Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 7

by D E Boske

  “Nephraete, we’ve been friends a long time. I cannot lie to you, I love you, but I don’t want to lose you either. I know all you want from me is friendship, and for me, that will have to be enough. Though I’ve always wanted more from you. Kyler is lucky indeed. I just want you to be happy and I can see that you are. My heart is full knowing you are finally at peace. I know you never would have been happy in Kaleika Bay.”

  “No, I would not. My father changed so much after my mother died. I miss her so much.” She choked back a sob. Without thinking, Kryndale hugged her close.

  “I know my love. I know,” he whispered soothingly.

  “Then my brother killed soon after. I know that destroyed my father. He was paranoid about losing me and in the end, he drove me away. I was so angry at him for promising me to you without my consent. I could have spared you much pain if only I’d known.”

  “Who is the one that’s always with you? I don’t remember ever seeing him in Kaleika Bay before,” asked Kryndale.

  “That’s Calisha. He sometimes changes his appearance.”

  “The Crebellan?” asked Kryndale in shock.

  “Yes. If we did not leave home…”

  “What?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “Never mind. It does not matter.”

  “You would have taken him?” asked Kryndale, needing to know.

  “Yes. Father knew this, that’s why I was so upset. He knows a seer always takes her Crebellan as her lover. No one else wanted me. Well, besides you. Everyone treated me differently. I felt like an outsider with my own people.”

  “Takasha! That’s because they’re a bunch of idiots. I cannot see you as anything but the beautiful woman you are. If only you felt the same…” his voice was husky. She knew he loved her and she felt horrible for hurting him.

  “Where’s Kyler?” he asked.

  “He’s with Darian. He’s having a very difficult time right now and he needs Kyler.”

  “What about you?” he said, moving closer. “What do you need?”

  “I’m fine, I understand their close relationship. Kyler might be the key to Darian’s sanity. Darian worries for Tynuviel’s safety and is frantic for her return and I feel sorry for him.”

  “He has a strong personality.”

  “Yes he does,” she agreed, but her tone gave him pause, she sounded odd.

  “Darian seems to be a ladies’ man,” Kryndale tried.

  “Oh yes, he is,” she laughed merrily.

  “Do you find him attractive?” asked Kryndale worriedly.

  “Hopelessly so. I feel drawn to him as I’m sure most women do. And then our bond…” she seemed distracted.

  They stood for a while without saying a word. The moon was bright, giving off plenty of light for their elven eyes to see by. She stayed silent, trying to diffuse the awkwardness growing between them. It seemed for a minute that he was going to try to kiss her. He had moved so close to her that it was almost uncomfortable.

  She did not look at him, afraid of what she would find hidden in his eyes. She should not feel uncomfortable around Kryndale, they’d been friends for years. The silence dragged on, but did not lessen in intensity. If anything, it made it worse.

  “Well,” she said. “I think I will go to my room.” She hoped he would get the hint.

  “I will walk with you,” he said, taking hold of her hand. She did not want to hurt him further so she let him. When they reached her door, he turned her around to look at him.

  “Nephraete,” he breathed, putting his hands on her shoulders.

  “Kryndale, I have to go,” she said softly, but then he was moving closer to her.

  “Nephraete, are you alright?” asked Calisha, materializing in front of them.

  Kryndale jerked as if slapped. Nothing had ever been able to take him by surprise so completely. He was instantly jealous, Calisha was striking in appearance with short blond hair and green eyes. He was tall and lean and Kryndale could see his muscles rippling beneath his clothes, coiled as if ready to strike.

  “I’m fine, Cal,” she said affectionately, touching his cheek. “Kryndale was just making sure I got back okay,” she said.

  Kryndale bid her goodnight and walked away. His temper flared when he saw that she invited Calisha into her room. He let out a breath he did not realize he’d been holding. I’ve got to get over her! He thought. What in the hell was I thinking? I could have been in serious trouble. He couldn’t help it, the more he tried not to think about her, the more he did.

