Weston's Treasure

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Weston's Treasure Page 25

by Riley Edwards

  “We’re gonna figure it out. Just let me get to you first.”

  “Someone’s following her,” I told Nix. “Travis Yagger has Dale. Wants Silver in exchange.”

  “Fuck,” Nix clipped.

  “Micky says there’s been no calls to Ellis Hopper and she’s tracking Silver,” Holden added.

  “I have to let him die,” Silver sobbed again and Weston’s vision clouded.

  “Please calm down. I need you to drive slow and careful, Silver. We’re gonna get your dad.”

  “I can’t do it. I’m sorry.”

  Fucking hell, she was killing him.

  “Almost there. Hold on, baby.”

  “All of this is my fault.”

  “There’s your Jeep,” Nix unnecessarily told Weston. He could see Silver’s hair flying in the wind three car lengths in front of them.

  “I have another call coming in,” Silver told him.

  “Don’t answer it. We’re right behind you.”

  There was silence for a few beats, then Silver spoke. “I’m sorry I left. I’m sorry I didn’t call you.”

  “You did call, baby,” he reminded her. “Hang tight, it’s almost over. There’s a convenience store coming up on the left. Get ready to pull in.”

  Weston watched as Silver turned on her blinker, the car right behind her doing the same.

  “We need that plate,” Weston announced.

  “On it,” Chasin said.

  Silver made the left, the black pickup behind her doing the same. But when Silver pulled into the store’s parking lot, the truck kept driving down the small side street.

  Nixon made his turn, pulled in behind Weston’s Jeep, and before the SUV had come to a complete stop, Weston was out rounding the back of his car to get to Silver.

  Without a word, he unbuckled the seat belt and yanked her into his arms.

  “Weston.” Her face went into his neck and her body shook, and on a wail she screeched, “I killed him!”

  “Fuck, baby, fuck.”

  He couldn’t think about her dad, where he was, or what he was going through. Silver was safe in his arms and that was all that mattered to him. All he could think about was that she’d called. She hadn’t given herself up to save her father.

  The squealing of tires pulled Weston from his thoughts and the sound of automatic gunfire had him reacting. On instinct, he took them both down to the blacktop, rolled them so his body was covering hers, then rolled again, angling Silver under the Jeep.

  There was another burst of bullets, glass shattering, his team shouting, but he lay motionless protecting Silver the best he could. When the second volley stopped, through the ringing in his ears, Weston heard Nixon call out for a SITREP.

  Not until after Chasin, Jameson, and Holden yelled out they were not hit did Weston finally speak.

  “Silver, baby?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Roll back to me, sweetheart.”

  She did as he asked and his breath caught when he saw the gash on her shoulder and scrapes down her bicep.

  “Shit,” he grunted. “Easy, Silver, keep coming.”

  When he finally had her out from under the Jeep he could see all of the abrasions from the pavement.

  “Need to get Silver to the hospital!” Weston shouted.

  “She hit?” Nixon asked, crouched behind him.

  “I don’t need a hospital. I’m fine.”

  “Silver, I took you down hard. Wasn’t thinking. Need to take you in to get checked out.”


  “The baby, Silver. We’re going in,” Weston growled, losing the last of his patience.

  Silver’s face went pale and he heard Nix grunt from behind him, but he didn’t care Nix knew, he didn’t care they’d agreed to wait to tell everyone. At that moment, Weston didn’t give two fucks about anything or anyone except Silver and their baby.

  “Okay,” Silver whispered.

  “Go. Take Jameson with you. The rest of us will wait for Jonny.”

  Jameson didn’t wait for direction, he jumped into the driver’s seat, started the Jeep, and waited for Weston to get Silver into the back. Once Weston was in and had Silver wrapped in his arms, Jameson took off.

  “Oh my God,” Silver muttered, and Weston followed her eyes to the demolished SUV.

  Bullet holes riddled the side and the windows were blown—a total loss.

