Australians: Origins to Eureka: 1

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Australians: Origins to Eureka: 1 Page 78

by Thomas Keneally

  Hume and Hovell and Major Mitchell: Joy, The Other Side of the Hill; Fitzpatrick, Australian Explorers.

  Sturt: ADB, 2; Sturt, Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia.

  Dust and endurance

  Mitchell, Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia; Sturt, Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia.

  Eyre: Edward John Eyre, Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia, 2 vols, available on Project Gutenberg Australia.

  Toas: Phillip Jones & Peter Sutton, Art and Land (Adelaide 1986).

  Leichhardt: Alec H Chisholm, Strange New World: The adventures of John Gilbert and Ludwig Leichhardt (Sydney 1941); Ludwig Leichhardt, Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia, 1844-1845, available on Project Gutenberg Australia.

  Stuart and Burke and Wills: John Bailey, Mr Stuart’s Track: The forgotten life of Australia’s greatest explorer (Sydney 2007); Sarah Murgatroyd, The Dig Tree: The extraordinary story of the ill-fated Burke and Wills expedition (London 2000); Alan Moorehead, Cooper’s Creek (London 1963).


  Merrie England

  Conflict in Britain: Black Dwarf, history website ;William Cobbett, Rural Rides (London 1953).

  John Anderson: ADB, 1.

  Margaret and Alastair McFarlane: The Scottish Radicals: Tried and transported in 1820 (Stevenage 1981).

  Struggle for Reform Bill: Paul Scherer, Lord John Russell: A biography (London 1999).

  Swing Riots: EP Thompson, ‘The crime of anonymity’ in Hay et al., Albion’s Fatal Tree; George Rudé, Protest and Punishment: The story of the social and political protesters transported to Australia 1788-1868 (Oxford 1978); Norma Townsend, ‘Reconstructed lives:

  the Swing transportees in New South Wales’, Australian Studies, 16 (2), 2001.

  A steerage passenger

  Bounty emigration: Robin Haines, Life and Death in the Age of Sail: The passage to Australia (Sydney 2003); Don Charlworth, The Long Farewell (Melbourne 1981); Don Watson, Caledonia Australis: Scottish Highlanders on the frontier of Australia (Sydney 1997); David Fitzpatrick, Oceans of Consolation: Personal accounts of Irish migration to Australia (Cork 1994); Chistopher O’Mahony & Valerie Thompson, Poverty to Promise: The Monteagle emigrants, 1838-1858 (Sydney 1994).

  Parkes’s emigration: Henry Parkes, An Immigrant’s Home Letters, ed. Annie T Parkes (Sydney 1896).

  The Emigrant’s Farewell: Thomas Campbell, The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell (London 1907).

  The alma mater of immigrants

  Steerage: Parkes, An Immigrant’s Home Letters.

  Manlius and other ships and passengers: Haines, Life and Death in the Age of Sail; Charlworth, The Long Farewell.

  Sarah Davenport: Lucy Frost, No Place for a Nervous Lady (Sydney 1984).

  The Immigrant’s Vision: Charles Harpur, The Poetical Works of Charles Harpur, intro.

  Elizabeth Perkins (Sydney 1984).

  The Scottish wave

  Watson, Caledonia Australis; JD Lang, Reminiscence of My Life and Times, ed. DWA Baker (Melbourne 1972).

  Reinventing Scotland

  Triggers of Scots immigration, and Scots in the bush: William Cobbitt, Ten Letters Addressed to the Tax-Payers of England (London 1829).

  MacDonnell: Watson, Caledonia Australis; George Dunderdale, The Book of the Bush (London 1870).

  Other transplanted lairds: R Ian Jack, ‘Andrew Brown, Laird of Cooerwull’, JRAHS, 73, 1987-88.

  Charles Darwin’s New South Wales

  FW & JM Nicholas, Charles Darwin in Australia (Melbourne 2008).


