Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 36

by D E Boske

  “Kill,” he replied immediately.

  “Mmm, yes you do seem the type. What if there is nothing to kill? Then what do you do for fun?” She did not appear afraid of him in the least. She had no idea who she sat next to.

  “There is always something to kill,” he said softly.

  She just watched him, saying nothing, but her eyes smoldered with unadulterated…

  “Kelindril, do you find me attractive?” The question threw him off because that’s not what he’d been expecting her to say. He wasn’t sure how he should respond. What should he say? Should he tell her the truth?

  “You know that I do,” he admitted and the answer seemed to please her.

  “What is Kaleika Bay like, Kel?” the way she said his name…

  “It is warm and beautiful. A spectacular view every morning and evening as the sun rises and sets. The palace is carved out of all shades of coral from the ocean. The breeze of the salt air is unlike anything I’ve experienced anywhere else.”

  His description was coldly calculating much like himself and held no warmth or love. He was detached from it, almost as if he’d never been there and only recited what he’d been told. She did not know precisely why, but she liked him. She’d felt the strong attraction the first time she’d seen him. Could she get past his bloodlust? Could she get inside his defenses? Right now, she wasn’t sure anyone could. Why did she even want to? He was handsome, his features perfect. But what about his heart? Was there room for her in it? Was there room for anyone in his life? He appeared to work hard at keeping others at a distance. Why?

  “Are you happy there? Don’t you miss it?” she asked, curiosity overcoming her better judgment. She had to know more about him. Where he came from, what his home was like, anything and everything.

  “I am not used to talking to someone like this. I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Just the truth, Kelindril. I would like to get to know you. The real you.”

  “No. You don’t. You think you’d like to really know me, but you would be wrong.”

  “Why is that exactly?” she pressed.

  “I am Gor Li’ Khan, Kylee. Do you know how much blood stains my hands?”

  “I know what you are. I want to know who you are.”

  “Why? Why do you have an interest in me?”

  “Do you think yourself unworthy of attention?”

  He did not respond at first. He got up, turning his back to her as if to leave, but she caught his hand. After a long moment, he turned to look at her. She was stunningly beautiful, the way the fading light shimmered in her hair…

  Instead of responding, he did what he did best. He faded into the background and disappeared from sight. She sighed in disappointment. Well, it’s going to take some time to crack him, she thought. She knew it wouldn’t be easy.

  Darian sat alone in his room, writing in his leather tome. He wanted to get his thoughts down on parchment before he became stark raving mad and no longer cared about such things as thoughts. He did not know how much time he had left, but he knew it wasn’t much. He could feel the oppressive darkness growing within him and he was afraid.

  He’d never been afraid of anything in his life. Not even the Test of Power. This, he was terrified of. He didn’t want to die now. He had too much to accomplish. He looked out his window and felt the warm breeze on his face. He stood to watch the sunset on the overlook in his room. Why now? After everything he’d endured at The Order’s hands… this was too much.

  As he stood watching the sun set, he was reminded of how fragile life really was. He heard a knock at his door and without turning, he waved his hand, opening the door for his visitor.

  “Darian, are you sure that’s wise? I mean, opening the door before you even know who it is…”

  “I knew it was you, elf. Who else would it be?” asked the Mage.

  “You okay?” asked Kyler.

  “Yeah, just peachy,” retorted the Mage. Kyler joined his friend out on the overlook. “I brought some wine, thought you might like a drink. But I can see you’d rather be alone, so I’ll just be taking this and going,” said Kyler, as he prepared to leave.

  “Can the bottle stay?” asked the Mage.

  “No. The bottle goes where I go. If I am not welcome, neither is my wine.”

  Darian snorted in mock disgust. “Fine, you can stay. Can I have some wine now?” asked Darian with a smile. Kyler gauged his sincerity, then retrieved two glasses, pouring generous amounts into each.

  “How’d it go today?” asked the elf.

  “Everything went good. She’s beginning to trust me more.”

  “That’s good, Darian. It won’t be long now, my friend.”

