Protecting Clover

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Protecting Clover Page 4

by Jen Talty

  “As long as you’re not standing in my way, then I’ll take all the help I can get. I think that’s it for now.” Dave stood. “We’ll have a car drive by when possible but keep your security system engaged and don’t hesitate to call. I’ll be in touch as soon as forensics has had a chance to examine the box and image.”

  “We appreciate it,” Keanu said. “I’ll walk out with you.” Keanu kissed Clover on the cheek before shaking Wyatt’s hand. “Let me know what Tex finds out.”

  Wyatt nodded.

  Clover glared. Her lips drew into a tight, angry line. The room filled with dense air.

  Wyatt jumped when the front door slammed shut. “Why am I getting the evil eyes?”

  “You called Tex,” she said matter-of-factly. “Why would you bring him into this?”

  “Because he’s the best at what he does, and I think he should take a look at your digital imprint and poke around your computer to see if he can find something we’re missing.”

  “I don’t like letting anyone into my personal computer, much less my business one,” Clover said.

  “Tex isn’t just anyone, and you know you can trust him.”

  “I know. I’m just struggling with all that is going on. I don’t understand why this is happening to me.”

  “I’ll get to the bottom of it, I promise.” Wyatt placed his hands on her shoulders and gently massaged, hoping he’d help alleviate some of the tension he sensed building inside her muscles. Of course, he was about to create some new tension, but it had to be done now. “We need to talk about what happened before the motion sensor was tripped.”

  She folded her laptop. “I’m listening.”

  He opened his mouth but couldn’t find the words. He cleared his throat, but nothing happened. This shouldn’t be so damn fucking hard.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  “You’re not making this easy by glaring at me with an angry expression.”

  “I’m not angry. I’m confused by your actions which don’t match your words.”

  “Fair enough,” he said. “Let me start with the fact that I’m attracted to you and not just your pretty face and killer body, but you. Everything about you. I think about you way too often.”

  “I don’t see what the problem is,” she said.

  “I’m not handling this well. But the bottom line is I care very much about you, but we can’t be anything other than friends.”

  “And why is that, exactly?” she asked, letting out a long sigh.

  “I’ve done the marriage and family thing, and all it did was nearly kill me.”

  “Wyatt, you—”

  “Let me finish,” he said sternly. “I understand I didn’t cause my son’s cancer and that we did everything we could possibly do in order to save him. I almost went broke doing it, and in the end, it destroyed my marriage. I do get that if there were a next time, things might not go down like that, but for me, there are no second chances when it comes to love and family. I can’t do it again.”

  “I’m not asking for you to put a ring on it. I’m just asking for you to be honest and explore these feelings we have.”

  “I’m being completely honest.” He pulled out a chair and straddled it. “Ever since I moved back here, I’ve thought about what it would be like to be with you, but it’s purely sexual, and I won’t lead you on like that. I know you, and someday you want marriage and the baby carriage.”

  She opened her mouth, but he shushed her with his forefinger.

  “I’m a SEAL, and until the US Navy tells me I’m no longer fit to do my job, that’s never going to change. It’s who I am, and I can’t give you what you deserve.”

  “Are you done?”

  He nodded.

  She cupped his cheeks and brushed her lips over his, sending a warm shiver across his body. “I’m not the reason you are sidestepping what is growing between us. You’re using me as an excuse, so you don’t have to face your fear of being hurt again.”

  She palmed his mouth. “Ever since Michael died and you and Gwen divorced, I’ve watched you build this gigantic wall. But your heart craves love, yet you fill it with the adrenaline rush you get from your job instead of what you want most as a man.” She let her hand drop to her lap. “I put myself out there, and you don’t want me. I accept that. But you need to dig deep inside your soul and understand why you pushed me away.” She stood, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to bed. I know that you’re not leaving, and I’m not too stupid to live, so I won’t fight you on that. Feel free to pick whatever guest room you want. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As soon as she left, he dropped his head to the table. Every word she spoke had been the truth.

  But it didn’t change one damn thing because he knew, deep down in his heart of hearts, he’d break hers in two if he let anything happen.

  He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he caused her any pain.

  And he didn’t want to think about what it would do him if he loved and lost again.

  Chapter 4

  “Well, look at what the cat dragged in.” Clover rushed to the front of the bar and wrapped her arms around Cookie. She’d known him since she’d been in diapers and loved him like family.

  He lifted her up off the floor and twirled her around like she was a little girl. “You are a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Hey. Where’s my loving?” Benny asked with his arms stretched wide. “I’m starting to feel under-appreciated.”

  “I would never.” She gave him a big squeeze. “I hope you didn’t come into town because of what happened to me yesterday.” She showed them to a table, glancing once over her shoulder, thankful that Wyatt must still be in her office doing…she had no idea what, other than avoiding having to be in her presence. The last twenty-four hours had been more awkward than when she’d called her father to stop at the drugstore to get her tampons, and Wyatt ended up delivering them.

  She’d been fourteen and mortified.

  “We have Navy business at the base, but we wouldn’t blow into town without stopping by and seeing our favorite famous songwriter.”

