To Protect and Love (Omegaverse shifter Romance) (Shifter Fever Book 1)

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To Protect and Love (Omegaverse shifter Romance) (Shifter Fever Book 1) Page 9

by Cashmire Hart

  Kole snickered then looked wide-eyed to Braun. “I guess we have to figure out a venue and guest list too. Crap, we have a lot to do.”

  “There is no rush,” Braun said, skimming his thumb across the bite mark.

  Chapter 17

  Kole’s cheeks hurt from all the smiling he was doing. He cranked the window of their rental car down and took in all the familiar scents of home. Glancing to Braun, his smile dropped. His mate was nervous.

  “Stop freaking out,” Kole said with a little chuckle. He was quickly learning how to read his alpha. Like when Braun was concerned or thoughtful about something, he’d stroke his beard.

  “How do you explain to your closest friend that you boinked his son?” Braun asked in all seriousness, running his fingers down his chin.

  “Boinked? I never thought Mr. Money bags would use a word like that.”

  “You’re not helping.”

  “Hey, were almost there,” he said, spotting a water tower painted with honeycombs and bees, in the distance. “Should I pull over so we can bang and get it out of our systems?”

  Braun slid his attention to him. “You want me to see your father after fucking you?”

  Kole broke out in laughter. It was both adorable and funny that Braun was so nervous. His mate’s apprehension failed to dim his mood, however. With his pack safe and having bonded with Braun, everything was right in the world. Dad will accept us. How could he not?

  “What will you do if he isn’t happy about it? Will you give me up?”

  Braun’s eyes narrowed on him, his voice booming. “Never. You belong to me now and he no longer has a say.”

  “There is your answer, my alpha.” With that, the apprehension dropped. Kole was proud of himself for learning so quickly how to guide his alpha where he needed to be. He found that he enjoyed the ego stroking quite a bit.

  “We’re here!” Kole exclaimed as they passed the sign that read “Redspire Honey Farm”

  “That’s new,” Braun murmured.

  “Yeah, Dad had it put up a while ago. We get a lot of travelers these days.” He turned into the private road shaded with old oak trees. He remember their scents as if he’d been here yesterday. Because it was the weekend, the farm was closed to the public and Kole pulled the rental up along the big red barn that served as their storefront.

  “We will have to come back for our luggage later,” Kole said as they got out.

  Braun grunted. Kole had come to learn that when he wanted to acknowledge something without really doing so, he grunted. Kole wormed his way into his mate’s embrace and pressed his ear against his heart. The beat was so strong and vibrant. It vibrated through him, syncing with his own pumper. The sacredness of being bonded was a marvel he’d never experienced before.

  “You wanted me. You took me,” Kole said softly. “You’re not going to let anyone, or anything get in between that, are you?”

  A growl rumbled in Braun’s chest and his grip tightened around Kole. He’d learned the best way to boost Braun’s mood was to stroke his alpha ego and praise him. “You’re strong, intelligent and have innumerable resources at your dispense. I’m beyond safe with you. Dad won’t object.”

  Braun skimmed his lips along Kole’s neck. Goal achieved, Kole thought with a grin. He planted sweet kisses, his warm breath sliding across his skin. Grinning like a motherfucker, Kole wiggled out of his grasp. “Being discovered in the process of coital bliss is worse than you banging me in the car beforehand.”

  His alpha growled, his eyes on fire with need. Kole could see he really didn’t care about that in the moment.

  Kole kissed his lips. “Later?”

  Just like that, his mate reeled his want in.

  They walked hand-in-hand past the barn, through the long grass and finally the copse of trees that separated the Redspire private estate. Multiple cottages occupied a clearing, along with tilled farmland and groves of apple trees. From where he stood, he could hear the buzz of the beehives far across the land. With summer on the rise, the bees were out and about collecting pollen. He inhaled deeply, pulling in the sweet scents of home.

  Kole turned to smile at his mate but stopped. Braun was staring off into the distance his expression twisted by emotion. He’d forgotten this had once been home to him too. He had memories here, some pleasant, others sad. Taking his mate’s hand, Kole planted a kiss on Braun’s shoulder.

