Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 33

by D E Boske

  “You’re right, Sigorna. I need information on how to stop the advance of madness. I have an idea of where to start, but am hesitant to do it. It goes against everything I believe. I just…” The Mage trailed off, not daring to voice aloud his plans. He did not want to concentrate on it for he feared there was little else he could do.

  “What is it, Darian? What are you planning?”

  “I dare not say right now. If there were any other way… I would not hesitate, but I… I don’t know what else to do. I have effectively run out of options.”

  A chill ran down the demon’s spine. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the words the Mage spoke, or the tone in which he spoke them. He decided it did not matter. Whatever the Mage was planning, it was bad. It had to be to so spook him. Sigorna had known Darian for many years and never seen him quite so shaken up. This did not bode well.

  “You, run out of options? Is that even possible?” asked the demon, with a carelessness he did not feel.

  “I know you find it hard to believe, but yes the pot is empty and I am so damn weary! I feel a ghost of myself, Sigorna. I know what I need to do, but am hesitant to do it. If there were any other way, I would jump at it without hesitation.”

  “Darian, what are you thinking? You must tell me because I can be of help. My life is in your hands, I will do what I must, you know this.”

  The Mage blew an irritated breath. He knew the demon was right and was loathe to admit it.

  “I must go to see Morphindinaetlus.”

  “What?! Are you mad? He’ll kill you if you ever step in his lair again,” the Falahari cautioned.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t think. So?”

  “Ha ha ha very funny,” replied the Mage humorlessly.

  “Spill it, Shivvendar,” said Sigorna.

  “Fine,” Darian sighed like a petulant child. It only served to show that the Mage was near his limits. “The wyrm is my best guess for an answer. After all, his master is the Dark Mage. Who better to tell me where to look?”

  “Even if he knows, why would he tell you?” asked the demon.

  “Because, I can offer him something no one else can.”

  The demon waited for an answer and when he understood the Mage wasn’t going to elaborate, he growled deep in his throat.

  “And that would be?” Sigorna prodded. He knew it was the only way to get the truth out of Darian.

  “His freedom,” said the Mage quietly.

  “I know you did not just say what I think you said.”

  The Mage’s silvery grey eyes held the demon prisoner with the force of his gaze. Sigorna knew he would not be able to talk Darian out of it. So there was only one option left open to him.

  “Damn it, Darian! What you’re planning is extremely dangerous. What’s to keep the stupid beast from killing your dumb ass?”

  “That’s where you come in,” said the Mage with a dark smile.

  “Why do you think I’ll even go along with this fool idea?”

  “Because you have no choice!” Darian shouted.

  “You’re right, I have no choice. But if I am going to die a foolish death, I would know why. What makes you think the dragon will even listen to you? He may turn you into a crispy snack and devour you.”

  “Not if he wants his freedom, he won’t,” said the Mage.

  “You don’t really mean to free him do you?”

  “Absolutely. Once he comes through for me.”

  “What if he’d rather see you dead than be free of the Dark Mage?” asked Sigorna.

  “Then I guess there will be a lot of happy people, won’t there?” replied the Mage.

  “Is it even possible Darian? Can you free him, do you think?”

  “I am fairly certain, yes. When we battled in his lair, I could feel his bonds as surely as if I’d created them myself.”

  “How is that even possible?” asked the demon.

  “The Dark Magic, remember?” reminded Darian. “When the Dark Mage held me captive, he forced it down my throat, choking me with it. Because of this, my body is now compromised and will begin to fail. I seriously doubt he meant to or even knows he did it. He needs me alive so that I will lead him to the Staff of Power.”

  “Darian, what will happen if you cannot find whatever it is that you seek?”

  “I think you know that, Falahari,” replied the Mage.

  “What about your staff then?”

  “Upon my departure, it will be destroyed so that no other may use it. So don’t get any ideas, demon,” warned the Mage.

