Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2) Page 5

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  “That makes sense. It wouldn’t make sense to give information about his family members as that part is confidential.” I said to him. It was crucial to protect the innocent.

  “Morelli gave us a deal. If we’re successful in capturing Mr.Segreto, he’ll reward us in cash.” Enrico muttered to me.

  “He’s from New York, huh? Why run away and come here to start trouble? Unless he’s working for someone here, right?” Angelo asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded to him as he made a good point. His questions also made me ask what he’d want with my wife.

  “We also know he’s been tailing your wife. I think whatever business he’s doing here, has to do with you, boss. Maybe the person of discussion is trying to get you.” Ricardo said to me as well.

  “I’ve put that much together. If Segreto or Baressi, or whatever he goes by has settled here in Massachusetts’s, he’s working for somebody. That also means he’s wanted. He has to be colluding with someone that has connections in New York.”

  “Here’s a possibility, what if Segreto is working for the enemy we've been dealing with for the past two weeks?” Angelo asked, gaining all of our attention. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “If he is, let’s ask a question. Why would our enemy go as far as partnering with someone from New York?” Angelo asked. He’s smarter than he looks.

  Louise turned to look at him. “The killer that’s been a helicopter over our heads probably knew no other mob in Massachusetts’s would betray us and risk war. So, he was put in a position where he had to step out of the bubble so he couldn’t be ratted out or detected. That is why Segreto is here.” Louise muttered the last part.

  “That was a very possible angle. This man could have direct connections to the killer. Or maybe, he’s doing the killings himself as well.” I said.

  “So does that mean Tinuccio is off the hook?” Enrico asked me, his eyebrows raised.

  “No, I still believe he’s part of this. In fact, I have no doubt.” I could tell by that sly grin on his aging face.

  “You know, it makes me think. Tinuccio only looks clean because he has someone to do his dirty work. He even said the manner of killings wasn’t his style. If he didn’t want revenge for the killing of one of his members, I’d ask what kind of boss he is.” Enrico said.


  Raelyn’s POV

  “I was going to bring Romano over but Stefano had decided on taking him today.” I said, my eyes closed as my heart rate quickened in pace. I didn’t like it all that Stefano was starting to expose Romano to his type of work, so soon. Actually, I didn’t like Romano being around those scary mob men at all.

  I just didn’t know how to bring that concern up to Stefano. It seemed like since our last conversation dealing with how Romano was to be raised, Stefano had just thought that I’d be okay with it all. Then again, I wasn’t really telling him I wasn’t comfortable.

  “Stefano taking Romano to these meetings is eating you alive, isn’t it?” Mother asked me. I set the tea I prepared for her down in front of her. I sat down and placed my hands over my lap. “More than you know. I know it’s just meetings now, but who knows what’s next. I just don’t want my little baby to become desensitized.” Just thinking of Romano made my eyes water.

  “I understand, Raelyn. I know it’s a sensitive topic but Stefano is your husband and you do have to communicate these concerns no matter how difficult it is. He’s not an unpredictable man, you have nothing to fear.” She assured me. I squeezed her hand back and took in a fresh breath of air, exhaling the air that was choking me up.

  “Besides, Romano is just 4 years old. I’m sure Stefano knows not to cross any line right now. You should tell him how you feel about this before he progresses any further.” She told me again. I nodded, taking in her advice.

  “It’s just the thought of Romano growing up and becoming a made man that I can’t take. The first day you were in the hospital, I overheard Stefano talking with Father. Stefano was saying he loves Romano enough to begin training him now. He said that he didn’t want his son to become an easy target. I understand Stefano’s point, I really do.” My mom nodded, edging me to continue.

  “I love my son and don’t want him to be looking over his shoulder every day, paranoid someone is out to get him. Me and Stefano’s perspective on raising Romano is very different but we both come from the same place. This is just something I know we won’t be able to agree on.” I told her.

