His Human Pet

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His Human Pet Page 13

by Stella Rising

  Damnit, Master! He’s taunting you! Don’t fall for it!

  But Forta howls and charges again; he drives his fist into Kaizel’s gut, but not hard enough to wind the man. Kaizel responds with a series of quick jabs that leave Forta dazed. Taking advantage of the situation, Kaizel grabs Forta and throws him to the ground. Forta grunts loudly, but pushes Kaizel away and gets to his feet.

  “Look at your human,” says Kaizel, a malicious grin on his lips. “She quakes with fear. Her master—nay, her owner—is about to be bested, and she knows it. Forta, the expression on her face right now has made this all worth it. Perhaps you should yield, and spare her fragile human heart.”

  “Shut up,” Forta growls, shaking himself up and raising his fists.

  He jumps back into the fray, going in for the win. His first punch slams Kaizel back, but his second misses entirely; it gives Kaizel the opportunity to grab Forta in a headlock. Trying to break free, Forta jams his elbow into Kaizel’s gut, but it doesn’t work—Kaizel holds on.

  My chest tightening in fear, I can’t just watch—the anguish of losing Forta compels me to move. I don’t have any sort of plan, or think I could possibly beat Kaizel in a fight, but none of these facts enter my mind. Before I know it, I’ve climbed over my seat and jumped down into the ring.

  Both men see me approaching. Forta’s eyes widen and, for a reason I don’t immediately understand, Kaizel smirks. Everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion. I’m closing the distance, my arm drawn back as if to throw a punch, when Forta grabs Kaizel’s arm and flings the man over his shoulders, freeing himself and stunning his opponent.

  Somehow I manage to stop myself from going any further, backing away with short, uncertain steps—my heart races, and I’m not taking my eyes off the fight until it’s over.

  Kaizel snarls, rising to his feet, but Forta is ready, driving a hard fist into his opponent’s face. Pressing his advantage, Forta delivers devastating shots, one after another, until Kaizel goes down, blood pouring from his ruined nose.

  “You’ve gone soft,” says Forta, standing over his defeated foe. “You needed a reminder that you’re not a true fighter, not anymore. You were never going to win this fight.”

  Kaizel wipes off his face, shaking his head. “Maybe I’m not... a true fighter. But I did win the fight,” he says, grinning despite the pain it causes. “Your stupid human interfered.”

  “I did not!” I scream, stepping back further. “I never...”

  Triumph drains from Forta’s expression, and he turns from Kaizel to me. “You came close. Maybe too close.”

  I don’t want to believe it; I can’t. All I did was what felt right.

  Moin marches toward us all, jaw set in grim certainty. “I’m afraid Kaizel is correct. The human entered the ring, affecting the outcome.”

  “She didn’t,” Forta argues. “I was going to win regardless.”

  “Probably,” Moin admits. “But it doesn’t matter. Kaizel is the winner.”

  The gray alien laughs, climbing to his feet. “I hope you had a wonderful time on Dokkedex, Forta,” he says, stroking his beard. “Those memories will be the last you ever have of home. You will never be welcome there again.”

  Forta glares at his enemy, shaking his head. I wipe tears from my cheeks, wanting to rush at Kaizel and beat him for real.

  Turning to exit the ring, he says. “Do your people a favor, Forta. If you love humans so much, just stay on Earth.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kaizel’s friends clap him on the back and congratulate him as he exits the ring. Snickering, they give me and Forta a last look, and leave.

  As soon as they’re gone, I take Forta’s hands in mine, not knowing quite what to say. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I didn’t think—”

  He lets me hold his hands, but doesn’t look at me, which hurts more than any spanking. Blinking back more hot tears, I ask, “Is there anything I can do?”

  Forta stares past my shoulder, his face expressionless—absent. His loss must still be sinking in. “No,” he says after a time. “There’s not.”

  “It was a good fight,” Moin says. “You set out to prove Kaizel the inferior fighter, and you succeeded. I hope that brings you some consolation.”

  “Maybe,” Forta replies.

  Moin nods. “Contact me if there’s anything I can do to help,” he says, then turns to go.

