Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 16

by D E Boske

  “You should not speak to us so. We do not deserve it. We have been loyal to you and Kaleika Bay,” Stilhan dared to say.

  “I tire of all the questions. The road is long and I grow weary of it.”

  “Aye,” Stilhan agreed. “But I know something bothers you. And I would know what it is.”

  “My mind wanders. I was thinking of the distant past. And what could happen if the past collides with the present, which I believe will come to happen no matter how we try to stop it,” Kelindril said softly.

  “About Morphindinaetlus? That is puzzling I agree. Why would he attack such a small town as Limmin? It makes no sense. And that one always does things for a reason.”

  “That is only a small part of the bigger picture Stilhan,” said Kelindril.

  “What is the bigger picture then?”

  “If Morphindinaetlus is awake again, what if the others come forth as well?”

  “They have not been seen in some time.”

  “And do you think our luck will hold?” asked Kelindril sarcastically.

  “No. But if they all come at us at once…”

  “Exactly,” said Kelindril, as he rose to go to his room. He was sorely tired. He felt as though he could sleep like a stupid Ni’ Kulana. Ru Nay’ Sha took hold of him as soon as his head hit the pillow.


  Michar was fast progressing with his studies to be a Dark Mage. The Dark Mage was satisfied with him. Now if only he could get more with his brains, talent and desire for power… It would take time and he was not sure how much of that he had left. Darian Brade would not stay hidden forever. No. That one would not stand by and let all his dreams come true. Darian would utterly destroy them. All of them.

  He was running out of time. He needed the Staff of Power and he needed it now! With the Staff of Power, no one would be able to stop him. He did not desire to rule all of Corillia. No, that was an idiots dream. All he wanted was control over The Order. The new Order, as he would make it. Delvishan be damned!

  Now he had no way of knowing where the rogue Mage was. He would have to guess. And he did not like guesses. Guesses were for pathetic morons with no brains. He would have to decipher Darian’s actions. No easy feat that. To get inside that one’s mind… What would that be like? To be Darian Brade, even if it was only for a moment. To know what he knew. His spells, his self-assurance, his confidence. His power…

  He slammed his hand on a nearby table in anger. He was deeply frustrated. With himself. With Morphindinaetlus. With everything. For a beast who hated Darian almost as much as he did, Morphindinaetlus was unable to accomplish much. And in the end, Darian had made a fool of the powerful wyrm. Not a wise thing to do.

  Darian Brade and the wyrm had a history. The Dark Mage did not know what that history was. Nor did he particularly care. As long as Darian was brought to his knees. And he would be. Of that the Dark Mage was certain.

  He wondered if Darian understood how powerful he really was. The magic the rogue commanded was beyond all the Mages in Piri-Tuma. But with The Staff of Power… To have control over that as well as his magic…

  Darian Brade should rightfully be the next Shangmarrum. Darian’s power surpassed his own. But he knew something Darian did not. Dark Magic. Everything The Order fought so hard to exterminate. The power that filled him when he used it, it could not be described sufficiently. He was reasonably sure that the rogue would never find the book he would need to learn Dark Magic. It was the only way he could be defeated. Darian’s power would not be enough and he knew the young Mage knew it. With Morphindinaetlus and Dark Magic on his side, how could Darian hope to win?

  He had not been able to find out who bound the Falahari, Sigorna, but it could be none other than Darian Brade. Who else could be strong enough? Who else would be reckless enough?

  Well, the dragon has Darian’s bitch. Let’s see how sure of himself he is when he finds out. He probably thinks her dead and that would give them the advantage they needed. He won’t be able to concentrate and they should be able to overpower him easily. The Falahari was altogether different. He was bound to Darian and would protect him fiercely. He must figure something out soon. A way to distract the demon as well as the Mage…

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  In the morning, Stryker opened the door to find the storm was worse. They would be stuck here for a while, it seemed. He shook his head at the Mage and Kyler. But to his surprise, the Mage took it in stride. No violent reaction this time.