  “I have to tell her soon. And once I do… It will be over for us.”

  “How can you be so sure, Darian? She loves you. You saved her, she’ll see the truth.”

  “Will she now?” asked the Mage darkly. “You think she’ll understand? I think you give her too much credit. She will feel hurt and betrayed. She will blame me for everything and then what? Then nothing. It is over Kyler.”

  “Wow, Darian, I’ve never seen you so happy before. It really is shocking,” remarked the elf. “You’re such a ray of sunshine, Mage.”

  “I’m sorry, Kyler. Lately, I’m not myself. It worsens every day and… I don’t have much time left.”

  “Then why do you linger here? You know what you must do. Why do you remain?” asked Kyler, truly bewildered.

  “Because I must tell her the truth. I do not want to die without telling her. She must hear it from me.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  “Death.” The Mage spoke so quietly, the elf knew he wasn’t meant to hear the word.

  Honestly, he wished he hadn’t heard it. His friend was losing his self-control little by little, day by day. Soon, he had no idea how soon exactly, his friend would succumb to the overwhelming weight of evil that was dragging him deeper into madness.

  Kyler could see it in his friend’s eyes. The gray eyes that once shone with a light all their own were now haunted and red rimmed. A testament to how much he had fought this thing. He was worn around the edges. A frayed knot of a man who no longer resembled his friend or the powerful Mage he once knew. The elf wasn’t sure what he could do to help him. Wasn’t sure if anyone could help the Mage anymore. He would not give up though. He couldn’t afford to.

  “Darian, what are you planning to do next?” asked Kyler.

  “It matters not, elf prince. You will not be going with me. No one will.”

  “Darian…” but the Mage cut him off.

  “I’ve made up my mind, Kyler. I will risk no one else. This is a suicide mission from which I probably will not return. Why risk the prince of the elves as well?” His tone almost sounded quietly mocking.

  “Darian, now you have me curious. What is on your mind?” asked the elf, to which the Mage only shrugged.

  “As I said, it does not matter. Nothing matters anymore. It is over. I just do not see a way back from this. Can I find the thing I need to staunch the flow of Dark Magic in time to be of any use?”

  “Hey, we will find it, Darian. You cannot give up on yourself, I haven’t. You have comrades and friends who believe in you. How do you think your disposition would affect them if they knew?”

  “These things that I admit to you are for no one else’s ears! You ask me to open up and be more honest. Do not make me regret my choice.”

  “More wine?” responded the elf, trying desperately to diffuse a dangerous situation. Darian must know he would never betray him, but some among them were quite perceptive. They were probably already aware that something was not quite right.

  Grey smoke swirled across the floor, signaling the demon’s appearance. “Lover’s spat? I’m sorry, am I interrupting?” asked the demon taking a seat, watching them and showing no intention of leaving. “Oh, don’t stop on my account, it was just getting good,” Sigorna smiled, showing his teeth

  Kyler was tempted to leave, but would not let the demon win. “Of course not. We’re just discussing our options,” responded Kyler.

  “Mmmhmm, that high screechy voice, that was you, wasn’t it elf? Did you drop your crown again?”

  “Shut up vile beast!” raged Kyler.

  “Enough! Both of you. I need to think, if you please,” commanded the irritated Mage.

  “Yeah, let’s see how far that gets us this time,” mocked the demon. The glare that fell upon him from Darian was enough to still his mouth. Obviously, the Mage wasn’t in the mood for games right now. “Spoilsport,” he mumbled.

  The demon knew Darian well enough to know he wasn’t that upset… yet. However, Sigorna was not about to push him further. He, unlike Kyler, knew exactly how far the Mage could be pushed.

  “So, what are we planning?” asked Sigorna.

  “I don’t know, he won’t tell me,” answered the elf, sounding none too pleased with the admission.

  “Aha! That’s why you’re so mad. I knew it must be along those lines. Mmmm are you sure you like girls, Kyler? Or are you trying to keep the big, handsome Mage all to yourself?” the demon’s remark had the desired effect. Kyler left, slamming the door behind him.

