Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 23

by D E Boske

  “I should not have brought it up. I apologize,” said the demon.

  “Ack, forget it,” replied the Mage.

  “You must have some pretty nasty scars.”

  “Not a one,” replied Darian.

  “How is that possible?” queried the demon.

  “I know healing magic,” whispered Darian, like it was a treasured secret.

  “So what are you planning to do then?” asked Sigorna, getting back to the problem at hand.

  “Dunno,” responded the Mage. “When we get there, I will have to navigate through the tunnels. They twist and turn back on themselves. The wyrm is a paranoid creature who guards his treasure by any means necessary.”

  “I will be there to help you Mage. I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for anything.”

  “When we enter the mountain, I will call you. Do not fail me. I will need you close. Morphindinaetlus will probably try to distract me with Tynuviel’s well-being. He will try to kill her before I can save her.”

  “I will not fail you Mage. I will save your bonny lass,” replied the demon lightly, but Darian was having none of it.

  “If you hurt her, my vengeance will be swift and sure Falahari,” Darian warned, his tone ominous.

  “I have no intention of hurting either of you, you dummy. I’m trying to help. I will protect her until you can free her, if I cannot. If her bonds are magical, that’s your department you scapegrace bastard.” Sigorna’s tone was hard. The Mage had hit a nerve and the demon didn’t like it.

  Darian stared at him for long moments as if trying to measure his sincerity. His grey eyes were intense, but the demon did not back down. Sigorna needed him to believe that he wouldn’t harm them.

  Even if he wanted to, it was a bad idea. He was bound to Darian and if he did anything the Mage did not like, Darian could punish him. Kill him even. No, that’s not what Sigorna had in mind. Not at all.

  “I’m sorry, but where she is concerned I take no chances. I had to make sure you understood. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Inescapably,” the demon retorted, glaring at the Mage. Sigorna thought they were beginning to understand one another. Apparently, he’d been wrong. The Mage never let anyone close. He pushed everyone away. Fine, he thought.

  “I’m sorry Falahari. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I miss her… I just want to get her back… I’m sorry,” Darian said quietly.

  “Aw shucks. Don’t go getting all weepy on me now Mage. It’s alright. I know what the girl means to you. Seriously, I will do what I have to in order to keep her safe.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” replied the Mage.

  Late afternoon sunshine blinded them as they continued to walk west. The demon returned to his domain just before they found a place to rest. Once more, they dug shelters in the snow, forming and packing to block the wind.

  Darian collapsed into his bedroll, quickly slipping into Ru Nay’ Sha. He was exhausted from the events of the past two days. He skipped supper, his appetite had been completely obliterated; especially after that morning. The thought of food only made him nauseous.

  He forced those thoughts away letting his mind go blank. He needed space and distance to recover. He felt Kyler beside him as the elf checked on him. He felt his friend’s hand on his forehead checking his temperature.

  He knew the elf was deeply troubled by what was happening to him. Downright scared even. He hated that he couldn’t make it better. He couldn’t comfort him. Kyler would know he was lying anyway. The elf could see it in his eyes; feel it radiating from the Mage.

  Together they must find a way to do what needed to be done. He had to live to save Tynuviel. His last thoughts were of her before he sank into a deep darkness and knew no more.


  In the morning, they made hot tea to help fight the encroaching cold. Darian was really the only one who seemed not to be affected by the weather conditions.

  When he awoke, Kyler pressed a cup of tea into his hands. “Here, drink this. It will help to settle your stomach and keep you warm,” he said, smiling. But the humor did not touch his eyes, it was only for show.

  Darian inhaled the aroma of the tea. “Mmm, mint,” he said as he took a sip. The warmth spread through his body and he could feel his stomach begin to settle. He smiled gratefully at Kyler and this time, the smile the elf returned was genuine. His eyes sparkling with affection.

  “You should eat something, Darian. I brought some plain bread and an apple,” the elf offered the food to his friend. Darian had lost weight since Tynuviel’s abduction and the elf was concerned about him. The Mage was not heavy, he was all muscle and could ill afford to lose the body mass.

