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Evilution Page 14

by Lisa Moore

  Chapter 22

  Passing of the Evening Star

  The last week of classes thankfully, has flown by. I wish I could say I enjoyed them but as each day ticks off closer to New Zealand and confronting my past, I find it harder to concentrate on my present. Lily has been busy finishing up with her responsibilities for the semester which has kept her working on grades and such late into the evenings. I have not slept over at her place all week. I miss the closeness and warmth of her flesh, the feel of her body pressed against mine. I miss getting to watch her as she sleeps, being soothed by her rhythmic breaths. I miss her.

  Yesterday I had to travel to Cortland, New York. Cortland State, home of the Red Dragons was holding a blood drive on campus. I was able to obtain 10 pints of AB+ with relative ease but it took me much longer than I would have liked. By the time I got back to the barn and stored my bounty and gave Lily a call it was after 9pm. She answered the phone and I could tell I had woken her. She wanted me to come by saying she would get a second wind, but I told her to rest up and I would come by early in the morning with breakfast. We were going to do some shopping in town or hit the nearest outlets. Between Christmas and the trip, we had several things to get.

  I brought over breakfast of yogurt, fruit and muffins, along with coffee, a “prerequisite” to starting Lily’s day. I let myself in and called out to her and Pumpkin, “Good morning ladies it’s me Max”. Pumpkin padded over and licked my hand in greeting. I gave her a scratch behind the ear and she shuffled back over to her bed. I went into Lily’s room and found her curled up on the freshly made bed, dressed, and asleep. I sat down next to her and gently caressed the hair back from her face and she stirred. As she opened her beautiful eyes and rolled onto her back she pulled me towards her. My lips find hers and we kiss. “I missed you this week. I don’t like sleeping without you. Mmm, you smell good. Will you stay over tonight? We can go to bed early, big test tomorrow!” She said, as I nuzzled her face. I realize my behavior mimics the wolf behavior I witnessed last night. As our skin touches and I am enveloped in her scent I feel very much like that alpha male. My actions express my emotions for my love and my protective nature towards her. Today something seems different. Her scent seems subtly changed, although it could be that we haven’t been together in a week, and her closeness is intoxicating.

  I lay beside her on the bed and as we face each other we talk. “Why were you asleep on top of the bed?” I ask. “Well I got up early this morning. I was starving, so around six, I ate an omelet, bowl of cereal and a banana. Then I finished all the grading stuff I could do before the final tomorrow and I came in to make the bed. I was just laying here waiting for you to come by and I guess I fell asleep.” “Well I brought some fruit and yogurt and some muffins, you can have them later since you already ate. I also brought you some coffee.” “Actually, I can definitely do breakfast part two. Come on, we will plan out our day while we eat.” She replied, “While you eat” I clarified, “I had something before I came.”

  As we sat at the table and Lily ate breakfast part two, I suggested we start our shopping today locally. “Why don’t we try our luck in town first? You should take a look in the old antique shop where I got your necklace. I thought there were a lot of interesting pieces there and you are certain to find something for your mother there. I thought we could go to the CVS on Main Street for the trial size stuff for our trip and some film and batteries.” I know Lily wanted to stop by Paul’s bar, he would be watching Pumpkin until Lily returns. I know it is immature and petty but the irony makes me smirk, he gets the dog and I get the girl. “If you want, we could stop by the Library for lunch, I know you want to discuss with Paul the plans for when he is watching Pumpkin.” “I do need to talk to him but I’m not so sure putting the two of you in a room together is such a good idea.” “I can behave if he does.” I said, but I was thinking that it might be more fun if he didn’t behave, I’d have an excuse to knock him down a peg or two. I know that would not make Lily very happy, but a man can dream. “Why don’t we play it by ear? By the way, those muffins were yummy! Thanks for bringing them. I’m ready to go if you are.” “Don’t you want the coffee?” I ask, motioning to the untouched Styrofoam cup. “No, thanks, for some reason I am just not that into coffee lately.” I said “Wow that might be a first, no morning coffee. Good, too much caffeine isn’t good for you.” She replied “You’re my drug of choice Max, I just need to wake up next to you to have my fix and right now I am suffering serious withdrawal.” “I miss you too.” I said.