  “Satisfied now?” asked Darian.

  “C’mon Darian, the boy’s a killjoy. Anyway, I had to make him leave so you could tell me your plans.”

  “Why would I tell you when I wouldn’t tell Kyler?” asked the Mage.

  “Because, you will take me with you. Whether you choose to admit it or not, you must trust me because you cannot do it alone. We make a good team, Mage.”

  So Darian told Sigorna everything; what he was planning, along with his thoughts and feelings. Sigorna listened intently to every word. When the Mage was finished, the demon couldn’t help but think him absolutely mad. He didn’t see how Darian could come out of this alive. He kept his thoughts to himself though. Maybe this was the chance he was looking for.

  He had to give the Mage credit though, he had balls. Big mithril balls. He’d known Darian a long time and never knew him to undertake anything this dangerous. Darian wasn’t dying before either, so there you go.

  Sigorna hoped he was on the right side of this battle. He saw Darian in action more times than he could remember, but this… This was the plan of a madman. It was reflected in the Mage’s grey eyes. Desperation. It was unlike the Darian Brade he knew. The Darian Brade he was used to was an extremely careful planner who did not act unless sure of success.

  The Mage was definitely gonna’ need him before this was all through. At least one of them would be level-headed and thinking clearly. That elf that Darian was in lust with had better spread em’ soon, else the Mage would be good for nothing. Sigorna didn’t understand why Darian bothered anymore. That girl was a basket case and he’d be better off without her. She was seriously messing with the Mage’s sanity. He needed attention and she wasn’t giving it up and it was becoming a huge issue.

  Now this plan that Darian thought up… It was no wonder he didn’t want to bring anyone else into it. At least Sigorna couldn’t be killed while he was bonded to the Mage; he’d only be sent back to Oblivion in defeat. Darian could summon him straight back so there would be no harm done.

  “Darian, what’s so special about her? Why not move on? I’ve never seen you moon over a girl before and honestly, I find it deeply disturbing. I mean, there are plenty here who would jump at the chance to get with you. DUH! I just don’t get it.”

  “I don’t expect you to understand, Falahari. I love her. It’s not about the sex. I can have sex whenever I want with whoever I want. And I have many times. It’s different with her.”

  “Just because she’s playing hard to get? C’mon Darian. She’s beautiful yeah, but there are so many others… Why suffer? Why waste precious time?”

  “You’re probably right. When I tell her the truth… Well, things will get back to normal quickly enough.”

  “What are you talking about now, maniacal master?” mocked the demon.

  “Like you care,” chuckled the Mage.

  “Tell her what truth?” pushed the Falahari.

  “Your sincerity is truly touching,” replied the Mage glibly.

  “Tell me, Darian. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep the false concern act going,” said the demon truthfully.

  “I need to tell her the truth about what has happened since she returned home.”

  “You mean…” the demon trailed off. He couldn’t be serious. He was. That’s why he is so worried. He should be, because when she found out…

  “Why would you do something so dumb, Darian? The truth is a stranger to you. Why now? Honestly, I don’t get you anymore. You’re changing, I just don’t know what you’re changing into.”

  “I do not want to begin our relationship under false pretenses. I want to be honest with her.”

  “But why, Darian? Especially knowing she will reject you. This is what you’ve wanted for so long now…”

  “Because, if she finds out that I knew what I knew and did not tell her, it will be so much worse later. At least now we haven’t been together. How much harder would it be on us later if we’ve been lovers for a while?”

  “You think she’d leave you then? You’re nuts man. Not after she gets a taste of you and what you can do to her. I hear you are addicting, like a damn bad drug, Mage.”

  “Maybe, but I want her to want me because she wants to. She might stay, but it would never be the same between us. This way if she does come around, she’ll have forgiven me and I can have her clean, no bad feelings laying close to the surface.”

  “I’ve gotta tell you, Mage, I think you’ve lost it. I think you’re so horny you can’t think straight anymore. You need to go get laid, now.”