  ‘All freedom and sentiment’

  JJ Spiegelman, ‘Foundations of freedom of the press in Australia’, Quadrant, 47 (3) 2003; RB Walker, The Newspaper Press in New South Wales (Sydney 1976); Sandra J Blair, ‘The convict press: William Watt and the Sydney Gazette in the 1830s’, The Push from the Bush, 5, 1979, and ‘Patronage and prejudice: educated convicts in the New South Wales press’, The Push from the Bush, 8, 1980.

  Wardell: ADB, 2.

  Barron Field: ADB, 1.

  Massey Robinson: ADB, 2.

  Freedom of press issues: The Australian, 22 September, 6 October, and 20 October 1825.

  The anniversary dinner: Molony, The Native-Born.

  The departure of Sir Thomas Brisbane: Wentworth in The Australian, 27 October 1825.

  Ralph Darling: ADB, 1; Ritchie, The Wentworths.

  Darling, Wentworth and others: Michael Roe, Quest for Authority in Eastern Australia, 1813-1851 (Melbourne 1965).

  Sudds and Thompson: Therry, Reminiscences of Thirty Years’ Residence in New South Wales & Victoria; Roe, Quest for Authority in Eastern Australia; Walker, The Newspaper Press in New South Wales.

  Arthur: ADB, 1.

  Forbes: ADB, 1; Therry, Reminiscences of Thirty Years’ Residence in New South Wales &Victoria.

  Pedder: ADB, 2; Roe, Quest for Authority in Eastern Australia.

  Hall: ADB, 1; Roe, Quest for Authority in Eastern Australia; Peter Cochrane, Colonial Ambition (Melbourne 2006).

  Departure of Darling: Monitor and The Australian, 26 October 1831; Ritchie, The Wentworths; Cochrane, Colonial Ambition.

  Sir Richard Bourke: ADB, 1; Max Waugh, Forgotten Hero.

  The press of the 1830s

  RB Walker, The Newspaper Press in New South Wales.

  O’Shaughnessy and Watt: ADB, 2.

  Watt in trouble: William Watt, Party Politics Exposed (signed Humanitas) (Sydney 1834); ‘A report on the proceedings of the case of William Angus Watt’, HRA, Series I, XVIII.

  The Australian: Ritchie, The Wentworths; Walker, The Newspaper Press in New South Wales.


  New Holland

  Australian Agricultural Company: Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia.

  James Stirling: ADB, 2; JS Battye, Western Australia: A history from its discovery to the inauguration of the Commonwealth (Nedlands, W.A., 1978); Clark, A History of Australia, 2.

  Thomas Peel: ADB, 2; Battye, Western Australia.

  Solomon Levey: ADB, 2; GFJ Bergman, ‘Solomon Levey’, JRAHS, 29, 1963-4.

  Talking to the sulky one

  Fremantle: Battye, Western Australia.

  The Sulky One: George Fletcher Moore, Extracts from the Letters and Journals of George Fletcher Moore (London 1834), and Diary of Ten Years Eventful Life as an Early Settler in Western Australia (London 1884).

  Molloy, Bussell: Alexandra Hasluck, Portrait with Background: A life of Georgiana Molloy (Melbourne 1955).

  The founding years: EW Landor, The Bushman, or Life in a New Country (London 1847).

  Oh Mr Wakefield

  Wakefield’s plans: Edward Gibbon Wakefield, Sketch of a Proposal for Colonizing Australasia (London 1829), and A Letter from Sydney, the Principal Town of Australasia, ed. R Gouger (London 1929).

  South Australia in concept and reality: DH Pike, Paradise of Dissent: South Australia

  1829-1857 (London 1957); Derek Whitelock, Adelaide 1836-1976: A history of difference (Brisbane 1977); Clark, A History of Australia, 2.

  Angas, Gouger and Hindmarsh: ADB, 1 and 2.

  Re-establishing Port Phillip

  The Hentys: Margaret Kiddle, Men of Yesterday: A social history of the western districts of Victoria, 1834-1890 (Melbourne 1961); Clark, A History of Australia, 2.

