Grave Covenant

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Grave Covenant Page 15

by Michael A. Stackpole

  "And military prisoners? The wounded?"

  Morgan's expression became impassive. "If they renounce their adherence to the warrior caste, they can live. If not, we try them for crimes against humanity and have them executed."

  Color drained from Masters' face. "How can you say that?"

  "I can say that because it is what must be done." Morgan opened his arms. "What did all of you expect we would have to do when we agreed and had our leaders agree that a Clan had to die? Did you expect some bit of Clan legislation that would change the name of the Smoke Jaguars to something else, thereby absolving them of any responsibility for what they have done? Have you forgotten what they did to Edo on Turtle Bay? Have you forgotten the fight for Luthien? Have you forgotten all the men and women who have died throughout the Inner Sphere because of the Clans?"

  Masters shook his head. "Blood for blood is evil."

  "This isn't about retribution, it's about deterrence." Morgan raked his fingers back through his long hair. "We want the invasion to end. We have to show the Clans that we can fight more efficiently and better than they can. We have to stun them, which is why we will wipe out a Clan. We now have the means to do that, through our assault here and an attack on Huntress. Between the two actions we will destroy a Clan and make our point with the others."

  Victor held up a hand to forestall Paul Masters' follow-up comment. "Even if we acknowledge that what you say is true, where do we get the troops to send?"

  Morgan smiled. "You've got me in command of a strategic reserve of troops that includes some of the most elite units in the Inner Sphere. I propose we take half those units and head out for Huntress. We can't follow this route exactly, but I'm sure the Precentor Martial's people can use the information the Explorer Corps and other scouting missions have gathered to find us another path to Huntress. Because our reserve units will be staging within the Combine, we can use their monopoly on the media to continue to produce disinformation that will convince the Clans we're still there waiting to get into action while we make our way to Huntress."

  Focht regarded Morgan carefully. "Which units would you take?"

  "My First Kathil Uhlans, the Eridani Light Horse, the Northwind Highlanders, some of your Com Guards if you have them to spare—preferably your Invader unit—Marshal Byran's Eleventh Lyran Guards, the Second Sword of Light, one of the regiments from McCarron's Armored Cavalry, the Second St. Ives Lancers." Morgan smiled at Kai Allard-Liao. "I'd love to have you with me, Kai, but the First Lancers will have to be very visible to hold the Jaguars' interest."

  Kai nodded. "I understand. If I weren't with Victor, the Clans might sense deception."

  Morgan looked over at Paul Masters. "I'd also like to have your Knights of the Inner Sphere."

  "Why? We're not the sort given to wholesale slaughter."

  "Perhaps the taskforce will need a conscience. There's a line I don't want to cross and having you there to point it out will be very helpful."

  "I could consent to filling that role."

  "I would appreciate it." Morgan glanced past Victor toward Phelan. "I'd ask you to send people along, but I think this has to be an Inner Sphere taskforce. I don't fear betrayal by you, but. . ."

  "I understand," Phelan smiled grimly. "We will also serve as a lightning rod for the Smoke Jaguars, so our staying here will keep them focused on the Inner Sphere."

  Haakon Magnusson slowly stood. "You may have whichever of my units you require, Marshal Hasek-Davion."

  "Thank you, Prince Haakon, but I would prefer it if your troops were available to liberate your worlds. Pushing the Clans back in the area of the truce line is important enough a job that I dare not take away your strength. If you can spare advisors to liaise with my staff, that contribution I would welcome."

  Victor scrubbed his hands over his face, not believing what he was hearing. All of our careful planning has been overthrown by information from a Clan traitor. Some of the best units in the Inner Sphere will be sent out and away on a wild strike that may or may not succeed. If it does, it could cut our campaign in half. If it does not, much of the cream of Inner Sphere military might well be devoured hundreds of light years away from their homes. We will never know what happened to them, never have any record of what they did or how they died.

  He looked over at his cousin. "Morgan, you know this idea of a long strike is harebrained."