  “If only it were that easy, Falahari,” the Mage responded. He would do it in a heartbeat. But a promise was a promise. He’d meant it at the time because he really didn’t believe they’d be waiting this long. Now… Now he was so worked up with her so near, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. He loved her and he meant that.

  “It is that easy. She’ll never know, Darian, unless you’re dumb enough to tell her.”

  A knock on the Mage’s door had them both turning around sharply. He wasn’t expecting anyone. The demon dissolved, leaving Darian alone with his visitor. When he opened the door, he gritted his teeth in frustration. A fleeting moment.

  “Renlyss, what are you doing here?” he asked, trying not to sound needy.

  “Darian, I wondered if we could talk. I brought some Nykessa. Please, I miss you.” She was intoxicatingly beautiful and in his present state, he wasn’t sure he could be trusted to be alone with her.

  “Renlyss… I really don’t think this is wise. Not tonight.”

  “Please, Darian. I just want to talk to you. That’s all, just talk. I promise,” she pleaded. The guards outside of his door stared straight ahead, pretending not to hear a thing. At least they could be trusted. No matter what they heard, they would never speak it aloud.

  Darian held the door for her as she walked in. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was incredibly sexy and with their history, he didn’t trust himself. He wanted her, needed her, but Tynuviel… Damn it!

  “I miss you, Darian. I miss our conversations. I want to remain friends. I know of your love for Tynuviel and have no intention of getting in the way. I just… miss you.”

  “I’m sorry, Reny, I never meant to hurt you. Here, let me open this,” he took the bottle of wine from her and opened it, pouring some into two glasses. He smelled incredibly delicious and she could tell he was in need.

  “Please sit, we’ll talk. How have you been? You look beautiful, Reny.” Her heart melted at his words and tone of voice. How he drove her crazy and she loved him.

  “Thank you, Darian. I’m good. You don’t look like your old self. Are you okay?” she asked, already knowing he wasn’t. Only an idiot would not see the haunted
look in his eyes. He wasn’t getting enough rest. She looked him over carefully. Rest wasn’t the only thing Darian Brade was being deprived of.

  “Not really, Ren. I’m afraid I haven’t been myself in a while now. I have so much on my mind and I haven’t been resting properly.”

  “Is there something I can do for you?” She kept her voice carefully neutral so he didn’t become suspicious.

  “I wish there was, Reny. I think I am beyond help to be honest.”

  “All you need do is ask, Darian. If it is within my power, you shall have it.”

  “Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind,” his voice was like soft silk, caressing her and arousing her senses. He

  could feel the darkness inside him threatening to overwhelm him and he tried hard to push it down, but he was losing the battle.

  “I heard you keep company with a demon from Oblivion. Darian, you must be careful with that one. You cannot trust him. Never let your guard down.”

  Darian enjoyed watching her. The way she looked at him when she thought he did not see. Her long, slender legs of which he could see much because her dress only came to mid-thigh.

  He missed their conversations as well. But that was not the only he thing he missed. She was very intelligent and an excellent match for him if not for his love of Tynuviel. Renlyss understood magic and could hold his attention when she spoke. She was wise, aged, alluring…

  He poured more wine for them as they were in an intense debate about the effects of diamond dust and its many uses in magic. He was intensely aroused by the conversation and the nearness of this effervescent beauty.

  Without even realizing he’d done it, he ran his fingers over the soft skin of her legs. The darkness was crushing him and he couldn’t breathe. It was engulfing him, pushing him away and taking over.

  She looked at him and he looked so much better than when she’d first arrived. He stood, taking her hand in his.

  “Darian, what are you doing?” she asked breathlessly. She wanted him. Now. He brought her to him gently; with the same motion, he locked his door, setting the wards in place.

  His lips sought hers hungrily as he drank her down. She was soft, warm and so good. He parted his lips, kissing her again and she leaned into him, enjoying the feel of his hard body. She felt his tongue caress hers intimately and she moaned softly.


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