His Human Pet

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His Human Pet Page 11

by Stella Rising

  He doesn’t give me a chance, though—he keeps walking, forcing me to follow. With each step we take I forget about the angry Dominars a little more, but never completely.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When my time in servitude to Forta began, I expected to be counting the minutes until our time was up. At the very least, I’d know how many days left I had to endure. Somehow, I lost count, and when Forta and I share our last night on Dokkedex, I assume we’d be heading straight back to Earth in the morning.

  After leaving the restaurant, we spend the night in his cave. He doesn’t strip the beautiful dress off me right away—we dance first. Forta shuffles his feet smoothly, but only back and forth—it’s a slow, uncomplicated dance. Still, it’s an excuse for him to hold me, and I love every second.

  When he does finally take me, he ties me down and works my body until we’re both glistening with sweat and utterly spent, the cave thick with the aroma of our union.

  At the end, I sleep next to Forta, resting against his body—for once, I don’t have to spend the night in my cage. I wouldn’t have minded, of course—not anymore—but sharing his warmth felt so much nicer.

  When we lift off, leaving the ravine once and for all, I shed a tear. I can’t believe it’s over. I thought I’d be relieved—it shows how much has changed since we arrived.

  We have at least a day’s ride ahead of us, and Forta has work to do—Earth didn’t stop having issues while we were away. While he’s busy, I use my nanites to access what information from home I can. The first bit of news I get is unfortunate but not unexpected: my father’s been sentenced to ten years in prison. For an attempted assassination, I can’t really argue. Apparently, neither did he. I wish I could have been there to support him during his trial, but at least it was over quick. Say what one will about the Dominars, their legal system works efficiently. Then again, they’ve eradicated so much crime on Earth in such a short time, they don’t have many crimes to process.

  At least I’ll get to visit Dad at home, on Earth—and he’ll be out within our lifetimes. Maybe after ten years he’ll get over the fact that his daughter entered a relationship with a Dominar. That’s a big maybe.

  Once that’s done, I have a little time left over, so I explore the information about our ship available through the nanites. I doubt Forta would give me any access to the controls or systems, but I do get to see the navigation settings—and we’re not headed for Earth. Our course is set for a space station called the Dominus. He’d mentioned it to me before, so I know it’s a central headquarters for Dominar authorities, including the Council.

  “Forta, what’s going on?” I ask. “Aren’t we going to Earth?” I ask, my voice more hopeful than I expected it to sound.

  “Detour. I have a meeting with the Council,” he explains.

  A meeting?

  “Can’t you just message them?”

  He shakes his head. “For this, I should be present. It tells them I’m serious.”

  “Understandable,” I say. “Can I ask what it’s about?”

  He smiles and winks. “No.”

  I twist my lips in mock annoyance. Okay, Forta. Keep your secret.

  “Don’t worry, pet. The visit will be short and then we’ll return to Earth.”

  I thank him, then get back to looking at the navigation system. If I’m reading it right, then the Dominus isn’t much out of the way.

  * * *

  Sure enough, after just a few hours we reach the station. There’s a queue of ships awaiting access to dock—security is understandably very tight at the Dominar seat of government. Every ship and every occupant must be scanned; it takes some time. I use it to stare out the window and gawk at the incredible station. Appearing spherical from a distance, I discover as we approach it’s mostly hollow on the inside, with a net of rings crossing one another to form a loose shell. Concentric levels built within connect via a series of spokes, with a large central orb forming the core.

  Forta’s ship impressed me quite a bit when I first saw it—now I feel silly. It’s just a little shuttle! All around us massive motherships patrol local space—vessels as large as an entire town dock inside the Dominus. Though it all makes me feel impossibly tiny, I remind myself how lucky I am to be seeing all this for real.

  When we finally arrive, Forta dresses me in my tight catsuit. He uses the telerings to bind my wrists to my waist, but I’m too excited to care. There are Dominars everywhere—and countless pets. Within minutes I realize if I stayed here a while I could like the station much more than I ever liked Dokkedex.

