Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 12

by D E Boske

  At this, he became suddenly angry, clenching his fists at his sides. Nephraete stumbled, catching herself on the wall before she fell. She swayed, holding her head. Darian and Kyler were beside her in an instant.

  “Nephraete, are you alright?” asked Darian concernedly. She nodded, looking deep into his eyes, trying to convey her message. His lips drew into a tight line and he frowned. He really must control himself better. He was not used to be being bonded to someone.

  He took her small hand in his, supporting her on him. She shivered at his touch. Removing her hand from his, she took Kyler’s instead.

  Calisha watched her carefully. He tried not to interfere too much. He did not want to anger Kyler or Nephraete. But he would always be close by if she needed him.

  The Mage’s magnetism was affecting both women deeply. He could feel Nephraete’s desire for him sharpen whenever Darian was nearby. And when he touched her… This was uncustomary for her because she was not like that. He knew she was in love with Kyler and held no love for the Mage. Other than friendship. But his allure was incredibly strong indeed. Calisha felt it as he was sure everyone present could. Whether they understood it or not… Well, that was something else altogether.

  Kyler held her close, protecting the seer. Calisha could tell Kyler really loved her and that was good. She needed him. To be loved by him.

  “Is she alright?” asked Tansher, coming up beside the Crebellan.

  “She is,” replied Calisha.

  “What happened?” inquired the Knight.

  “She stumbled is all. She is fine,” Calisha reiterated, with a barely detectable edge to his voice.

  “That is good. I was just concerned. I meant no offense,” the Knight said, going back to his group. He knew Calisha had not been truthful. Something must have happened that they did not want anyone to know about. Calisha’s eyes followed him all the way back.

  “That is a weird one,” remarked Tansher when he reached Rohn’s side.

  “That is her Crebellan. Do not get on his bad side. And never ever hurt or offend

  Nephraete. He will kill you without a second thought,” Rohn informed.

  “He is a Crebellan?” asked the Knight, shocked. “I only wanted to know that she was okay.”

  “He knows. Else you’d be paint on the wall,” Rohn warned.

  “Yeah…” Tansher drifted off.


  They stopped for the night and quickly had a fire going. Shaz had been quiet since they entered the tunnels. He did not like the thought of all that rock above his head. He couldn’t wait to be outside again under an open sky and he missed the feel of the wind on his face.

  “It gets better,” offered Firehawk, taking a seat next to the bounty hunter. He proffered his flask to Shaz, who took it, drinking deep.

  “Thanks,” muttered Shaz, handing it back.

  “You’ve been rather quiet. Something on your mind?” asked the elf.

  “Nothing you can help me with,” grumbled Shaz.

  “It’s a lonely life, being a bounty hunter.”

  “Only since I met up with those two,” Shaz remarked, pointing at Kyler and Darian.

  “Why are you here then? Why not go your own way if it bothers you so much?” asked Firehawk.

  “Because I have a vested interest in this. The enemy took me prisoner thinking I was him,” Shaz said angrily, jabbing a thumb in the Mage’s direction.

  “You do not like him, do you?” It was not quite a question. It was as if he already knew the answer.

  “Sometimes. We get on each other’s nerves a lot. I say things, he says things. You know how it is.”

  “Sure. Many of my fellow Knights do not like me either. I am different than they. Most times, I do not wish to be bothered. I like my personal space. They just do not understand me.”

  “I know how that is,” Shaz replied, as Firehawk offered his flask once more and Shaz took it happily.

  “Looks like Shaz found a new friend,” Kyler observed.

  “Just when I was beginning to like Firehawk. Shaz will corrupt him, you know,” answered the Mage and the elf laughed. “I don’t see what’s so funny. I’m serious. And I’ll never drink from his flask again. Not with Shaz’s germs. No telling where he’s been.” Kyler only laughed harder.

  Kyler’s smile lit the fires in Nephraete’s heart. She loved him desperately. She watched the Mage though she tried not to; feeling a strong urge to go over and… Well, it was not going to happen so there was no reason to think on it any longer.