  “It’s just a car, babe.”

  “It’s…no, it’s not. Someone tried to kill you. All of you.” Silver shoved her face into Weston’s neck. Tears, God, so many tears drenched his tee.

  “You’re safe now, baby. Promise.”

  “My dad,” she wailed. “I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t force you to lose us. Me and the baby. I’m so sorry, Wes—”

  “Shh. Silver. Everything’s gonna be all right.”

  Silver was silent the rest of the way to the hospital. Weston held her while she cried, his body strung tight, fear gripping his insides. Something pricked the back of his throat, making him swallow it back. Heat scorched his gut and burned his soul—Silver picked him.

  She’d fought a mighty battle, and chose Weston and their child over saving her dad.

  Weston knew Travis wouldn’t give up Dale in exchange for Silver. He knew that once Silver had shown up he would’ve killed them both. And if Silver would’ve been in the right frame of mind she would’ve known that, too. But she wasn’t and didn’t and she still chose Weston.

  Jameson pulled up in front of the emergency exit, Weston jumped out, and carefully lifted Silver out.

  “Be right in.” Jameson didn’t wait for a response as he pulled away.

  Weston ushered Silver into an empty waiting room and went directly to the reception desk.

  “My fiancée’s pregnant and had a fall. She needs to be checked out immediately.”

  An older woman with perfectly coiffed, white hair and hot-pink rimmed glasses that would’ve normally made Weston chuckle looked from him to Silver and she smiled sweetly.

  “Come on back, lovely, let’s get you checked out. Through that door over there.”

  The woman motioned to the left and two double doors opened.

  Weston didn’t delay shuffling them through the door. The woman met them in the hall, did a full-body scan of Silver, and Weston watched her flinch.

  “Oh my. We’ll get those fixed right up for you.”

  For a small hospital that the county had been fighting for years to keep open, the emergency department was top-notch. A curtain was pulled back and the older woman stepped aside and motioned for them to enter.

  “The doctor will be right in to see you.”

  He helped Silver onto the bed and got her settled, noting she hadn’t uttered a word.


  “What if I hurt the baby?” she mumbled.

  Fresh pain washed over him seeing the torment in her beautiful hazel eyes. Eyes he hoped she gave their children. Eyes that couldn’t hide the beauty she had within or the strength that she possessed. As fast as lightning, they could go from shooting fire to soft and sweet.

  She was safe, he reminded himself. And their baby would be, too. It had to be—he didn’t think she’d survive the guilt if it wasn’t and he knew he’d never recover from the loss.

  “Everything’s okay. Just a precaution.”


  A woman came into the room, cutting off Silver’s rebuttal, and Weston turned, giving the doctor an assessing once-over. Shoulder-length brown hair, gentle features, kind eyes. He instantly liked her.

  “Hi there. I’m Dr. Webb. Miss Reba said you’re pregnant and had a fall?”

  “Yes,” Silver croaked out. “I haven’t taken a test to confirm but I’m late.”

  Dr. Webb smiled and Weston really liked the way she was looking at Silver.

  “We’ll start with a pregnancy test and go from there.”

  Over the next ten minutes, Dr. Webb examined Silver and hi
s admiration for the doctor grew. Gentle touches and firm reassurances. By the time the doctor was done, Silver looked somewhat relaxed under the circumstances.

  When Dr. Webb left the room Silver turned to him and started to speak, “I need to—”

  “No, baby. Later. All you need to do now is relax. We’ll talk when we get home.”


  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Silver’s quick response took his breath.

  No hesitation.

  “Then sit back, and let me take care of you right now.”

  She nodded and laid her head back on the bed. It couldn’t be said that Silver was relaxing—her hand was tight in his, her body stiff, her breaths coming out as pants. But Weston knew that was the best he was going to get under the circumstances.

  Over the next thirty minutes, people came and went. Thirty minutes that felt like a lifetime, and just when Weston was going to get up and ask what the hell was taking so long, Dr. Webb returned to the bay, pushing a machine into the room.

