Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2) Page 7

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  At a red light, he placed his warm hand on my thigh and without permission, my body reacted to his touch and jolts of electricity fired to all my nerves. “You know you can’t ignore me forever.” He said using his thumb to rub circles on my skin.

  “I’m not ignoring you.” I told him. I didn’t even know if I believed myself. All I knew was that I was upset.

  My mind went back to the young, newly-wed couple we celebrated with today. I wished them the best of their marriage. Sophia, the bride, I couldn’t get her happily in love face out of my mind. The groom was also sharing smiles of his own. I knew for a fact their marriage wasn’t arranged and she had truly found the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

  I wasn’t happy in the slightest when I married Stefano, but over time I grew to love him. I knew it was the same for him too. Even though I love Stefano, I wasn’t satisfied with the life I lived.


  After putting Romano to sleep, Stefano and I went to our room. As I took off my jewelry in the mirror, Stefano shrugged off his coat. “You can pretend that you’re not ignoring me all you want, but I’m not stupid.” Stefano was now standing behind me, helping me unzip my dress.

  “What do you want from me? We’ve already settled this.” I said turning around and stepping out of my dress.

  “I want you to look at me.” He said taking my chin in between his thumb and index finger. I stared into his handsome brown eyes and became stuck.

  “Why did we change? Let’s go back to how things used to be. I want to see your gorgeous smile. I want to hear you giggle when I say something stupid. I want you to touch me. Don’t withhold those precious things from me. I want to make love to you right now. But your frown, it isn’t getting me up.” He said, stroking his thumb against my bottom lip.

  I brought Stefano’s head down and joined my lips with his, moving them against his in need. I haven’t had the full effect of Stefano in a couple days and I needed him more than ever. Stefano caressed my bare skin and pinned me to the wall, raising my arms above my head. He attacked my neck and chest with kisses all over.

  As good as it felt to have his lips all over me, I had to remind him that what I said, still stood. “Wait, Stefano.” I said, turning my head away so he stopped. He furrowed his eyebrows with confusion. “I haven’t been current with my pills. You’re going to have to use a condom.” I told him. He stepped back, “A condom? When was the last time we used a damn condom?”

  “I meant what I said days ago. I’m not getting pregnant.” I explained, watching his face intently.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and cursed.

  “I don't understand you, Raelyn. You knew somewhere down the line, We’d start a family. You were aware-”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t you dare make it sound like I had a choice in all this, Stefano. I didn’t ask for any of this. This life, nothing. Now you’re standing here angry at me because I don’t have your made man mindset.” I started. I watched as Stefano tightened his jaw.

  “I didn’t ask for this mob life you’ve forced on me.” I let out. My mind spoke before my mouth and I was surprised all of they came out of my mouth. Was this really how I felt all this time?

  “What are you trying to tell me?” He asked, his eyes narrowed and his head tilted slightly back.

  “I’ve tricked myself into thinking this life is everything I wanted, but it never was.” My eyes diverted from him as I spoke what was in my heart. I didn’t know how he’d react or how he’d take what I said, but I didn’t want to know right now.

  I could feel his eyes on my form, and for the first time in a long time, I felt insecure under his gaze. What felt like minutes, turned into seconds the moment he turned and walked out the room.

  Chapter 10

  Stefano’s POV

  The next morning, I stood in front of the mirror looking at my face. Typically, I woke up with a full night's rest, but this time I wasn’t so lucky. I exhaled deeply through my nose as I ran my fingers through my hair. I began to think of what Raelyn told me last night.

  Knowing what the Pride was going through right now made it hard already to get a blink of sleep. Now, I was made aware of my failure to make my wife happy.

  My thoughts were interrupted by two knocks on the bathroom door. After I walked out of me and Raelyn’s room, I slept in a spare bedroom to think correctly. I knew it was Raelyn behind the door and I was curious as to why she was awake so early.