  Stryker honestly liked Darian, but wasn’t at all sure how stable he was anymore. Lately, he’d been headed for the deep side of the lake. And he was taking them all with him.

  His love for Tynuviel was clouding his judgment and putting them all in danger. The Dark Mage and the dragon would not give them a chance to gather their wits. There would be no second chances. The Mage had better get himself together. They needed him to be focused for this battle. If they lost him, most likely they would all die a horrible, grisly death.

  “Can I sit with you?” asked Torgyn.

  “Whatever for?” asked Darian abrasively.

  “I’d like to talk to you, if you don’t mind,” persisted the bard.

  “Well I do,” said the Mage, looking away.

  “Darian, I want to talk to you. To get to know you. I want to compose my first song. Traveling with you is most helpful. This adventure has the feeling of those long lost battles of yore. And I want to be a part of it,” said Torgyn, eyes shining.

  “Oh you want to be part of it do you? Well why didn’t you say so? You want to be one of us then?”

  Torgyn did not realize the danger he was in. He was too fascinated by the Mage to notice that he was being reeled in for the kill.

  “What will you do when Morphindinaetlus severs a main artery with his sharp claws? Will you continue playing your lute and sing to us until the light leaves your eyes? Will your dying breath be enough to lend us the strength we need to kill the wicked beast? Or perhaps you will be too busy composing your first song to even notice the killing blow,” Darian said maliciously.

  “There’s no need for that, is there?” asked Mordinian, glaring at the Mage. But Darian glared back, openly hostile towards the thief.

  “We’re all on edge Mage, but there’s no reason to be so volatile.” said the thief. Darian jumped up so fast they barely registered the movement, coming face to face with Mordinian.

  “I don’t recall asking for your opinion, thief!” the Mage was calmly threatening, his voice low so as not to alert anyone. The steel in his voice and his eyes was utterly terrifying.

  The thief did not back down though. They stood toe to toe staring at each other as if trying to measure the other’s intentions. Amazingly, they had not attracted attention. The thief began to suspect the Mage was responsible for this as well. He did not understand how anyone could be so oblivious to what was happening around them.

  “You have no cause to be so cruel. We are all companions here. We are traveling together, working toward the same goals,” Mordinian reasoned.

  “You are no companions of mine,” retorted the Mage. “Away with you both before I make you disappear.”

  “Shaz was right, there’s just no talking to you. Arrogant bastard,” said the thief.

  “As if his opinion matters to me. Keep walking,” warned the Mage. He was in a foul mood. The thief and the bard only made things worse. He did not understand why they continued to bother him. He worked hard to make himself as unapproachable as he could. Were they so stupid? Well yes, some of them were. Grey mist swirled around the Mage, solidifying into the Falahari.

  “I thought you were gonna kill him,” said Sigorna.

  “I thought about it,” admitted Darian.

  “Why didn’t you then? Surely you are not afraid,” goaded the demon.

  “Of course not. Don’t be stupid. What do I have to fear from any of them?” said Darian contemptuously.

  “Arrogant bastard,” said Sigorna.

�Proficient. Not arrogant. You should know me better than that, Falahari.” Darian was careful not to speak the demon’s name aloud.

  “Why do you let them bother you so? They are nothing to you. Ignore them.”

  “That would be no fun at all. I have made it clear that I despise them and yet, they bother me. Thought they’d know me by now. I do not like to be harassed.”

  “How can anyone know you, Darian Brade? You will not let anyone close to you. You must learn to trust in others. The coming battle with The Order demands it. You will not be able to take them all on by yourself. Even your arrogant ass knows this.” The Mage chuckled.

  “Be wary Darian,” the demon warned in a soft whisper. “There are those among you who begin to wonder if you can handle this. They fear you have come unglued.”

  “I have. In part at least,” admitted the Mage. The Falahari laughed because he did not realize the Mage spoke the truth.

  “Dangerous words Mage, for the wrong ears, even in jest.”