  The demon looked at her and she shuddered. His eyebrows rose and fell twice as he licked his lips. Suddenly, Calisha was there beside her. The demon’s eyes went wide at the sight of the Crebellan. Calisha took a step toward him and he vanished in a puff of grey smoke.

  “Calisha, I’m so glad you are here with me. I do not like that beast!” she said, shaking. He held her close, his presence calming her.

  “I will never let him harm you,” Calisha promised.

  “I know. Thank you Cal,” said Nephraete, taking his hand in hers. “He looked shocked to see you here, why?” she asked.

  “I try to stay hidden most of the time. That way, I can keep watch better. Once they know I’m here, our advantage is gone,” he answered quietly. “I witnessed something this morning. It is not important, but you might be interested anyway.”

  “Cal, what is it? I’m so curious now,” she responded.

  “When Darian awoke this morning, Tryllia came on to him.”

  “What?” she hissed.

  “She sat in his lap trying to seduce him. He pushed her off, though I know it had to be hard to do so.”

  “I’m glad. He made a promise to Tynuviel and he had better keep it.”

  With every step they took, the Mage’s allure grew stronger. They all felt it. They could not resist, no matter how hard they tried. Though some among them did not resist at all.

  “Darian, what’s going on?” Kyler asked his friend.

  “What do you mean?” Darian asked, at a loss for words. He didn’t know what his friend was referring to.

  “I can feel you getting stronger. Every day that passes, your charm increases. Why?”

  “Relax Kyler, I’m not gonna kiss you. You’re not my type,” joked the Mage.

  “I’m serious Darian. What’s happening? It’s affecting every one of us.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not doing anything differently,” he confessed.

  “Maybe it’s Delvishan. You need a lot of help for what you plan to do,” the elf reasoned.


  “It’s just not fair,” Kyler complained.

  “What’s not?” inquired the Mage.

  “You have more than your fair share. Looks, charisma and gods only know what else,” his friend said knowingly.

  “Hey, I didn’t ask for any of it. No more than you did. But I got it and I used it and used it and used it ‘til I was exhausted. Then I used it some more. I can’t help the ladies love me. Jealous?” asked Darian, grinning lasciviously.

  “Not a chance.”

  “Kyler, I need to tell you something. Seriously,” the Mage replied.

  “What is it, my friend?”

  “You must know that I would never betray our friendship,” the Mage said, more serious than the elf could ever remember.

  “What are you talking about?” Kyler deflected.

  “You know exactly what I mean, Kyler. I would never touch Nephraete. As tempting as it may be sometimes, I would never betray you or Tynuviel. You must know this. You’re like a brother to me. I do not take that lightly. I would not throw it away for an orgasm. No matter how great it might be.”

  “When you put it like that… Takasha! Darian you’re impossible sometimes.” The elf laughed. “Thanks my friend.” They sat around the fire talking and drinking late into the night.

  Shaz strode up to the front with the dwarves. He meant to speak to Stryker if he would take the time.

  “Hey Stryk
er, can I ask when the hell we’re getting out of these blasted tunnels?” Okay, he’d meant it to come out better than that. But he was tense, irritable and he just blurted it out without thinking.

  To his surprise, the dwarves laughed heartily. A few clapped him on the back as if a great joke had been told. Only he was bereft of the punch line.

  “We’ll be at the door to the wastelands late tonight. I suggest we spend the night in here. For it be the last warm one to be sure.” Shaz nodded in thanks.

  He could not wait to get out of here. His anxiety grew with each step. He’d never been afraid before, but he was now, though he would never admit to it.

  Swirling grey smoke announced the demon’s presence. He materialized at the Mage’s side.

  “Hey Mage! Can’t you control your pet? Must you let his stinking, rotting carcass out of its cage every day?” asked Thane spitefully.

  Shaz smiled. He liked this guy.

  “He’s a better conversationalist than you,” Darian challenged in an even tone. He didn’t even sound angry. “He knows words with more than one syllable. Do you?”

  Score one for the Mage. The damn Knight had better come up with something better than that. That was just shameful. He should be embarrassed. Shaz was embarrassed for him.

