A Matter of Priorities

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A Matter of Priorities Page 5

by Jon Keys

  I tensed a little but deflated. Lucas and Doug were right. I didn’t like following the rules. Besides, if I’m gone, who will care?

  But I didn’t want to spoil this night. “Okay, that’s a good point. I’ll keep it in mind.”

  “Enough of acting like the man’s parents. I’m cold, it’s my turn in the middle,” Lucas said.

  Chapter Seven

  Summer classes kept me so busy that I had trouble keeping up with everything I’d obligated myself to finish. I’d heard nothing from Lucas since the three-way, but I had been careful to spend time every day with Joey. He was coming along—not as fast as I’d like but enough that I didn’t have to defend his existence.

  I reached the top floor and stood outside our apartment while I juggled crap from hand to hand as I tried to open the door. After several futile attempts, it swung inward to Liam’s grinning face.

  “It would be a lot easier if you found your keys before you start the climb. It’d also help if you didn’t refuse to put down anything to find the damn things.”

  “Oh, shut your pie hole and help me.”

  Liam pulled the door open a little wider and I stepped through—into a wall of heat.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. It’s hotter than fuck in here,” Liam said.

  I tossed my stuff into a chair and stripped. “What the hell happened?”

  “Well, from what I can get from the ditzy blonde at the rental office, they turned on the heat for winter but didn’t think about the fact that it’s around a hundred today.”

  I stopped as I tossed the last sock into the pile of clothes I’d just ripped off. “Can’t we open a window or something?”

  “I already opened them and turned the heat so that it won’t come on, but the register’s still hot. Go take a shower and cool off.”

  A cool shower sounded appealing, but one with Liam sounded even better. “Why don’t you get in the shower with me and we can play around?”

  “You’re always horny. A shower alone won’t hurt you.”

  I was shocked. Liam was always ready for sex. He’d never turned down the opportunity before. “What’s up, Liam? You’re always up for a quick fuck.”

  He shrugged and looked away from me. “I dunno. It seems…” His voice trailed off.

  “What is it? We’ve been friends since forever.”

  He let out a long sigh. “Don’t get pissed.”

  “I won’t. Come on. I’m getting worried.”

  “You have sex a lot. Sometimes you’ve don’t even know the people you’re with. I mean, when did you get tested last?”

  “For STDs?”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “No, for your dick-sucking certificate. Hell yes for STDs.”

  I considered Liam’s question and the conversation I’d had with Doug when I’d been with him and Lucas. It seemed like the stars were aligning. “I guess it was when I was a freshman. So you think I’m playing a dangerous game?”

  “We’re playing a dangerous game, and if you’re going to sleep around, we need to get tested.”

  I sat there in surprise. Liam looked torn, and for him to be worried was major. To see he was becoming emotional about it? That moved me. I hated being tested. No, I wasn’t stupid. I figured no one would care. My family would just as soon I was dead so they could escape the shame of having a cock sucker for a child. It’s for damn sure they wanted me as far as possible from my nieces and nephews so I didn’t pass the disease to them.

  So why bother?

  But given all my objections, I didn’t want to cause any problems for Liam or his family. I could do this to find out. If it only made Liam happy, it would be worth it. “Hey, man. Sure, I’ll get tested. I’ll let you know the results. So you can relax.” Surprised, I turned to him, expecting the cheerful Liam, to find he was still worried.


  I stood dumbfounded. “What do you mean, no?”

  Liam took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before speaking again. “No, it’s not just you. It’s both of us. Everyone you’ve fucked? Well, they might as well have fucked me, too.”

  I was stunned. I hadn’t thought about it like that. The implications left me shaking.

  “Put on some clothes. We’re going to the clinic to get this taken care of today,” I said.

  An hour later we were sitting in the waiting room. Liam had tested fine but they hadn’t given me results yet. Time wore on my nerves until I was jumping at every sound and fed up with everyone in the office, including Liam—especially Liam. The visit to get tested was his fucking idea. Why in the hell did I agree to this shit?