  “It’s your job to keep me safe. It’s why I chose you. We have a history, you and I. I know you will do whatever it takes to protect me. Because the alternative…” Darian let the warning hang in the air between them.

  The demon’s eyes danced in mirth. They were kindred spirits, though the Mage would most likely balk at the correlation. This amused the demon no end. Darian tried to be someone other than who he was. The Order was in him, a part of him. A part that could never be separated no matter how hard he tried. It was engrained in him. Deeply engraved on his heart.

  “It’s true, we do have a history. One I’m sure your current traveling companions would kill to find out about.” The Mage brazenly glared at him and he smiled a genuine smile. “Do not worry Mage, I will not spill the beans. It will be our secret. Consider it a favor for your kindness to me.”

  “The relief is just flooding me with emotion,” said Darian sarcastically.

  “You’re such an ass,” said the Falahari, laughing.

  “It is a prerequisite to be a Mage.” The demon laughed harder. Torgyn began to play his lute and Darian snorted in irritation.

  “Why do you hate them so?” asked the demon, completely bewildered by the Mage’s behavior.

  “I do not trust them. At all. Nor do I like them.”

  “Well that was obvious.” The demon chuckled. “But why don’t you like them? Have they not proven to be an asset?”

  “The only thing they’ve proven to be, is a big pain in my ass,” retorted the Mage. “They never mind their own business. Always too busy minding mine. And you know how I detest that.”

  “I think, at least, the bard means well. The thief, who can say? He has his own agenda I’m sure.”

  “Yeah, well the bard travels with him of his own accord. Why would he do so? I trust neither of them,” said the Mage.

  “Trust comes in short supply with you, Darian,” stated Sigorna.

  “You must earn my trust. And there are very few who are capable of such a feat. I do not trust anyone. Nor do I turn my back on someone I just meet. I did not get to be where I am by being a trusting idiot.”

  “You are one cynical son of a bitch!” laughed the Falahari.

  “Call me what you will. I am what I am and I will change for no one,” said Darian.

  “Not even for Tynuviel?” asked the demon with a smirk.

  “She would never ask me to change. She fell in love with me for who I am.”

  “Does she really know who you are?”

  “She knows what she needs to,” said the Mage.

  “Will that be enough? A relationship is built on trust my friend. Can she trust you? Can you trust her? Will you be open and honest with her?”

  “I am not having this conversation with you,” warned Darian.

  “Who else you gonna have it with?” asked the Falahari. The Mage only glared in response. “How much will you tell her? Will she ever know the real you? Has anyone? At some point Darian, you have to let someone in. You cannot keep everyone out forever. That is a lonely existence.”

  “True, but there are things no one can ever know. There are some things that were not meant to be voiced aloud.”

  “How about written on paper?” asked the demon. The Mage gave a derisive snort.

  “What do you know of relationships? You sit here giving me advice on life and love. What do you know of it?” asked Darian half-seriously.

  “You’d be surprised,” Sigorna whispered. The grey smoke swirled around him and soon he was gone again.

  Darian sat and thought over everything that had been said between them. The demon seemed sincere in his opinions and advice. Darian was almost sorry he’d made the demon go with his abrasive attitude. He knew that sometimes, most in fact, he was extremely hard to take. There were few who could stand to be with him and he’d just driven away one of the few who could put up with him. Before he could think any more of it, the grey smoke boiled across the floor, signaling the demon’s arrival. The Mage smiled, obviously amused.

  “Gotcha!” said the demon.

  “And you call me an ass,” remarked Darian.

  “Because you are. You know you are, why pretend any different?” For some reason, the Mage found this funny and he laughed, the demon joining in.

  The others just stayed away from them. They were uncomfortable around the demon and Darian was changing every day. He was becoming a totally different man. When one kept company with demon’s, what could one expect?

  “You are totally disturbed Darian. You laugh at things that were not meant to be funny. I like that in you,” said Sigorna. And he meant it.