  They walked through the grass together, their fingers entwined. Braun looked all around him with interest. He murmured, “It’s like I was here yesterday.”

  Males started to enter the clearing from their cottages as if they’d felt his presence. Kole let go of his mate’s hand and rushed to find his father. His heart beat hard as he bypassed Ro’an warriors and made for the big cabin that served as the pack’s clubhouse. As he rounded the corner of a cottage, he found his father standing at the door of the clubhouse, his face creased by a big smile, his blue eyes like guiding lights.

  Kole rushed into his arms, hugging him tightly. He inhaled deeply, pulling in the scent he knew so well.

  Dad laughed and patted his back, his embrace threatening to suffocate Kole. “Goddess, I missed you.”

  The rest of the pack came to greet him and Kole shared hugs with each one. Everyone had bruises and wounds of some kind covered with bandages. Kole swallowed hard, carefully checking that everyone was here.

  “I’m good, kid,” Dad’s beta, Jorna said, his arm in a sling. “Give me a few more days and I’ll be arm-wrestling again.”

  “I don’t know if anyone has the courage to challenge you. That bone poking out of your skin was gross, man. I’d be too terrified of rebreaking it,” another said.

  Dad issued a warning growl and pulled Kole close. “Everyone is fine. I promise.” After a moment, he held Kole at arm’s length. “Something is different about you.”

  His father’s attention shifted behind Kole. The biggest, most joyful grin curled over his lips. It was one Kole had not seen since omega-father had died. Kole watched as Dad closed the distance between Braun and himself. Their big bodies crashed, muscular arms holding each other close.

  “My friend,” Dad breathed out.

  The pack moved as one to welcome Braun, and Kole’s heart swelled with love. They surrounded Braun, closing him in. It was if he were still a part of the pack, as if he’d never left.

  “Welcome back.”

  “Missed you, buddy.”

  “Welcome home.”

  Kole approached, the sight cementing everything in his life. He couldn’t help wondering about fate and destiny and all that baloney that now seemed like a real thing. Braun had left because omega-father had chosen alpha-father and now, he, the son of their union had brought Braun home. His mate was attempting to hide his emotions, but it was pointless.

  Dad spoke up, “Okay, give him some room. We don’t want to smother him to death.”

  Everyone laughed and Jorna came to stand next to Kole. He’d always been protective of him and Kole saw him as a big brother of sorts. “How was Chicago? Get bored?”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  The male nodded. He frowned and glanced at Kole’s shoulder. Realizing Braun’s bitemark was showing, he pulled his collar up.

  “Looks like you kept busy then.” Jorna chuckled darkly.

  Dad took Braun by the shoulders and bumped his head against his. “Thank you protecting my son.”

  Yeah, about that…

  “Always,” Braun said and took a step back. He momentarily looked to Kole, the resolve in his shiny gaze evident. “Nyk, there is something I need to tell you.”

  Kole rushed to his mate’s side. “We.”

  Dad arched his brows, his eyes darting between them.

  “I love and respect you, Nyk. You know that,” Braun said and pulled Kole next to him. “I have claimed Kole as my mate.”

  Kole winced at the bluntness of his words. He’d expected his alpha to be a bit more tactful than that, but his tone was laced with au

  Dad glanced at the pack who were watching the scene unfold with the expressions of curious spectators. When he returned his attention to Braun, he folded his arms over his chest. Dad was not as big as Braun, but as their gazes met, the air seemed to electrify. Braun was not going to back down. The Ro’an warriors surrounded them and Kole wondered if they’d get involved. Unlikely as Dad had a right to test Braun’s strength to verify his worthiness. It was an old tradition.

  Tense seconds passed. Finally, Dad said, “Braun, if there was any alpha I’d want to mate my son, it would be you.”

  Kole punched Braun’s arm. “Told you.”

  “You fucker, you held out on purpose,” Braun accused.

  Dad threw him a satisfied smirk and pulled him into another embrace. A weight quickly lifted from Kole’s shoulders. “I had to make you suffer a little bit.”

  Braun simply growled in approval.