  The demon paled at Darian’s words. He had no idea that his master was that strong. If Darian could link the staff to his life force… Delvishan had chosen well.

  Darian was up late thinking about what he must do. Sigorna was right, Morphindinaetlus might want him dead more than he wanted his freedom. He could not let the demon know that however.

  Kyler would very likely be angry at him because he would not be coming along. Darian would make sure of it. He would never risk his friends’ life on such a foolhardy mission.

  He must speak to Galavad soon so that he could explain his plans. He would need the Gor Li’ Khan to accompany him, if they would. He knew Kryndale would not hesitate, but he was not so sure about Kelindril. He wasn’t even sure he really wanted that bunch along, but he understood that they were far less likely to suffer casualties. And if there was one thing Darian respected, it was their skill set. He needed it and he needed them.

  He gave himself over to the crushing force that was Ru Nay’ Sha, the darkness enveloping him in a thick blanket of exhaustion. His body was telling him beyond doubt that he was overextending himself. He’d need as much rest as he could get with his plans.

  Raschel was staying in Darian’s room so the Mage could keep a close eye on him. Darian did not believe for a minute that the Master was a danger to anyone, but a promise was a promise. Raschel was deep in Ru Nay’ Sha when Darian had returned. Raschel was being pushed to his limits as well. The training was hard and took a lot out of him. Darian feared they were no farther along than when they began. He did not want to tell Raschel that however. He needed the Master and thought that perhaps Raschel would give up on him.

  Becoming a Mage was extremely difficult. The frustration and danger involved were more than most lived through, but Darian was determined to make Raschel live through it. He’d already lost him once, and he was not about to go through that again.

  Back in Piri-Tuma, Raschel had been his only friend. Darian had met him when he was raised to the rank of Master. Raschel was the only one to congratulate him. The others were too jealous and spiteful. Raschel offered to buy him a drink and Darian was never one to refuse a free drink. Since that night, they’d become close. It seemed that didn’t sit well with the others either.

  Darian had ‘ere been a touchy subject in the school of Mages. They were jealous of his intelligence and the ease with which he commanded the Weave. The Masters and Mages took great joy in causing new students pain and humiliation. Darian though, had always stood apart from them and this was cause for hatred and fear among his fellow students. It did not matter what level he was at, they hated him wherever he went. His teachers feared him for his strength and control. They could feel his power and were wary of it. If any could overthrow their way of life, it would be Darian Brade.

  In the morning, Darian bathed and dressed in a purple silk shirt that really brought out his eyes. His pants were black and fit him well. He slipped into his Shryvven, the silvery grey cloak shimmering as he moved. His boots were black leather with silver buckles running up his calves. He looked himself over in the tall mirror, liking what he saw. He knew he was good-looking, he’d always known it. He used it to his advantage whenever he could. Most times, it led to great sex, other times, just information. Men were intimidated by him, women got aroused when he was near.

  He went in search of flowers for Tynuviel; maybe a nice white one today. He stepped out of his
room, closed the door and replaced his protective wards. The Shryvven billowed about him as he walked, so self-assured and cocksure.

  Renlyss was walking toward him on her way to do her morning errands. He looked her up and down so casually, a smile on his gorgeous face. She smiled back at him, looking him over as well.

  “Good morning, Darian. I take it you like what you see?” she asked flirtatiously.

  “Renlyss, you are a treat for the eye to behold.” His eyes lingered on her breasts which were partly visible,

  encased in the dress she wore.

  “I like what I see too, Darian. Takasha, you’re Liv Ta’ Lo!” she said, coming close enough to brush her fingertips on his lips.

  She smelled so good and it had been so long… Before too long, he felt her hands on him. He wanted her, needed her, but he could not do it. He thought of Tynuviel and his promise…

  “Renlyss stop. I can’t do it, I’m sorry.”

  “I know you want to, Darian, I do too.”

  “I cannot,” he reiterated.