  We took my car the short trip into town and found a spot on Main Street just in front of the CVS. We did a quick stop inside, got various travel size toiletries, batteries and film. Our next stop was a short walk down the street. Main Street in Hills is a mix of the old and new. New shops like CVS and Starbucks stand beside old-time, mom and pop establishments. Sandwiched between the Maple Tree Pub and Casual Set, the local beauty parlor, was The Antique Shop. Not a very unique name but as simple as the name is, there are many treasures to be found amidst its cluttered interior.

  Walking into the shop with Lily, I felt the strangest sensation, it was as if a cool gust of air passed through me and swirled above the old proprietors head. “Oh my, yes! I do.” He mumbled to himself, as he made his way down the antique obstacle course deftly stepping around stacks of old art, tea services, and table lamps. He moved well for an old timer, but it appeared he talked to himself quite a lot. “I don’t know, but you’re right, powerful.” He said to himself. When he made his way over to us he extended his hand to me. “Mr. VanderCreek, a pleasure to see you again.” “Hello Mr. Adammo, it’s nice to see you too sir. This is…” “Lily” he said finishing my sentence. “You were right Mr. VanderCreek; she is one of a kind. Pleased to meet you Lily, my name is Charles.” He said, as he took Lily’s hand in both of his. “My, my, you are special. You radiate a powerful energy Lily.” Then seeming to talk to himself again he said, “Well if you’re right then we should see in a moment my love.”

  “Lily, do you believe in fate? Because I believe it was fate that brought you and Mr. Vander Creek to my shop. There are powerful forces at work in nature and if you are open to accepting that fact then many wondrous things can happen.” As he said this, he turned his gaze to Lily, eyes locked onto her necklace. I watched as his pupils contracted to pinpoints and rebounded to a light appropriate level in response to the ruby’s fluctuating brilliance. I saw from the corner of my eye the stone, it appeared to grow extremely bright, radiant for a brief second and then reverted back to its rich ruby iridescence. “It is done, the Evening Star has been passed on; it has chosen her Lilly.” With a look of exhilaration, he said this to himself, even though he used Lily’s name, and then I understood. He was not talking to himself; he was talking to his Lilly.

  I was just thinking that perhaps a trick of the light caused the supposed change in brilliance of Lily’s necklace when just then the strange sensation of the cool gust of air stirred again, and then I saw it. Lily’s necklace, the ruby had changed, it looked different. Instead of the deep, even, blood red color, the stone now sparkled along inner facets, like a diamond, or more like a fire ball caught inside the small ruby sphere.

  “Lily, your necklace” I started, “The Evening Star” Charles chimed in. “It has been over 32 years that I have waited for this day. Lily the pendant has found you. It holds great power and can protect and guide you. Each woman, who it finds worthy, will unlock its potential. Once the Evening Star is lit, it is bound to you till your death. How the power will work for you Lily depends on your actions. Pay attention to the connection you have to it. Learn to read the subtle changes in its energy as you face the struggles of life. If you learn its subtle language, it will lead you down the right path.”

  “Oh my, it’s radiant! It didn’t look like that before, but what do you mean it found me? Lily asked. “And it’s powerful and bound to me?” she continued, confusion in her eyes
. “Come sit a moment so I can explain” said Charles as he led us toward the back of the room. We sat at a cluttered antique coffee table. This must be where Charles spends his time when not with customers. Set about the table was today’s Hills Gazette, an empty cup of coffee, a dog eared book of crossword puzzles, and a worn deck of playing cards.

  Charles began. “With great power comes great responsibility, and you are now in possession of a very powerful object. It is only fair that I tell you the history of the Evening Star as I have been told. The Evening Star was made by my great great grandmother Gwendolyn McAlister in 1853. The story passed down to me was that she was seventeen, and interested in crystals and gems and a practicing Wiccan. She and her mother often prayed to a Goddess called Inanna. She made the Evening Star pendant and cast a spell over it on the eve of her wedding. I have been told that the spell was a connection spell, one that would allow her to sense her true love anywhere in the world. The spell was designed to bind their souls for eternity, so they would find each other in the afterlife.”