  We watch him depart, then continue to stand there a long time. I stay quiet, giving Forta time to process what just happened. Before now, I’d never seen a Dominar in pain before—physically or emotionally. Is complete silence typical, or is that just Forta’s famous stoicism? Is the magnitude of what just happened so great that it’s actually put him into a state of shock? Should I say something? I have no idea what’s going on in his head.

  He’s going to blame me for this, I know it. Though I’m not afraid of Forta punishing me in anger, I know that whatever we’ve built between us, I’ve destroyed it. Whenever he aches for his home, he’ll have me to thank. There’s a pit opening up beneath my feet, an abyss of guilt so deep I’ll never climb out of it; even if Forta somehow forgives me, I’ll still feel the shame. Strangely, some part of me actually prefers him to be angry—to not let me off the hook without consequences. Showing me undeserved mercy will only make my guilt worse.

  I wait until Forta breaks into a swift walk, almost a jog, dragging me with him. “Come on, we’re leaving,” he says.

  I want to ask where we’re going, but my heart races. Even after a month of close contact, nothing that I’ve experienced with him has prepared me for a moment like this. What is he going to do?

  You’re just his fuck toy, Melody, a terrible voice tells me. I’m a vacation fling. Will he want to keep me around now? After what I’ve cost him?

  No, it’s not like that. He’s in mourning. He’ll come out of it.

  We board his ship and depart from the Dominus without him speaking, but once the station is out of sight, he finally breaks his silence.

  “Maybe you were right, Melody. If I apologized, this wouldn’t have happened.”

  What can I say to that? He’s right, but will that bring him any comfort? If not, what will?

  “Can you really not go back?” I ask.

  “I’m a Dominar. I can go wherever I want... but I’d be shunned. And it would mean breaking my word. No, I can’t go back.”

  I nod, feeling fresh tears wet my cheeks. Though I only spent a few weeks on Dokkedex, I was sad to leave. To have lived there, possibly for hundreds of years... How can he seem so calm and composed?

  “I’m so sorry,” I repeat. “You seem to be taking it well.”

  He chokes out a hollow laugh. “I’m upset, Melody. Should I be throwing a tantrum? Maybe punch a wall?”

  I don’t reply. He’s hurt, there’s no doubt.

  “Melody, go to your cage and go to sleep,” he says at last.

  “Yes, Master,” I mumble, glad to comply. If he wants to stew, I’d rather get out of his way.

  * * *

  Sleep doesn’t come easy, even in the familiar comfort of my cage. When I manage to doze off, I don’t get any real rest. Too many thoughts move through my mind—too much worry and guilt. Forta is by himself somewhere, so all I can do is wait for him to return. Right now I can’t win: I don’t want to be alone with all my woes, but how can I face Forta after what I’ve done?

  I’d like nothing more than to have him come get me and tell me what I can do to make him feel better. I feel selfish thinking this way, but helping him cope could soothe my guilt—and would that really be so wrong? I’d do anything he asked. Right now, though, I doubt keeping company with a human will do anything but remind him of his loss. Perhaps I could remind him of how many other wonderful worlds are out there, but he knows this—and none of them are his home.

  I remember when the Dominars first invaded it felt like my home was going to be taken away. The life I knew would be over, replaced by oppression and fut
ility. Despite the qualms shared by me and my father, doomsday never happened. My home is waiting for me, right where I left it in Ontego—though it’s a town I’d be happy to never see again. If I left, would I miss it badly? I don’t know. I doubt it. Most likely, I’ll never be able to fully empathize with Forta on this subject, as much as I want to.

  One possibility occurs to me: Dominars can live forever, and the galaxy changes. Is his exile from Dokkedex certain to be permanent? Couldn’t it end? Someday Kaizel could have a change of heart like Forta did, and release Forta from their agreement. It could take hundreds of years, but is it impossible? In a galaxy of infinite possibility, I would never say never. In fact, what’s to stop Kaizel from changing his mind now? What if I could make this right sooner rather than later?

  Considering the irony of the situation, I chuckle to myself, a sad, soft sound. First there was the arrangement with Forta, and now I’m contemplating making another with Kaizel. Except he’s not going to treat me the same way. He’ll do terrible things to me. But, if it means getting Forta back what I cost him, isn’t it worth it? Yes, it is. I’ll help Forta in any way I can.