  “Conversation, eh?” teased Thane. “That’s not what I heard you Mages liked to do to the demons.”

  “Really, and how many Mages do you know who would spare you a moment’s notice, Thane?” asked Darian, devoid of emotion.

  Shaz thought he would rather Darian show some emotion than be absent from it. Somehow, that was far more terrifying. He was totally in control. Thane had no clue who he was dealing with. He thought briefly to warn the Knight. Quickly, he thought better of it. After all, no one had warned him. The quick-witted moron was in danger and didn’t even know it. Heh heh.

  “Mages don’t have friends. You know that.”

  “Yes, well… I do. I have very dangerous friends. I suggest you watch your tongue, boy.”

  “Boy. Boy! How dare you disrespect a Knight of Shorlan!”

  Now it gets interesting, thought Shaz. He wanted Thane to win, but he also wanted Darian to teach him a lesson. He wasn’t sure which he wanted more.

  “Fah! A Knight of Shorlan! What is that to one such as I? You are nothing but a mere inconvenience. A bit of mud stuck to the sole of my boot. Ha!” Darian responded.

  Thane took a step toward the Mage, but the Gor Li’ Khan appeared in front of him. He took a step back, stifling a shout.

  Where the hell did they come from? thought Thane. “Can’t defend yourself, Mage? You need others to do your dirty work for you?”

  “Fallekhan midre Alembekhu, drishanit!” The others were all shocked. Unbidden, they all took a step back from the tone of his voice. They’d never heard Darian speak his native tongue before.

  Kyler had no idea what was said, he had no need to. He knew the Mage’s temper and body language. He was about to violently end the debate. Kyler interceded, unsure why he even bothered.

  “Thane, shut up. Tread lightly where we are concerned, I warn you. I will not stop him again.” Kyler’s tone was hard. He looked to Tansher, who pulled Thane back in line, reprimanding him harshly.

  Kyler was not sure if it was for their benefit or if it was genuine. No matter, so long as it’s done, the elf thought.

  Damn Kyler! Just when it was getting interesting, thought Shaz.

  The demon raised an eyebrow as Darian began to speak the tongue of Mages. He’d never heard him do it before outside of spellcasting. Interesting, he thought. Hmm, maybe he becomes a bit unhinged? Sigorna tested his bonds again. They were stronger than before, if that was possible. How can that be!

  So, the Mage knew I would test my bonds continuously and tied off the spell with a strong knot. One that grows tighter the more the bonds are tested. Damn him! He is cunning and intelligent. A worthy master. One who better keep his word.

  Darian smiled to himself. He could feel Sigorna testing his bonds again. Well, he had a surprise waiting for him this time. He’d added it the last time he felt the demon pulling on his leash. Good luck getting free of me, Darian thought with an evil grin.

  “Darian, you okay?” asked Kyler, noting the look on his friend’s face.

  “I’m fine, why do you ask?”

  “That was Shivvendari you spoke, was it not? The tongue of Mages? I’ve never heard you speak it before.”

  “So you worry that I’m losing it and that I might become dangerous to the mission,” Darian stated.

  “No, not at all. I know when you are really upset. And this is not one of those times. The whole thing is really weird. It was like you were detached from it. You weren’t even angry.”

  “Thane is not a worthy opponent. I will not lose my temper over that buffoon. Trust me Kyler, he’s no better than Shaz. I think they’re twins,” said the Mage.

  “I do trust you,” the elf responded.

  “Shaz and Thane should get along famously,” said Darian. “They’re just alike. Do you think maybe they are brothers who were separated at birth?” Darian joked.

  “Doubtful. I don’t see any sibling of Shaz’ being a Knight. In fact, I find it hard to believe the way some of the Knights behave,” Kyler spoke in low tones.

  “Yeah, nothing is what it seems anymore. Rohn sure is making up for lost time. He is spending a lot of time with Nephraete,” the Mage observed, tactfully changing the subject.

  “I’m happy they found each other again. Do you think he’ll stay in Kiri A’ Nouell? Or do you think he’ll return to Al-Dan-Tir?” Kyler needed to know what his friend thought. Darian was highly perceptive. He always knew things before anyone else ever did.