  The small shop seemed to grow colder and Charles gave a small involuntary shudder as he continued. “She was about to marry Mr. Robert Smith, whom she loved dearly. When the spell was cast the stone was lit with an inner glow as it has now. It gave her the ability to sense her husband, to know his moods, to feel his presence even when he was away from her. As time went on their love produced a son and then a daughter. As Gwendolyn learned more about the stones power she would learn to use it to help her and her husband become prosperous and keep her family safe. When her husband Robert confided in his older brother Jonathon about the secret of his fortunate life, he had no idea how it would irrevocably change it. Jonathon was jealous of his younger brother’s fortune. He hated being the subject of ridicule for not being able to marry before his younger brother. He had even suggested to Gwendolyn a few days before their wedding, that she should marry him instead of his brother. Gwendolyn rebuked his advances and this turned his jealousy to rage.

  In 1864 Jonathon met in secret with the town council. He convinced them that Gwendolyn was a witch. The council decided as punishment for witchcraft, Gwendolyn should be cast out of town. The day before they were to announce their decision, the remains of Gwendolyn were found in the woods near her farm. She was found beaten and partially burned. There was no proof Jonathan or the council was responsible for her killing, and no one was ever charged for the crime. Sometime later, as Jonathon lay dying from consumption, he confessed his involvement to his brother and pleaded for absolution from his sins. Robert was despondent at his brother’s betrayal. He went home, retrieved his pistol, wrote a letter to his children explaining the truth of their mother’s death and his apologies for what he was about to do. He returned to his brother’s bedside where he shot him before turning the gun on himself.

  Gwendolyn’s and Robert’s daughter, Carolyn Smith had possession

  of the Evening Star after her mother’s death until her own death in 1941. Carolyn Smith Gardner, my great grandmother, passed away from natural causes, she was 86 years old. Carolyn and Jack Gardner had a long and prosperous life. They had one child, a daughter Evelyn, born in 1881; she was 60 years old at the time of her mother’s death when she took possession of the necklace. Evelyn Gardner Grey was my grandmother. She had nine children, 8 boys and one girl. Joan Gray, my mother was born in 1909. She married my father James Adammo, in 1927 and they had me their only child in 1933.

  My grandmother Evelyn died of a stroke in 1949. My mother had possession of the necklace for the shortest amount of time and had barely discerned its powers. In 1951 my mother was killed in a car accident. I was 18 years old. In 1955, I married the love of my life, Lilly Sweeney Adammo. As a wedding gift, my father gave me the necklace. He said he knew my mother would want Lilly to have it, he had never seen a woman make me so happy. Lilly and I were happy, and in 1978 after nearly 17 years of marriage and having long ago given up on the idea of being parents, Lilly at 44 years old, became pregnant. At that age a first pregnancy was risky. Everything seemed normal in the beginning but there were complications. At around 5 months into the pregnancy Lilly hemorrhaged, it was a tubal pregnancy, I lost them both. We enjoyed 17 years of absolute bliss. No two people on the planet had the type of bond we shared.

  When she died, I knew the instant it happened, even before the doctors came out with the news. It was as if, at that moment, the place in my chest where I could almost feel Lilly’s heart beat was suddenly empty. The vacuum left behind as her presence, her energy disappeared, nearly sucked me into an abyss. I withdrew from everyone I knew, and barely spoke to my father, until about a month after Lilly died. I was sitting on our bed; I had her favorite scarf in my hand. It still smelled like her, it came from the hospital bag that had held her clothes and other belongings when she was admitted to the emergency room. I hadn’t been able to look at her things until then. The necklace was in there, and as soon as I touched it I felt her again. I kept that pendant in my pocket for 32 years.