  Showing me around, Forta explains that the Dominus mostly has facilities for practical needs: residences for members of the government, visitor centers for dignitaries, military barracks for the security personnel, and hangars for the many support ships. However, there are a few commercial decks full of entertainment options: malls, clubs, theaters, and more.

  “We have time before my meeting,” he notes. “What would you like to do, pet?”

  He’s asking me? “There’s so much. How can I choose?”

  Grinning, he takes my hand. “Fine, I’ll pick.”

  We enter a club, and for a second I’m reminded of the one on Dokkedex where he punched Kaizel. It only lasts a moment, however—this place is quite different. There’s music of some kind—except it sounds more like singing... or screaming.

  What is this place? I transmit through my nanites.

  You’ll see, pet.

  Except I can’t see anything—once we’re inside and the door shuts behind us, the club is almost completely dark. The only light comes from far off—a stage where I see the performers. My nanites create a series of outlines in my vision, showing me where to walk so as not to trip. I’m relieved when we find a pair of seats close to the stage.

  Then I nearly choke: the singing I hear is actually a woman’s cries. She’s an alien of some kind, with bright, silvery skin that glows in the darkness. She hovers in the air, arms and limbs spread out. Six Dominars surround her, running their hands along and into her naked body; wherever they touch, her skin turns all kinds of colors. She also lets out a moan that changes pitch operatically, responding in perfect synchronicity with her masters’ every tease and torment.

  They’re playing her... like an instrument. It’s beautiful and hot as hell at the same time. Her pleasure and pain make a haunting song. Her range extends far beyond what a human can sing; she hits notes humans can’t even hear—I only get to hear them because my nanites transmit it to my brain directly.

  This is amazing, I say to Forta.

  Thought you’d like it.

  The act continues for several movements, though I can’t tell if they’re written pieces or just pure improvisation. Either way, when it’s over and the lights come on, hundreds of Dominars rise as one to cheer. The performers bow, particularly the woman, who waves and blows kisses before walking off with her companions.

  “So this is... an erotic theater?”

  Forta nods. “Correct.”

  “Can we stay?”

  “Of course.”

  Within a few minutes another show begins: this time it’s just two performers, a master and slave. Apparently, they’re routine is a dramatization of a famous pairing in Dominar history—they remind me of Antony and Cleopatra. Both sing their parts, but only the male dances—the female remains chained in place, bound on her knees. The man uses a whip, incorporating his swings into his dance moves. With the nanites translating the song and equipping my brain with the historical context, I find the performance entirely riveting.

  “I could stay here all day,” I say when the act ends, prompting another extended ovation.

  “Many do,” says Forta. “Some acts require audience participation—some watch for hours, moving up closer to the front row, hoping to become part of an act.”

  My pussy clenches, imagining being up on that stage, watched by hundreds of Dominars. Though I disliked being the center of attention in Dokke City, this wo
uld be different—no derision, just appreciation.

  “Can we stay?”

  He draws me in and kisses me. “I wish, but we should go.”

  “Yes, Master,” I reply, not hiding my disappointment.

  We take a tram through the station, descending toward the central orb. Along the way, Forta reactivates my telerings, binding my arms behind my back.

  “I also have to do this,” he says, applying a plate gag across my lips. “As a visitor, you’re required to be silent... and humans already have a history of speaking to the Council out of turn.”

  Yes, Master, I transmit. I’m not thrilled to be gagged, but I’ve dealt with it plenty of times.

  “Don’t worry,” he says, pulling a phallus-shaped object from a pocket on his belt. “This will ensure you don’t get bored.”

  Bored? Standing in front of the most powerful beings in the galaxy? Really? Still, I smile internally, enjoying the sensation as Forta reaches into my catsuit and squeezes the toy between my damp folds. As soon as it slides home, I feel a subtle vibration. The intensity rises gradually for a minute before shutting off completely.