  Once inside the room, Calisha turned to Nephraete. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m so glad you came when you did. I thought he was going to kiss me! He knows I don’t have those feelings for him,” she said, putting her head on his shoulder.

  “It is hard for him, I think. He still has feelings for you. They will not be easily gotten rid of. As long as you are okay, I will go.” He turned to leave, but she caught his hand.

  “Please Calisha, don’t go. Kyler is with Darian and I don’t want to be left alone,” she begged.

  “Why are you in your old room? What will Kyler think when you are not in his bed?”

  “He may not even return this night. Darian is very upset. I can feel… utter turmoil. I guess I’m just lonely. I’m sorry, Calisha. You can go if you want to. If you’re going to see Khazzuri… I don’t want to keep you.”

  “I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you,” he said, kissing her softly, sweetly.

  They stayed up late talking about all sorts of things. She felt safe and secure with Calisha. Much later, she drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha in his arms.


  The Knights made it to Mishkalan without incident. The guards were astonished to see twenty Knights of Shorlan outside their gates.

  “What is your business here?” asked one guard, a mere formality really. No city or town would dare refuse the Knights of Shorlan admittance.

  “We are on our way to Kiri A’ Nouell to speak to the elven council. My name is Tansher, leader of the Knights. We are in need of rest and supplies.”

  “Of course, enter. It is a pleasure to have such worthy guests,” said the guard.

  “Our thanks,” Tansher said, pressing his knees to his horse’s flanks.

  They went straight ahead down Pittman street, then went right onto Rock Lane five streets down.

  They pulled up in front of an inn with the name The Saddle on the wooden sign. A stable boy came and took their mounts and Tansher gave the boy a gold piece, much to the boy’s surprise.

  “Thank ye sir!” the young boy exclaimed. Tansher smiled as he ruffled the boys head.

  The Knights went in to acquire rooms for them all. The innkeeper was a middle aged woman with a friendly smile. “May I help you gentlemen?”

  “Aye, good woman, we are in need of rooms for the night,” replied Tansher.

  “Knights of Shorlan. Bless my soul,” she said, fanning herself. Tansher paid her and they went up to their rooms to wash off the dirt from the road before returning for dinner.

  Firehawk and Nayna never came down for supper and some of them made lewd comments about their fellow Knight, but Tansher quickly put a stop to it.

  “I will not have dissention in my ranks. Why do you have a problem with him? He is a good Knight and can outfight any one of you,” Tansher remarked, staring coldly at the troublemakers.

  “He never participates with us. He keeps to himself, though in the beginning we tried to befriend him,” said Thane.

  “You mustn’t have tried too hard,” remarked Rohn snidely. “He is a good Knight, a good elf, and he is our friend. You have a problem with me too?” asked Rohn, storm clouds swarming in his eyes.

  “We got no trouble with you Rohn, you know that,” replied Thane.

  “Then you have no problem with Firehawk,” Rohn said threateningly.

  “Alright Rohn. Sorry. Nothin’ was meant by it,” said Thane.

  “Tell that to Firehawk,” Rohn said q

  The rest of the evening went by slowly and the Knights retired early for they would be on the move again before dawn.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Dawn found Kyler in Darian’s room still. They’d drunk late into the night. He was deep in Ru Nay’ Sha now, resting peacefully. When he woke, it was late morning and Darian was just getting up.

  “I’m famished,” said the Mage.

  “Me too,” replied Kyler. They washed up; then got something to eat.

  “Thanks for being there for me, Kyler. I’m sorry I was in such a black mood.”

  “You feel better today?” inquired the elf.


  “Good. I need to check on Nephraete. I never got to tell her where I was last night.

  She might be worried. See you later?” asked Kyler.

  “Yeah, I’ve got some things to see to right now anyway,” the Mage replied.