  "No more so than the plan you advanced for attacking the Clans on Twycross eight years ago."

  Victor felt a chill ripple down his spine. If not for Kai's heroics, Twycross would have seen a lot of us killed. "You're not going to have Kai with you if things go sour."

  "Then if things go sour, I had best hope you and Kai arrive from this end of the Exodus Road." Morgan's expression softened, but a touch of fatigue tightened the flesh around his eyes. "This is a mission we have the means to accomplish, and the gain outweighs the risk. We need to do this, so we will."

  Victor looked around and saw respectful nods of assent. His eyes narrowed, but he nodded along with the rest of them. "Then if we have to do it, let's make sure we do it right." He rolled up his sleeves. "We've got twenty-four hours to dot every i and cross every t before we can present this at the political session. Let's hope it surprises the Clans as much as it surprises the rest of us."

  He took a deep breath and continued in a more sober tone. "We've got to do everything we can to make certain the Exodus Road doesn't turn out to be a one-way path to hell."


  Grand Ballroom, Royal Court The Triad

  Tharkad City, Tharkad

  District of Donegal, Lyran Alliance

  15 November 3058

  Katrina Steiner sat back in her chair as the Precentor Martial finished his briefing on the campaign against the Clans. The addition of the long strike against Huntress provided a hammer to pound the Smoke Jaguars against the anvil of the slow assault. If it is successful, it could cut the campaign down, accomplishing in two or three years what could take seven or ten or more.

  Her eyes traced across the words scrolling up on her note-puter's screen, but she didn't really read Nondi Steiner's questions and protests about the operation. I see Victor's hand in all this, so I know, for better or worse, that the operation will be viable. Victor is nothing if not an efficient little warrior. The operation, as outlined, would be very effective in achieving its objectives: the destruction of the Smoke Jaguars and the cessation of the Clan War. Any quibbles with it are going to be minor and largely confined to unit assignments and tactical objectives.

  Katrina found the proposed operation both exhilarating and bone-chilling. In it lay the seeds of salvation for her Lyran Alliance. Once the Smoke Jaguars had been driven from the Inner Sphere, the next phase would be to drive the rest of the Clans from worlds they had conquered. The task-force would fall on the Ghost Bears, and she could unite with the Wolves to crush the Jade Falcons and Steel Vipers between them. Such an alliance would cost the Free Rasalhague Republic some worlds, but it would make her stronger than before, making having to listen to Magnusson's whining a fair price to pay for her gain.

  What chilled her about the operation was the fact that she could not warn Vlad about its launching or objectives. Without knowing his location there was no way she could engineer for a message to be sent to him outlining the plan. She suspected he was on Strana Mechty, the Clan home-world, but without coordinates for it, she could not have a message hyperpulsed to him. And that assumes I could somehow get ComStar to send such a message blind and then forget they had done so.

  Her concern for him made her cautious, but she realized that the operation really was not much of a threat to the Wolves. Its objective—the destruction of the Smoke Jaguars—would actually benefit Vlad. Did we not meet because I showed up at a Smoke Jaguar world that he had just finished raiding? My enemy is his enemy, which is why we are friends. Eliminating the Smoke Jaguars as a power block would allow more power to flow to Vlad, which made the success of her long-range plan
s a lot more likely.

  Vlad can take care of himself. If he cannot see what's coming over the next several years, he's too stupid to be my partner in what is to follow. Katrina closed her eyes for a moment and scratched at her forehead. I have my own, more immediate threats to deal with here.

  She raised her hand and smiled when the Precentor Martial acknowledged her. "Thank you for the thorough briefing, Precentor Martial. All seems to be in order, though you do not mention any recommendations for who would lead the two phases of the assault. I assume you will lead the main assault, but who would you have commanding the long strike?"