  Darian was changing day by day. Sigorna knew it. He could feel it. He wondered if the Mage was even aware. He looked at the others and they looked away. Except for Kyler, he was the only one with the balls to look him in the eye. Sigorna knew they did not like him nor did they feel comfortable with him here. It did not matter what they liked or disliked. He was here and he wasn’t leaving. He had to protect Darian. He, like the Mage, did not trust any of them. At any moment, they might decide that Darian was too cracked to be of any more use and try to dispose of him. He would be there to guard the Mage’s back. His survival depended on keeping Darian safe. Hey, I’m a demon. I do nothing unselfishly, he thought.

  Kyler watched from across the tunnel. He did not like the demon and did not like the influence he appeared to have over his friend. When the demon made eye contact with the others, they looked away. But not him. He stared right back at the demon, defiance in his green eyes. He was not going to lose his best friend to a damn demon from Oblivion. He rose smoothly, making his way over to the Mage. Without waiting for an invitation, he sat beside his friend, offering a flask filled with Nykessa.

  Darian smiled at the elf, accepting the proffered flask, drinking deep.

  “My thanks, Kyler. How are you holding up?” asked the Mage.

  “I worry for you, not for myself,” Kyler replied, glaring at the demon.

  “What?” said the Falahari.

  “I believe you know,” the elf replied in a steely tone. The demon merely shrugged unconcernedly. “I do not like the effect you have on my friend.”

  “Ah and how do you know I am able to influence him at all? I think you give me too much credit. He is a Mage of The Order, I am his servant.”

  “You are a liar! You are no man’s servant. You serve yourself. You care nothing for any of us. The only reason you look out for Darian is because he bound your sorry ass! Don’t toy with me. I am not stupid nor am I ignorant. I see through you like a piece of paper. You cannot manipulate me like you can Ni’ Kulana! I am no weakling. I am an elf and am not bound by the same rules as a Mage of The Order. Remember that demon scum because I am keeping my eyes on you. You tread dangerous ground. Darian is my friend and I will not allow any harm to come to him.”

  The demon smirked at the tirade, but the elf’s point was loud and clear. The grey smoke swirled, signaling the demon’s departure.

sp; “Kyler, what was that about?” asked Darian.

  “I cannot stand him or the way he’s changing you day by day.”

  “What are you talking about?” Darian asked, confused.

  “You do not even notice, do you? I’m not sure what scares me more. That you are changing or the fact that you do not even realize it. And all the while the demon gloats. The others, they look away, unable to maintain his gaze. But I will not stand by and watch as he tries to take you over. I will kill him first! I hate his foul stench. My very being reeks with the smell of him after he’s been here.”

  “Kyler, are you alright?” Darian asked, because he was concerned. He’d never seen the elf so uptight before.

  “No Darian, I’m not alright. I’m losing you. I’m fighting a losing battle. Clawing my way up a sheer rock face, my fingers bloody and broken. I will not lose you Darian. I will never give up on you.” Darian seemed to understand, he gripped the elf’s forearm tightly as if he were a drowning man and this was his lifeline.

  “For what it’s worth, the Falahari is here to protect me, not to harm me. For if I die, he dies because we are

  bound. We are one.”

  “I see him plotting every day. Planning his escape, testing his bonds. Pushing, always pushing. The way he looks at the rest of us, like we’re his last meal before death.”

  “You’re such a cheery soul tonight, aren’t you?” Darian joked, but the elf wasn’t smiling.

  “Do you not notice how different you are around me than when he is here with you?” asked Kyler.

  “The tables turned and you throw my own question back at me. I know that when you are with me, my mood isn’t so black. I feel hope when you are near. I also know the others lose their confidence in me. They fear I am leading us all to a grisly demise. I warned them this would be dangerous. It is unavoidable that some will die. I cannot protect everyone at all times. Though I will try.”

  “I know you will Darian. I know you. Just remember that I’m here for you. Don’t ever forget it, Mage.”


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