  “Just talk to him, Raelyn. Go on, talk to him. You know how he gets when you keep things from him.” She chuckled. I smiled back at her, knowing she was right.

  Chapter 8

  I didn’t leave my mother’s house until evening. When Alessio brought me home, I decided to not even bother with making dinner. I knew that Stefano and Romano were likely going to eat at one of the restaurants and come home late. Alessio was chatting it up over the phone with his wife downstairs, obviously occupied. I eavesdropped enough to know they were arguing.

  I decided to find something to do so I could keep myself distracted from the loneliness creeping in.

  I knew sooner or later I would have to find a hobby I could stick to. It seemed like all the other women I knew had something going for themselves. Caterina traveled the world and had her own blog, Gigi had her own hair salon, and some other women I’d chat with were so content with their lives.

  With myself, I just couldn’t help this feeling of emptiness and boredom. Ever since Stefano began bringing Romano with him to tend to his duties, I’ve felt like there’s nothing to do. Romano had become my whole world and that suppressed the reality of what I’d become.

  I tied my robe securely around myself and laid flat on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I didn’t want waiting for my husband and child to come home, as a hobby. I don’t know how mob wives in our society do it.

  I need a separate identity.

  I turned to my side and opened my drawer, looking for my diary. It’s been about three to four months since I’ve written in it. Feeling as lonely as I am now, I’m eager to start writing again.

  As I spilled my thoughts and emotions onto each line that made up a page, I began to consider many things. When Stefano and I first started our relationship, he told me many times that I wasn’t bound to stay in the house and I had just as much freedom as he did. I knew the sky was the limit as far as opportunities went, but I wasn’t sure what to do with my power.

  I need new hobbies since a housewife isn’t what I want to be. I wanted my power to be useful in some way, not just used for my own gain. I’ve actually been thinking of creating a school for talented kids, especially for females. Growing up in this community, there wasn’t much you could do with any talent you had. If you were a gifted writer, singer, artist, your work was often deemed useless.

  There were no channels to flourish creativity. Family and friends were unsupportive. If you were a female, you were expected to take on the traditional wife role or leave the city to explore your own talents. For males, your work would somehow be linked to the mob, or you’d be pressured to even join it. I knew many kids that wanted absolutely nothing to do with the mob, but their options were limited.

  I wanted to create something that would open the children of our society to alternatives. Hopefully my new project could give the youth some hope of stepping out of the circle and finding an outlet to nurture their talents.

  Growing up being a talented singer myself, it almost seemed there was no place for me here. Doing a few gigs was nice, but that was not the end game.

  Reading over what I wrote, I nodded my head. My idea sounded so authentic and I knew there was nothing stopping me from making it happen. I began to wonder why I didn’t plan this sooner. I’ve been so busy with Romano that I put a hold on my dreams. I couldn’t wait to be more productive again.

  Hopefully I could get in touch with someone to really put this idea into something tangible.


  I dabbed the soft towel around my face after I fin
ished my morning routine. Stepping out of the bathroom, I saw that Stefano was still sitting on the edge of the bed, reading on his laptop. I didn’t know exactly what he was reading. All I saw were faces and paragraphs next to their names.

  The light from the window hit Stefano’s back perfectly. His smooth tan skin beamed and his tousled dark hair stood out. Even in the mornings, Stefano managed to be at his best.

  He’s an attractive man and anyone with functioning eyes could admit it.

  He had a superior aura about him and everything about his appearance seemed to just jump out at you in a striking fashion.

  For me, I fell in love with the little things. Getting on the bed, I crawled until I was behind him. I embraced and hugged him tightly. My arms were around his shoulders, my breasts pressed against his back.

  I loved the warmth that radiated off his body and wrapped around mine. His skin was soft and welcoming, making me addicted to touch him often. My nose was nestled in the crook of his neck, savoring his familiar aroma. I could only describe it as a simultaneously cool and spicy scent.

  “How was yesterday?” I asked softy. My hand slid across Stefano’s chest. He then took my hand and raised it to his lips, placing a kiss on my flesh.

