The Handbook

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The Handbook Page 7

by H. P. Mallory

So, there I was, in the library late at night, yet again. The only difference now was that I was no longer worried about my study table in the corner. Instead, I sat rooted to the same chair I’d been occupying for the last four hours. I’d escaped to the library as soon as Dani had come home from school because I’d wanted privacy.

  Now I continued to pore over the words on each page of the manual, giving them life and breath as they took up residence inside me. The only interruption was the announcement that the library would be closing in thirty minutes, an announcement I ignored at first. After the second announcement fifteen minutes later, I had visions of being locked inside the library overnight which frightened me enough that I started packing up my things.

  “I know you want to get a good grade on your term paper, Nikki, but don’t forget to sleep!”

  I heard the deep voice and turned around, looking up into Derek Anderson’s smiling face. I wasn’t sure why, but I was suddenly struck by how handsome he was. But that thought was shoved to the side when he glanced down at the notebook which was still open on the desk in front of me. I immediately slammed it shut, then shoved it into my backpack as quickly as I could, not wanting him to know the real reason I was sitting here at this hour of the night.

  “What time is it anyway?” I asked, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I couldn’t even stomach the thought if he’d found out what I was really reading …

  “Um, nearly eleven,” he answered with another boyish smirk. Then he just stared at me in that way of his—it almost seemed like he was imagining what I looked like without any clothes on. Yes, the guy was a cad and then some.

  “Well, I could ask you the same question,” I remarked snidely, wanting and needing to get the magnifying glass away from myself. “Why are you here so late?”

  He shrugged. “Trying to find a book,” he started. Then he took a step closer to me as I felt my heart speed up. I hadn’t really noticed it before, but he was incredibly tall. He towered over me and his shoulders were so broad, I could only wonder what he looked like … naked.

  I shook the ridiculous thoughts out of my head as I lambasted myself inwardly for even considering it. Derek Anderson was my professor and, as such, he was completely off-limits. Not only that, he was a jerk on top of it, and I was done with jerks.

  “Derek, I found it!” the woman’s high-pitched voice interrupted my inner monologue. I turned to watch a leggy brunette approach us. She was holding a book in her hand and waving it at Derek as eagerly as if she’d just located the Holy Grail. As soon as she realized I was standing there, she dropped her arm and her smile.

  “Well done,” Derek said to her as she approached him. Once she was close enough, he reached over and took the book from her, rotating it around so he could read the cover. “Yep, you found it,” he added with a quick nod, before tucking the book underneath his elbow and returning his wolfish grin in my direction.

  “Told you I would,” she cooed up at him. I couldn’t help but notice that she was standing very close to him as they both faced me.

  “I was just reprimanding Nikki, here, for working too hard on the paper I tasked her with,” he explained as he continued to stare at me, and I found myself gulping down the sudden case of nerves I’d just developed.

  “Oh,” the pretty brunette responded, giving me a faux smile.

  “Yeah, and it wasn’t lost on me that I was the only one whose freedom of choice you took away,” I grumbled with a frown as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and suddenly felt very tired. “So thanks for that.”

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us, Derek?” the brunette asked, and I definitely got the feeling she was jealous over the fact that Derek was even standing here, talking to me. Although why she was jealous, I had no clue. Anyone with eyes would have found her much more attractive than me with her skin-tight jeans that covered ridiculously long legs, and her just as tight sweater which outlined her very large breasts. With her long, dark hair and big eyes, she was definitely pretty. And then there was no makeup, oversized sweatshirt and yoga pants, hair pulled into a ponytail me who probably looked like something the cat not only dragged, in but then threw up.

  “Forgive my manners, or lack thereof,” Derek answered. “This is Nikki Sloan, from the class I had to take over for Sonama,” he said to the brunette. “And this is Rebecca Glasner, English Literature graduate student.”