  I need to figure it out soon, though. What if he drops me off back on Earth, flies off, and I never see him again, except maybe on TV? I knew our deal would come to an end—when it first started, I expected to hate him even more than I already did. Losing what we had to the whims of circumstance is sad, but inevitable. To see it smashed and buried in its final hours... that’s just tragic. I don’t want my time with Forta to end like this, before I’ve had a chance to make things right.

  I’m staring off into space, lost in thought, when Forta shows up and the door to my cage opens.

  “You know what you did,” he says.

  I nod.

  “I’m not mad, pet. You acted rashly, but it was because you care about me. Your devotion to me brings me great pleasure, but you do need to adjust your behavior. I have to punish you for your actions.”

  “Yes, Master,” I say, trying not to smile. I can’t show my relief—it doesn’t feel appropriate.

  “Good.” He stands me up and drags his finger down my chest, opening the catsuit. “Disrobe.”

  I obey, slipping off the outfit, showing him my body. It’s hard to imagine I used to be shy, not even liking to wear a bikini to a pool party.

  After enjoying the sight of my nude form, Forta retrieves his black rope and ties my arms behind my back. I sigh, aroused by my feeling of helplessness and the tight cord’s implacable grip.

  “I did promise to tie you up nice and tight when the fight was over,” he says, cinching the knots without even a little slack.

  “Yes, Master.” It feels like a long time since he made that promise.

  He retrieves a device that reminds me of the plate gag—it has a wide, oval panel as if to cover my mouth, as well as two lengths of material to seal shut around something. Most noticeably different, however, is the phallus sticking out of the center of the panel. Before I can say anything, Forta holds the black, rubbery protrusion to my lips; I open up, allowing him to drive it in, where it rests against my tongue. The gag presses itself over my lips, and the neck flaps connect and solidify, ensuring the gag can’t come loose—and that I have to tolerate having a plug in my mouth for who knows how long.

  Forta slaps my ass, prompting me to move. Savoring the sting, I walk, following him to his quarters. Taking a seat on his bed, he spreads his legs and waves for me to join him. I lay down across his lap, already breathing heavy.

  The spanking starts off painful, but not so much that I can’t enjoy it in my own perverse way. His palm scorches my backside, leaving pink handprints in deepening shades. Juices drip from my pussy, and I clench at nothing as my hunger grows. Each smack makes me moan, a vibration I feel in my throat more than I can actually hear. A thin line of saliva escapes my mouth; as I watch, it wets the bed beneath me, making a dark puddle. Forta’s cock hardens in his pants, pushing against my side; my fingers flex, wanting to reach out and touch his stiff rod, but I can’t reach.

  Forta’s slaps come in a steady rhythm, firm but predictable. I yelp with each one, taking the pain and enduring it to please my master. Writhing against my inescapable bonds, I languish in the futility, counting every second until I earn my reward.

  As he continues, his pace increases. The slaps also get harder. I’m reminded of the first times he spanked me, when I hadn’t built up quite as much tolerance for pain. Each swat lands with greater force, punishing my burning rear. I inhale sharply through my nose, trying to steel myself against the torment. I can do this. I can do this for Forta.

  Throughout our time together, he’s never made my discipline more difficult than I can handle; he’s challenged me, pushed me to my limits, but never served me more than I could take. I trust him, but he’s riding very close to the edge. He must know it, too. My gag doesn’t drown out my screams completely.

  Then, just when the first seed of doubt sprouts in my mind, it’s over. Forta sighs, stepping back to admire my bright red bottom and drenched pussy. My core throbs, aching for release, and my ass feels thoroughly scorched. However, the second the spanking stops, I’m reminded of my guilt; the punishment provides no lasting respite.

  “Something wrong, pet?” Forta asks, removing my gag.

  Nodding, I take a deep breath, glad to have the plug taken out of my mouth. I’ve got something important to say.

  “I don’t want you to lose your home because of me. You don’t deserve that, and I’m never going to be able to live with myself unless I make it right.”

  Forta crosses his arms and sighs. “It’s done, Melody. We both have to accept it.”