  “All the pieces are falling together.” He muttered against my hand. I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant, but I knew it was a good thing.


  It was afternoon and I was currently on the phone with Gigi. She was ranting about a rude and stuck up customer that thought she ran her new Salon. “I tell ya, Rae. She was waving her hands around at my employees and cutting the queue like she was somebody important!” Gigi said in a shocked manner. I chuckled at her. It was almost as if she couldn’t believe it.

  “She thought just because her father was a politician, she could have her way. I said, Nope! You can shove those six inch heels up your-”

  “Okay, Gigi.” I cut her off, Laughing.

  “Mama!” The voice of my little boy rang in my ears. I averted my gaze to down the hall where I saw Romano running to me in nothing but his sweatpants and running shoes. I was surprised to see him shirtless. I could also see from the glistening of his skin, that he was sweaty and had been active.

  “Hey Gigi, I’ll call you later.”

  “Kay, Kay.”

  I put my phone down and got up from the couch and walked a few steps to meet Romano half way. He engulfed my legs in a hug and I laughed at his excitement. “You’re all sweaty.” I frowned when I played with his hair and I realized it was damp.

  Romano placed frequent kisses on my legs and giggles, holding me tighter. “What’s gotten into you, today?” I asked Romano and smiled at his adorable ness. He was just as affectionate as his father, but even more so today.

  I should have known the affection would be short lived as soon as I saw Stefano make an appearance in the living room. He was shirtless as well and only wearing sweatpants. I also saw a short towel around his neck. It was obvious they were in the gym downstairs.

  Romano had let go of me and coughed, making me roll my eyes. Romano puckered his lips at me and raised his chin, giving me a funny look. “It’s funny how hard he tries to be like you.” I laughed when Stefano stood in front of me. He leaned in and kissed me. The fact he was sweaty and sticky didn’t bother me as I got lost in his kiss.

  Pulling away, he grinned. “That’s my son.” He said. “We’re going out to eat, tonight.” Stefano also added. My eyebrows raised in slight shock. It’s been about a month or so since we’ve all eaten out as a family. With Stefano being busy and all, our family dinner was often disturbed.

  “Oh, Okay.” I nodded my head and bit the nail attached to my thumb. My lips stretched into a smile as I watched Stefano play fight with Romano. Romano giggled as Stefano picked him up and put him over his shoulder. He pretended to beat his father’s back in protest.

  The smile on Stefano’s face was also one I fell in love with in this moment. The light that shined in Romano’s eyes was one of happiness. There was no one he looked up to like his father.


  I took a soft napkin and wiped the corners of Romano’s small sauce-stained mouth. He kept missing his mouth each time he brought a slice of pizza to his mouth. “Romano, gentleman don’t talk while they’re eating.” Stefano said in between eating and chewing his slice.

  The hypocrisy, really.

  Romano nodded his head, a frown on his lips. He then took a bite out of his pizza.

  We weren’t at a fancy eatery or anything. Stefano took us to a local pizza restaurant that was part of the family business. After placing my glass of lemonade down, I watched as Stefano’s gaze from my eyes shifted down to my plate. Looking down as well, I realized I had barely even finished one slice of my philly-cheese pizza.

  It was my favorite but I could never bring myself to eat it these days. Eating pizza gave me uneasy thoughts. I remember how my my ex used to take me out to eat Pizza all the time. Ever since Stefano killed Vincent, I haven’t been able to eat it. I had pushed any thought of my ex to the back of my mind but I was constantly haunted by him.

  Just by looking into Stefano’s eyes, I could read everything he was intending on asking. “No, it’s great. I was just in space.” I said and took a bite out of my pizza. I tried my best to convince Stefano, but I knew he could see through me.

  I went back to my thoughts. I still wonder to this day if I betrayed Vincent or not. I’d married Stefano, made love with him, and birthed a miniature version of him. Those were all the plans and milestones Vincent and I planned when we ran away with each other.

