The Big Bad Wolf Tells All

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The Big Bad Wolf Tells All Page 11

by Donna Kauffman

  “But didn’t you just get done telling me about this macho stunt he pulled at the station today?”

  Tanzy chewed on the end of her straw. “I know.”

  “Aha! So you are thinking of going over to the baa-aad side.”

  Tanzy groaned. “Oh please. Don’t you think I get enough of that in the emails? I’m beginning to wish I’d never mentioned my stupid theory. Or at least picked a different representative species. It’s bad enough having to listen to Martin’s corny sheep jokes all day.”

  “He’s still being a bit clingy?”

  “Yeah. And here I thought it was the mom who got all weirded out when the last baby bird flew the nest. But Martin . . . well, whatever. I’m sure it will pass.”

  “Does he talk about it a lot? Maybe he’s having trouble at home.”

  “I operate strictly under the don’t-ask-don’t-tell theory regarding mixing personal information with my business life.”

  “Which can get tricky, considering your personal information is your business life.”

  “All the more reason not to chat about it with my boss.” She sighed under Rina’s stare. “Martin is really wonderful, and he’s done more for me than anyone. I love the guy. But I don’t want to be buddies. And I definitely don’t want to get in the middle of whatever personal crisis he’s got going on at home. That’s what he’s got a wife for. Let Betty Barbara handle that.”

  “Betty Barbara? Her name is actually—”

  Tanzy waved her hand. “Actually, it’s something French. Not at all what I’d have imagined for him. Small, nice figure, with that vaguely bored Gallic thing going on. We ran into them at the foundation ball.”

  “And you call her Betty Barbara because . . . ?”

  “It’s not important. The important thing is, she exists. And if Martin needs help, he’s got her to get it from. I’m not an advice columnist. He keeps his personal life to himself. And I’ll keep my personal life . . .” She stumbled, made the bad mistake of looking toward the hallway, but finished defiantly when Rina grinned at her. “To myself. Thank you very much.”

  “Speaking of that personal life, when do I get to meet him? I’m dying to size him up.” She sent a salacious glance Tanzy’s way. At her eye-roll of disgust, Rina merely smiled and added, “I might not be in the market to make a purchase, but I can window-shop to my heart’s content.”

  Tanzy laughed. “I wish I’d thought of that one this morning. I could have used it. I may still.”

  Rina nodded graciously. “Be my guest. And speaking of guests, I’m having a few people over— Now hear me out,” she said when Tanzy began her automatic protest. “He’s a doctor—”

  “Rina, you know that’s not exactly a selling point with me.”

  “Just because he has an MD and a six-figure income doesn’t mean he can’t be a bad boy. You know how surgeons can be so alpha.”

  “Arrogant isn’t necessarily the same as alpha. Look at Wolfgang. Prime example.”

  A troubled look crossed her friend’s face.

  “What? Sure, he’s bounced on his share of models. Models with the collective IQ of belly button lint. They wouldn’t know the difference between alpha and beta if their emaciated bodies depended on it. My point is, he’s screwing these bimbos right in his own studio. In their own house. That’s what I call arrogant. If you want to call it alpha, well, it’s a genus of wolf I can do without, thanks.”

  “That’s not it.” Rina paused, then sighed and said, “Remember when Sloan showed up at the bowling alley looking all flushed the other day? We all assumed she was having reconciliation sex with Wolf? Well . . . now I’m not so sure.”


  “Remember she was a bit evasive when I first said something about it?”

  “I just remember the way she tucked into that steak and cheese sub. Very un-Sloan-like.”

  “Her whole attitude that day was.”

  Tanzy shrugged. “She’s going through a tough time. Cut her some slack.”

  “I actually didn’t think about it after that day. Until . . .”

  Now Tanzy frowned. “What happened? What’s up?” When Rina hedged, she gave her a look. “You brought it up. Now spill.”

  “Okay, okay.” She blew out a breath. “I was supposed to meet Garrison at the Huntington yesterday afternoon, for early cocktails with a client of his. Well, I saw Sloan coming out of the elevator.”

  “So, she could have been there for any number of reasons.”