  Gellibrand, Batman, Wedge, Lonsdale: all ADB, 1 and 2; Kiddle, Men of Yesterday; Joyce, Van Diemen’s Land; L Bonwick, John Batman (Melbourne 1867); John Pascoe Fawkner, Melbourne’s Missing Chronicle: Being the journal of preparations for departure to and proceedings at Port Phillip, ed. CP Billot (Melbourne 1982).

  Neil Black: ADB, 1; Kiddle, Men of Yesterday.

  La Trobe and his wife: ADB, 2; G Serle, The Golden Age (Melbourne 1967).

  The colony of the saints

  General conditions and problems: Pike, Paradise of Dissent; Whitlock, Adelaide.

Hindmarsh: ADB, 1.

  Light: ADB, 2; G Dutton, Founder of a City (Melbourne 1960).

  The maiden of Australind

  Lucy Frost, No Place for a Nervous Lady.

  Australind and other settlers: Hasluck, Portrait with Background; Battye, Western Australia; Jane Dodds, A Swan River Colony Pioneer, ed. Lilian Heel (Sydney 1988).


  Myall Creek … and beyond

  Windradyne: ADB online ; Bruce Elder, Blood on the Wattle:

  Massacres and maltreatment of Aboriginal Australians since 1788 (Sydney 1988); T Salisbury & PJ Gresser, Windradyne and the Wiradjuri: Martial law at Bathurst in 1824 (Sydney 1971); Bill Gammage, ‘The Wiradjuri War, 1838-40’, The Push from the Bush, 16, 1983.

  Philanthropus: Reynolds, Dispossession.

  Continued resistance: Michael Pearson, ‘Bathurst Plains and beyond: European colonisation and Aboriginal resistance’, Aboriginal History, 8 (1), 1984.

  Snodgrass: ADB, 2.

  Major Nunn: HRA, I; Clark, A History of Australia, 2; Reynolds, Dispossession.

  Dangar: ADB, 1; Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia; R Millis, Waterloo Creek: The Australia Day massacre of 1838 (Melbourne 1992).

  Individual account of the Myall Creek Massacre: Sydney Herald, 26 November 1838; Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser, 19 November 1838; Elizabeth Webby, ‘Reactions to the Myall Creek Massacre’, The Push from the Bush, 8, December, 1980; Alan Atkinson (ed), ‘1838’, The Push from the Bush, 1, May 1978; David Denholm, ‘The Myall Creek Massacre’, The Push from the Bush, 9, 1981.

  Myall Creek and other conflicts: Clark, A History of Australia, 2; Bruce Elder, Blood on the Wattle; Don Watson, Caledonia Australis; Henry Reynolds, Fate of a Free People (Melbourne 1995), and Dispossession (Sydney 1989); Norma Townsend, ‘Masters and men and the Myall Creek Massacre’, The Push from the Bush, 20, 1985; Lyndall Ryan, ‘Aboriginal policy in Australia: 1838—A watershed?’, The Push from the Bush, 8, 1980.

  For contrary view on massacres: Keith Windschuttle, The Myth of Frontier Massacres in Australian History, Part I, II and III: The invention of massacre stories (Quadrant 2000).

  Contesting the land

  Bennelong and Goat Island: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 2.

  European attitudes: Reynolds, Dispossession; Richard Windeyer, ADB, 2; EE Landor, The Bushman: Report from the Select Committee on Aborigines (British Settlements) together with the minutes of evidence, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1836; Saxe Bannister, Evidence Before Select Committee on Aborigines.

  Relationships and depredations: Michael Cannon, Who Killed the Koories? (Melbourne 1990); Moore, Diary of Ten Years; Watson, Caledonia Australis; Dunderdale, The Book of the Bush.

  Curr: Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia; Cannon, Who Killed the Koories?


  Lost women, lost tribes

  Lost woman in Gippsland: McMillan, ADB, 2; Watson, Caledonia Australis; Dunderdale, The Book of the Bush.