  With a gentle smile, she announced, “Congratulations. You were right.”

  “I’m pregnant?” Silver breathed.

  Yes, his woman uttered the word on a hopeful, excited exhale, and when Silver’s eyes slid to his and she finally smiled, his world stopped, his breath caught, and he knew nothing would ever come close to what he was feeling in that moment. Not even if Silver gave him ten more babies and gave him that look each time she told him she was pregnant.

  Nothing in the world was better than this—hearing for the first time he was going to be a father. Seeing Silver’s beautiful smile and her eyes dancing with happiness.

  Best day of his life.

  “You’re too early in your pregnancy to use a Doppler to hear the heartbeat. I’m going to do an internal ultrasound.” Dr. Webb nodded toward the machine and explained how the noninvasive procedure worked.


  Dr. Webb politely left the room, drawing the curtain closed after she reiterated Silver needed to be undressed from the waist down.

  “You okay?” Silver asked as Weston helped her out of her jeans and panties.

  He looked up from his crouched position and stood. Both of his hands cupping her cheeks, he leaned in close. “Oh, yeah. You?”

  “Yeah. I’ll feel better after Dr. Webb tells us I didn’t hurt the baby.”

  Silver’s smile died and Weston bent forward, finally doing what he’d been dying to do since he’d pulled her from his Jeep.

  Their lips touched. The kiss was brief, gentle, tender, but he hoped Silver understood the depth of his gratitude. Weston poured everything he was feeling into that kiss, knowing he’d never find the words to tell her how happy he was, how much he loved her. He didn’t need to make vows in front of friends in a church or any other place. He silently made an oath to God, to Silver, to himself, to always take care of and protect what he’d been given.


  “Everything’s fine, baby. And you didn’t do anything,” he muttered against her lips, then helped her back into bed.

  Ten minutes later a whooshing sound filled the room and Weston knew he’d been wrong. Hearing his child’s heartbeat for the first time, that was the best moment of his life.

  “Everything looks perfect. Nice, healthy, strong heartbeat.” Dr. Webb’s gaze left the monitor, her eyes going between Weston and Silver before the doctor settled on Silver and asked, “Do you have any questions?”

  “Yes. About a million, but I can’t think of any right now.”

  The doctor’s smile widened and her eyes became infinitely softer. “I bet you do. Make an appointment with your OB and in the meantime write your questions down so you don’t forget them. You’re fit and healthy, Silver. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Your abrasions are superficial. Keep them clean, and do not scratch the scabs as they heal. But other than that, you’re fine. Baby’s perfect. Try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Dr. Webb stood, took off her gloves, tossed them in the trash, and moved to the curtain. “My information will be in your discharge papers. Call me if you need anything.”

  “We will,” Weston answered, but remained seated, not willing to let go of Silver’s hand even if it would’ve been the polite thing to do.


  And with that, they were alone.

  “You’re gonna be a dad,” Silver whispered.

  “Thank you.”

  “Why are you thanking me?” Silver smiled.

  “Sweetheart, you just gave me the world.”

  The drive back to the farmhouse was much like the drive to the hospital, only Jameson drove a little slower.

  Without having to tell him, Jameson knew what was in the Jeep.

  Precious cargo.

  Weston caught sight of Silver sitting on the couch as he and the team went over the information McKenna had found on Keith Yagger, Travis’s brother. The man whose license plate she run while he and Silver had been at the hospital. They didn’t know if Keith had been driving the truck therefore been the shooter or if Travis had stolen or borrowed his brother’s truck. Answers they wouldn’t have until they found Travis and Dale.

  Gone was the excitement and joy.

  Anger bubbled to the surface, so much fury Weston was barely containing it.

  A day that was supposed to be filled with bliss was marred with grief overshadowing their happiness.

  “Ready to roll?” Nix asked.

  “Give me a second.”