  “Yeah, and one of them was about six-two, blond, and built like Adonis.”

  The straw popped out of Tanzy’s mouth when her jaw dropped. “No way!”

  “Yes way.”

  “But—” She blinked, trying to picture Sloan having a nooner. She couldn’t manage it. “I thought they were working things out.”

  “So did I.”

  The gong sounded just then. “That must be Sue.” Tanzy pushed her chair back, then paused. “Does anyone else know?”

  Rina shook her head. “Not from me. I debated on even telling you. I mean, maybe it was something innocent. I just . . . well, I’m worried about her.”

  “Yeah,” Tanzy said, leading the way to the foyer. “We’ll talk about it more later.” She paused at the base of the stairs. “Let’s hope it’s not what you thought it was. I don’t think they could survive another infidelity, even if it is hers this time.”

  Rina smiled, but it was a little sad. “Well, look at it this way, you wouldn’t be the only single one anymore.”

  Tanzy merely gave Rina a look, then shouted, “I got it,” up the stairs when the gong sounded again.

  “Spoilsport,” Rina muttered, casting a look up the stairs.

  “You and Sue are here to check out the house for the shower. Not my aunt’s personal assistant. No getting distracted.”

  “Sounds like you’re the one who’s distracted,” Rina mused.

  But Sue was bustling into the foyer just then, arms overflowing with fabric, and bags full of God knew what else, depriving Tanzy of a good comeback. If she’d had one. Because, dammit, Rina was right. She was distracted, and the frenzy over her recent columns, along with the whole SoulM8 thing, was only part of it.

  “Hey, what’s all this?” she asked as Sue literally spilled packages into Tanzy’s arms.

  “Swatches. Theme ideas.”

  “Um, Sue? It’s a shower, not Designer Showcase.”

  Sue and Rina shared a look of pity, then shook their heads in sad agreement.

  “What?” Tanzy shifted the bundles in her arms. “Millicent has this place decorated to the teeth for the holidays. What more could you possibly do?”

  “It’s a baby shower, not a Christmas party,” Sue said, as if explaining the obvious.

  “Fine, but they’re still perfectly good, if excessive, decorations. There’s even cherubs. Somewhere. So why do you need to go to the trouble of—”

  “When it’s your turn for a shower, you’ll understand.”

  “Another reason to stay single and childless,” Tanzy told Rina.

  Rina and Sue shared another look, another sad shaking of heads.

  Tanzy waved a hand. “Fine, fine. Have at it.”

  “You know Mariel will appreciate the effort.”

  Tanzy couldn’t argue that point. Mariel’s wedding cake alone was a testament to what could be done with cake, icing, and a degree in engineering. “Where do we start? Never mind, I don’t want to know.” She headed toward the front parlor.

  Sue sidestepped her and blocked her way, then smiled brightly. Too brightly. “I was hoping you’d consent to letting us use the formal sitting room. It has that great wall hanging with the angels and the ceiling mural and—”

  “Do you think Millicent would mind?” Rina cut in, sensing Tanzy was already rapidly reaching her shower-planning saturation point. One of the many reasons Tanzy loved her.

  “I’m sure she wouldn’t.” Tanzy led them back through the foyer and sent a short, wistful glance up
the stairs. She’d love nothing more than to be in her office just now, working, thinking, whatever. Alone.

  Only when she glanced up the stairs, it wasn’t her office she imagined herself in. Nor did she picture herself alone. And the first thought she had of how she’d while away the afternoon had absolutely nothing to do with typing . . . or creative thinking.

  Rina bent her head and whispered, “Baaa,” in Tanzy’s ear.

  “Very funny,” she murmured, then smiled as Sue turned back with a questioning look on her face.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Tanzy said, shooting Rina the Silent Look of Death.

  Which, buzzed from the mango cooler, no doubt, Rina blithely ignored. “Tanzy’s got the hots for Millicent’s secretary.”

  Sue’s eyes popped wide even as Tanzy groaned. “You mean— What’s his name again? Randy?” She snickered. “How appropriate.”

  “It’s Riley. And he’s a personal assistant, not a secretary. Please, can’t we just go into the parlor and swathe and drape things?”

