” her father said, starting on a rage. “He’s three times your age, and you have no business dating him or whatever it is you’re doing.”

  Tiffany racked her brain for something to say. How was she supposed to explain to her dad that she was sleeping with his boss just so his boss would pay her tuition? That just wasn’t something you tell your father. Tiffany placed the phone on speaker, setting it on a wooden tray just beside the tub. She was afraid that if she held the phone anymore, she might drop it in the bathwater. Then again, that might have been a good idea. She wouldn’t have to face her father.

  “Tiffany?” Clayton shouted through the phone, startling her once again. “Answer me.”

  “I thought if I dated him, he might help me pay my tuition,” Tiffany said honestly, leaving out the sexier parts of the past week. “At least, that’s how it started, but he’s pretty amazing, Dad.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re in love with him,” Clayton said exasperated on the other line.

  “Well, I’m falling pretty hard for him,” Tiffany admitted, both to her father and herself. “I promise everything will be alright, Dad. Don’t worry.”

  Clayton sighed on the other line, but Tiffany knew he would not be okay with this situation for a long while. “I just need some time to take all of this in. Just, call me if you need me. Okay, Tiffany?”

  “I will, Dad,” she said just as Clayton hung up the phone. Tiffany shut her eyes again, feeling a wave of nausea wash over her. Could she really be falling for Linc? She pulled the clip from her silky hair, letting it fall around her shoulders. The ends dropped just into the water before she submerged her entire body in the bubble bath.

  Tiffany was so enraptured in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Linc open the bathroom door. “Tiff?” he questioned while looking around the bathroom. Tiffany’s head popped up from the bubbles, her hair slicked back from the water. She wiped her eyes, and jumped when Linc came into focus.

  “Oh, you scared me,” she said while holding a thin hand over her heart.

  “Tiff, I have to tell you something,” he said while sitting down on the side of the tub. She gulped, attempting to swallow the lump lodged in her throat.

  “My Dad called me,” she blurted out before Linc had a chance to speak. “He told me everything.”

  “Is he mad?”

  “He’s upset,” she replied honestly. “It’s a big shock, you know.”

  “You’re not going to leave?” Linc questioned with a raised brow of speculation. Clearly, she wasn’t prepared to leave.

  Tiffany’s lips turned up in the sexiest of smiles, causing Linc’s heart to race and his member to shake. “I still have a week left,” she said while grabbing onto Linc’s hand. “I made a commitment, and I intend to keep it.” Tiffany stood to her feet in the tub, water and bubbles dripping from her naked body. Linc looked on her with pleasure, taking in the sight of her in this state. This was the one thing they had not done yet, and Linc wanted to change that.

  Linc stood to his feet as well, loosening his tie completely and unbuttoning his white dress shirt. Tiffany beckoned him closer as she reached out to finish the job. Soon, Linc slid into the tub, leaning back again the back of the tub as Tiffany had done earlier. She crawled across the large tub until she could feel h
is body under hers. Tiffany pressed her lips to Linc’s, and their tongues began to find each other. Tiffany felt a wave of passion come over her as Linc’s hands began to explore her body. She could taste the alcohol on his breath, and the effects were intoxicating. Below her, she felt him rise, his body ready for their joining. Tiffany stood to her knees, positioned herself, and slid down until they collided together in pleasure. The water moved under them, splashing out with each thrust, but neither seemed to mind. It happened suddenly, and Tiffany’s body began to rock with her climax. Linc quickly pulled her away from him, biting his lip and holding his breath.

  “What’s wrong?” she questioned as she attempted to move away, her body still throbbing in pleasure.

  “Next time, we must be more careful,” Linc said while leaning back in the warm water.

  “Next time?” Tiffany questioned with a raised brow. “I would like there to be a next time.”


  The smell of sizzling vegetables and baking chicken filled the large kitchen along with the sounds of music drifting from the stereo speakers that Linc had installed into the walls. Tiffany had discovered the stereo a few days ago, and Linc had shown her how to use it. Tonight, they decided to put on some music and cook dinner.

  “This smells amazing,” Tiffany commented over the sounds of the jazz music playing in the background. She closed her eyes while gripping her almost empty glass of wine, breathing in the scent of baking chicken.

  “It’s my favorite recipe,” Linc added. Tiffany kept her eyes shut, but was startled when she felt hands reach around her waist, pulling her body away from the counter top where she was leaning. “Come here,” Linc said with a sultry voice. Tiffany opened her eyes, set her glass on the counter, and reached her arms around Linc’s neck.

  The two slammed their lips together in a passionate kiss, their tongues playing tag. Tiffany felt her heart pounding as Linc’s hands began to explore her body, starting with her breasts and moving south quickly. Linc stopped quickly, turning to the stove behind him. Tiffany stood stock still, her body aching for his touch once again. She watched at Linc stirred the vegetables quickly before turning the stove eye off, leaving them to simmer.

  “We have a while before the chicken is done,” he said turning back to Tiffany.

  “What will we do until then?” she questioned, attempting to act as innocent as possible. It was a ploy. Secretly, Tiffany wanted Linc to come back to her, touching her with those large commanding hands.

  Linc smirked at her question, his mind racing with things they could do to fill their time. He moved to Tiffany once again, placing his hands on her thin waist. When he pulled her closer, her hair swirled around her shoulders, and a sharp gasp left her pink lips. He felt his body reacting to her every sound and movement. He wanted her, more than he had ever wanted anyone else before.