  Darian took it hesitantly, not wanting a repeat performance. He took a small bite of the bread, chewing slowly, almost afraid to swallow. He waited a few minutes to see how he would feel.

  In the meantime, he finished the tea so Kyler went to make him more. When the elf returned, the bread was gone and he was working on the apple.

  “Thank you,” he said, when the elf handed him his second cup.

  “You’re welcome,” Kyler said with a smile. “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay I guess. We’ll see if I can keep this down.”

  “Darian, what did the demon have to say? Does he know anything of use?”

  “He told me he knows of a book called Morgonnate. The only problem being that he has no idea where it is. He says it’s been missing for thousands of years. I don’t know where else to turn. I could go see Aganor, but there’s no way to know for sure if he knows anything about it.”

  “Do you believe the demon? Do you think he speaks the truth?” asked Kyler.

  “I do,” replied the Mage.

  “Okay. A book called Morgonnate might help, but we don’t know where to find it. What is in this book Darian?”

  “I was wondering how long it would take you to ask that,” Darian said humorlessly. “Apparently, it is a book about Dark Magic. If I am to have any chance of surviving this, I must find this book.”

  “Will it teach you Dark Magic, Darian?”

  “I don’t really know. From what he told me, I would have to teach myself. He brought up the fact that I taught myself your native tongue which leads me to believe I would have to do the same with this.”

  “But you do not know for sure,” coaxed Kyler.

  “No, but it’s the best we’ve got,” said the Mage, standing.

  “Does he have any idea where to look?” asked the elf, feeling frustrated by the lack of knowledge.

  “Not yet. I asked him to look into it for me. We’ll see when he comes today.”

  “Where’s he been anyway?” asked Kyler curiously.

  “I don’t know. When I asked him about it he brushed me off making jokes.”

  “This is no laughing matter Darian.”

  “You’re telling me,” quipped the Mage.

  “I’m sorry. I just… I can’t stand not being able to do anything.”

  “I know my friend. I sense a change in the Falahari,” admitted Darian.

  “What change?” asked the elf warily.

  “I’m not sure. It’s almost like he’s sincere. Like he really wants to help. I think I offended him yesterday. I don’t know, it’s probably nothing. I need a drink,” he said, stretching.

  “That’s the last thing you need. It’s also the last thing you’re going to get right now,” said Kyler sternly.

  The next few days passed them by quickly. Darian grew stronger day by day thanks to the attentiveness of his friend. There had been no more incidents. He was looking healthy and strong once more, albeit lighter than he was when the journey began. He’d experienced no more rude outbursts from his body and his color began to return. As did his charisma.

  Kyler noticed Tryllia watching Darian whenever Tryndil was preoccupied. He smiled to himself. He was just glad to have his friend back. He understood the look she gave the Mage; the lust in her eyes that she did no
t try to hide.

  “You have an admirer, it would seem,” Kyler said quietly.

  “Tryllia, I can feel her watching me,” he responded.

  “Oh, she’s doing way more than watching you my friend. She is fantasizing about you right now. She wants you Mage. She’s undressing you with her eyes,” said Kyler with a smile.

  “Did I tell you she came on to me before?” he asked the elf who looked dumbstruck.

  “What? When?”

  “Back in the tunnels, when we were caught by the storm. She actually sat in my lap kissing me and well…” he cleared his throat. “Anyway, I pushed her off. She told me at that time what she wanted to do to me.”

  “Were you tempted?” asked Kyler, not believing his ears.

  “Of course! But I did nothing. I only think of Ty now.”

  “If Tynuviel was not in the picture, would you have taken her up on her offer?”

  “In a heartbeat,” he responded truthfully. Kyler felt a pang of anger and did not understand why. “Kyler, why are you upset?”

  “It’s that obvious huh?”

  “Um yeah. What did I say?”