  “One of our politicians invited us to attend his daughter’s wedding. Would you like to go?” He asked, shifting gears. His eyes continued to stay glued on me. I nodded my head. “It’s been awhile since we’ve made an appearance at a large event so, why not?”

  Stefano nodded to me and turned to speak to Romano.

  “But papa..I want beat up the bad guys!” Romano whined and crossed his arms over the table. “You have a long ways to go, boy.” Stefano chuckled.

  Their conversation made me remember I needed to have that discussion again with Stefano.

  I decided to leave it alone right now and talk to him tonight when we’d have no distractions.


  When we had gotten back home, Stefano bathed Romano while I did a little cleaning up after him. That didn’t take too long so I decided to write a little bit about how I felt today in my journal.

  I hadn’t even realized that Stefano walked in until I saw his figure in the corner of my eye. He sat on the edge of the bed and turned his head towards me, an eyebrow raised.

  I chuckled, closing my journal. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I watched as Stefano sighed and fell back onto the bed.

  “What does a man have to do around here to get his wife to open up to him?” He asked teasingly. I crossed my legs and leaned back on my hands, looking down at him with a grin. “You’re answering my question with a question.” I told him.

  “You’re one to talk. You haven’t been the same this whole week. You won’t tell me what’s on your mind and now you’re writing in this damn journal.” He said nodding his head to the journal next to my lap.

  “Just let me write in my damn journal.” I pretended to have attitude.

  “I just prefer you to talk to me than vent to something that can’t talk back to you.” He stared up at the ceiling, his arms crossed behind his head.

  “Well, there is actually something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” I told him.

  Just when Stefano urged me to go ahead, his phone began to ring. We both glanced over at his nightstand. His phone rarely rang unless it was something very urgent and important.

  “You should take it.” I told him. Stefano nodded to me and held up a finger, letting me know he’d be back shortly. I watched Stefano get up and leave the bedroom. Something deep in me wished he’d chosen me, though.

  “Shit, Enrico.” I heard
Stefano curse.

  I raised the comforter to my chin, and began to fall asleep. I knew the phone conversation was going to take long and there was no point in waiting.


  Stefano’s POV

  “I’m here with Enrico right now, Boss. Doctor Ardizzone is attending him right now. ” Louise updated me on Enrico’s condition. I was informed that the enemy had made an attempt on Enrico’s life. He had called me when he found out there were wiretaps and cameras in his car. It wasn't minutes later while we were on the phone when Enrico jumped out his vehicle before his car blew up. He’d barely made it alive.

  The devil never sleeps.

  “I’ll be on my way there.” I told Louise, hanging up the call. I contacted a few soldiers to come to my house and be on guard while I was away. I knew Alessio was with his wife and daughter at this time and I didn’t want to disturb him.

  It wasn’t too long before I’d joined Ricardo, Thomas, and Louise, at Doctor Adizzone’s to get information about the attack on Enrico. We stayed with Enrico for hours, waiting for him to become stable enough to tell us what had happened.

  “The son of a bitch is moving personal.” Ricardo commented.

  “I’m in a good enough condition to explain what happened.” Enrico said. We all looked towards him, carefully sitting himself up against the bed. He wore a cast on his left arm and his bruises and burn marks were all bandaged up. Nonetheless, a made man still had to perform.

  “Tonight I planned on getting laid. It’s about ten o’clock and I leave my place and go to my car. I always do a routine check before I start my car. I noticed cheap cameras hiding in the crevices of my cup holders, dashboard, even under the seats, clipped to door handles. I couldn’t believe it.” Enrico explained. I saw the jaws and facial expressions of my comrades harden.

  “It was like the person who put them there wanted me to find them. ‘Quickly as I gained that insight, I rolled out of my car and it blew up. It was just my luck. A bomb hidden in my vehicle wasn’t expected.” He finished.

  This whole situation was really beginning to annoy me. However, it’s only a matter of time before the enemy steps out of the darkness.


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