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Alien Alliance

Page 5

by Honey Phillips

“Ah. A queen’s health and safety must always come first, but I spoke truthfully.” He held her gaze for an instant. “I will never lie to you, my queen.”

  “I believe you.” Rather to her surprise she did. Other than her immediate family, she didn’t trust very many people, but she already trusted this strange new alien.

  “So, we have heat, water, and a little food. We should be able to survive the storm for a while. Now all we need is to find something to fill the time.” Her light-hearted words dropped into the quiet cave with unexpected impact.

  Chapter Seven

  Hisst stared at his queen and tried desperately to suppress the thoughts that had immediately sprung to mind at her casual comment. She stared back and her cheeks assumed the mating hue once more. Could she possibly have some of the same thoughts? He dropped his eyes to check, and yes, her nipples were once again prominent.

  “Would you like me to present myself to you?” he asked hopefully, even though he had little expectation that she would take him up on his offer.

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  “Once the queen is ready, the male should present himself for her touch,” he quoted.

  “And what makes you think I’m ready?” She sounded more curious than annoyed and he breathed a sigh of relief that he had not offended her.

  “Your nipples are hard and the temperature in the cave has not decreased. Also, you have a mating flush.”

  “A mating flush?”

  “The color on your cheeks indicates your readiness. In an Icluthian queen, it will extend down to her cunt, but I do not know if that is true for a human queen. And of course, your clothing covers it,” he added regretfully. “If you wish to expose it so that I can judge for myself—”

  “No!” Then she sighed. “Blushing is the curse of a redhead.”

  “It does not signify that you’re aroused?”

  “Sometimes,” she admitted. “It can also mean that I’m embarrassed, or angry, or upset.”

  Disappointment filled him. He had thought it was too much to expect, and yet…

  “Your nipples are still hard,” he pointed out.

  Before his eyes, they tightened even further, and she pressed a quick arm against them as if to hide the revealing nubs.

  She laughed ruefully. “You have me there.”

  “I have you there? Does that mean I may touch you?” He was on his knees before her even as he spoke, his hands gently cupping the abundant flesh that filled his palms with soft warmth.

  “I didn’t mean— Oh.” Her eyes closed and she swayed towards him when he ran a curious thumb over those tempting little peaks. “That feels really good.”

  “Oh, yes.” His kradx throbbed impatiently against his slit but he was too fascinated by the soft weight filling his palms. He massaged her tits, memorizing the feel, and noting how her breathing quickened and her color deepened as he moved. When he concentrated on the entrancing strangeness of her nipples, rolling and plucking the taut nubs, her hands came up to cover his. For a moment, he thought he had erred, but all she did was encourage him, urging him to apply more pressure than he would have dared.

  She writhed against his hands and then, wonder of wonders, she moved closer, seating herself across one of his thighs. Even through the layers of material separating them, he could feel the heat of her cunt as she rubbed her body over his thigh in an urgent rhythm. Her breath came in little panting gasps and he felt his own throat begin to trill in response. Her scent deepened to an intoxicating level as she clamped his fingers even more tightly around her nipples and they hardened in response to his touch. Responding to her excitement, he tugged harder and she moaned. She threw her head back, then cried out her pleasure as he felt the cloth covering her cunt grow damp against his thigh.

  His kradx could not be contained, extruding from his slit and rubbing against the slick material of his suit in a surge of longing. She swayed, and he moved his hands to support her, but she scrambled back off his leg, pressing her hands against the beautiful red which still covered her cheeks.

  Oh my god. Lizabet tried to hide the embarrassed flush covering her cheeks. One minute she had been guiltily enjoying Hisst’s gentle reverent touch, and the next she had been pressing into his hands and urging him on. The low-key arousal that had been haunting her since she woke up in his arms had escalated with a strength and speed she hadn’t anticipated. The feel of his smooth dry scales beneath her hands and the spicy scent of his skin surrounding her had heightened her arousal. Even the air seemed to vibrate with excitement, and the feel of his hard thigh beneath her swollen clit had sent her soaring into a fast, intense climax.

  Almost too embarrassed to look at him, she snuck a quick peek. He had a strange look on his face, almost as if he were in pain. What had she done?

  “I’m so sorry, Hisst. I didn’t mean to get carried away like that.”

  “No one will carry you away from me,” he said immediately, glaring at the cave entrance.

  “No, I meant that I got a little too… excited.”

  “You are apologizing? For trusting me to witness your release? I am honored, my queen.”

  He started to move towards her, then winced and froze.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I don’t believe so, but this is the first time I have extruded, and the circumstances are… different than I had expected. I’m not sure what to do.”


  “My kradx.” He gestured towards his groin and she couldn’t help but look. The odd flat bulge had disappeared and instead there was a very large ridge with…with a second smaller ridge next to it. Was that even possible? Her biology lessons resurfaced—many reptiles did have dual penises. Oh fuck.

  “What did you expect to happen?” she asked cautiously.

  A small area pulsed at the base of his throat. “After my queen awakened my kradx, she would make use of it.”