  “Alright, come by for supper with Nephraete and I.”


  When Kyler got back to his room, he noticed Nephraete was not there. The bed had not been slept in. He wondered briefly where she could be, but he needed a bath more. Once he was clean and in fresh clothes, he felt more himself.

  Nephraete returned minutes later. By herself, he was relieved to see.

  “Kyler, I missed you. How is Darian?” she asked, coming to him at once. He embraced her lovingly, bringing his lips to hers. His lips were soft, warm and enticing. She parted her lips, letting him in as time slipped away from them.

  He stroked her hair, running his hands down her back, pulling her close. She slipped her hands inside his breeches and he moaned against her mouth. He laid her down, removing his clothes. Her body quivered in excitement. How she wanted him! His lips worked their magic on her breasts as she let out a happy sigh.

  She gasped in pleasure as Kyler gave her what she begged for. She wanted it to last forever, it felt too damn good. He kissed her tenderly. Kyler was a damn good lover, though she had no one to compare him to, she did not need to. She just knew.

  He felt her pleasure increase and it excited him. Takasha, she felt so good! He felt the heat inside of her rise to the surface as he pushed her into the realm of ecstasy. He gave her what she needed until her cries grew weak and only then did he give himself up to her passion.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Darian had to brace himself on the wall as the tidal wave of the seer’s pleasure washed over him, threatening to drown him. Takasha! What was Kyler doing to her? He stumbled over to a chair until the throes of her passion subsided. It lasted for some time.

  Darian groaned in spite of himself. He couldn’t help it. She felt… good. He sat there for a while getting his body under control once more. He ran a hand through his hair, took a deep breath and called the demon to his side. The swirling grey smoke appeared, announcing the Falahari’s presence.

  “Whoa! Am I interrupting something?” Sigorna asked. “You look like…”

  “Don’t say it,” commanded the Mage in a guttural tone. Sigorna only smiled.

  “Is it a private party or can anyone join?” asked the demon mockingly and the Mage laughed. “When do we leave for the Ancient Mountain?” asked the Falahari demon.

  “It will take a few days to gather the supplies we’ll need. It is a barren frozen wasteland. Nothing much grows there so we’ll have to carry what we need.”

  “You okay?” asked Sigorna. “You look like hell. Have you been getting enough rest?”

  “Are you thinking about testing your bonds? Go ahead. They are as strong as the day we put them there. You know what will happen if you try and fail,” the Mage let the threat hang in the air.

  Sigorna knew he was not faking, he knew what Darian was capable of. He would never be so stupid to try, unless… If the Mage was weak already, or injured, he might have a chance. He would have to remain alert.

  “I was merely inquiring about your health.”

  “As if you give a damn,” Darian said in a cutting tone.

  “True enough I suppose. Although, you were never harsh with me. It is in my best interest to look out for you, to protect you. You never did anything amoral and I thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” replied Darian in a strange tone.

  “You are different. You do not get off on compliments, you abhor them. You do not brag about your ability and this is something I can respect. Because I have been witness to some of what you can do. Why is that, I wonder? You are not an arrogant man like most of those weakling bastards. They don’t possess half of your power and yet you are content to go unnoticed.

  “I can’t wait to strip them of their rank and robes! I want to devastate them and make them howl with agony. I want recompense for their atrocities against me.”

  “Those are a lot of big words. Do you know what they all mean?” asked Darian. In reply, the demon laughed heartily. A sound that, to a normal person, would scrape the skin off bone. The Mage laughed with him.

  “You know what I like about you Darian?” asked the Falahari.

  “Oh wait, don’t tell me. Is it my boyish charm?” asked the Mage.

  “No,” snorted the demon. “You are nothing like any Mage I ever met. And I’ve met a lot in my time. You are quick witted and very funny. You keep others at bay with a wall built between you and the world.”

  “And you find these qualities endearing, do you?”