  And your own personal librarian, I added to myself and couldn’t help my smile which I aimed at Rebecca. Of course, I had to wonder if they were sleeping together, owing to the gossip I’d heard about Derek and his affairs with graduate students. Based on the way Rebecca was doting on him, I figured they were, or at least she was hoping they would. Not that it was any of my business because it wasn’t. And what was more, I didn’t really care who Derek slept with because it wasn’t any concern of mine. Although I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I was suddenly irritated at the thought that maybe he was boffing this chick.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said hurriedly as I started toward the front of the library, turning on my toes and leaving them both in my dust. But Derek immediately caught up with me, and the stork was only moments behind.

  “Likewise,” Rebecca said with another faux smile that looked more like a sneer.

  “Where are you headed?” Derek asked me.

  “Back to the sorority house,” I answered as they fell in line next to me and I race-walked for the double doors. All I wanted to do was get back to my room so I could pick up where I’d left off in the notebook. To hell with Derek and his ostrich.

  “We’ll give you a ride,” Derek offered.

  “No, that’s okay,” I answered, catching Rebecca’s less than thrilled expression from the corner of my eye. “It’s not that far.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Derek insisted as he shook his head. “It’s late, and sorority row is clear across campus.”

  Even though he had a point, I really didn’t want to spend another second more with Rebecca, mainly because I could tell she felt the same way about me.

  “Tell her we won’t bend, Rebecca,” Derek continued.

  “We won’t bend,” she answered, sounding like an automaton.

  Figuring there was no way out, I sighed and waved my white flag of surrender. “Okay, thanks,” I grumbled as Derek took the lead and opened the doors for Rebecca and me as the library attendant frowned at us, clearly perturbed that we hadn’t vacated earlier.

  Once we were outside, I wrapped my arms more tightly around myself to try to ward off the cold. Then I followed Derek and Rebecca as they wound their way through the sculpture garden and into Parking Lot C. There were only a few cars still parked in the lot that would be overflowing come eight a.m. tomorrow morning.

  Derek started toward an older model black Ford Bronco that was parked directly in front of us. I wasn’t sure why, but I was surprised by his choice of car. It just seemed kind of … juvenile for a professor. Of course, Derek Anderson wouldn’t have struck anyone as the professor type considering how young he was (I still wasn’t sure of his exact age) and how decidedly unprofessorlike.

  He immediately started for the passenger side and unlocked the door the old-fashioned way, by sticking the key in the lock. I noticed with interest that Rebecca sidestepped me to make sure she reached the passenger side first. Then she reached inside and pulled the seat forward, turning to face me as she did so.

  “There you go,” she said as she motioned to the backseat.

  “Thanks,” I answered as I tossed my backpack inside and couldn’t help my surprise when I felt a strong hand wrap around my upper arm.

  “It’s a big step,” Derek offered as he smiled down at me and held on to my arm while I lifted myself into the SUV. I could only hope it was brought on by the cold, but my arm erupted into a fit of goose bumps as soon as he touched me. And when I realized I was holding my breath, I forcefully released it. I pulled away from him as soon as I was in the Bronco as he gave me a quick smile, his eyes dr
opping quickly to my bust.

  Of course they did, I grumbled to myself. Men were all the same. And Derek Anderson was probably about as bad as they came.

  I noticed Rebecca’s arched eyebrow which seemed to echo disapproval, but I couldn’t say I cared. All I could think about was my warm bed as I hoped that Dani was sleeping over at Craig’s so I could have our room to myself.

  When I was not-so-comfortably seated on the rigid backseat, Derek closed Rebecca’s door and reappeared at the driver’s side as he unlocked the door and seated himself. He started the engine which sputtered a few times before it kicked over, and then we just sat there.

  “Gotta warm ’er up,” he announced as we sat in silence, just the loud purring of the engine and the smell of exhaust interrupting the still air.

  “How’s your report coming along?” Derek asked as he eyed me in the rearview mirror.