  "I assume that question is one that will have to be answered by this body." Focht pressed his hands to the top of the podium. "It would be my recommendation that Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion be given command of the long strike. He has had plenty of experience fighting the Clans and organizing large operations like this. His first campaign, for those of us who were alive then, involved a long-range strike at a world well beyond the lines. He carried it off admirably well, with less planning and training than he will have for this operation."

  Katrina slowly nodded as Focht listed out Morgan's qualifications, and in the back of her mind she supplemented them. If Morgan is off leading this taskforce, he won't be around to support Victor. One more of Victor's backers will be gone. And the chances are very good that Morgan could be killed during the Huntress operation, permanently removing him from Victor's team. The losses of our father, mother, Galen Cox, and the retirement of Alex Mallory have all eroded Victor's support network. Only Hohiro, Omi, and Kai remain, yet none of them are as close to him as Morgan. Remove him from the picture and Victor will be dancing on a highwire without a net.

  "Is Marshal Hasek-Davion willing to undertake this task?"

  Morgan rose from a seat beside Victor. "I am, Archon, provided no better candidate comes forward."

  Theodore Kurita smiled across the room at Morgan. "Short of Hanse Davion or my father rising from the grave, I can think of no one who would be more suitable."

  Victor nodded. "If the job is going to be done right, Morgan is the man to do it."

  Paul Masters leaned over and made a comment to Thomas Marik, who then nodded and spoke. "I believe this choice is acceptable."

  Sun-Tzu Liao gestured broadly. "Far be it from me to protest the absence of the leader of the Capellan March. Having that dagger removed from my throat is a welcome thing."

  Candace Liao and Prince Haakon Magnusson likewise agreed to Marshal Hasek-Davion as leader of the taskforce, leaving Katrina last to vote. "Any protest or dissent I would offer would mean nothing. I wonder, though, if his absence won't be noted by the Clans and I wonder if his expertise might not be better used in the grand assault."

  Focht smiled. "We have ways of making it seem as if Marshal Hasek-Davion is still very much present in the Inner Sphere, so that should not concern you. As for the loss of his experience and judgment, this I regret as well. Still, I think it is better we have a man of his vision in a position where that vision is required than to have him here where he will be underutilized."

  "Good points, Precentor. I agree to his selection." Katrina smiled graciously. "And I take it that you will be leading the major assault force?"

  Focht clasped his hands at the small of his back. "That, too, is a decision to be made by this body. I would willingly accept that duty, but you must remember that I am an old man. While I would like to think I am weathering the aging process well, the truth is that I am slowing down. I will rely heavily upon my subordinate officers, as I already have." He glanced over at Victor Davion. "You should know that I will appoint as my deputy Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion."

  Thomas Marik sat forward. "Will Prince Davion be able to acquit his duties? He is the leader of the Federated Commonwealth. Surely he cannot abandon his realm during the time it will take to prosecute this campaign."

  Victor cleared his voice. "I have already begun to make provisions for the running of my state in my absence. My sister Yvonne will serve as Regent. She has my full confidence, as do her advisors. If there is a true emergency, I can be recalled, of course, but I do not think anyone would see wisdom in taking advantage of my realm while we're off destroying the Clans."

  Sun-Tzu flicked a hand against the screen of his noteputer. "Given the equipment and personnel you've requisitioned from all of us for your war, none of us would have the means to attack you while you fight the Clans."

  "Nice of you to say, Chancellor, but I think you're ingenious enough to find a way to cause me trouble, if that is your desire." Victor looked around. "I am more than willing to serve as the Precentor Martial's deputy. In many ways I feel as if I have trained all my life for this task and if the one thing I do is to successfully acquit it, I can die a happy man."

  Katrina glanced at her icy white fingernails, then looked up. "I must echo the words my brother has spoken. Though we have had our differences in the past, in this we are united: he is the person best suited to aid the Precentor Martial in taking the war to the Clans. He has my full support in this."

  She ignored both the astonished look on Victor's face and the hisses from Nondi. Her reasoning had been simple and certain: the more Victor fought, the better his chances of dying. She half expected a pang of guilt there, but was not surprised when she felt none. Victor believes he is playing the long game—looking toward the future and taking actions to make that future the best it could possibly be. His problem is that he's only looking at the death of the Smoke Jaguars. I am looking beyond.