  “Braun, son of Bjorn and Millen, friend of mine, brother to this pack, I give my son, Kole to you to love and protect.”

  A cheer broke out, filtering through the pack. Even the warriors applauded.

  “Tonight, we feast,” Dad declared, pumping his fist in the air, drawing further cheers.

  A Ro’an male approached, the twin scimitars belted at his hips, drawing Kole’s attention. He said to Braun, “Before we get to partying, we have business to attend to.”

  Chapter 18

  Braun was thrown for a loop. So much had happened in the last hour, that he had trouble absorbing information. He watched with a private smile as Kole commiserated with the Redspire pack, detailing what it was like to live in Chicago while he snacked on cornbread with honey butter. His heart stretched pleasurably at seeing his mate so happy.

  “My friend,” Nyk said as he approached. He nodded his head to the side.

  Braun followed the male to a barn where several warriors stood huddled around the entrance. He greeted the Ro’an he’d requested to aid Nyk, glad none had fallen, though they sported their own sets of wounds. He came to stand in front of the Ro’an High Guard Crixen, and saluted him, his respect genuine.

  The male nodded to him, his steel-gray eyes giving nothing away.

  They filed inside the barn, the light dim, but his shifter senses guided him to two makeshift cages made of tree branch.

  “These two here,” Crixen said, hitting the cage with the blunt edge of his scimitar. The shifters inside growled at him and huddled against one another. “Are part of the wildblood’s pack that we managed to round up.”

  Braun ran his eyes over their dirty and bloody forms. They glared at no one in particular, not wanting to provoke a challenge. They were barely more than pups, having not yet come into their full strength. It was a damned shame. “Are they feral?”

  “Yes,” Crixen said with a sigh. “They’re young though. I was able to convince the Magistrate not to have them put down.”

  “Can they be socialized?” Nyk inquired. “We can’t fault them for being victims of Raze. Who knows how many families he’s destroyed?”

  “If,” Crixen clarified. “For all we know, they could be his pups. In any case, they will be interrogated. We will decide what to do with them from there. I have a clique arriving tonight to haul them away.”

  “I wish there was more we could do,” Nyk said, his tone dripping with regret. He’d always been such a kind and caring male. It was no wonder he’d accepted Braun so easily.

  “They’re feral,” Crixen countered deadpan and sheathed his scimitar. He turned and spoke directly to the two wildblood shifters. “If they cooperate, they will not suffer.”

  If the captives understood him, they didn’t show it.

  “What about that one?” Nyk inquired, motioning to the other cage.

  Crixen chuckled darkly and came to lean over the cage. The male inside glared at him, unafraid to make eye contact. His challenge seemed to amuse Crixen further. “This one will be given temporary protection until we decide what to do with him. He’s not feral.”

  Crixen poked the caged shifter with a stick.

  “Fuck off, asshole,” the male growled.

  “See? He can speak,” Crixen said.

  A laugh filtered through the warriors and Crixen scratched his stubbled chin. “The few that managed to escape will be hunted down and dealt with. The Magistrate agrees that we can’t have wildbloods running around and causing mischief.”

  “I thank you, Ro’an for your help,” Nyk said, tipping his head in respect.

  “Don’t thank me. Your buddy is the one that convinced the Magistrate to get us involved,” Crixen said.

  “Don’t play bashful. You know you were bored,” Braun teased. He didn’t know the High Guard very well but was aware the leader of the Ro’an organization liked to get his hands dirty.

  “Nykus Redspire,” Crixen said as he texted on his phone. “You may rejoin your pack and celebration. We will be gone from your territory shortly.”

  “Thank you,” Nyk said, his tone thick with sincerity. “There is plenty of food to go around should you find yourself hungry. It would be my honor to serve you all.”

  Nyk tossed Braun a look of approval and took his leave. When he was gone, Crixen said to Braun, “The Magistrate wishes to speak with you.”

  His brows rose. “Now?”

  “Yep,” Crixen said and slipped his phone in his pocket. He pointed behind him with his thumb. “In the woods. You know the drill.”