  “Mr. Dias?”

  I jumped at my name coming from the nurse. “Yes? I’m Cooper.”

  “If you’d come with me, please.”

  I was transitioning into full-blown panic now. Liam and I locked eyes for a second and I motioned for him to come with me. The nurse’s face twisted with a bit of a frown when we walked to her. Somewhere Liam had taken my hand in his. I waited, knowing he’d drop my hand anytime. But he didn’t, and in all honesty, I didn’t want him to.

  We went into the tiny room the nurse indicated. “The doctor will be with you shortly.”

  We sat in silence with his hand wrapped around mine. I was leaning against him, taking comfort from my friend when there was a light knock at the door. The doctor walked in and frowned. Before she said anything, I nodded toward Liam. “I’d like for him to stay.”

  She seemed to relax. But the look of pity on her face did nothing to comfort me.

  “Mr. Dias, the rapid test results came back positive for HIV. It’s likely a false positive, but we’ll send the blood to the lab for a more comprehensive test.”

  I sat stunned, feeling like I’d received a death sentence. My mind refused to move past denial. Liam tightened his hold and it was the only thing I could feel. Lucky for me, Liam could ask all the questions I’d want answered later.

  “When should we get the results?”

  “In two or three days,” the doctor said.

  “And you said there is a likelihood it will turn out to be nothing.”

  “That’s right. This test has occasional false positives.”

  At that point, I drifted into another world while Liam continued to pepper the doctor with questions. I knew I’d appreciate the information—at some point.

  Chapter Eight

  I waited outside the classroom for Dr. Nyman to finish. Yes, it was Dr. Nyman, not Lucas at this point. His voice shifted to a more conversational tone, signaling the end of his lecture. “Remember the exam’s Tuesday. Review the snow-load equations. Contact me if you have questions.”

  When the last-minute-question crowd disappeared, I made my way to the lectern. Nyman looked up, saw me and his expression changed.

  “Hello, Cooper. Let’s take this discussion to my office.”

  Surprised at the change in attitude, I kept silent while we covered the short distance to his office. He closed the door behind us, pointed me toward a chair on the opposite side of his desk then he sat down and sighed. He still didn’t meet my eyes and I wondered what was going on. Before I could say anything, he began.

  “First, I apologize for waiting this long. Like Doug told you, this was a one-time thing for us. We didn’t consider how it might impact you, so I don’t blame you for being angry and feeling used.”

  Now my head was reeling. “What? Wait a minute. You think you took advantage of me?”

  He nodded, but some of the tension seemed to lessen. “Well, yes. People in positions of power taking advantage of the people under them. Teacher-student relationship. Any of this sound familiar?”

  I shrugged, becoming bemused at the unexpected turn of the conversation. But then I remembered why I was here.

  “Dr. Nyman, I’m a big boy and, like you said, I’ll never be your student again. I decide who I have sex with and I enjoy it a lot.”

  This time there was no mistaking the surprise on Nyman’s expression. “B

  “Look. It was hot, but not the best idea. Neither of us wants a repeat. So now we all have a pleasant memory and we can leave it at that.”

  He studied me for a minute then lifted his eyebrows. “What about the project? You still interested in working with me?”

  For the first time in recent memory, a smile crept across my face. “Hell yes. Your design project has been the most exciting thing I’ve worked on since I got into college.” I couldn’t let the conversation drift. “But there’s more we need to talk about.”

  “Okay, Cooper. What’s up?”

  I took a deep breath and locked my gaze to the floor. “I got an STD screening done. It came back positive for HIV. It was a rapid test and they sent it off to a lab. It could be a false positive. I’ll get the results in a couple of days, but I wanted to warn you.” I met his calm face and struggled to keep everything under control. “I’m real sorry. If I’d known—” At that point, my control broke and I began to cry.

  Lucas slipped around the desk and pulled me into his arms. “We’ve already been tested, just to be careful, and we’re fine. Hang in there. Hopefully, it will come back negative.”

