Knife After Death: A chilling crime thriller

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Knife After Death: A chilling crime thriller Page 1

by Irvine, Ian C. P.

  Haunted from Within :


  Knife after Death

  A page turning

  Mystery & Detective Paranormal Medical Thriller Conspiracy






  Published by Ian C. P. Irvine


  Copyright 2013 IAN C.P. IRVINE

  Haunted From Within Series is an International Bestseller throughout Europe. To read hundreds of five-star reviews from the UK, please CLICK HERE.

  Reviews from Amazon for 'Haunted From Within (Omnibus Edition containing both Book One and Book Two)'

  "I think this book is one of the best mysteries that I have ever read. I never expected the ending. This book would make a great movie. Five stars, I loved it." Amazon Review (USA)

  "What a book. I was riveted! I absolutely loved it! The different stories that came together and the medical aspect brought into it, which I have read about before was so clever. It is one of the rare books I would read again. 10 star read from me! Amazon Review (USA)

  "WOW. This guy has a descriptive ability that is beyond beyond!" Amazon Review (USA)

  "Haunted from Within is a brilliant read, one of those books you try to put down but then convince yourself to read just one more chapter. I highly recommend that you read this book and then spend a few minutes checking the internet as per the author's suggestion. Thank you, Mr. Irvine, for keeping me both entertained and intrigued!" Amazon Review (USA)

  "Could not put It down. Kept my interest from beginning to end. Would highly recommend this book." Amazon Review (USA)

  "Not what I expected! It was better!! Not your usual paranormal thriller. Slight twists and turns that keep you wanting to turn the pages. I want more!" Amazon Review (USA)

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Please note: This is the second book in a two part series. The story begins with Book One which is FREE and concludes with Book Two.


  If you prefer, alternatively you have the option to purchase an Omnibus version containing both Book One and Book Two.

  Other Books by Ian C.P. Irvine

  Haunted From Without

  Say You're Sorry

  I Spy, I Saw Her Die

  Time Ship

  The Orlando File: A Genetic Conspiracy Thriller

  The Sleeping Truth : A Romantic Medical Thriller

  The Messiah Conspiracy

  London 2012 : What If?

  Alexis Meets Wiziwam the Wizard

  Go To Table of Contents

  Click here to go to Table of Contents

  Chapter Fifty Two



  Please note: This is the 2nd Book in the series 'Haunted From Within'. The story below continues on directly from where 'See Them Die - Haunted From Within-Book One' finished. 'See Them Die - Haunted From Within-Book One' is a FREE ebook so download it now at NO EXTRA COST! If you have not already read Book One, please return to Amazon to find details, to download it for free.

  Ian C.P. Irvine is fast becoming one of the UK's leading independent authors, with over 2,100,000 books downloaded. For a full list and to download all of his FREE EBOOKS, now available for a limited time, visit CLICK HERE. Download them all now! And read them soon.

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  May 1st

  9 p.m.



  Peter relaxed in his large warm bath, drinking the hot cup of tea that he had just poured himself from the tea-making machine provided in the hotel room.

  Finding a room had been quite easy. The summer season hadn't yet begun and it was the middle of the week.

  Kayleigh, the wife of his new best friend, the local constable, had made a quick call to her friend who ran the guesthouse just opposite the entrance to the bridge on the other side of the gorge. A few minutes later, Peter had been given a large room, front of house on the second floor overlooking the gorge.

  From his window he could see the iron bridge in all its glory, the hill and the house at the top which he had visited earlier, and the forest behind.

  As he lay in the bath, letting the stress of the day and the journey fade away, he thought about his conversation earlier with Kayleigh and her husband. It had been both interesting and quite scary.

  The conversation had started with pleasantries. He had thanked her again for coming to help him when he had fainted on the bridge, and they had welcomed him to the gorge.

  They had lived here now for about ten years, choosing to move here from louder and dirtier Birmingham. Kayleigh had met Alex whilst working as a nurse, hence her caring nature, in the City Hospital in Birmingham. One night he had accompanied a young man to hospital who'd been arrested but needed some medical attention...and 'ever since then he's accompanied me...' Kayleigh smiled.

  Peter had looked across at Alex, and he had nodded and laughed.

  "So, what brings a reporter from the Edinburgh Evening News down to this part of the world?" Alex had asked, as Peter knew he would.

  "It's a rather interesting and slightly incredible and unbelievable story...but one which has really caught my interest, and I want to find out if there is any truth to it all,...although I already think there might be." Peter had begun to explain the cover story he had made up for what he was going to do. "I can't tell you too much about it because I have only just started my investigations, but...Perhaps I should ask first of all, if either of you believe in clairvoyance?"