  Braun hid his surprise and took the back exit of the barn. He walked toward the tree line, the merry voices of the inhabitants following him. He wanted to join Kole, but figured it was best to get the wildblood shit done so he could focus on more important things. Like where he and Kole would live. Seeing Kole with the pack solidified his intention to purchase a house here. He wanted his mate to be close to his family. He could deal with flying to Chicago and back if it saw Kole content and comfortable. Besides, being with the pack would keep him safe, while he were away.

  He passed into the forest, the trees thick with budding oaks and bushy evergreens. The evening sun filtered through, sending ribbons of illumination down. He stopped and looked around. Had the Magistrate been here all the while? Where he was concerned, nothing was out of the question. He’d only spoken with the leader of their race twice, both times having felt both privileged to do so and as equally as annoyed.

  A warm and dry wind blew in, snapping thin branches and loosening pine needles so that they fell like snowflakes. The birds grew quiet, leaving a sense of silent dread floating about. The breeze died and the scent of burning wood filled Braun’s nose. Something large and fierce moved around him, though he couldn’t see anything through the dense evergreens.

  You’ve made your point, he thought. Several times now. The Magistrate was a male of mystery and liked to make an entrance.

  “Why am I always the last to know with you?”

  Braun pinched his eyes closed for a brief moment and turned around to regard the Magistrate. The leader of their race stood against a pine, looking like he’d just walked out of a Goth porno, a mohawk of red and black braids cascading around his shoulders. In the process of untwisting a Tootsie Roll, his gaze flipped to Braun, the glowing orange of his irises like flame. That was no special effects going on there, but pure magic.

  Braun cleared his throat. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “The Ro’an knew before me. You’re pets in the lab, knew before me. Even fucking Crixen knew before me. When the fuck were you going to tell me—you know, the king of the fucking race—that you’d taken a mate?”

  His jaw fell slack. “I, um… Didn’t think you’d care?”

  “I do. Now extra paperwork needs to be done,” he said and popped the candy in his mouth.

  The thing with the Magistrate was that he liked to talk in riddles, likely to purposely confuse whoever he was talking to. Stroking his beard, Braun considered his words carefully. “Forgive me. Had I known you wished to be informed of my mating�

  The alpha waved him away and approached, his heavy combat boots crunching the ground. “It doesn’t really matter. I’m not the one that does the paperwork anyway.” He reached into his leather long coat and produced and old-fashioned scroll.

  Braun accepted the parchment and broke the seal. The cursive writing was short and blunt, issuing him a number of 2456 and welcoming him to the Ro’an organization. “What—”

  The Magistrate slammed his palm against Braun’s chest, punching the air out of his lungs. A searing pain ignited his flesh and he grit his teeth.

  “Sorry about the Brioni, you clothes whore.”

  Completely shell-shocked, he pushed the burned shirt away to find a brand over his heart.

  “Welcome to the Ro’an. I’ve installed you as an official member.” The Magistrate withdrew another Tootsie Roll from his pocket. “Of course, now that you’re mated, the omega will have to be sworn in as an associate.”

  “Fuck,” Braun growled as he touched the brand gently. The flesh still stung. “You could have warned me.”

  “Hurts less when you don’t know it’s coming.”

  “Wait, why…” He looked to the scroll in his hand.

  The Magistrate took a deep breath and looked up into the trees. “You’ve done good work for me so far and have come to know more of my secrets than any non-member.”

  Nodding slowly, Braun snickered. “So, you want to keep an eye on me.”

  He bunched his shoulders up, the leather creaking. “You have several unoccupied floors in your building.”

  “You want to keep and eye on me and use my building for your machinations,” Braun clarified, mildly amused.

  “Something like that.” The Magistrate withdrew a lollipop from his pocket and offered it to Braun. “We will hash out the details at another time. For now, congratulations on your mating.”

  Braun accepted the root-beer flavored sucker. “Thanks.”

  The Magistrate made a move to leave but stopped and turned on his heels. “I was thinking you could use the feral wildbloods to test the bane antidote on.”

  Gaping at him for a moment, Braun considered his words. “That sounds cruel.”


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