  Why does he have to be so gracious about this? It doesn’t seem fair.

  “No, I can’t. I have to fix this. Is it possible Kaizel could nullify the terms of your dispute? Is that allowed?”

  Forta grunts as he unties me. “Allowed? Yes. Possible? No. Kaizel would never do that.”

  When I’m free of my bonds, I start to step back, but Forta pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me.

  “He has no reason to change his mind, pet,” he says softly, stroking my hair.

  I’d love nothing more than to lie back in his embrace, enjoying his soothing touch, but I force myself to keep the fire burning in my chest. “There was a time where you had no reason to change your mind,” I say. “We made a deal.”

  Forta stops brushing my hair and turns me around in his lap; now he looks angry, his chin pulled and his eyes pointed like gun barrels. “You are not going to be Kaizel’s pet. I won’t allow it.”

  The thought repulses me, and I shiver. “I don’t want that, either. But if it gets you back your home...”

  He shakes his head, scowling. “Absolutely fucking not. I’d rather see Dokkedex sucked into a black hole than watch Kaizel put one finger on you.”

  “Something else then! Please, Master, I have to try! I have to make it up to you.”

  Though Forta’s fury at the idea of Kaizel owning me brings joy to my heart, I can’t let this go. There has to be a way.

  “Fine,” he growls, lifting me to my feet. When he lets go, telerings emerge from their compartments and lock onto my body in all the familiar places. “I will speak to Kaizel about an arrangement. If he responds, I will tell you.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Now back to your cage, pet,” he says, activating the telerings, forcing me to march.

  Part of me wants to argue, to ask to be present when they speak; I want to take responsibility for interrupting the fight with Kaizel, to make sure Forta doesn’t accept any of the blame. However, I can’t fight the telerings. I have no choice but to believe my master will take my request seriously. All of my hopes depend on him making a deal with the devil.

  Chapter Twenty

  I can’t take the waiting. Throughout the past few weeks I’ve had plenty of experience in passing time alone in a cage, but never in a state of such pure dread. I eith
er need information, or a distraction. Has Forta even contacted Kaizel yet? Has he gotten a reply? Was the reply a dismissal, or an acceptance? I have no idea—Forta hasn’t been back to deliver any news. How can I be patient when I’m waiting for the guillotine’s blade to drop? It doesn’t help that my spanking left me craving release, and I can’t fulfill it until Forta returns.

  Then again, I should probably be thankful for the safety and comfort of my cage. If Forta does strike a deal with Kaizel, the odds are I’ll be in for a very unpleasant experience. I’ll accept my fate, whatever it is, but I won’t enjoy it.

  And what if I do?

  Now there’s a scary thought. I never imagined I could be so happy to submit to Forta; what if I somehow become fond of Kaizel? It shouldn’t be possible, but my time on Dokkedex proved there’s a lot I don’t understand about myself.

  Yet, I trust Forta. If he accepts a deal, I know it will be something I can endure. Locked in my cage, I feel like a mountain climber in a tent at base camp, waiting to begin her ascent: this won’t be easy, and at times I may want to give up, but I want to reach the summit. Kaizel thinks humans are weak? I’ll show him.

  My heart races, imagining Forta’s gratitude when it’s all over. He’ll be free to return to his home, and he’ll be proud of me for taking responsibility for my actions. The orgasms will be beyond belief.

  Still, how far is Forta willing to let me go? Even when he’s tormented me, it’s always been followed by a reward; he always soothes my suffering. What if Kaizel just wants to torture me? Forta knows I can take it, but will he want me to? I’ll do it, gladly, but it’s not entirely up to me. And what if Kaizel goes in the opposite direction: what if he wants to bring me nonstop pleasure, just to make Forta jealous? What if Kaizel wants to get me higher than Forta ever has, to prove that he’s the greater lover? I don’t know which possibility frightens me more.

  Of course, it should be—it has to be—Kaizel’s sadism. Dominar technology is seemingly limitless, and I could drive myself insane cataloging the potential ways he might inflict inescapable torment. For instance, he could program my nanites to send signals straight to the pain receptors in my brain. He could fuel my body with drugs to keep me awake for days of unending torture. He could—


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