  “I’m not famous,” she said as heat spread across her cheeks. “The singers who record my songs are who make them special.”

  “You have the same humility your father had.” Cookie nodded. “He was a good man.”

  “The best,” she said softly. “I take it Wyatt has brought you up to speed?”

  “He did.” Cookie took her by the hands. “He’s worried about you.”

  “To be honest, I’m a little scared myself.” She understood that Wyatt cared deeply. And now she knew he found her attractive. That he’d even thought about her in a sexual way. That was great, but he was right about one thing. She didn’t want him in her bed for a brief but satisfying romp in the sack. If he couldn’t even commit to trying a relationship, then she really didn’t want it. Now she had to figure out a way to go back to being his friend so the awkwardness would stop.

  She shouldn’t have opened her damn mouth to begin with.

  “Not that we’re happy that you’re frightened, but we are glad to see you taking this seriously,” Cookie said. “You’ve always been a stubborn, independent woman.”

  “I still am, but I’m not stupid,” she said. “My mom thinks I should take a trip to visit her.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Cookie cocked his head.

  “I don’t trust that woman as far as I can spit,” Benny said. “Why did you call her anyway?”

  “I didn’t,” Clover admitted. “She called the restaurant looking for me, and Chris told her.” She held up her hand. “Before you go off on Chris, he doesn’t know the dynamic between me and mommy dearest.”

  “What the hell did she want?” Benny asked.

  “She said she just called to say hello, but I suspect she wanted money or for me to introduce someone to some music executive. Ever since my first song hit the charts last year, she’s been up my ass pretending to care
about me and my career, but I know better.”

  “I’m sorry your mother is a loon,” Cookie said.

  “Let’s focus on the issue at hand.” Benny leaned back in the booth, stretching out his arms over the back cushion. “Tex is looking into your ex-boyfriend from Nashville. What was his name?”

  “Conrad Smith,” she said, folding her arms across her chest. “He started off as a really nice guy but got way too possessive, and I did call the cops on him when he showed up at my home. But I haven’t heard a peep from him since, and that was over six months ago.” She resented having her life under the microscope, even with men she trusted.

  “Why’d you break up?” Benny had been one of many SEALs who showed up at her doorstep, offering their help and support, and she’d forever be indebted to each and every one of them.

  So, she couldn’t lie, no matter how embarrassing.

  “He really only wanted me for the connections I have in the music business. Once I figured that out, which wasn’t soon enough, he got weird. He showed up at my house making demands. He threatened me.”

  Cookie and Benny exchanged a sideways glance.

  “Oh shit. You know, don’t you? Does Wyatt know?”

  “No,” Cookie said.

  “Please don’t tell him.” She turned her gaze toward the door leading to her office. “He’ll go batshit crazy.”

  Cookie leaned across the table and curled his fingers tenderly around her wrist. “I guess Wyatt never told you about his little sex tape.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Heat flushed her cheeks.

  “So you know,” Benny said.

  She nodded.

  “He, of all people, would understand. Trust me on that,” Cookie said.

  She swiped at her face, brushing the tears that had escaped her eyes. “I spent all of last night racking my brain over who would want to hurt me, and Conrad is the only one I can come up with.”

  “Conrad and your mother.”

  “My mother might be a passive/aggressive bitch who would toss me under the bus if it meant she got ahead, but she has no reason to threaten me. Besides, if it were her, she’d be by my side pretending to protect me. That’s just how she operates.”

  “That’s true,” Benny said.

  “Don’t you worry. We’ll figure this out and handle it. In the meantime, you can’t fight Wyatt on anything. He can’t protect you if you go rogue,” Cookie said.

  “I’m scared enough to agree to having him on my six all damn day,” she said as Chris stepped from behind the bar and waved. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “Are you going to sing today? We sure do miss that voice of yours,” Benny said.

  “I’ll do a set after I take care of some restaurant business.”

  “Awesome,” Cookie said. “And if you see anyone or anything that doesn’t seem right, let us know so we can investigate. We’ll be here through the dinner hour. After that, we have to head back to the base.”

  “I really appreciate you being here.” She kissed both of them before scurrying across the main dining room.

  “They look familiar. Who are they?” Chris asked with his hands planted on his hips and his eyes narrowed with a disapproving glare.

  “Friends of my father and Wyatt.”

  “So, they are SEALs,” Chris said with a hint of distaste hanging on his words. “I take it they came to protect you.”

  “Those two? Nah. They had business at the base this morning. They always stop by when they are in town.”

  “Well, the good news is that all these brawny men are probably scaring off the stalker.” Chris inched closer, taking her hand. “Wyatt told me what happened at your house last night. I know he believes staying there with you is protecting you, but maybe you should consider going where no one will expect.”

  “Such as?”

  “My place.”

  She opened her mouth, but he continued talking.

  “I know I’m not on the beach, and my townhouse is like a third the size of your house, but it’s a gated community so no one can come and go. That would also free up Wyatt to put his skill set to better use if I was with you all the time. And before you go on about putting me out, or inconveniencing me, you wouldn’t be. Really, it’s the least that I can do.”