  Sun-Tzu Liao wore the happy expression of the dog who'd just been slipped off lead. "Godspeed you, Victor. I choose the Precentor Martial and his aide to lead the taskforce."

  Theodore Kurita nodded. "The Precentor Martial and Prince Victor have our full confidence."

  Candace Liao smiled. "I am willing to put the lives of my warriors in their hands."

  Thomas Marik and Haakon Magnusson also agreed to let the Precentor Martial lead the assault force against the Clans.

  Focht bowed his head. "I thank you for your vote of confidence in us. This war will be savage and brutal and long, but I believe we have the means to win it. Now, the next step is to ratify the plan."

  Katrina stood. "Given that we have agreed to the choices of leadership, I would suggest we adopt the plan presented by acclamation."

  "I second the motion," said Haakon Magnusson.

  The Precentor Martial nodded. "Seeing no opposition, the operational plan for the Clan War is adopted. I believe, since we have agreed to the draft of the Star League Constitution, what remains is for the final copies of that Constitution to be drawn up and signed."

  Katrina frowned. "I believe we have to select a First Lord for the Star League, do we not?"

  Prince Haakon Magnusson stood. "The constitution calls for each member of the First Council to serve a three-year term as the First Lord, with the succession being determined by lot."

  "I know that. I've read the document." Katrina smiled. "The constitution also provides that with a two-thirds vote of the First Council, the lot choice can be voided and another candidate can be installed as First Lord. It seems to me that if we are reforming the Star League specifically to give us a foundation for taking the war to the Clans, then we ought to exercise due consideration in choosing a leader. Selecting our leader by lot would no doubt seem rather careless and cavalier to the Clans."

  "Archon Katrina has an excellent point." Thomas Marik tapped his tabletop with a finger. "While I would hope the Star League will prove to be more than a sham or a means for facilitating a military operation, the fact is that appearances must be maintained. We agreed to reform the Star League to provide our troops a legitimate reason for going to war against the Clans."

  Katrina returned to her chair and tried to suppress her smile. We've agreed to let my brother go with the taskforce, now I need to guarantee everyone else sees why it is a good thing he is gone. I need to let Victor paint himself as disruptive and
divisive, and this should do it. "Perhaps, Precentor Martial, since ComStar is not a voting member of the First Council, you would act to chair the election of our First Lord."

  "Very well. Are there any nominations?"

  Katrina nodded. "I place into nomination the name of Sun-Tzu Liao."

  "What?" Victor's jaw nearly hit the floor. "You're nominating Sun-Tzu?"

  "I am, brother dear." Katrina gave him an icy glare calculated to infuriate Victor. "He is capable and intelligent, the ruler of a realm just like the rest of us. Because his realm is small it will not have as active a role in the assault as yours or mine or the Combine's, hence having him represented in the leadership of the Star League would emphasize his participation in this effort. His engagement to Isis and his ties to the Free Worlds League also bring another connection into his regime."

  Thomas Marik nodded slowly. "I second that nomination. In the time I have known Sun-Tzu I have become convinced he has the qualifications and capabilities to deal with the demands of the office."

  Especially since those demands are largely ceremonial. Katrina kept her face impassive. What little power there is in the office can be multiplied by the prestige of it, so it can become an effective position from which to influence the course of the Inner Sphere, but only in the hands of the right person.

  Looking around the circle, she knew Sun-Tzu's nomination was doomed. It required a two-thirds majority, which was effectively five votes out of seven. Victor, Theodore, and Candace would never vote for Sun-Tzu, guaranteeing failure. She, Thomas, and Sun-Tzu would never vote for Victor, so he couldn't win either. Of all of us here, there is only one candidate who can possibly win. Me.

  She glanced over at Victor and saw his hands knotted into fists and his knuckles white with rage.


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