  I know it’ll restart soon, but when? It’s a matter to worry about later, because Forta guides me through an antechamber, and then into the main hall of the Council. I do my best not to stare. They look much like other Dominars—all young and gorgeous. They wear elaborate outfits and uniforms—none are alike.

  “Consul Forta, how was your vacation?” asks a councilor, a pink-skinned female.

  “Very enjoyable,” he replies, crossing his hands behind his back in a formal pose. “But now I am eager to return to my duties.”

  This gets their attention.

  “Is that correct?” one asks. “What about the recent attempt on your life?”

  Forta nods. “As you know, Earth’s transition to Dominar control has created strife, and some humans continue to harbor us ill will. You’ve seen the reports on the situation; it will not be resolved immediately. However, I intend to approach my assignment with new perspective, and my full dedication.”

  “We expect nothing less,” the pink councilor says, eyeing me. “When you were chosen for this mission, your displeasure was no secret. Is the human in your presence to be credited with your newfound... perspective?”

  Feeling a fresh surge from the toy inside me, I turn to Forta. Yeah? Am I?

  “Yes, I’ve been impressed with her,” Forta admits. “As a Naturalist, I had dismissed humanity’s resistance to Dominar control as foolishness typical of a lesser species. Although this did not prevent me from carrying out my duties, it was misguided. Human psychology is more complex than I anticipated. Many humans, such as my pet, exhibit greater intelligence, fortitude, and compassion than I previously believed.”

  Forta pauses as the Councilmembers turn toward one another, no doubt conversing privately.

  He continues, “Humanity may reject us, or accept us; we don’t know yet. But I believe Earth is not a lost cause, and look forward to returning there.” Giving my shoulder a squeeze, he nods to the Council.

  The aliens silently deliberate a moment, during which I lean against Forta, trembling slightly from the pleasant vibrations.

  “Consul Forta, you’ve been a Naturalist for millennia. To change your position in this way represents quite a reversal,” the pink councilor says. “How do we know this is not some machination?”

  “To what end?” Forta asks, appearing unbothered by the accusation.

  The pink councilor gestures around the massive audience chamber. “Perhaps you feel softening the image of the Naturalists will engender sympathy and support for your agenda.”

  Forta smiles. “I am not interested in the political image of the Naturalists.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It is. Esteemed members of the Dominar Council, I requested this meeting to make an announcement, effective immediately, I officially resign my membership of the Naturalist faction.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  I turn to Forta, momentarily forgetting the vibrations emanating in my core.

  You’re serious? I say to him through our nanites. You can do that?

  Of course, he replies. “We were wrong about humanity,” he adds, aloud. “I support their views no longer.”

  The councilors look to one another, then the pink one says, “This comes as a considerable surprise, Forta. You have always been steadfast in your positions.”

  “I still am. My positions have changed.”

  The councilors smile. “Is that so?” asks the pink one. “We’ll see how you feel in ninety-eight years.”

  I never thought I’d think this, but I agree with the alien overlord lady. I’d love to see how Forta regards humanity by the end of his assignment. Changing his mind is one thing; keeping it changed is another. He’s going to be tested in the coming century, I’m sure. Now that he’s changed his mind once, what’s to say he won’t go back to his old beliefs?

  If only I could stay with him, to remind him of how he felt about humanity when he was with me.

  “I understand your skepticism,” says Forta. “I would take back my vote against the Earth invasion if I could. Since this is impossible, I wish to update the official record: I ask that a notation be made indicating my regret. This would be a permanent addition.”

  The pink councilor nods. “Very well. It is done. If that is all, thank you for your report, Consul. We look forward to the next.”

  Forta thanks all of them, bowing with his hands at his sides. I feel a little jolt in my pussy, prompting me to bow as well. Then he points to the exit, prompting me to go. My legs feel like jelly, weakened by my need to come. Thankfully, as soon as the chamber door shuts behind us, Forta turns up the vibration as high as I can take.