  “See, that’s what I mean,” laughed the demon. “It’s like nothing is serious to you. Nothing too sacred to be joked about.”

  “That is not true. I’m just a quick-witted sarcastic ass, but there are topics not to be joked about on any level.”

  “Like?” prompted the demon.

  “Those topics are not open to discussion,” said the Mage icily.

  “So what did you call me for?” asked the demon curiously.

  “I’m lonely, I needed someone to talk to.” Sigorna stood there for a full minute before bursting out laughing.

  “Tell me, does the woman know you have a sense of humor?”

  “What woman?” asked Darian, pretending not to know what Sigorna was talking about.

  “Tynuviel. You know, a woman loves a man that can make her laugh. Do you make her laugh Darian?”

  “I may never get the chance to again,” a melancholy tone crept into the Mage’s voice and he hated it.

  “Oh come now, Mage. We’ll save the wench.”

  “We may save her, but our relationship will very probably be over.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “A little birdie told me,” answered Darian, with no hint of humor in his voice.

  “You really love her, don’t you?” asked the Falahari, completely stupefied.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Well then, what’s the problem?”

  “Morphindinaetlus…” the Mage trailed off.

  “I cannot help you if I don’t know all the facts.”

  “I believe the dragon is torturing her,” said the Mage, barely getting the words out.

  “How do you know?” asked Sigorna.

  “I just know. When we get there, I’m afraid she will not want anything to do with me. She’ll probably never want to see me again.”

  “I doubt it, Darian. You underestimate your charm and good looks. Well, and your big…”

  “Whoa! I get it,” said the Mage, cutting him off.

  “What? I was going to say personality. Your big personality. You have a dirty little mind,” said Sigorna, laughing. The Mage couldn’t help it, he laughed too.

  “Seriously Darian, I don’t think that dame’ll walk away from you. She may need

  some time to get over what she’s going through, but I’ve seen the way she looks at you. She loves you, man. I’ve never seen a Mage with charisma like you. You have more than your fair share,” the demon said, sitting down by Darian.

  “Sigorna, we have to find the dragon’s weaknesses. If we don’t, we will not best him.”
  “We will. I can’t wait to go up against that one. And we will save your elf.”

  “You actually sound like you mean it,” said the Mage.

  “You wound me,” said Sigorna. “Of course I mean it. I wouldn’t have said it otherwise. Besides, the quicker this business is finished, the quicker I can be rid of you,” said the demon. He sounded insincere.

  “Hey, you’re a real cramp in my style too,” said Darian. They talked for some time before the Mage finally released him.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Knights approached the forest slowly. Tansher dismounted and walked as close to the border as he dared. He knew he would not be consumed by it, but he had no intention of leaving the others behind. He felt it would be best if they were escorted in.

  He stepped close to the filmy, shimmering barrier, stroking it like a lover. A humming noise emanated from deep inside and he knew their position had been given away.

  He stepped back, waiting. They did not wait long before an escort was sent. An ancient elf walked through the barrier to meet them. His penetrating gaze took them all in.

  “I am Kinistaya and I will escort you to the council room. The Monarch awaits.” His gaze rested on Firehawk. “Firehawk, it has been too long. Welcome home, sons of Shenna.” It was obvious his welcome was aimed at all the elves. The Ni’ Kulana were tolerated at best. He turned and whispered something to the barrier, which parted to let them pass.

  Everyone was staring at them as they made their way to the palace. The elves talked amongst each other, whispering quietly. When the Knights passed, the elves stopped what they were doing. Curious gazes followed them to the palace.

  The human Knights could not stop staring either, they admired the elves’ community. Beauty everywhere; faces, plants, buildings. They did not know where to look first.

  The council room was less than half full. The Monarch wanted to see the Knights’ reasons for coming here in private. The only ones present were the Monarch, Tiriel, Kyler, Darian, Calisha, Nephraete, Kinistaya and the Gor Li’ Khan.


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