  Tiffany leaned in, stepping up on her tiptoes slightly to reach his ear. “Touch me,” she whispered softly as if someone might overhear. Her heart was pounding as Linc reached out to her, lifting the hem of her shirt. In one swoop, Tiffany was relieved of her shirt. Linc took his time as he unbuckled her bra in the back. Her eyes, large and curious, stared him down. She was already gasping for breath, but then again, he was already sporting an erection. Maybe she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Tiffany’s bra sprang loose, leaving her top half completely naked. In a whirl, Linc had lifted Tiffany to the counter top, spreading her legs slightly. He was just the perfect height, she noticed, and he knew it too. Linc slipped his fingers in the band of her panties, pulling them off smoothly and skillfully. He was a master, and Tiffany wanted him to train her. She wanted him to train her hard.

  Chapter Seven:

  Linc moved on top of her, slowly and carefully. The two weeks were coming to an end, but he didn’t want it to end. Oh no. Linc wanted to continue seeing Tiffany, even if she was Clayton’s daughter. Maybe that was why he was choosing to take his time tonight. They had spent their morning on the private beach, swimming and a few other things. Linc smirked when he remembered laying the blanket on the ground and ravishing Tiffany right there beside the surf. She had loved it. She had even called out his name a few times in ecstasy. No one else he had been with had ever done that before. It had made his heart stop momentarily.

  After their fun on the beach, Linc took Tiffany out for lunch at his favorite seafood place. It was crowded, and they got quite a few stares from both men and women while enjoying their lunch. Tiffany had seemed oblivious to the stares, points, and comments. She had laughed and joked as if nothing were amiss. Linc had stared at her from across their table like a love-sick puppy.

  They went for a bit of shopping. Linc wanted to spoil her on her last day with him. It was bittersweet, but Tiffany had seemed to enjoy the shopping trip. For dinner, he cooked for her one last time. After dinner, Tiffany had come on to him, reaching across the couch where they had enjoyed desert and grabbing his length in her hand. He had been shocked, but had quite enjoyed it.

  Linc, wanting to do things right for the last night, he picked her up, threw her legs around his waist, and carried her upstairs to his big comfy bed. He had sat her down, removing on article of her clothing at a time. She seemed to be impatient, but he wanted to relish in their last coming together. He wanted to move slower. Tiffany watched as Linc removed his own clothes, slowly and carefully. Once both were ready, he had slid on the condom and crawled on top of her, taking her gently.

  Though he was taking his time, Linc could feel Tiffany coming closer to her climax with each thrust. He reached up above her head, and gripped her hands in his own, interlocking their fingers. Tiffany lifted her hips to greet him with every thrust, but she matched his pace perfectly. She had not complained a single time about moving too slow, and she had not pushed to move any faster. Linc felt her tightening underneath him, and he too began to feel close to the end. He leaned down with his next thrust, placing a gentle kiss on Tiffany’s forehead. The moved together one last time as Tiffany began to buck against him, her body throbbing. Linc felt his own began to throb, and he felt his strength leave him. He fell against Tiffany’s body, his head leaning against her shoulder. Linc felt something wet against his cheek, and he raised his head to see the cause of the wetness.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as Tiffany wiped at the tears now streaming down her face. She looked away quickly as if she could hide the sudden outburst of tears.

  “It’s over,” she said sadly, her voice quivering both from the sadness and the climax. “My two weeks with you is over.”

  Linc lifted himself on his elbow to see her face as they talked. Now would be the best time to tell her the truth. “Isn’t that what this entire contract was about?” he questioned. “We only see each other for two weeks and then never contact again? Isn’t that what you want?”

  She shook her head as a fresh wave of tears escaped her eyes. “I don’t want it to end. I don’t want us to end.”

  Linc felt his heart stop beating for a short moment. Did she really just say what I think she said? Does Tiffany want to stay? “I don’t want that either,” he admitted. Tiffany’s ears perked up as she waited for more. Linc, wanting to be a gentleman, sat up so he could hold her hands. He gripped them firmly but not tightly, and he took a deep breath. “Tiffany,” he began. “These two weeks have been nothing short of amazing. I honestly never thought I could feel that way about a woman. Hell, I thought I would always be a bachelor, but you opened your car door that first day and it all changed. Tiffany, if you want, I would like for you to stay with me.” He paused, unsure of how else to put it. Would she understand his request? “I want you to officially become my girlfriend.” Tiffany’s eyes welled up with more tears as she sat up, wrapping her arms around Linc’s neck. “Is that a yes?” he asked with a hopeful smirk.

  “That’s most definitely a yes,” Tiffany replied with a quick kiss on Linc’s cheek. Suddenly, the man wrapped his arms around her body, rolling back on top of her.
The two shared a broad smile before kissing deeply. It wasn’t over.

  Stay tuned to read all in the Sin Series:

  Let they who are without sin cast the first stone

  A coffee girl’s affair with her dad’s CEO best friend in “Envy”

  A college girl’s indecent proposal to get a CEO to pay for tuition in “Greed”

  A dad’s inability to say ‘no’ to his twin’s babysitter in “Lust”

  A girl turns 21 and sleeps with her college professor to ensure her degree in “Pride”

  Get SIGNED UP to get the latest in this tangled, twisted tale.


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  I’m just your normal, everyday woman who can’t get enough out of life. When it comes to writing, I enjoy stories about couples who just can’t say no, even when life says that they should.

  Come get passionate with me and see where my dirty little mind can take you.


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