Vampires' Lair

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Vampires' Lair Page 1

by Connie Ruth VeJar


  Vampires’ Lair is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2018 by Connie Ruth VeJar

  All rights reserved.

  Editing by KP Editing

  Cover design by KP Designs

  Published by Kingston Publishing Company

  The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means—including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 1

  Waking up, pain shot down her entire body. The surgery had been a long one; one that would surely take many weeks of rest to heal. This was a new beginning in her life, a rebirth of sorts. The weight loss had left her with massive amounts of hanging skin-- skin that now lay on the table in heaps in a container next to her in the recovery room. Before surgery, she had insisted that she see the fruits of her labor. Her surgeon walked into the room. “Miss Willow your surgery went as planned, it was just as I had expected, a ten-hour surgery.”

  Dr. Newberry walked over to the container of skin. “Twenty Pounds,” the doctor exclaimed.

  If she were fully awake, she would have been more enthused about the amount of skin that had been removed, but in her drugged state all that she could do was nod and whisper, "Pictures,” then her eyes closed, and darkness enveloped her. Jasmine Willow spent the next few days laid up in the hospital trying to recover from her head to toe transformation. Jasmine would be discharged in a couple of days and expected to return home to recuperate. Dr. Newberry had arranged to have someone there to help until she herself could heal enough to manage on her own. Jasmine had been married once and it ended in betrayal, which left her unwilling to trust a man with her heart again. Jasmine had hoped that after her transformation other opportunities may come her way. For now, Jasmine preferred the solitude of the single life. With no husband or children and no family close by, this situation left her with a dilemma. There was no one who she could depend on to help her in her long recovery. Unfortunately, she would have to rely on hired medical staff to assist her with her recovery. Jasmine was eager to get home, but she could not leave the hospital until her hired nurse showed up. There was a knock at her door. “Come in,” she said softly.

  In walked a young woman who looked like she just graduated from nursing school, and Jasmine got the impression that she went to nursing school for the thrill of being able to say that she was a nurse. Tall, blonde, and thin-- dressed in a skin-tight nursing jumpsuit. “Hi, my name is Barbie,” the young woman said.

  "Of course, it is,” Jasmine replied.

  Barbie just ignored the comment. “Miss Willow, shall I help you pack?”

  “I have all my things in the small bag here next to me,” Jasmine replied.

  She had only brought with her a comfy pajama set, her cell phone, tablet, and a few toiletries. Barbie helped her into the waiting wheelchair and they headed to her home. Jasmine had purchased her a tiny cottage on a few acres of mostly orange groves with what money she received in her divorce. Her cottage was situated directly in the midst of the grove, which was the reason why she purchased the property in the first place. Jasmine enjoyed being able to disappear into her groves and leave the city at her gate.

  Barbie pulled up to the gate and punched in the temporary code that Jasmine had provided her. You have successfully distanced yourself from the population. That was the idea Jasmine replied in her mind. Barbie helped Jasmine settle into her library. The library walls were covered from top to bottom with bookshelves which were packed with every type of book imaginable. Jasmine preferred to surround herself with books instead of people. The books didn’t invade her brain unless she decided to open one and enter its world. Having tried married life at an early age, only to have it fail, she was content with living her solitary life surrounded with her silent escapes all bound up in the books that brought her comfort. Over the next few days Jasmine was nursed by Barbie, but there was something about her she still didn't like. Her follow up appointment was later that afternoon and she was going to discreetly ask for a replacement. Jasmine knew that she was unable to take care of herself just yet. After arriving at the surgeons’ office, Barbie helped Jasmine onto the examination room table.

  “You may wait for me in the waiting room,” Jasmine instructed her.

  Jasmine had to speak to Dr. Newberry alone and she didn't want to make this any more uncomfortable as it already was. Barbie left without saying a word. Soon there was a knock on the examination room door. Dr. Newberry greeted her as he always did with a smile that stretched from ear-to-ear.

  “Jasmine, how are you holding up?”

  “As well as a jigsaw puzzle,” she replied.