  “I understand. But if she never changes her mind, please come find me. Please.”

  “I will,” he said and meant it. He reached up to stroke her cheek and she closed her eyes. She felt his lips brush hers and she returned the kiss. It didn’t last long enough for her liking at all. She went on her way as he watched her shapely ass.

  He found white daisies that he felt sure she would love. He liked to bring her different flowers every day, hoping it would brighten her mood. When he reached her door, he asked Devyn how she was feeling today. The elf smiled at Darian encouragingly.

  “She is doing good today, Mage. Maybe today is the day for a new beginning for you both.”

  “I sure hope so, Devyn. Is Kyler in there already?”

  “Yes, he arrived shortly before you. Good luck in there, Mage.”

  “Thanks, I need it.”

  “Not looking like that, you don’t,” the elf laughed.

  Darian opened the door and saw that Devyn seemed to be correct. She was smiling at her brother and laughing at something he’d said.

  When she saw him come in, the breath caught in her throat. Takasha, he looked good! Good enough to eat. Where had that thought come from? she wondered. She was feeling really good today, she had to admit. The shirt he wore set off his eyes nicely. He had nice eyes. He had a lot of nice things about him.

  Today seemed so far removed from yesterday. She felt like a totally different person this morning. Looking at him now, it was hard to believe he would hurt her. It didn’t seem real with the sun shining so brightly.

  “Good morning, Darian,” she said, once she was sure she could trust her voice. Totally taken aback by her response to him this morning, it took him a moment to respond.

  “Good morning, Tynuviel. How are you feeling today?” he asked her with a winning smile.

  “I feel wonderful, thank you for asking, Darian. I owe you an apology. I am so sorry about the way I acted when you bought me that necklace. Thank you, I love it.”

  He saw that she was wearing it and it looked lovely on her. “You’re welcome Shan Ta’ Zi. It looks nice on you.”

  “Where are we going today?” she asked, looking at the Mage. His heart skipped a beat.

  “Wherever you want to go.”

  “I would like to go for a walk, maybe to the waterfall. Is that alright?”

  “Of course,” he replied, smiling at her. He couldn’t believe how different she was today. He said a silent prayer to Delvishan, then quickly said one to Shenna too. It wouldn’t hurt to cover all possibilities.

  They left her room and Devyn shot a look and a smile the Mage’s way. Darian nodded in return. As they walked, Darian felt her small hand slide into his. He was overcome with emotion.

  Kyler faded into the background, letting his friend have this time. Who knew how long it would last? She

  seemed so much like her old self, he didn’t want to lose her again.

  Darian and Tynuviel talked easily, like nothing had happened between them. When they reached the waterfall, she sat with her head on the Mage’s shoulder. He could scarcely believe his luck.

  They sat and talked all day, until the sun went down. Once back in her chambers, they shared a meal of venison, rice and a fresh salad. They talked of past, fond memories and the Mage could not take his eyes off of her.

  After the meal, they sat and talked more while they shared a bottle of Nykessa. Darian did not want the evening to end, so perfect it had been. He looked at her and saw the sparkle of life in her eyes which had been missing for far too long. For the first time since he’d brought her home, he felt hope. He knew they had a long road to travel yet, but at least he could see progress.

  The good feeling only lasted momentarily as he recalled the blistering truth he had yet to deliver. He didn’t relish telling her, but he had to be honest with her. If she were to find out later that he’d known all along… That could be the end of his dreams.

  He wondered exactly what had occurred to change her mood so drastically. He thought it would be better to wait a few days to see if her good mood held.

  Apparently, he’d lost track of the conversation again as his mind wandered aimlessly. She was laughing at something Kyler had said. Takasha, she has a beautiful smile! He thought to himself. He wanted so badly to hold her tightly and never let go. He dare not touch her until she invited him to do so. In this way he could build her trust in him once more. There was a time when she knew that he would never hurt her… The Dark Mage had taken that away as well.