  Sue obviously forgot all about swathing. “I thought you said he was the quintessential beta man. Not your type at all.”

  “That was before he saved her life today,” Rina added with a smirk.

  “What?” Sue’s wide-eyed gaze shifted from Rina to Tanzy.

  Tanzy skipped the Look of Death and pantomimed wringing Rina’s neck instead. “It was nothing,” she told Sue, talking over Rina’s overly dramatic explanation. “He just overreacted to the crowd, that was all. He wasn’t used to that sort of thing.”

  “Funny how he knew exactly how to put you in the limo, though,” Sue said, sending a thoughtful look up the grand staircase. “And you say he tried to block you when those women burst through the crowd.” She smiled slyly at Rina. “How very . . . alpha of him.”

  Tanzy couldn’t have agreed with her more, which was why she shepherded both of them through the anteroom on the opposite side of the foyer, to the formal sitting room just beyond it.

  But even as Sue deposited her remaining armful of fabrics and whatnot, her thoughts were obviously still spinning on Riley and the radio station. “So, you panicked because someone threw a paper airplane?”

  “I didn’t panic. Exactly. And we didn’t know it was a paper airplane until after. I was just a little edgy from the show—”

  “And why was Riley with you anyway?” Sue wanted to know.

  “I’m still not sure, really. He was waiting by the limo this morning and asked if he could tag along. At the foundation thing last night he said—”

  “Whoa. Wait a minute. Riley was your date for the Crystal Charity Ball?” Rina asked. “You didn’t tell us about that. Why didn’t you tell me about that? What about Carmine?”

  “Carmine is unavailable. Probably permanently.”

  Rina sighed. “I’m sure he’s going to make some guy a really wonderful husband. What a shame.”

  Tanzy and Sue laughed, but nodded. “Riley was nice enough to step in,” Tanzy explained. “I’m sure he felt obligated because of Millicent, though I told him he certainly wasn’t expected to—”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Sue cut in, “get to the good stuff. Did he dance with you? Is that what started all this?”

  “We danced, but honestly, it wasn’t anything special.”

  Rina tipped Tanzy’s chin up with one long, lacquered nail, and peered into her eyes. “Liar. Something happened.”

  Tanzy opened her mouth to say . . . something, anything, to get them off this subject. She was regretting bringing it up at all. But the last twenty or so hours had been more than a little disconcerting. She sighed and plopped down on the Queen Anne settee, letting her bags slide to the floor. “I thought he was going to kiss me, okay? But I was wrong. It was just, I don’t know, the music going to my head, or the champagne.”

  “So . . . you wanted him to kiss you.” Rina made it a statement. “Then what?”

  “What do you mean? Then nothing. He bent down, I thought . . . what I thought, and instead of locking lips, he told me his feet were killing him.”

  Sue spluttered a laugh, then covered her mouth. “I’m sorry, honey, but honestly, you have to admit that’s funny. So then what?”


  “Liar,” Rina said again. “Something else happened. Something else that has you still thinking about that dance and almost kiss.”

  “It wasn’t an almost anything.”

  “It was. You’re experienced enough to know what a man is thinking before he does.”

  “Thanks, I think,” Tanzy said with a sideways glance. “And I can’t tell anything with that man. Those damn glasses he wears murk everything up. And his eyes are pretty damn se—” She stopped short, but it was too late.

  Rina and Sue were grinning.

  “So,” Sue said consideringly, “you’ve seen the eyes, have you? What else do you want to uncover about our Riley?”

  Tanzy folded her arms. “I refuse to answer that on the grounds that you two will make me crazy if I do.”

  “Aha!” Sue crowed. “So then what? What happened on the limo ride home? I bet that was fraught with all sorts of sexual tension.”

  Something in her expression must have given her away, which she could have kicked herself for and would later, repeatedly.

  “Something else did happen, didn’t it?” Rina asked, her smile fading. “And it wasn’t about kissing Riley.”

  Tanzy thought about trying to backpedal her way out of it, but in the end she relented. And, she had to admit, it was a relief. Maybe she should have leaned on a shoulder sooner. “I got another note.”