  Dr. Newberry had his nurse remove all her bandages, which were many. Jasmine recently had a full body make-over which consisted of a facelift; chin lift, breast lift, tummy tuck, butt lift, and skin removed from her inner thighs and arms. A jigsaw puzzle she surely was. After examining all her wounds Dr. Newberry had his nurse start the process of replacing the bandages. Jasmine took this time to ask him about getting nurse Barbie replaced.

  “Is there anything in particular that you don't like about her?” he asked.

  “No, nothing that I can put my finger on. I would just like someone who is better suited for me.”

  Dr. Newberry looked a little puzzled by her request. “I will have someone there to replace her by this evening.”

  Dr. Newberry must have spoken to Barbie before they left his office because she was quiet on the drive home. Barbie helped Jasmine settle into her bed and went to make her some supper as soon as they arrived back to her cottage. Jasmine was ready to turn in for the night. Barbie helped her get settled in and gave her pain medication and something to help her sleep.

  Before Barbie left the room, she turned to Jasmine. “Miss Willow, I will be gone when you awake. My replacement should be here soon. I do hope that your healing proceeds well from here on out. Thank you for letting me serve you.”

  With that Barbie turned and slowly closed the door behind her. Jasmine felt like maybe she had made a mistake. She could tell that she had insulted the young nurse.

  “No,” she said aloud. No, I am not sorry that I had to have her replaced because she knew that it was the best decision for her.

  An unusual feeling swept over her and she didn't know if it was from the combin
ation of medication or something else. Jasmine felt a presence in her home that didn't make her feel the uneasiness that she had before. She could feel that someone else was there with her and it wasn't Barbie. Jasmine called out, “Hello? Is someone there?”

  No reply.

  “Hello? I know that someone is there.”

  Her bedroom door slowly opened. In stepped a tall, thin woman with long black hair who looked to be in her thirties.

  “Hello, miss Willow. I am Barbie's replacement. My name is Nurse Morgan. Stormy Morgan.”

  Stormy walked over to Jasmine. “Is there anything that I can do for you?”

  Jasmine shook her head from side-to-side. “I woke up with a feeling that someone strange was in my house and, low and behold, here you are.”

  “I have always been one to listen to my feelings,” Stormy replied. “I am glad to hear that you are in tune with yours also.”

  Stormy bent over to adjust the blankets on Jasmine and placed her hand on Jasmine's hand. Fire, a vision of fire filled her mind. She could release her hand and it was as if her hand had been glued to Jasmine's. Then, as suddenly as the vision came, it was gone, and the grip was released. Stormy stood up to leave.

  “If there isn't anything else that I can do for you, then I think that I will retire for the night myself.” Jasmine had also seen the same vision as Stormy, but unlike Stormy, Jasmine didn't know what had just happened.

  Chapter 2

  Standing on his balcony, he took in the scenery below. The blustery conditions blew the already fallen snow in all directions, making it hard to make out any of the landscape below. It was hard to visualize even with his hawk -like vision. "Home," he said to himself. This had been his so-called birthplace, not your typical birth by any means. Every winter he would open up his home to a few select guests at the bequest of his ‘acquired family.’

  His family would entertain these guests and let them take nightly dips into the hot springs that ran underneath the castle. Dips that they believed would bring healing and rejuvenation to their mortal bodies. He would let them enjoy his hot springs for a few weeks, at a price, of course. The financial gain was always a plus, but there were other things to be gained from this endeavor other than money. He would partake in the action sometimes, but mostly he left this joyous occasion in the hands of his family.

  This was one of many of his homes, but this one was by far his favorite. His eyes scanned the grounds. The castle was surrounded by towering mountains. Mountains that hid him from the encroaching world.

  A world that he was increasingly having no desire to be a part of.

  The castle was nestled up against a steep mountainside. His wing of the castle was at the topmost part of the castle, conveniently located as far away from the guests as he could possibly be.

  Life was long-lived and lately, he had been thinking more and more that it would end. Hunter Blaise was a courageous being, but even with all his courage, he could not find the strength in himself to bring an end to this seemingly endless life. There had to be something that lay ahead of him that kept him from this final act of bravery.