  “Oh.” Despite the lingering heat in her body, she didn’t think she was ready for that. “Could you, uh, take care of it yourself?”

  Shock crossed his face. “No one has ever suggested such a thing.” The spot pulsed again, and she suddenly wondered if it was the Icluthian equivalent of blushing. “I am not quite sure how it would be done.”

  Could he really be that innocent? “And this has never happened before?”

  “No. As I said, only a queen can awaken a male’s kradx for the first time.” He shifted uneasily. “It is not as pleasant as I had expected.”

  She couldn’t resist, she looked at his lap again. The ridges had not diminished in the slightest.

  “Maybe you should try, um, touching yourself?”

  “Touch myself?” The shock returned, as did the flicker at his throat.

  “Yes. You know, to relieve the pressure.”

  “This is permitted?”

  The color started to suffuse her cheeks again. It was a small cave, if he masturbated, she would know exactly what he was doing. But she didn’t want him to be in pain and especially considering that he had just seen her come, it seemed sort of silly to get shy now. She sternly suppressed the thought that she was actually curious—and more than a little turned on.

  She attempted a casual shrug. “Sure, why not? Although if you want me to step—”

  Before she could complete her sentence, he ran a finger down the front of his suit. It opened behind his touch, showing a wide expanse of well-muscled chest and… fuck. He definitely had two penises, both of them a deep shade of gold and glistening in the dim light. They were shaped the same—long, smooth columns that tapered slightly to a divided tip—but the front one was significantly larger.

  The spicy scent that always surrounded him increased, filling the cave with an exotic aroma that seemed to draw a corresponding increase in her own arousal.

  “Does this sight please you, my queen?” His voice was low, husky with what she suspected was his own arousal.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said honestly. Not t
hat she had a lot of up-close experience with dicks to begin with, but she had seen enough to know that they didn’t look anything like this.

  “Is that bad?”

  He sounded so concerned that she felt a little tug at her heart.

  “Not at all. Do you want me to, um, step outside the cave?”

  “Why would I want that? Aren’t you going to instruct me?”

  “Me?” she squeaked. “Don’t you know what to do?”

  “No. I told you that my kradx has never extruded before. It takes a queen to make that happen and no queen has ever awakened my desire.”

  That was both flattering and a little nerve-wracking. She bit her lip and moved a little closer. Fuck, he smelled good and those glistening columns of flesh looked extraordinarily tempting.

  “I suppose you should start by just touching it—them.”

  He grabbed himself so tightly that even she winced, and he immediately jerked his hand away.

  “You need to be gentle,” she said. “Like this.”

  Moving close enough that she was tucked against his side, she stroked a cautious finger along the larger shaft, sliding easily along the glistening flesh. Mm, smooth and silky and cool against her fingertips. He groaned and she immediately took her hand away.

  “No.” He grabbed her hand to bring it back, then immediately dropped it, looking ashamed. “I’m sorry. I forgot my place.”

  “It’s fine. I showed you how I wanted to be touched.”

  He didn’t argue, promptly placing her hand back on his dick. She curved her fingers around it, realizing that they didn’t quite touch, and a little shiver traveled up her spine. What would it feel like to have that broad cool length stretching her pussy? Her clit throbbed and she shifted, trying to apply some discreet pressure to the demanding nub.

  “You are aroused?” Hisst asked, and she looked up to see him staring at her once again very erect nipples.

  “Well, yes. You’re almost naked and I have your dick in my hand.”

  “You would prefer me completely naked?”

  Before she could respond, he stripped away the rest of the suit to reveal an awful lot of muscled green alien. Her mouth went dry. The suit hadn’t exactly hidden anything but seeing him without it doubled the impact. Once he was naked, he brought her hand firmly back to his larger dick.

  “Aren’t you going to get cold?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Not while you are touching me,” he said, then put an arm around her and gently tugged her closer. “But of course, your warmth would help.”

  He sounded so innocent that she shot him a suspicious look, which he returned with such limpid innocence that she laughed.

  As her laughter died, he moved his hips restlessly and she focused on the smooth shaft filling her hand. She took a long, slow stroke and he groaned.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “Oh no, my queen. Perhaps, harder this time?”

  She tightened her hand and repeated the motion and a low vibrating hum filled the cave. When she looked up, she saw that the area under his neck was pink and slightly swollen. She put her hand to it, and she felt it vibrate beneath her fingers as the trill echoed again.

  “You made that sound before, when I was on your lap.”

  “Yes, my queen. It signifies the intensity of my arousal.”

  With that to guide her, she returned to her explorations.

  “Is your second shaft not as sensitive?” It was definitely smaller, no more than two fingers wide and about half the length, but when she stroked it cautiously, he trilled just as loudly. Returning to his main shaft, she ran a finger over the divided tip. To her shock, the ends parted, then enclosed her finger in a tight wet grip. She had a brief, shocking fantasy of that same grip applied to her clit and found herself rubbing her breasts against Hisst’s side, wishing that she was touching him directly.

  As if he read her thoughts, he asked tentatively, “My queen, would you do me the honor of allowing me to see your body?”