  I opened the door and Raelyn gave me a short, tired smile as she walked in and closed the door behind her. My eyes raked over her form, lingering on the bags under her eyes. “You look tired, you should go back to sleep.” I told her, pulling my shirt up. Raelyn took a step closer to me and helped me take off my shirt. I didn’t need her help but I was craving her touch and she wanted an excuse to be in my space.

  “I could say the same for you.” She said throwing my shirt in the hamper. We gave each other longing stares, our eyes doing most of the talking. When she looks at me like that, I know I have her. Raelyn brought my head down and kissed me. I kissed her back slowly, savoring the feeling of her lips against mine. After our kiss, we discarded our clothes and Raelyn decided to start her morning with me.

  She squirted a dime-sized amount of shampoo into my hair and began working her fingers in. “I know you want to say something, Raelyn. You didn’t wake up this early just because you felt like taking a shower with me.” I said, watching her carefully as a gleam of hesitance appeared in her eyes. Her hands left my head and slid down my chest. “Stefano, what I said last night...I didn’t mean for it to come out like it did …” Her body was now meshed against my own, head in my chest, like she was begging for my forgiveness.

  I worked the other bottle of shampoo into her head, my fingers slipping through her curls. My eyes found pleasure in observing the bounce and beauty of her natural hair. “Out of abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. You meant every word you said to me.” I said matter of fact, twirling a strand around my finger.

  She sighed into my shoulder and then kissed my flesh. “I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, knowing you’ve sacrificed a lot. You’ve sacrificed your name, dealing with my stubbornness, priorities, so much.” She said. My mind went back to all the hushed criticism I got from family members and family friends.

  Many disliked the fact I decided to go ahead with the marriage, considering the supposed shame Raelyn casted on my family name when she ran away from me a few years ago.

  “You’ve done everything you’ve possibly could to make me happy. All of that, and I just spit on your efforts... You were doubting our entire relationship last night, I bet.” Raelyn said again.

  I could tell she replayed last night in her head. It’s just like her.

  “You have no idea what I felt in my heart when you said those words…” I held her chin and raised it so she could look up at me. I looked in her captivating brown eyes that brought me down to my knees every time. We were in a position where we saw each other’s perfections and imperfections.

  “However, I can’t blame you for how you feel. I married you and just expected you to be content with my lifestyle. I didn’t know it would be such a struggle for you to adapt to. I blame myself.” I told her. I didn’t want Raelyn to feel she was wrong to feel how she did, even though it did hurt me.

  I didn’t think adapting to my lifestyle would be this big of a hindrance in our relationship. I also realized no matter how much she loved me, she’ll never want this life.

  I stroked my thumb under her left eye and leaned in to kiss her. “Tell me what I can do to make it up you.” I whispered to her. There’s never been a point in my life I was so vulnerable to a woman. Raelyn didn’t know, but she had the power to destroy me.

  “You did nothing wrong, Stefano. You’re doing all the right things as well. You’re a great husband and I know you love me…” She answered me. We continued to stare at each other with that special glint in our eyes. We have t
hat look we give each other that captivates us both. It’s like that stare when you’re about to kiss your significant other except you don’t go in for the kill.

  “I’m just still unrooted about Romano becoming a made-man and you training him. I don’t want that for him. Thinking about it now, I know in time I’ll come to terms with that. I still need time to accept he can never be a normal boy. That is the hardest challenge.”

  “I understand.” I caressed her cheek with my thumb in understanding. I knew Raelyn would struggle with letting go of her baby boy. She had nothing to worry about right now, but I knew she wanted him nowhere any type of danger.

  “Also, I’ve just been feeling like I’ve lost myself. I don’t have that fire in me anymore.” Raelyn said and wrapped her arms around me neck. I smirked and muttered. “That’s bad for both of us.” I said, causing her to laugh in my neck. “I miss having you to myself.” She whispered.

  I gripped her waist with my hands and brought her closer. “I’ll make it up to you, someway. I haven’t forgotten about you.”