  “It’s coming,” I said with a sigh as a wave of guilt rushed over me at the thought that I hadn’t done much for my report at all. Ah well, I figured I’d just have to work overtime. And then some.

  Derek nodded and then put the Bronco into reverse, and we were off. It was a bumpy ride and the seats in front seemed to whine every time he drove over a pothole or a speed bump. Even though it was only five minutes to the sorority house, it felt like twenty because no one said a word and the silence stretched uncomfortably between us.

  “Which one?” Derek finally asked as we reached sorority row.

  “Second from the last on the right,” I answered. “Big white one.”

  He nodded and seconds later pulled in front of the house. I noticed a few of the girls were standing outside, and I could just imagine their reactions when they saw me get out of Derek Anderson’s car. The more I considered it, the more I realized I was now heading for the Spanish Inquisition.

  Derek put the Bronco into park and then undid his seatbelt as he opened his door and jumped down to the ground. Then he pulled the seat forward and grabbed my backpack, slugging it over his shoulder. He reached back inside and took my arm as he helped me onto the ground.

  “Good luck studying,” he said as that up-to-no-good smile pasted itself across his mouth again. Rather than handing me my backpack, he started for the steps of the house as I felt my stomach drop. He was going to walk me to the door?!

  “Thanks,” I answered as I reached for my backpack where it was slung over his shoulder. “I’m good from here,” I offered, not wanting any of my sorority sisters to get the wrong idea. The last thing I wanted going around was that I was sleeping with my professor.

  “See ya,” he finished as he started for the Bronco again. I took the ten or so brick steps quickly, my eyes riveted on the ground. Once I could hear the sound of the Bronco’s engine, I glanced back and found Derek waving at me. I quickly waved back and then hightailed it into the house, as the Bronco disappeared down the street. Finally, I could breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Um, Nikki,” Jessica Crow started as she eyed me narrowly from the living room which overlooked the street. “Was that Derek Anderson who just dropped you off? Professor Derek Anderson?”

  “’Cause it really looked like him,” Bridget Hanson, who was standing next to Jessica, added.

  “No, it wasn’t,” I said with little interest as I continued across the entryway, not even bothering to stop for a “friendly” discussion.

  “Um,” one of them responded as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “It looked just like him.”

  “Doppelganger,” I answered with a shrug. “Haven’t you heard that everyone has one?”

  “Oh,” Jessica answered as Bridget continued to study me suspiciously.

  “Night,” I said with a quick wave as I took the stairs two at a time.


  The Femme Fatale Handbook

  Chapter One: The Seductress, Venus

  Remember how I mentioned in the beginning of this guide that I was going to discuss women throughout history who have nailed the part of the seductress? Well, we are about to embark on that journey, and who better to start with than the poster child for seduction, herself, Venus (or Aphrodite, as she’s known in the Greek pantheon.)

  As the Goddess of Love, Venus is the ultimate example of the seductress. Even though Venus is a legendary character who goes back thousands of years, it would be a mistake to think her mode of seduction is outdated or one which can’t be applied to the here and now. The rules of seduction don’t expire, they simply build on one another.

  To become like Venus, you must distinguish yourself as a creature unlike any other. Venus stands alone. There are no usurpers to her throne, and you must think along the same lines. Venus is highly feminine and she owns her sexuality. To look upon her, a man instantly desires her, and this desire is born from her extreme sexual presence. Venus is the ultimate male fantasy because even though she advertises her sexuality, she remains elusive. No one man can possess her.

  So what lessons can we take from Venus and apply to ourselves?

  You must physically radiate femininity. Your clothing must be seductive, your makeup not over the top and garish but something that accentuates your own natural beauty. Your clothing and makeup must enhance your face and figure and at the same time evoke the notion of sensuality without going overboard, so as to make you appear like you’re a character in a play. And your scent must be rapturous. Something to be said about the power of scent—scent is tied to memory, so if you want him to remember you, find a signature fragrance and keep on wearing it.