  Oh, what the hell. She pulled off her thermal top, tank, and lacy bra before she could second guess herself. When she snuck a look at him, he was staring at her breasts as if he’d never seen anything like them before. Actually, she supposed he never had.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed. “And I see that the mating flush extends down across them.” He reached for her, then hesitated. “May I?”

  Too embarrassed to speak, she nodded, and he immediately repeated his actions of earlier, but the feel of his smooth dry skin against her naked flesh was a hundred times more satisfying. When he tugged on one of her nipples, his cock jerked, and she suddenly remembered that she was still holding him. She gave him another long stroke and his fingers clamped down hard on her nipples, sending a shockwave of pleasure straight to her clit. His hands left her breasts, but before she could protest, he positioned her over his thigh as she had been earlier. This time it wasn’t enough—she wanted to be closer—and she moved forward until she was actually straddling his lap. His cocks reared up between her spread thighs and she could use both hands now. She started stroking him again, experimenting until she found the speed and strength that had him emitting a continuous trill. He focused on her breasts, not hesitating at all as he stroked and tugged, his fingers firm and sure. Both cocks throbbed in her hands, then hardened just before he sent four jets of golden liquid shooting into the air, covering his chest, his hands, and her breasts in fragrant warmth.

  His head fell back, and she could have cried in frustration. Her body throbbed and ached, her clit swollen and demanding, her pussy squeezing on nothing. She sat back, trying not to scowl at Hisst’s limp satisfaction, but his hands followed her, still clinging to her breasts.

  “You can let go now,” she said, trying not to sound as frustrated as she felt. Apparently, her efforts were not successful because his eyes immediately opened and focused on her. As soon as he saw the look on her face, he sat forward.

  “My queen. I did not please you?”

  “It wasn’t about me.”

  “It is always about you.” He looked so obviously distressed that her frustration lessened, and she was able to give him a genuine smile.

  “Never mind. I think you came enough for both of us.” The golden fluid was everywhere, and she ran a finger through it and brought it cautiously to her face. It too had that exotic spicy scent, and, with a mental shrug, she brought it to her tongue. Oh my god. It tasted amazing—sweet, but with an underlying spicy heat reminiscent of cinnamon.

  As she followed the trails down his body, she realized that both his cocks had disappeared. All that remained was a long slit, the frilled edges a soft shade of pink. Without thinking, she traced the slit. He groaned and a bulge started to grow again.

  “I’m sorry. Is it sensitive?”

  “Yes, but do not apologize. I would ever welcome your touch—and I hope that I have more control now that I have been satisfied. I will not extrude.”

  Pushing aside an impulse to challenge his control, she reached for her clothes. Before she could pull them back on Hisst reached out again, not for her breasts this time but to run a finger over her necklace.

  “You have a dargan stone.”

  “Is that what it is? It was a gift.” The reminder tugged at her wounded heart.

  “Yes, of course. A most appropriate present for a queen.” He lifted the jewel, letting it catch the light. “It matches your eyes.”

  “That’s what he said.” Dammit. She did not want to think about T’kol right now. Especially not with another male’s seed all over her body.

  Redirecting her thoughts to more practical matters, she used her tank top to clean them both, decided not to worry about her bra, and yanked on the thermal top. Hisst pulled his suit back on, although he left the upper part open to reveal the smooth scales of his upper chest and the large circular tattoo on his right pectoral. She momentarily wished she’d had more time to explore that fascinating chest, then shook her head. The previous events had been the
result of a long period of frustration and their unusual situation, she decided. Any red-blooded female might succumb to the appeal of an attractive muscular alien if she was trapped with him in a blizzard. She would just keep her distance from now on.

  But then she looked up to find him smiling at her, his face relaxed and hopeful, and she realized keeping her distance was going to be impossible. They needed something to think about other than sex.

  “Do you play cards?” she asked doubtfully. She always carried a deck with her because she found old-fashioned solitaire with actual cards curiously soothing.

  To her surprise he nodded eagerly. “Yes, I enjoy card games very much.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she dug through her pack for the deck. “Then let’s see if you’re any good.”

  Chapter Eight

  The second day after the Icluthians’ arrival was even worse as far as T’kol was concerned. L’zabet had still not returned. The Icluthian queen refused to see their party at all. One of her warriors announced that she had received distressing news and would not be receiving visitors.

  “Visitors,” T’lan snarled when they gathered outside her temporary residence after the abortive attempt. “This is not a social call. If they have information about the Saviji expansion, true allies would be prepared to share that information.” He kicked at the light dusting of snow that had fallen overnight with a clawed foot. “M’lee has offered to make an actual social call but I am not sure I want her in their presence.”

  “It could be helpful,” T’gana suggested. “From what I have been able to gather so far, I believe that queens tend to speak primarily to other queens. Perhaps that extends to all females.”

  “If you think it could be helpful, I suppose we should try,” T’lan said reluctantly. “Perhaps tomorrow the queen will be more accommodating.”

  The warriors disbursed, but this time T’chok was the one to pull T’kol aside.

  “R’chel and I have discussed the matter. She believes you have a right to know.”

  “Know what?”


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