  “What?” they both asked in a hushed whisper.

  Then Rina straightened. “Wait a minute. I thought he emailed the notes. Are you saying—” She let out a shocked gasp as Tanzy nodded.

  “He was there,” Tanzy confirmed. “At the dance.”

  “He who?” Sue asked.

  “SoulM8,” Rina said, and Tanzy nodded.

  Sue gasped then, and moved to sit down across from her, pushing piles of fabric and her legal pad of notes out of her way. “Your cyber stalker? He’s made personal contact now?”

  Rina sat next to her and tugged Tanzy’s hand between her cool, smooth palms. “Why didn’t you tell us? This has gotten serious. Are you sure it was him?”

  “Who else professes his undying love to me on a biweekly basis? Unless the loonies are just crawling out of the woodwork.” She shuddered at that possibility. “But I’m pretty sure it was him. The tone was the same. Sort of.”

  “What do you mean, ‘sort of’?” Sue demanded.

  Tanzy shrugged, very uncomfortable now. “Well,” she began, before finally looking away from their worried expressions. “This time he was more . . . specific.”

  Now Sue shuddered. “Oh, Tanzy, how creepy. Did you alert security?”

  She shook her head. “No, we just left.”

  “Well, it’s no wonder Riley was on alert for you, then. What did he say about it?” Rina asked. “The note, I mean.”

  “He didn’t read it. I told him it was just a fan letter.”

  “What? And he believed you?”

  Tanzy didn’t answer right away. She’d thought he had. “We’d talked about being a celebrity and he told me he could understand being starstruck. It was why he wanted to come to the station with me this morning. To see behind the scenes.”

  Sue sucked in her breath and Tanzy and Rina both looked at her.

  “What?” Tanzy asked.

  “You said he was starstruck, and then he wanted to follow you this morning. You don’t think he’s—?”

  Rina and Tanzy shook their heads at the same time.

  “Why bother with emails and notes,” Rina pointed out. “He’s right under the same roof.”

  They all gave a collective little shiver.

  “It’s not Riley,” Tanzy stated flatly. “Besides, we were on the dance floor when someone left it on our table.”

/>   “What did it say? Exactly.”

  Tanzy looked at them both. She really didn’t want to put it into words. She’d just spent the better part of the night trying to make herself believe that she was being overly dramatic. Then the stupid hoopla at the station this morning had rattled her again. It was all getting ridiculous. “I don’t want to pull you guys into this, you’ve got enough—”

  “Tanzy,” Rina broke in quietly. “What did it say?”

  She shifted her gaze to her best friend, then sighed. “It said, ‘You’re beautiful. And soon, very soon, you will be mine. All mine.’ “

  “Any other time I’d have loved to get a note like that,” Sue said, rubbing her arms. “You have called the cops or something by now, right?”

  Rina nodded in agreement. “This is definitely not the garden-variety obsessed fan. He’s threatened you now, Tanzy. What did the cops say? Is there anything they can do? Anything you can do?”

  “I didn’t call them.” Tanzy lifted a hand when they both started in on her. “They can’t do anything. He hasn’t done anything illegal. He’s emailed me and left a note on a table at a public function. And I don’t think what he said was threatening. You could interpret that note a million different ways.”

  “I don’t know. It sounds like he’s planning something,” Rina said. “You should at least make them aware you’re being stalked.”

  Even though she’d thought the word in her head, hearing Rina say it out loud was ten times spookier. She finally nodded, feeling vaguely queasy as reality finally forced its way in. “You’re right. I’ll call them.”

  “Does Martin know, at least?” Sue asked. “Is he offering protection?”

  “No. I will tell him, though,” she added quickly when they both looked at her. “I have to get my next column in tomorrow. I’ll tell him during our phone conference after I send it in.” She sighed. “Just what I don’t need. Giving him any reason to hover over me more than he already does.” Just thinking about that conversation made her head throb.

  “Maybe you need hovering over,” Rina said pointedly.

  “Yeah, but you know how he’s been lately. He’s going to go way over the top about this and demand all kinds of whack things.” Not the least of which was probably a bodyguard.


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