  I struggled for a few minutes and got my emotions under control. When I pulled back, Lucas released me.

  Our eyes met and I knew his next words were sincere. “Let us know how the test comes out…either way.” He grew serious. “We both like you and would help if you want.”

  I smiled back and wiped the last of the tears. “I appreciate it.”

  The silence became tense and I was finished with the emotional breakdown. “Thanks. Liam’s waiting and he’ll do superhero crap if I leave him alone too long. Give Doug an inappropriate grope for me, too.”

  He was still laughing as I made my way to the lounge.

  * * * *

  I curled into my bed, preparing for another night of anxiety and misery. Tomorrow… They’d told me the results should be back then. Worry frayed my nerves until I wanted to do nothing. Classes, work, relationships… I didn’t care about any of it. I wanted someone to tell me the test results. I hoped they were the ones I wanted. But before anything happened, I had to get through another night.

  At least I’ve stopped bawling like a little kid.

  I pulled the blankets in a cocoon that would protect me from everything. With my back to the door and my knees tucked to my chest, I was the poster child for misery. After a moment or two, I realized someone was in the room with me. I turned to see Liam’s silhouette. He walked across the floor and sat on the bed beside me. I lay unmoving, wondering what he was doing, but his words still surprised me.

  “You want company?”

  A little confused, my first response sounded harsh. “Why would anyone want to be with me? I have AIDS.”

  “You don’t know if you have anything and a cold is all I might get from cuddling, so move over.”

  I didn’t want to admit it but relief flooded me. I wiggled around until we curled together. Liam settled into place and a hug from him was what I needed. I wasn’t sure why Liam was showing me all this attention. After a short time passed, I couldn’t keep my question at bay.

  “Why’d you want to be with me?”

  “Because I can’t let you spend another night by yourself, worried. I left you alone because I didn’t want to screw up our friendship when you realized.”

  My heart raced. “Realized what?”

  Liam let out a long sigh and shook his head. “You can’t be that big of a dumbass, can you?”

  “I guess I can. Are you moving out or something? I can’t take much more bad news right now.”

  “You fuckhead. I’m in love with you. I’ve loved you for years and hoped you would notice but you were too busy pretending we’re fuck buddies while you slept with anyone with a dick.”

  My stomach knotted as the words melted through me. I felt the truth behind each phrase and as I thought about it, I came to realize how blind I’d been. I started to talk but Liam laid a finger over my lips.

  “One thing at a time. Test results first, then we can discuss how dense you are.”

  I opened my mouth to argue before deciding Liam was right. For right now, being with him was enough.

  Chapter Nine

  It was late afternoon and I still hadn’t gotten the call I needed. My nerves were on edge, so much that I’d come home and cleaned to keep myself busy. Liam knew how touchy I was but still showed up a little later. We kept any discussion about Liam’s revelation out of our conversation. With nothing more than an exchange of greetings, Liam began helping me.

  My phone rang and I snatched it from my pocket. After glancing at the screen to confirm it was the clinic, I stuck it to my ear. “Hello, this is Cooper.”

  “Hello, Cooper. This is Doctor Patel from the clinic. I have great news. The test results were negative. Nothing to worry about.”

  “So you’re sure? I don’t need a third test?”

  “No. The lab test is very accurate, but I would prefer you practice safer sex. We have information here at the office.”

  “All right, thank you.”

  I ended the call and spun to find Liam holding his breath until I gave him the official word. “Negative. I got a clean bill of health.”

  Liam squealed, ran across the room and jumped into my arms. We held each other like the last shipwreck survivors. When Liam pulled away after a minute, tears were rolling down his face. My tears began. Liam wiped them from my cheeks and we kissed. Relief ran over me. As my worry about the test faded, I refocused on Liam and me. “So the first hurdle went well, but we have more to talk about.”

  Liam froze for a moment before nodding. “We do. But let’s celebrate somewhere first, then we can talk for as long as you want.”

  “Sounds like a good plan. Some place with a little wine. How about that Italian restaurant you enjoy? Anthony’s?”