  Eruptions of bliss shake my body, and if not for the plate gag sealing my lips, my scream would probably be heard throughout the space station. Forta holds me steady, spanking my ass through my catsuit. I moan with each stroke, but have the presence of mind to ask, Master, may I come?

  Yes, but you must walk.

  Groaning, I force my feet to step forward, each one requiring greater and greater effort. High on the ecstasy surging from between my legs, I’d probably fall if not for Forta holding my hand. Somehow I manage to keep moving, soaking up my master’s encouragement. He grins, watching me closely, adjusting the vibration and spanking me when my eyes plead too needfully.

  By the time we reach the tram to our docking bay, I’m a complete mess. I’ve come more times than I can count, and my catsuit feels soaked through at my thighs. Sweat drips down my forehead, and the scent of carnal satisfaction seems to follow me around. Several Dominars on the tram watch with great interest as Forta again brings the toy in my pussy to full power. As humiliating as it is, I’m too blitzed by pleasure to care.

  The sweet torment doesn’t stop until after we exit the tram. My head swims, lighter than air, lost in the stratosphere—I’m barely cognizant of the fact that I’m still walking, or that Forta’s guiding me very gently.

  Thank you... Master, I transmit to him.

  “You’re welcome, pet,” he replies, removing my plate gag and shutting off the vibrator. He doesn’t take the toy out, though, leaving its tantalizing presence for me to enjoy.

  The miasma of euphoria fades as we approach our bay, but disappears immediately when Forta stops short. Six Dominars stand in our path, including one I recognize: Kaizel, the one Forta punched back on Dokkedex after he insulted me. It seems like a lifetime ago, though not long enough. The other five aliens I don’t recognize, but they are all similarly built, hairy, and gray-skinned. I’m guessing they’re not all here by accident.

  “Where do I even begin?” Kaizel growls.

  “By leaving,” says Forta.

  Kaizel chuckles, stroking his beard. “You insulted your faction by bringing a human to our world. You renounced your own beliefs, betraying our cause—for what? A month with a human? To throw away
thousands of years like that, she must possess the finest pussy in the galaxy.”

  “Maybe I do, asshole,” I snap. “You’ll never know.”

  Forta laughs, but he eyes me as if to say, Not now, pet.

  “Forta, you’re a disgrace,” Kaizel says, sneering at me. “You let your toy disrespect you like this?”

  “I treat her well, and she behaves. You test her discipline. I don’t blame her. You test mine, too.”

  Kaizel scratches his nose, though it’s long since healed. “I remember. You hit hard, Consul—and yet, that hurt far less than seeing your descent into lunacy. It frightens us to think that someone with such conviction can change sides so rapidly.”

  “Would you prefer me to cling to beliefs I’ve abandoned, for the sake of appearances?” asks Forta. “You can call me a betrayer, and condemn me all you like. I will not sacrifice my integrity in support of your misguided cause.”

  Kaizel curses in a language so alien even my nanites can’t translate it.

  “Open your eyes, Dominars,” Forta continues, sweeping his gaze across all of Kaizel’s cohorts. “The faction has lost its way. Or have you forgotten about Praetor Bakan?”

  I don’t know what Forta’s saying, but the aliens’ expressions sour further.

  I do my best to follow their argument, using the nanites to fill in what I’m missing. The record for Bakan is locked, except to say that he is a Dominar with the Naturalists.

  “Bakan acted rashly,” Kaizel admits. “His desperation drove him to disobey the law, and now he suffers for his crime on Vakhsa—far too harsh a punishment for such a meager crime.”

  I try accessing the entry for Vakhsa to find it’s a prison world—one of the harshest in the galaxy. Desolate and dangerous, only the worst of the worst are sent there.

  Forta balls his fists and his shoulders rise. “He tried to eradicate humanity! You consider genocide a meager crime?”

  Kaizel grunts. “Removing an infestation from a world it doesn’t deserve? He’d have done the galaxy a favor.”


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