  Eliza Fraser: DJ Mulvaney, ‘John Graham: The convict as Aboriginal’ in Reece, Irish Convict Lives; M Alexander, Mrs Fraser on the Fatal Shore (London 1971).

  Rescuing Eliza

  Graham’s career and Eliza Fraser rescue: Mulvaney, ‘John Graham’; Graham and Otter’s Report, COD 183, AONSW; Ingleton, True Patriots All.


  Molesworth’s committee

  Molesworth and Grey: HCG Matthew & Brian Harrison (eds), The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (London 2004).

  Opposition to the system, and calls for greater harshness: Hirst, Convict Society and its Enemies; Summary of the Report of the Select Committee on Transportation, together with Minutes of Evidence (Westminster 1837); William Ullathorne, Evidence before the Select Committee on Transportation, 1837, BPP, XIX, 1; JD Lang, Evidence before the Select Committee on Transportation; James Macarthur, Evidence before the Select Committee on Transportation; Mudie, Evidence before the Select Committee on Transportation.


  The girl from the Female Factory

  Female Factory: Annette Salt, These Outcast Women: The Parramatta Female Factory, 1821-1848 (Sydney 1984); Kaye Daniels, Convict Women (Sydney 1998); Tony Rayner, Female Factory Convicts (Hobart 2004).

  Mary Shields and other condemned: Limerick Chronicle, 9 January 1839.

  Spring Crimes: Cormac O’Grada, Ireland Before and After the Famine: Explorations in economic history, 1800-1825 (Dublin 1989); Margaret Crawford (ed), Famine: The Irish experience 900 to 1900—subsistence crises and famines in Ireland (Edinburgh 1989).

  Irish Poor Law and workhouses: John O’Connor, The Workhouses of Ireland (Dublin 1995).

  Convicts or Whitby and accompanying children: 2/8282, AONSW; Surgeons Log, Whitby, PRO 3212.

  Irish women convicts in general: Peter Cunningham, ADB, 1; Peter Cunningham, Two Years in New South Wales (London 1827).

  Further information on Van Diemen’s Land female convicts: Sir John Franklin, Confidential Dispatch from Sir John Franklin, 1843, addressed to the Secretary of State Lord Stanley, Sullivan’s Cove, 1996.

  Neva: Bateson, Convict Ships.

  Sir George Gipps to Glenelg: HRA, XIX.

  Whitby arrives: Sydney Gazette, 26 June 1939.

  Sisters of Charity: Richard Reid & Cheryl Mongan, A Decent Set of Girls (Yass 1996).

  Female convicts: Mudie, The Felonry of New South Wales, and Evidence Before the Select Committee on Transportation.

  Inside Female Factory: Salt, These Outcast Women.

  Song, ‘The Girl from the Female Factory’: Douglas Stewart & Nancy Keesing (eds), Old Bush Songs and Rhymes of Colonial Times (Sydney 1957).

  Assignment: Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence, Female Factory 4/3691, AONSW.

  Description of Shields and others: Tickets-of-leave, 4/4178, AONSW.

  Nature of travel, NSW: Alexander Harris, Emigrant Mechanic (London 1850); Russel Ward, The Australian Legend.

  Samuel Terry: ADB, 2.

  Tallow: Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia.


  The poor emigrant ashore

  Arrival: Parkes, An Immigrant’s Home Letters.

  Depression, 1840s: Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia; Sinclair, Monaro; Clark, A History of Australia Volume 3: The beginning of an Australian civilisation, 1824-1851 (Melbourne 1986).

  Mrs Meredith: see George Meredith, ADB, 2; Mrs Charles Meredith, Notes and Sketches of New South Wales During a Residence in the Colony from 1839 to 1844 (Sydney 1973).

  Henry Parkes’s verse: Sir Henry Parkes, Stolen Moments (Sydney 1842).