  “Daddy, is Marcelo coming with us this time?” Romano asked, giddy as ever in the backseat. I looked at his face through the rearview mirror and grinned. My nephew and Romano were like the best of brothers. Their bond was strong because they only knew each other. They didn’t have much interaction with other kids because I purposely kept them out of the public often.

  I knew sooner or later, Marcelo had to join Romano in training. It would almost seem unfair for one to be trained and one to not be. I wanted the two boys to grow together and be equally yoked.

  My mind drifted to Raelyn again and the previous night. I knew what she said shouldn’t be taken likely. I wanted her to know that I was taking her seriously so she wouldn’t resort to drastic measures. Raelyn was very capable of taking things far.

  I've tricked myself into thinking this life is everything I wanted, but it never was.

  Raelyn’s words were permanently etched into my brain. I couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t leave a sting in my heart. I wanted her to have everything and more, but Raelyn just wasn’t that kind of woman.

  “I can’t wait to show Marcelo all my moves.” Romano said trying to keep his calm composure. I knew he was excited to see his cousin again. Gianna opened the door and greeted us both with a tired smile. It was early in the morning and I just came over to get her son.

  “Have you made up your mind on what to do with Marcelo?” I asked her as she opened the door wider for Romano to run in. “Go bring your cousin! He’s already dressed.” Gianna told him. She turned back to me and crossed her arms, leaning on the door.

  “I had some time to think about it. I know he’d feel left out if his cousin was receiving training and he wasn’t. Plus, he carries you and his father’s name. He’ll never live a normal life.” I nodded at her response.

  “I rather him innocent, but I know him being vulnerable wouldn’t do us any good. You can train him, but just enough for him to know what he’s up against. When he grows up, then he can decide what he wants to do with his life.” Gianna added.

  I nodded to her and played with the keys in my pocket. I took in her words and thought of doing the same with Romano. As my son, it only made sense for him to take after me, but we’ll see what the future holds.

  I also thought of discussing this with Raelyn and see what she thinks of it. Then again, we did need a break from this topic. “Is there something wrong?” Gianna asked me, her head tilted to the side and her eyebrows furrowed. I saw behind her Romano coming back with Marcelo. I shook my head and nodded to her once more.

  “No. Take care of yourself. I’ll bring Marcelo back in the evening.”


  I walked past the meeting room to see Enrico and Ricardo. Enrico wanted to discuss a special finding with me before presenting it to the other members.

  Marcelo and Romano were trying hard to mask in their excitement by displaying a huge amount of bravado in front if the men. It was funny now, but sooner or later, they’d have to master it to not be taken for a joke. The made men were messing around with them, trying to make light for their dark future ahead.

  I walked into the dark room where the only source of light was coming from the multiple computer screens. Ricardo and Enrico were talking and eating chips as I entered.

  They nodded to me and began explaining what they’ve been investigating. “We went ahead with the investigation of Senator Franklin we discussed with you. In this vehicle on screen, we made sure to implant a camera in the back seats of his car. We can’t get all the perfect angles but it’s the best we can do.” Ricardo started.

  “Franklin doesn’t go to a lot of places and his daily routine wasn’t that hard to keep up with. This is the spot he parks his car before going to get breakfast at a restaurant five miles from town.” Enrico pointed to the screen in front of him. “Good. How long do we wait?” I asked, curious. “About 40 minutes.”

  “How do you know he’s not meeting up with the enemy inside the restaurant?”

  “We also have cameras inside and out the cafe. We haven’t spotted a questionable person yet. The 40 minutes is almost up, so that means either this stunt was useless, or the enemy will meet with him outside the restaurant.” Enrico explained. His deductive reasoning has always been impressive to me.

  Senator Franklin walked out of the restaurant, his belly looking bigger than usual. I narrowed my eyes as there was no other person in plain view around him. My eyes switched to the lower screen, watching him get fastened in his vehicle. I raised an eyebrow and side-eyed Enrico when Ricardo began chuckling.