  Weston made his way to Silver and pulled her up from the couch.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


  “I got this, Silver.”


  Fuck, she was breaking his heart.

  “Do you trust me?”


  His hands came up to cradle her face. Silver’s hands went to his waist and her fingertips dug in.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you.”

  Weston leaned down, kissed her forehead, then straightened and looked over her shoulder. Finding Jameson staring at them, Weston knew he didn’t need to tell his friend to watch his woman. Jameson knew what Weston was entrusting him with.

  His whole world.

  Forty minutes later, the team was at their destination. A small rundown house in the middle of Nowheresville, Delaware.

  McKenna had traced Travis’s phone to that location and had continued to monitor Travis’s and Hopper’s phones.

  No calls had been made.

  “Weston.” Alec stopped him as they exited the SUV.

  “Not now.”


  “Not fucking now.”

  Alec’s face got tight and he lifted his chin but remained quiet. Weston knew Alec felt like shit, he’d explained he was in the bathroom when Silver had slipped out. Further, he’d apologized repeatedly.

  Five men surrounded the house and waited for Nixon to give the order to enter.

  “I’ve got eyes on Coyle,” Chasin’s voice came over the radio.


  “Cannot confirm.”


  “In three.” Nixon wasted no time counting them down.

  Alec jacked the door open, Weston readied his weapon and stepped over the threshold. Then pain seared through him.

  “Fuck!” he roared, as the burn of the bullet had him stumbling.


  “What’s taking so long?” I asked no one in particular.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my skin. “Takes time, girl,” Jameson’s voice rumbled. “Why don’t you go up and rest?”

  “Rest? You think I can rest?” It had taken damn near everything inside of me not to shriek.

  How the hell was I supposed to rest when Weston was off God knows where trying to find my dad?

  As soon
as we’d made it back to the farmhouse from the hospital, Weston had ushered me to the couch, McKenna, Kennedy, and Mandy had swarmed, and Weston had left me with them to go talk with the guys.

  One hard look from Alec told me he was pissed beyond belief at me, punctuated by the way he’d stomped across the living room to join the man-huddle.

  During that time, I couldn’t hear what they were discussing, but even if the guys hadn’t been speaking in hushed voices, I still wouldn’t have been able to hear over the rapid-fire questions the women were throwing at me.

  Neither Kennedy nor McKenna seemed pissed. They looked more concerned than anything, sprinkled with a liberal amount of relief I was safe.

  Jonny had shown up a few minutes after Weston, Nixon, Holden, Chasin, and Alec had left. He came straight to me, pulled me into an awkward hug—awkward because I barely knew the man—but there was no denying his concern had felt good.

  Now Jameson, Jonny, and Zack were playing sentry while I paced the house, unable to get the vision of my dad beaten and bloody out of my head. To make matters worse, I was replaying the last time I saw him. The horrible stuff I said. And guilt was threatening to consume me.

  I knew when I made the decision to call Weston, there was a chance I was killing my dad. I knew it and I still did it. Then all hell had broken loose and I’d almost gotten the team killed.

  Jesus, what had I done?

  “Silver?” Jameson turned me to face him. “You need to sit down, try to get some food in your belly, and calm down. If you can’t do that for yourself, then do it for the baby.”

  And that was when it hit me. Shame hit me and my eyes closed. I’d been blessed with his perfect gift and already I was screwing it up—not taking care of it. Contrition surged through me, tearing at my insides.

  “Trust Weston to take care of your dad,” Jameson continued. “I’ve been where you are. I’ve stood in your shoes when someone I loved was taken from me. You don’t think I was replaying every moment I had with Kennedy? The stupid shit I’d said to her when we were starting out. I was. I remembered it all.”

  “How did you know that’s what I was doing?” I whispered.

  “Because it’s written all over your face. Because I’ve been where you are. Because when you’ve been where you are right now, you never forget the fear. But, Silver, you need to take care of yourself and the baby. That’s your only job right now. Weston’s got the rest.”


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