  Alex had looked at his wife, and then back at Peter.

  "Actually, no. I don't," the policeman had replied. "...But Kayleigh does. She's right into that sort of stuff. Bugs the hell out of me though."

  "Well, basically I am checking out the dreams or visions, whatever you might want to call them...of a clairvoyant. She claims to have seen a series of murders take place in her mind, that no one else seems to know anything about. I am trying to find out if there is any truth to what she claims to have seen. If I find there is, I will hopefully get the biggest story of my career so far. It's that simple, and that daft, really."

  "So, you've come all the way down here to check out a dream?"

  "Dreams. There's more than one."

  "Well, good luck to you, son. Sorry, Peter, I'm just about to be late for my shift, and this is more Kayleigh's scene than mine, so I think I will leave you two alone."

  "Okay," Peter said, starting to rise politely as the policeman moved towards the door. "...But before you go, can I ask if there have
been any recent murders or people reported missing in Ironbridge in the past few years...I can't tell when it happened, but I'm very interested in the cottages at the top of the hill. In fact, No. 8 in the last row at the top of the hill...?"

  The policeman stopped in the doorway, turned and looked straight at Peter.

  "No. 8?"

  "Yes...that's the one...I'm sorry, I don't know the street name yet."

  The policeman and his wife exchanged glances, and Alex took a step back into the room, waving his large hand at Peter's chair and indicating for him to sit back down again.

  "No. 8? Interesting. So, Peter..." the police constable said as he sat down beside Peter and opposite his wife at the kitchen table. "…Just what did this clairvoyant of yours tell you had happened?"

  "Why?" Peter asked, noticing the change of atmosphere in the room, and the sudden interest of the local police constable. "Has something happened there?"

  "I think perhaps, you should tell me first, what your clairvoyant claims might have happened there?"

  Peter looked at Kayleigh, then back at Alex. Both were now very serious. The humour had gone out of the conversation. Peter was thinking rapidly. What should he tell them? What could he tell them?

  "I can't tell you everything...reporter confidentiality and all that, and I don't want to leak or give away the story if there could be some truth to it at all. But basically, my clairvoyant friend seems to think that a murder may have taken place there. A young woman. Her throat slashed. Rather violently whilst having sex..."

  The constable stood up, took his jacket off and walked over to the kettle.

  "Anything else?" he asked, starting to make himself a coffee.

  "No. That's all I've got for now...the next step is to see if there is any truth to it. Is there? Do you know of anything...I mean, from the way you are both reacting to what I have just said, it looks like that I've hit a rather raw nerve, or at least got something right."

  The policeman stirred the coffee, added some sugar and returned to the table.

  "Perhaps you have ...And you say that this clairvoyant thinks that there might have been other murders too?"


  "Such as..."

  "I don't have any details on those yet. This is the first one that I'm investigating. I want to see if there is any truth to this one first before I ...listen, please, tell me. What's up? Did something happen at No. 8?"

  The police officer sat down opposite him.

  "This is part of an ongoing investigation. All I can tell you for now is that something did happen at No. 8. But we don't yet know exactly what."

  "Did they find a body?"

  "No. There was no body."

  "Then how do you know that something happened there?"

  "I can't tell you. It's part of an ongoing..."

  "Oh, come on, Alex. Just tell the man. If you don't, anyone in the White Hart Inn or the Malthouse will, or for that matter, anyone from any of the pubs in the Gorge will tell him. It's common knowledge now."

  "You tell him then," Alex replied, waving his hand at his wife and offering her the opportunity to speak.

  "Okay, fine...actually the dreams your clairvoyant had are not so daft after all. About nine months ago Mrs Quince, the landlady who owns the flat at No. 8, came back from France where she lives, to tidy up the upstairs flat after a summer rental and get it ready for another tenant. She owns the flat downstairs next door too. Anyway, what she found when she returned was pretty shocking. When she went upstairs to the bedroom, she opened the door, and found that the wall above the bed and the ceiling were completely splattered with dried red blood. Tons of it. It was everywhere." She paused, looking at Peter to see his reaction. "The rest of the flat was spotless. The place had been meticulously cleaned. Except for the blood. Whoever had done it, deliberately left it there as some sort of statement."

  "And a body?" Peter asked.


  "Anyone reported missing?"

  "Not from around here," Alex interjected.

  "Fingerprints?" Peter asked.

  "The place had been swept clean. Almost nothing. Not a trace. It seemed impossible that there was not a single print to be found anywhere... so we were determined to find something. Anything. But there was practically nothing. Whoever had done it, must have spent days cleaning the place afterwards?"