  Pastoral Might

  All aspects: Roe, Quest for Authority in Eastern Australia; Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia; Cochrane, Colonial Ambition; Kiddle, Men of Yesterday; Clark, A History of Australia, 3; Brian H Fletcher, ‘Governor Bourke and squatting in New South Wales’, JRAHS, 74 (4), 1989.

  Governor Gipps: ADB, 1; Sydney Kendall Barker, ‘The Governorship of Sir George Gipps’, JRAHS, 16, (3 and 4).


  Fetching Spouses

  Hugh’s application and those of others: Returns of Applications, 1837-1843, 4/4992, AONSW.

  The squatter’s situation: Brodribb, Reminiscences of an Australian Squatter.

  Laurencetown, etc: CG Otway, A Tour in Connaght (Dublin 1839).

  William Forster: ADB, 4.

  Squatters’ reluctance: Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia; Cochrane, Colonial Ambition.

  A birth in the bush

  Brodribb’s marriage: Brodribb, Reminiscences of an Australian Squatter.

  Shield’s child: Baptismal Records, St Peter and Paul’s Church, Goulburn, 22 August 1844; Mary, Baptismal Records, December 1947.

  Convict marriage: Therry, Reminiscences of Thirty Years’ Residence in New South Wales &Victoria.

  Society’s contest with the governor: Fitzroy, ADB, 1; Cochrane, Colonial Ambition; Roe, Quest for Authority in
Eastern Australia.

  Conditional pardon: 4/4459, 1 June 1848, AONSW.

  Purchase of land: Land Deeds 48/11967, 25 October 1848, AONSW.

  Brodribb loss: Brodribb, Reminiscences of an Australian Squatter.

  Famine orphans: Reid & Mongan, A Decent Set of Girls; Trevor McClaughlin, Barefoot and Pregnant? Irish famine orphans in Australia (Melbourne 1991).

  Mary and the Thunguddi

  Mary McMaugh: Mary McMaugh, Pioneering on the Upper Macleay (Wingham, NSW, n.d.); Augustus Rudder, ‘The Macleay River’, The Town and Country Journal, LXIV, 1902; John Weingarth, ‘The discovery and settlement of the Macleay River’, JRAHS, 10, 1924.

  Thunguddi: Clement Hodgkinson, Australia from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay (London 1845); Geoffrey Blomfield, Baal Belbora: The end of the dancing (Sydney 1981).


  Canada Bay

  Patriotes and other Canadian and American rebels: Beverley Boissery, A Deep Sense of Wrong: The treason, trials and transportation to New South Wales of lower Canadian rebels after the 1938 rebellion (Toronto 1995).

  Buffalo: Bateson, The Convict Ships.

  Experiences in Sydney: Léon Ducharme, Journal of a Political Exile in Australia, ed. George Mackaness (Dubbo 1976).

  Reaction of residents: Therry, Reminiscences of Thirty Years’ Residence in New South Wales & Victoria.

  Clergy: Polding, ADB, 2.

  Situation of Patriotes and other politicals: Rudé, Protest and Punishment; AGL Shaw, Convicts and the Colonies.

  Governor Franklin: ADB, 1.

  Tasmanian rebels: Linus Miller, Notes of an Exile to Van Diemen’s Land (East Ardley, UK, 1968); Samuel Snow, The Exile’s Return (Cleveland 1846).

  The religious divide

  Divide and internal conflict: Polding, ADB, 2; Nixon, ADB, 2.

  Polding and Nixon: Roe, Quest for Authority in Eastern Australia; O’Farrell, The Irish in Australia.

  O’Donahue: Kiernan, The Irish Exiles in Australia; Keneally, The Great Shame.

  John McSweeney, A Meddling Priest: John Joseph Therry (Strathfield, NSW, 2000).

  O’Donahue’s espousing of Therry: The Irish Exile, July-November, 1850.



  The ferment: Cochrane, Colonial Ambition; Roe, Quest for Authority in Eastern Australia; Clark, A History of Australia, 3; Beverley Kingston, A History of New South Wales (Melbourne 2006).


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