  While I lost Lilly’s physical presence with her death in 1978, her spirit has remained connected to mine. Since the day I found her pendant I have felt Lilly with me. She continues to guide me and protect me through the power of the Evening Star. On the morning before Mr. VanderCreek came into the store, as I sat to read my morning paper, I was pierced by a point from the Evening Star. I took it from my pocket and hug it around the neck of that mannequin, fully intending to return it to my pocket after I read my paper. I think she made me prick myself that day. When I placed the necklace on the mannequin I felt her positive essence. When Mr. VanderCreek offered to purchase it, Lilly sent such a positive surge of energy as way of telling me to accept his offer that she lit a bulb in the chandelier. And now she is letting me know it is time to move on.”

  Lily and I sat, mouths agape, as Charles enthralled us with his story. Lily was first to speak. “Charles, the history of this pendant is rich with intrigue. However, knowing how this pendant has been in your family for so long, I do not feel right keeping this treasure.” “Ah, but you miss the point my dear. The Evening Star has chosen you. The special bond that you and Mr. VanderCreek share, it is the power of that bond that has re-lit the Evening Star. If it were not meant for you, you would not be in possession of it. Now, we have been sitting here for nearly an hour, I must get up and stretch my legs. Is there another reason you came in today? I am sure it was not to listen to my ramblings, it is just that I felt it my duty to make sure you understand the potential and power that you wear around your neck.”

  Lily looked as if she were about to try again her attempt to persuade Charles to take back the necklace. The look on her face was a mingling of confusion and worry. “Lily was looking for a Christmas gift for her mother” I interjected. Charles showed us the beautiful lace tablecloth I had admired on my first visit, Lily remarked that it was perfect, though I could tell she was preoccupied. Charles wrapped the tablecloth in tissue and placed it gently in a bag. “I hope your mother enjoys a bounty at many a holiday table with the ones she loves.” “Thank you Charles. You have taken us on an incredible walk through history. I must admit it is a lot to absorb. I am honored to keep the Evening Star Charles. It was given to me out of love, and we have pledged our hearts to each other. So, if love is the source of the power you say it contains, then it should be powerful indeed. Perhaps we can chat again sometime, you are a remarkable historian and story teller.”

  “Thank you Lily and you Mr. VanderCreek, your love for each other has allowed me to fulfill my responsibility, and pass on the Evening Star. You were right about another thing Mr. VanderCreek. Your destinies are entwined, your souls are now connected and not even death can break that bond. May the strength of your love give power to the Evening Star, and may it keep you safe and help you have a long and prosperous life.” He left us by the door, and as he walked toward the back table I heard him whisper to his Lilly, “Good bye my love, until I am by your side

  Lily and I left the antique shop, ushered out by that same strange cold air. The bright sunlight, in stark contrast to the dim light of the shops interior caused Lily to squint as her eyes adjusted. She took several cleansing breaths and turned up her face to the sun. “I need some chocolate.” She said. “I think I am a little freaked out by Charles’ story. A vigorous regimen of hugs, kisses and copious amounts of chocolate may take away some of the lingering sense of unease I have been left with.” “Chocolate sounds like just what the doctor ordered” I agreed. We walked down the street to the Krispy Kreme donut shop and ordered several chocolate laden items.

  Lily ate her fill of the sweet confections. I ate half of a chocolate donut, not a bad flavor, the texture not unpleasant. It would not be so bad on the way back out. We sat in silence as we ate at a small table in the corner of the shop. We were both deep in thought, processing what we had just learned. After eating three quarters of a third doughnut, Lily tossed the last piece onto the napkin and let out a long sigh. “Ok, so let me see if I understood the gist of Charles’ story. I am now in possession of the Evening Star, which seems to be more than just a stunning piece of jewelry.” She fingered the pendant and turned it in her hand as she admired the new look of the stone. “The pendant has gone through five generations of woman, four in Charles’ family and his wife. Three of those women died young, one brutally murdered by her brother in-law. The stone somehow picked me, through you, due to our powerful bond. The stone is now bound to me till death and will somehow connect our souls forever. It and I are somehow powerful and if I follow the direction the Evening Star leads, it will be the right path. That about sum it up?”


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