  "You said, 'almost nothing' and 'practically'...that implies something was found...?" Peter asked, taking a notebook out of his rucksack and beginning to make some notes. "What about on the wall, where the blood was? That was obviously not cleaned..."

  "Good question. Two discernible fingerprints were found. On the wall. And a thumbprint on the outside of a window which we later found belonged to Mrs Quince...but we have had no luck trying to match the fingerprints on the wall."

  "Was the blood tested?"

  "Yes...and before you ask, it was human. A+. We got DNA from it too, but we can't yet trace anyone from it."

  Peter was silent, thinking.

  "Who was the tenant? How long was he living there?"

  "About five months, over the summer. I think I saw him once. Tall guy, broad shouldered. Quiet handsome." Kayleigh volunteered. "But he kept himself to himself, never went to the pub, and no one hereabouts knew anything about him at all. He came and went, leaving no signs or clues as to who he was."

  "...And before you ask, when we checked the identify and references he had given to Mrs Quince, they proved to be false. The guy is a ghost."

  "How do we know that a murder actually took place?" Peter asked.

  "We don't. All we have is lots of blood."

  "Are you still looking?" Peter asked Alex.

  "For what? A body? The tenant? More clues? ...Yes to all of the above, but we've got no resources down here, so for now, it's mostly all on hold. We've alerted all the other forces in England, and we just have to wait and see what turns up."

  "Did you search the forest on the other side of the road?"

  "Have you seen the size of it?"

  "No, but did you look?"

  "A little. For two days. With dogs. Nothing found. It was probably too late for the dogs to pick up anything, even if there was something there in the first place. The forensics team think the blood was about two months old. The flat could have been empty for all that time."

  Peter whistled, scribbling frantically.

  "One more question...were there no reports of missing women around that time?"

  "Like I said, not from round here. But there have been lots of reports of missing women in England and Wales and Scotland. People go missing all the time. It could be anyone."

  "If I can give you a description of her, can you try to see if there was anyone like that reported missing since or around the time the blood was found?"

  Alex leant forward in his chair.

  "Yes. I can do that. But now it's your turn. Please tell us what the clairvoyant told you. But first, can you show me some identification?" Alex asked, suddenly sounding very official.

  "Sure, no problem..." Peter replied, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket, opening it up and pushing it over to Alex. "That's my card from the Evening News on the front."

  Alex picked it up and gave it some serious scrutiny. Peter also noticed him scanning his name on the credit cards in the wallet. He passed the wallet back.


  "There's not much to tell really. The clairvoyant said there was a murder in the house. Just like I said. Her throat was slashed while having sex. Up until now, I have been really sceptical about it all. But now..."

  "You should still be a little sceptical," Alex suggested. "Where does this 'clairvoyant' come from? Ironbridge? Has she visited any of the pubs round here for a drink? Met any of the locals who could spin her that same yarn? Had she read 'Fifty Shades of Grey' or something, and then just embellished it a little to make it more interesting? Most murders have some sex or love angle associated with them."

  "True. Very true
. She could be a charlatan, but she could be genuine."

  "Most likely a charlatan. There's no way she could know something like that unless she had heard it elsewhere."

  "Not true Alex. I think there could be more to it than that. You know that I..."

  "Kayleigh...I would love to believe you are right, but I've never seen any evidence that backs up the ridiculous claims of any so called clairvoyant. These people should all be charged with fraud. They steal money from decent folk that are just lonely and very vulnerable..."

  "She is not asking for any money..." Peter interrupted. "Listen, would there be any possibility of taking a look inside the property, so that I can see this all for myself?"

  Alex hesitated.

  "Possibly. We have the keys at the station. I would need to think about it."

  "It would be great if I could."

  "Is there anything else you can say to persuade me that I should let you see the flat? Anything else that you are not saying?"

  Peter opened up his notebook at a blank page and ripped it out. Sitting forward in his chair, he closed his eyes, recalling the scene in his head, and began to draw a sketch.

  "This is roughly what the clairvoyant said she saw," Peter began to explain. "...The bed faced this direction...there was a bathroom over to the right...a bedside table here and here...a window here, looking down towards the gorge and the bridge..." Peter looked up. "By the way, the clairvoyant never said it was here in Ironbridge. She just described the bridge and the view from the window. Myself and a colleague at the News then searched the internet until we found a picture of the bridge that matched the vision, and bingo, here we are. The rest was down to us. We found the house. She didn't tell us where it was."

  Alex looked at Peter, studying his face. He didn't speak. Kayleigh whistled, obviously to emphasise the spooky aspect of it all and maybe to annoy her husband a little more.


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