  You must emanate sexuality! When you speak, you must do so in a calm manner and your words should drip with promises unfulfilled. Your sexuality must be simmering on the surface but never ostentatious or too in his face.

  You must be confident! Confidence is paramount to a seductress. A note about confidence and self-esteem: Although this book is broken into chapters dedicated to various types of seductresses, this point can be applied to any and all seductresses. And it’s a crucial one. You must always remember that a seductress is, above all else, confident.



  I wasn’t in a good mood. And I was running late for Sonama’s class because Rebecca refused to leave my office. Another argument that I didn’t have time for. Another argument that I didn’t have any interest in. If there was something I was damn sure of, this would be the last argument Rebecca and I would ever have.

  Regarding the subject matter of our difference in perspective? It turned out that Rebecca had been the one to tell the dean of our sexual encounters, just like I’d supposed. And she’d also tried to blackmail me into continuing our liaison with the threat that she’d go back to the dean if we didn’t. Of course, the irony of that situation hadn’t been lost on me—that unless we continued to have sex, she would go to the dean to tell him we still were. Regardless, Rebecca hadn’t handled it well when I’d told her we were done. So, on that topic, I was now expecting a visit from the dean very soon. And that thought hadn’t put me into a very good mood, to say the least.

  When I arrived to the lecture hall with two minutes to spare, I breathed a sigh of relief. In general, I didn’t forgive tardiness in my students, and I reserved that same mode of thinking for myself. So when Nikki strolled in four minutes later, I wasn’t pleased. But my irritation had to be suspended for a few seconds because it was replaced with shock. Shock over what she was wearing, or in this case, wasn’t.

  A black skirt that was short enough to reveal half her thighs and tight enough that I could easily make out the shape of her tight and round little butt. Her legs were further accented by her wedge shoes which gave them the illusion of going on forever. Her blouse was fitted and the first two buttons undone so anyone could clearly see the prominent swells of her breasts. With her blond hair loose and cascading down around her shoulders, her gentle eye makeup and pink pouty lips, she was more attractive than I’d previously given her credit for.

  And I couldn’t help but notice
the rest of the men in the room also realizing they hadn’t given credit where credit was due. She sauntered past me as she faced the classroom, her head held high, her shoulders square and her back straight as if she were leading an army into battle.

  “Next time you’re going to be late to class, don’t bother coming,” I addressed her, finding myself even more annoyed by the way she strolled into the classroom as if she owned it. Not to mention the fact that she hadn’t bothered to apologize for being late in the first place. Hell, she hadn’t even spared me a sideways glance!

  “I’m sorry,” she said as she turned around and offered me a grin that said she couldn’t have cared less. I felt a wash of red heat overcome my face as I watched her take her seat and smile at me.

  She and I would have words later. She had no business being late to my class, dressed the way she was. Of course, I was very well aware that it wasn’t my place to tell a student what she could and couldn’t wear, but I also couldn’t say I cared. This was my class and I would, therefore, not only make the rules, but also enforce them.

  “Beau Bright,” I called out, forcing the jock to pull his eyes away from Nikki. “What points do you think Virginia Woolf was trying to make in A Room of One’s Own?” I asked, now burning on the inside although I wasn’t sure why.

  Rebecca, I reminded myself. She’s the one who put you into a bad mood.

  Yes, that’s right, it was Rebecca’s fault. All Rebecca’s fault, I reiterated to myself, even as my gaze unknowingly sought Nikki out again. Goddamn she looked hot as hell. It was going to be a chore to keep my focus on the lesson today. But I had to because the last thing I wanted was for all the students to see I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I forced my attention back to the notes on the desk before me, now more annoyed than I’d been when I walked in.

  “Um,” Beau started, clearly clueless as to what I was asking.

  “Did you read the book?” I demanded angrily.

  “Not all of it,” he answered.


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