  “I’m sorry, Darian. We grew up in two different worlds. I just don’t understand why you would do that when she’s already involved with someone. That just seems cruel to me, that’s all.”

  “Haven’t you ever taken a girl to your bed when you knew you shouldn’t have? And if you tell me no, I’ll know you’re lying.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “And you don’t think you were cruel?”

  “I see your point. I really meant for her significant other. Not for the girl of course.”

  “Right. C’mon Kyler, lighten up. For such a young elf you have a stick up your ass sometimes.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked laughing.

  “It’s just that you act so much older sometimes. Especially when sex is involved. Remember Shaz? You got so upset when he told you he banged C.J. every time he came through Marubiel. Why did it bother you so much?

  “You forget I understand your culture. I am not a normal Ni’ Kulana. Elves do not take sex seriously. I’ve seen some that have a different partner every week. So what gives?” Pressed the Mage. It had been bugging him for a while and now he wanted an answer.

  “I guess I’m just not like that. I see things differently. I can’t be with a different girl every day. I need stability. I want to be in love before I make love to her. You know?” he asked, unsure if he explained it properly.

  “So, were you in love with Khazzuri? That torrid affair lasted less than a month.”

  “Damn. How’d you know about her?” Kyler was surprised and shocked.

  “Hey, at least I’m honest with myself. I love women and I love sex. There’s nothing wrong with that Kyler. You’re a male elf. You’re young and strikingly handsome. And you know it. So that crap you fling around and that doe eyed look you give don’t work on me. If the girl is willing, then there is no harm done. It’s only if you take her against her will that it becomes a crime. So fess up. How many besides Nephraete and Destiny?”

  “Darian I really don’t see how this…” But the Mage cut him off.

  “Uh-uh. You’re going to tell me elf. How many?” he pressed.

  “Six including Khazzuri,” Kyler said softly.

  “See. Now was that so hard?” asked the Mage with a smile.

  “Yes. I feel tainted.”

  “So would you take Tryllia if you didn’t love Nephraete?”

  “I don’t know Darian. I just don’t think like you do.”

  “But your little guy does. You just have to come to terms with it is all.”

  “You’re disgusting,” the elf laughed.

  “No. He’s brutally honest,” said Sigorna, who appeared while they were talking. “Honestly elf, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Six girls total? Are you lying? Cuz that’s nothing to brag about. I had six last night.” He smiled showing his fangs. It was a terrifying sight.

  “Too much information. I think I’m going to be sick,” said Kyler.

  “You’re a wuss, elf. You’d better grow a set before we reach the mountain or Morphindinaetlus will wipe the cavern with you.”

  “He can try,” said Kyler, with more steel and backbone in his voice than Darian ever remembered.

  “Whoa, you have a set already. Well damn it elf, you have no excuses then. Go nail every girl you see. They’ll surely spread ‘em for you. Unless Darian gets there first. Then you’re shit out of luck.”

  “You’re a vile beast,” retorted the elf, but the demon only laughed.

  “I think I’m beginning to like you Kyler,” said Sigorna.

  “Takasha! Don’t say that. Please,” said Kyler seriously.

  “Oh come now. I’m likable enough. Aren’t I?”

  “You’re about as likable as a sword up my ass,” responded Kyler.

  “Hey, I can arrange that popsicle boy,” said the demon laughing. Kyler shuddered and it only made him laugh harder.

  “Just because Darian puts up with your smut doesn’t mean I will,” Kyler said heatedly.

  “Oh right, I forgot. You’re an elf and you’re better than me. Faerie. Or is it fairy? I always get those two confused. Hmmm,” said the demon.

  Shaz snorted, laughing at the exchange. He was amused the way the demon trapped Kyler in a corner. The elf shot him an angry glare, but he didn’t care. He was having fun.

  Thane came up beside him and clapped the bounty hunter on the back, laughing right along with him. Maybe having a demon along for the ride wouldn’t turn out to be such a bad thing after all. He certainly had a sense of humor. Which most of this group was sorely lacking.