  She looked at him now and smiled that smile that was only meant for him. His heart skipped a beat as he returned her smile. Maybe they still did have a chance at happiness…

  Kyler saw how they were looking at each other and knew it wouldn’t be long before they were together again. He was glad his sister was feeling better. It had been too long since a smile graced her lovely face.

  They talked well into the night, none wanted to retire. Finally, Darian reminded them that she still needed to rest and they took their leave. For a split second, the Mage thought she would move to kiss him, but something seemed to stop her. Instead, she took his hand in hers, squeezing it reassuringly as he smiled at her.

  “Shan Ta’ Zi, thank you for a wonderful night. It is good to see you smile, my love,” he told her in her native tongue.

  “You’re coming back tomorrow, aren’t you?” she asked, almost pleadingly.

  “Of course I will. You cannot keep me away,” he replied, his voice velvety smooth.

  “Rest well, Tynuviel,” Kyler added.

  Darian was too excited to rest. Tynuviel was showing real progress. She’d come so far in so little time, though perhaps he alone only knew how far she had yet to go. He pondered on her hesitation… Something about it bothered him. Something very familiar… A knock on his door broke his concentration.

  “Nephraete,” he said, a bit surprised. “What can I do for you?” he asked, holding the door open. He caught her scent as she swept into his room. Lovely as always. Damn it! If Kyler wasn’t my friend… he thought, giving her a dashing smile.

  She would never tell him how her heart leapt at the sight of him. How she often thought of his lips on hers… Why does he have to be so damn good-looking? She thought to herself.

  “You have not told her yet, have you?” she asked, more for something to say than actual curiosity over the answer.

  “Told her what exactly?” he countered, already on to her. She could not hide from him.

  “The truth, of course.”

  “Are you daft? Of course not. Not yet anyway. I’m waiting for her to get a bit stronger,” he admitted.

  “For what? So she can hit you harder? She will want to know, Darian,” the tiny seer cautioned.

  “I know, Nephraete. I just… I need to know she can handle what it is I have to say.”

  “Is that the real reason or is it because you fear her reaction?”

  “A bit of b
oth, I suppose,” he said softly. “What is your true purpose here tonight?” he asked, moving closer to her and growing amused at her apparent discomfort. He could feel her arousal, and also feel her shame because of it.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I should go…” she whispered, turning for the door.

  He stopped her, taking her hand in his, while waving his right hand to lock the door.

  “Darian, what are you up to?” she asked, ashamed to feel how badly she wanted him. Only, he made no move to touch her. He guided her to a chair and poured some juice for her.

  “Please, sit. We need to talk, T Ama’ Ro.”

  “What about, Darian?” she asked, tingling in all the right places at the close proximity of the Mage and his sexy voice.

  “I think you know,” he replied.

  “Darian, I’m sure I have no idea what you are speaking of.”

  “The darkness is consuming me and I fear that I do not have long, though I do not know for sure. Alas Nephraete, I know I must tell her, but I do not want our final moments to be of hatred and anger. Can you not understand why I hesitate?”

  “Of course I do. But once she finds out that you knew all along she will very likely be volatile. Besides, you know I can help you…” she let the offer hang between them, but he did not take her up on it.

  They talked for a long time about many things. Finally, she stood to leave. He could feel the darkness well up inside him, taking him over faster than he’d believed possible. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her to him as he covered her mouth with his. She clung to him as she felt his hands on her body.

  This was so wrong, but it felt so good. She should not be here with him in this way, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. It was like she was under an enchantment, watching from outside her body. She could not deny that she wanted him badly and the guilt was consuming her. His tongue sought hers and her knees grew weak. His hands touched her breasts and she moaned softly. She fought to regain control and do what she could for him. She began to draw the Dark Magic from him as she had once before. He needed to come to his senses before she did something she might not regret as she knew she should.


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