  His blood has run cold for many centuries now and each time that he stayed here at Castle Blaze he looked forward to the warmth of the springs that ran deep below. The warm waters allowed his immortal body to feel warmth, -warmth that he long left his immortal body but still desired. He had hoped that this winter retreat would help pull him out of this long depressive state.

  He may not always agree with the family business, but sometimes the temptation was too great, so the occasional partaking was needed to satisfy his need. The following night would be the first gathering of the family and their guests this season. He still had not decided whether he would join them in the feast.

  Hunter had received a call, a couple weeks prior from one of his long-time employees. She asked if she could assist with this season's retreat. He did not usually deal with the staffing of these retreats, but he did agree to bring her on. Hunter would not have done this for just anyone except Stormy Morgan. Stormy has saved him on more than one occasion, it was the least he could do.

  Hunter also agreed to let her bring a guest along. Someone that she did not want to be partaking in the family's festivities.

  He knew that all the guest rooms were full, so he would allow her guest to stay in his wing of the castle. He had many bedrooms available that were not being used. He would give in and allow her guest to stay in one of them.

  He knew that they were set to arrive that evening. He did not know why Stormy had made this request on such short notice, but he assumed that she had her reasons. He also assumed that her guest was a mere mortal because of her denying others to feast on her. He would have to make sure that his family members stayed clear of her. This was another reason he would allow her guest to stay in his private wing of the castle. He could provide some protection for her if she remained close to him.

  Chapter 3

  Stormy Morgan thought that she had gotten far away from any form of supernatural beings. She had wanted to live as normal a life as possible. Far away from all the other supernatural beings, at least for a while.

  She had signed up with the traveling nurse agency with specific requests of being placed in the most uninviting, least appealing place for a supernatural being. She ended up being the caregiver to what might be one of the most powerful beings that there is.

  The most bizarre thing about this situation was that, Jasmine Willow seemed to have no idea of what she really was.

  Stormy had been born into a family whose bloodline was filled with powerful witches, but none had every been as powerful as a ‘Fire Angel.’

  Stormy had many powers, but her strongest power was the power of her visions.

  Her visions did not always give her a clear view into the future, but they did give her a glimpse of what was to be.

  Stormy had recently been having more and more visions of a powerful witch that she herself had only heard about from the passage of knowledge down through the generations.

  Not all Stormy's family were witches, this gift sometimes skipped generations. Just because this ‘magical gift’ was in your bloodline didn't mean that you would be blessed with this unique gift.

  Of all the witches that she knew, and there were many, she had never seen anyone who possessed powers anything close to that of a Fire Angel.

  When her great grandmother told of the Fire Angel, her great grandmother insisted that this special witch would not have any clue of her powers until that time that they showed itself. When this powerful witch appeared, it was because there would be a great need in the world for her to stand up against the dark forces that would threaten our existence.

  That part confused Stormy, how could you not know that you possess powers beyond that of most every witch alive?

  Well, tonight with just one touch she knew that, Fire Angel's were real, and she was under the same roof with one.

  Chapter 4

  Carefully reaching over for her pain medication that set on her bedside table, she shook out two and swallowed them down with a drink from her water bottle.

  Laying back on her bed, Jasmine thought about the nurse, Stormy Morgan. Jasmine didn't know how she felt about her. When Stormy had placed her hand on hers she got a strange sensation. It was kind of like a little electrical shock.

  Jasmine remembered not being able to move during this time. She also saw visions of flames enter into her head.

  Did she imagine that? It surely must have been her imagination? Her mind was fuzzy, she could not tell what had really transpired between them. All that she knew was that her pain medication was kicking in and she could not concentrate. Jasmine stopped fighting sleep and drifted into a not so peaceful slumber.

  Fire, the fire was all around her. Burning hot flames whipped in a burning inferno.

  She walked through the flames without getting burned. The fiery flames did nothing to her. It was as if she was fire herself.

sp; Jasmine woke with the sensation of a burning inferno radiating out from under her bandages.

  “Barbie!” she started to call out, then she remembered that she had been replaced. Stormy Morgan she remembered. Who would name their child Stormy?

  “Stormy,” Jasmine called out. A startled Stormy appeared promptly at her door.


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