  * * * *

  The meal had been delicious and Liam had splurged on a nice bottle of Chianti. We’d made our way back to the apartment and cuddled together on the couch, stuffed with pasta of several varieties and enjoying the wine’s afterglow. I wedged myself into the corner of the sofa with Liam curled against me, his head on my lap. I slipped my fingers through his blond curls. The moment was so peaceful. I wanted to savor it, but it wouldn’t last. As if he’d read my mind, Liam turned and met my gaze.

  “Well, let’s talk about last night,” Liam said as he moved from our comfortable nest. “I told you how I felt. For years I kept hoping you’d realize we weren’t just fuck buddies. But in that arena, you don’t seem too smart.”

  I smiled at Liam then sat up. “First, just to make sure we were on the same page, I love you, too. I guess I didn’t consider us a couple because you are my only friend, and if I were to lose you, I don’t know what I’d do.”


  This time I chuckled. “Yeah, you’ve explained your feelings about my lack of brains.” Another thought occurred. “What are your parents going to think? I don’t want to hurt them. You guys gave me a place to live.”

  This time it was Liam’s turn to laugh. “Mom keeps asking me why it’s taking so long.”

  I returned Liam’s grin. “They understand they aren’t going to get grandkids?”

  “You underestimate my parents. They’re saving for a surrogate mother for us.”

  “And you?”

  “Kids are years away,” Liam said.

  “Good answer. Now, how about some serious making out? You turn me on and we’re starting a whole new kind of relationship, just you and me.”

  Liam moved close, kissed my cheek then pulled back. He gave us both a moment to recover before grabbing my head and gnawing on my exposed neck. I enjoyed his attention as he explored me with new intensity. He created a delicious tingle down my neck when he slipped his hands under my shirt and rubbed my nipples. The heat of the moment flashed through my body and my breath came harder. Once he had me leanin
g in to the pressure of his hands, he tugged at my shirt until it popped over my head. Liam dropped it to the floor as I slipped his shirt off and added it to the pile.

  I pressed Liam to the couch, lay on top of him, grabbed his face and drove my tongue into his mouth. He gasped and thrashed under me as his moan filled the room. I ground my crotch against his and whispered into his ear. “What do you want? You choose tonight.”

  Liam sneered at me. “I want to fuck your muscled ass.”

  His erection grew through the thin shorts we wore. “You wanna tap my ass, huh? Stick that long cock of yours in my hole and fill me with cum? Is that what you want?”

  Liam moaned again and nodded. “Fuck yes. I want to screw you until you nut everywhere.”

  All the dirty talk was getting to me, as silly as it sounded. I climbed off Liam and stripped, clothes flying in every direction. My cock glistened with pre-cum. I moved over his face, slapping Liam with my stiff dick. “Is this what you want? You want some prime cock?”

  Liam popped his mouth open and caught the head. He circled it several times with his tongue then he bobbed his head up and down my cock. “That’s it. Suck me. Swallow my dick.”

  It wasn’t long before my mind was in fuck mode and far past anything else. My lust built until I’d reached my limit and pulled away. I leered down at Liam. “Your turn. I’m gonna get you hard and ready.”

  I snatched his shorts off and tossed them into the air. In a quick change, I flipped so my head hovered over Liam’s dick and mine was over his face. I sank his cock into my mouth. Once it banged against the back of my throat I shifted, relaxing, and a second later, my face pressed into Liam’s bushy crotch. I massaged his cock with my throat. The sensations coming from the teasing he was giving me as he worked my hood sent me closer to a building orgasm.

  The pleasure was as good as I had ever gotten. Our pace built and the euphoria intensified. The urgency built with each heartbeat. We reached the point of no return a sweaty mass. I wouldn’t last much longer and pulled away to stand beside Liam, gasping for air with my cock twitching as pre-cum drooled from my rock-hard shaft. I sat on the couch, scooted to the edge, grabbed behind my knees and spread myself wide.


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