  She patted his chest. “I appreciate the offer, but for now, I’m staying put. I’m not letting some psycho chase me out of my own house. Besides, Wyatt has the entire week off.”

  “Well, if they haven’t caught the bastard by then, or you change your mind, the offer still stands. And if you need anything at all, I’m just a phone call away.”

  “Again, thanks, but Wyatt has it under control.”

  “I’ve got your back, too, you know.” Chris smiled.

  “I know.” For good measure, she gave him a hug. “Your friendship means the world to me.”

  He held her a little too tight. “Here comes Wyatt. I better get back to work,” he whispered against her ear, his lips brushing against her skin in an intimate gesture.

  She would have to make sure Chris understood, once again, she and him were never going to happen.

  Kind of like Wyatt had done with her.

  Wyatt put on his best fake smile while he watched Chris get a little too hands-on with Clover. By the way she crinkled her nose, she didn’t appear to welcome the kiss on the cheek, nor the hands on the small of her back. However, Wyatt kept a safe distance. It wasn’t his place to meddle in Clover’s life, outside of keeping her safe, and Chris was harmless enough. Wyatt knew that based on Tex’s report into Chris background.

  Nothing stood out.

  The man didn’t have a scratch on his record. Not even a juvenile infraction, something that Wyatt had to beg to have removed from his history so he could join the Navy.

  Besides, Wyatt had known Chris for a good five years when he’d started out as a waiter when Clover’s father owned the Sans.

  “Wyatt. Do you have a minute?” Chris called as he practically jogged toward the middle of the restaurant.

  “Sure.” Wyatt stopped and turned. “What’s up?”

  “I know you’re really good at your job,” Chris said, glancing over his shoulder. “I also know you’d never let anything happen to Clover, but I was thinking she might be better off staying at my place. The neighborhood is gated, and we have security cameras everywhere. That would give you more time to go out and find whoever is behind these threats.”

  Wyatt forced his initial gut reaction to the back of his mind. Even if Chris was using this situation to hit on Clover, he did have a point about his neighborhood, but Wyatt wasn’t about to leave her alone with Chris.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not a cop or a detective. I’m a sniper, and my skill set is best utilized as Clover’s protector. Wherever she goes, I go, and I doubt your townhouse is big enough for all of us.”

  Chris frowned but quickly recovered by nodding as if he understood.

  “Anything else?” Wyatt asked.

  “Yeah, but I never told Clover this.”

  “Tell her what?”

  “A month or so ago, I saw that guy she was dating from Nashville,” Chris said.

  Wyatt groaned. He didn’t have time for secrets. “Here? At the Sans?”

  “Yeah. He showed up looking for Clover. It was when she went north to go visit her aunt. I didn’t tell him where she was, but I did tell him if he didn’t leave, I’d call the cops.”

  “And he just left?” Wyatt had a hard time believing that Chris could scare anyone off, especially if Keanu’s threats hadn’t done the trick.

  “He gave me something to give to Clover.” Chris lowered his gaze as he pulled a small envelope from his back pocket. “Obviously, I never opened it or gave it to her.”

  “She’s going to eat you for lunch.” Wyatt took the thin paper between his fingers and slapped his palm.

  “I was hoping you would have thought I made the right decision.”

  “Bringing it to me, yes. Th
at was the right move. But she’s still going to be pissed as hell when she finds out you’ve been sitting on it for over a month. Now if you will excuse me, I need to meet with my friends.” Wyatt turned on his heels, not giving Chris a chance to continue the conversation.

  “Glad you could join us.” Cookie slid across the bench. “What have you been doing?”

  “Watching video surveillance from the restaurant and Clover’s beach house.” Wyatt snagged a glass and poured himself a beer. “The woman that fits the description of courier didn’t have a package with her when she entered the bar, but her purse was big enough to hold one.”

  “Do we know who the woman is?” Benny asked.

  “Not yet. Tex and the cops are working on it. Once we have an ID, Dave will hunt her down and question her, but in the meantime, Chris just handed me this.” Wyatt pushed the envelope across the table. In big bold letters was: Clover Sullivan written across the top. “He said her ex-boyfriend from Nashville dropped it off a month ago, but he took it upon himself to make sure she didn’t get it, much less ever know that asshole had come back to town.”

  Benny’s gaze darted between Wyatt and Cookie.

  “What’s going on?” Wyatt asked.

  “She asked us not to—”

  Wyatt raised his hand. “I know about the pictures, and I’m smart enough to keep that information to myself.”

  “Good, because she’s embarrassed enough, and to have you know would just make her feel even worse about the entire thing.” Cookie took the envelope and held it up toward the light. “But I have a hard time believing Conrad would show his face in here after all that went down.”

  “Me too. She does keep a backup of all her video surveillance, so I can pinpoint the time she was visiting her aunt and look for Conrad in the footage,” Wyatt said.

  “Do you have any reason to believe Chris would lie about something like this?” Benny asked. “Other than the obvious crush he has on Clover?”


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