  “I do not know, my friend. It seems he is torn. He does not want to leave his sister now that they’re together again. But, he took an oath. An oath to serve the Knights of Shorlan. He will not break it easily. He will be forced to choose when this is all over. For now, I think he does not want to dwell on it.”

  Kyler nodded. He hoped for Nephraete’s sake that Rohn would come back to Kiri A’ Nouell with them. If he returned to Al-Dan-Tir… He knew it would upset her.

  As if they could read his thoughts, Rohn and Nephraete approached. “May we walk with you two?” he asked

  Kyler and Darian.

  “Of course,” Kyler responded, before Darian could say anything. Rohn looked at the demon out of the corner of his eye. Clearly, he was not happy with his presence.

  Darian hated that Sigorna kept appearing of his own free will. But he could not deny the sense it made either. If the Dark Mage found out he had bound the Falahari, he might know what the young Mage planned. He must be careful not to reveal anything with the Falahari near. He could not trust Sigorna. He was a demon from Oblivion. But what choice did he have? He could not do this alone. To try to do so would be foolhardy and reckless. Darian was neither. He was a Mage of The Order.

  To make the other Masters and Mages understand would be very difficult, nigh impossible. He very likely would die trying to restore The Order to its former glory. So be it. He was a Mage first and foremost and his duty was to Delvishan. The only thing he regretted was the pain he’d caused Tynuviel. He would miss Kyler as well because their friendship had grown over the years. The elf was like the brother he could never have. All he wanted was to be able to stay in Kiri A’ Nouell with the elves. That was becoming less and less likely to happen. This was by far the most dangerous task he’d ever undertaken. Delvishan thought him capable. Could the god of Mages be wrong?

  Darian was not afraid to die. But he was terrified to think that he may lose Tynuviel. That fear sent him spiraling into a malicious state. He saw the seer look his way, but he ignored her. He had nothing to say to any of them until he could regain control over his emotions. Day by day, his control seemed to slip more often. He did not understand what was happening to him. He dared not confide in Kyler. He did not want to lose his friendship.

That is utterly ridiculous! He admonished himself. Why had he even thought such a thing? Kyler would not walk away because he thought his control was slipping. Much worse had happened since they’d known each other and the elf had never left him yet. Maybe he should tell his friend. Kyler could help him. Yes, Kyler could ground him, stabilize him. When they stopped tonight, he would talk to him privately.

  He forced the errant emotions under his tight control. Only his eyes told anyone who knew him intimately that something was indeed wrong.

  “Care to talk about it?” Kyler asked quietly.

  “Tonight, my friend,” responded Darian, relieved. It would feel good to confide in his friend for a change.

  Kyler felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Darian was finally going to confide in him. Maybe there was hope after all.

  “What’s going on with the Mage?” asked Rohn. “Sometimes he does not seem very stable. I’ve been watching him closely. His facial expressions change rapidly more often of late. Are you sure he’s fine?”

  “I feel his conflicts. I feel the things he tries so desperately to keep hidden. But I will not betray his trust. We are bonded, Darian and I.”

  “What? I thought you were only bonded to the Crebellan, Calisha,” Rohn said, taken aback.

  “I was. But recently I have been bonded to Darian…”

  “For what possible purpose?” Rohn cut her off, his anger rising.

  “That does not concern you,” Nephraete replied evenly.

  “Doesn’t concern me? I’m your brother!” Rohn said heatedly.

  “A brother who let me think him dead for ten years.” Her repudiation was fierce and cut to the bone. “I trust the Mage, he is a friend and I will not betray that trust. He does not give friendship lightly, I worked hard to attain

  it. He is fine Rohn,” Nephraete grasped her brother’s hand.

  “I’m sorry, Nephraete. I know I never should have let you think me dead. I just didn’t know what else to do. Father was abusing our abilities, has been for quite some time. Using the Gor Li’ Khan as contract killers, but not on things that deserved death. No. Rulers who stood to oppose him and his ways. Rulers and people who did not like his politics. He sent us to assassinate them.


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