  “Alright you two. That’s quite enough,” Darian said.

  “Aw dad,” whined Sigorna.

  Thane and Shaz snickered. They found it to be hilarious. This was the most fun they’d seen since they started this stupid quest. The quest of a horny madman, thought Shaz. Speaking of horny… he thought. It’d been a long time already and from the looks of it, it would be longer still before he would get to a decent brothel.

  Damn it! Before I met these guys I had sex every day. Now, I’m as pathetic as Darian, he thought.

  “Shaz, how do you think we’ll get inside those tunnels?” asked Thane.

  It was good to have someone to talk to. Most of the company avoided the bounty hunter. Not Thane though and Shaz liked him. They were of two like minds and neither seemed to like the Mage much.

  “I don’t know. Apparently, the only one who does isn’t saying much, the bastard.”

  “You mean Darian, don’t you?” asked the Knight.

  “Who else?”

  “You don’t like him either huh?” asked Thane.

  “No. Arrogant ass. He walks around thinking he’s better than everyone. What I wouldn’t give to put him in his place just once,” said the bounty hunter.

  “Yeah, me too. Everyone reveres him it seems, but I have no idea why. They act like he’s some kind of god or something. He’s just a smartass who likes to embarrass people.”

  “Why do you think he’s like that?” asked Shaz. He knew the Knights had been around a long time and maybe knew more about the Shivvendari than he did.

  “I don’t know. The Order does not allow any visitors inside Piri-Tuma or so I heard. They like their secrets. I wonder how they train those Mages, don’t you?”

  “I never really thought about it before I met that asshole. I haven’t met too many Mages, have you?”

  “No. They rarely leave Mogan Dar now,” answered Thane.

  “So why’d he leave?” asked Shaz.

  “Good question, Shaz. But I get the feeling we’ll never know the answer. He don’t talk much and when he does, it’s usually to Kyler or the demon. Hey, you see the way that hot little elf keeps looking at Darian when Tryndil ain’t paying attention?”

  “Yeah, I noticed. I wonder what’s going on with them, if anything.”

  “He neve
r looks her way. Never acknowledges her at all,” responded Thane.

  “He never acknowledges anyone but himself.”

  “I bet the chicks dig him. I wonder about his time in The Order.”

  “I don’t. I don’t care,” said Shaz.

  “Aren’t you even curious?” asked Thane.

  “Nope. All I’m thinking about is how long this will take. I need a woman’s attentions.”

  “Good point.”

  It took them exactly eleven days to reach the mountain. Everyone was on edge. The elves’ senses were heightened, scanning the sky for any sign that Morphindinaetlus knew they were there.

  Every one of them felt their luck was running out. It was utterly nerve wracking. They slowed their pace to a crawl. Darian was in the lead with Kyler. The Mage extracted a leather tome from inside his Shryvven, paging through it until he found what he sought.

  He directed them around the side of the mountain to a concealed entrance. He put his hand on the rock, speaking softly. A soft, white light emanated, spreading from his hand to the rock wall. Right in front of their eyes, a door appeared.

  He pushed gently and it opened silently. Stale air hit them and those in front wrinkled their noses in distaste. The Mage took out a stone from a pocket inside his Shryvven, speaking softly to it until a soft white light glowed. It was bright enough for them to see in the dark tunnels.

  The smell of the wyrm was faint. Obviously, they were not close enough yet. The only one that had any idea how close they were was Darian. Yet the Mage had not even bothered to tell them anything. He kept the elves and dwarves up in front with him, pushing the Knights of Shorlan to the back.

  Thane thought he was making a big mistake. Certainly, Knights would be better suited in the front. The dwarves should be in the back. At least Shaz was with them.

  They walked for hours as the tunnels stretched before them. Darian had been right, without him, they never would have found their way. The tunnels were confusing. Some of them appeared to dead end only to find when you came up to it, it would cut sharply left or right going deeper into the mountain. How the Mage found his way, they would never know.


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