“The Genealogical Adam and Eve is a meticulously researched, fascinating, and timely book. I am personally grateful to Dr. Swamidass for his honest and thoughtful approach to the question of the historical Adam. Whether we agree or disagree with him on evolution or Adam and Eve, everyone can deeply appreciate the spirit in which he writes this book. It is a model for how to approach hard questions at the intersection of science and faith. May this book get the wide readership it deserves.”
Sean McDowell, professor of apologetics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
“Many Christians struggle with the challenge of mainstream science, especially on human origins. This book changes the game. The focus on genetic ancestry distracted us from genealogical ancestry. Scripture does not speak of genetics, but it does emphasize genealogy, presenting Adam as the genealogical ancestor of the human race. In terms that nonscientists can understand, Swamidass shows how scientific findings in genetics are entirely compatible with this biblical claim. The Genealogical Adam and Eve is creating a new conversation about human origins, and it is essential reading for everyone at the intersection of science and faith.”
Ken Keathley, senior professor of theology, director of the Bush Center for Faith and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Although Dr. Swamidass and I disagree over the data and reach different conclusions about hominid evolution and the creation of humanity, The Genealogical Adam and Eve is a critical, timely, and beneficial contribution that will facilitate science/faith dialogue and help many see that faithful biblical interpretations do not conflict with evolutionary science. Everyone who thinks science and Christian faith must necessarily be at odds should read Swamidass’s work with an open mind. I value and applaud Swamidass’s contribution and heart in bringing an informed, scholarly understanding and voice to bear on these extremely important issues.”
Anjeanette “AJ” Roberts, molecular biologist/research scholar at Reasons to Believe
“It is unusual to find a professional scientist with a keen interest in theology, but Joshua Swamidass, a computational biologist, is just such a person. The Genealogical Adam and Eve is a scientifically informed and biblically engaged study of human origins. Many will find shocking its claims concerning universal common ancestors in the relatively recent past. Agree or disagree, the reader will find this to be a stimulating and thought-provoking book.”
William Lane Craig, professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology and Houston Baptist University
“Scientific progress of many sorts, such as our growing understanding of the human genome, surfaces a myriad of challenging questions about the human condition and our origins. Around these questions, this book invites a better conversation. For both scientific and theological communities, this book offers common language and an inviting narrative, establishing a foundation for mutual understanding and respect. In doing so, Swamidass demonstrates a compelling vision of meaningful and constructive dialogue and what this dialogue can achieve. Here—in a multifaceted conversation between faith, science, and our shared experience—we can engage grand questions together. Trust can grow and, with it, new avenues for discovery might arise.”
Philip R. O. Payne, professor and director of the Institute for Informatics, Washington University School of Medicine
“A vital conversation unfolds between science and religion, engaging theologically motivated questions without letting theology impose itself on science. The conversation is grounded, but Swamidass takes us to a place of imagination and creativity—the intellectual wonder where many of us first learned of dinosaurs or first contemplated the meaning of life. The book starts with origins, but it gathers us all around the grand question: What does it mean to be human?”
Jeff Mallinson, professor of theology and philosophy at Concordia University, Irvine
“Professor Swamidass first introduced me to his very insightful idea of a genealogical Adam and Eve in a fascinating presentation at the American Scientific Affiliation annual meeting in 2017. His seminal distinction between a genealogical Adam and Eve and a genetic Adam and Eve is a paradigm pregnant with possibilities for reconciling evolutionary genetics with a historical Adam and Eve. It may also provide hermeneutical resources for Genesis 4–5, which gives more than a subtle hint that there were hominoids outside the Garden of Eden who were sufficiently like Adam and Eve genetically that they could breed and be dangerous. I hope that The Genealogical Adam and Eve will stimulate some creative new insights that will provide fertile ground for conversations between people who had believed they had irreconcilable differences in the faith and science dialogue.”
Walter L. Bradley, professor emeritus, Texas A&M University, and distinguished professor emeritus, Baylor University
“Dr. Swamidass’s contribution is extremely significant, reshaping our understanding of the theological implications of evolution and population genetics. There is a recurring pattern in the history of science and religion. First, a scientific discovery and its seeming implications are treated as settled science and demands are made for a radical departure from recognizable Christian theology. Second, a sober corrective recognizes the legitimacy of the discovery but clarifies the real implications, and in so doing provides breathing room for real theological reflection, development, and genuine intellectual progress. Dr. Swamidass, in this book, offers just such a sober corrective.”
Clinton Ohlers, intellectual historian of science and religion, University of Hong Kong
S. Joshua Swamidass (MD, PhD, UC–Irvine) is a scientist, physician, and associate professor of laboratory and genomic medicine at Washington University in Saint Louis, where he uses artificial intelligence to explore science at the intersection of medicine, biology, and chemistry. He is a Veritas Forums speaker and blogs at Peaceful Science.
Please visit us at ivpress.com for more information about S. Joshua Swamidass and a list of other titles he has published with InterVarsity Press.
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©2019 by S. Joshua Swamidass
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