  “That’s Segreto.” Ricardo’s finger followed from the left of the screen in front of him all the way to Franklin’s Mercedes. The bastard’s shaggy black hair and deep scar printed on his chin was hard to miss. “He just came from the left. I assume he was tailing Franklin.” He added. The question of why Franklin drove so far from the local diner, popped in my head.

  “Enrico,” I said.


  “Has there been a shift of Franklin eating at the local diner for breakfast, to this one here 5 miles away?” I asked him, trying to connect the dots.

  “I’d like to assume so. I’ve seen him a couple times eating at the one in our territory. I haven’t seen him there at all for some days now.” He answered, making me grin.

  “Is that so? If I can recall correctly, Alessio made it known to me that he threatened Segreto to never step foot on our turf again. That was not too long ago, and perhaps that has something to do with Franklin's actions now.”

  “That narrows things quite a bit.” Enrico agreed.

  We continued to watch Franklin and Segreto talk and exchange mischievous grins.

  “Did you two place in any wiretaps? I’m curious to hear what they’re discussing.” I asked. “No wiretaps, not needed. We have enough proof of collusion with the enemy. We’ll get all the information we need from Franklin after this footage.” Enrico answered me.

  I grinned in response.

  “Why would he go against us?” Ricardo asked.

  “His daughter died by our hand. Years ago she was planning to kill my wife with a ridiculous trap. It was Alessio that put a bullet in her head. He’s doing all this due to the pain of losing his daughter by the same people he entrusted his daughter’s safety with.

  “You had to do what you had to do to protect your woman. Franklin, he’s a fool for going against the Pride. He’ll eventually pay with his life.” Ricardo spoke unmercifully.

  I turned to walk out of the room. “Ricardo, there are worse things than death.”


  One week later

  Raelyn’s POV

  “Mrs.Vanzetti, you have some flowers. They’re from your husband.” Fiona said with a cute smile as she handed them to me. “Thank you. How’s everyone doing out there?” I said taking the bouquet of flowers from her and placing them on my desk.

  “Nothing to worry abou
t, Madam. It’s kind of died down a little bit. Thank God.” She giggled at the end as she closed the door behind her. I've been coming to the restaurant for a week now to see how things were going. I also needed to occupy myself with something busy since Stefano was spending more time away from home.

  I didn’t know what was going on with “the business” but I knew it had to be serious. I missed him, but I knew he didn’t forget about me. He’s been doing so many cute things for me because of his physical absences.

  He’s left me numerous notes in the morning for when I wake up, making me eggs for breakfast, and leaving boxes of chocolates in the room I typically go to for quiet time. Stefano’s always been a simple man, and even incorporated his simple ways when trying to make me feel loved and special.

  My eyebrows raised at the fact Stefano had ordered me a bouquet of purple chrysanthemums. I don’t remember ever telling him I adored these flowers, but Stefano always had his ways of knowing things.

  I took out the card from the flowers and read it.

  “I’m thinking of ya. Are ya thinkin of me? Can’t v-wait for tonight. Signed Stefano.” I giggled at the thought of Stefano trying to woo me all over again. I also found it funny how Stefano switched things up by typing up my card instead of writing it. Perhaps if he’d written it like usual, there wouldn’t be a typo. Nonetheless, I appreciated his efforts.

  That night, I lay in bed scantily dressed in a new pair of purple lingerie I bought, waiting for Stefano to come home. I wanted nothing but for him to come home and be in his embrace. I wanted his skin against mine, and to feel him and please him. Fortunately, I was back on regular schedule with my birth control pills so nothing was holding us back tonight.

  I left the restaurant early and was able to set up the scene for tonight. It was such a drag to get Alessio to come with me to buy roses and scented candles for tonight. It was most likely hell for him, but he even helped me pick out the best of the candles.


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